Industrial Engineering Supervisor Resume
Novi, MI
- Lean Six Sigma Applications
- Project Management
- Lean Manufacturing & DMAIC
- Value Stream Process Mapping
- Five S / A3
- Overall Equipment Effectiveness
- Mentoring, Training and Coaching
- Root Cause and Effect Analysis
- Materials Handling Automation
- Breakthrough Thinking / Kaizen
- Six Sigma Green Belt Certification working on my SSBB with multi - million dollar impact equivalent Black Belt projects completed.
- Spearheaded lean methodology implementation through the Supply Chain at the world’s largest winery with emphasis on eliminating non-value added activities in 1.3mm sq.ft. DC.
- Developed streamlined process for estimating costing for new product launches for tooling required, plant, line, speed, crew etc. down from 14-28 days to 3-5 days with +/- 3% on a $1BB product line.
- As an internal and external consulting Continuous Improvement Specialist, successfully trained associates, employees both hourly and salary, and peers with proven templates and applicable audit procedures in Lean Manufacturing to reduce costs, dramatically improve OEE, improve Throughput, improve Quality, Safety, Communication, Cycle time, Defect rates and Delivery/Customer Service value.
- Lean tools arsenal enables reducing variability and the non-value added activities in ANY existing process.
- Instills making sure everyone is working on right things versus doing the wrong things efficiently and having a place for everything, and everything in its place. Continuous Improvement is in my DNA.
Professional Experience
Confidential - Industrial Engineering Supervisor Supply Chain Solutions
RYDER SCS - Novi, MI 0
- Recruited to apply sound Lean / Six Sigma tools and the DMAIC process to identify opportunities for clients to drive productivities and therein profitability in their respective Supply Chain.
- Primary responsibilities include the development, description and cost estimation of Supply Chain Solutions in response to current or potential customer requests for proposal.
- Support and validate new engineering solutions for customers and Ryder Management Team.
- Develop the most efficient and practical storage and materials handling solution for given sites.
- Specialized in A3 problem solving and non-value added / value stream mapping applications for business cases to identify current condition(s) that need to be addressed, root causes, target plan, team member/resources needed and detailed action plan with milestones to achieve desired result(s).
Consulting Industrial Engineer / Owner - GCPI Consulting
Confidential.- Wilmington, NC (RFL: Loss in business (50%)
- Consulting Industrial Engineer specializing in Continuous Improvement in CPG,
- Bulk Chemical, Pharmaceutical and the Food & Beverage Industries.
- Developed innovative, effective and efficient solutions for clients using proven Lean Six Sigma and Quality Tools to reduce process variation, improve equipment effectiveness and overall capacity without major capital investment by utilizing existing assets more effectively.
Supply Chain Logistics Process Improvement Manager
Confidential. - Modesto, CA
World’s largest Wine Making and Bottling Company $3BB (RFL: I left to startup consulting business)
- Recruited to identify waste in materials handling and damage sources at the 1.3mm sq. ft.. Winery DC.
- Analyzed, developed and improved technical systems and processes using proven Lean and Six Sigma principles to find improvements and initiate best practices.
- Justified, developed and installed a $2.2mm fully automated, inertial, transponder guided Automated Guided Vehicle “tugger style” inertial guided vehicle system linked to the legacy Warehouse Management System that eliminated $1MM in labor, damage and forklift leasing costs annually.
Industrial Engineering Manager
Confidential-Allegan, MI (RFL: Great Supply Chain opportunity at Gallo)
$600MM Generic Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
- Responsible for 13 Direct Reports, consisting of: 7 Industrial Engineers, and Maintenance SWAT team.
- Recruited to optimize the productivity in the five-site pharmaceutical packaging line operation.
- Administered the 50 project, $40mm multi-site capital budget involving cGMPs, capacity, cost reduction, cost avoidance, FDA issues, labor, maintenance and safety.
Senior Consulting Engineer
Confidential-York, PA. (RFL: R.I.W. Business decline, 33%)
Small Materials Handling Automation and DC design consulting organization of 10
- Performed evaluations of alternatives for distribution centers and "Greenfield" designs
- f 500,000 plus square feet sized Distribution Centers
- Designed materials handling systems, optimized space utilization, work standards and productivity systems, issuance of and review of all of the material handling equipment bid responses for clients.
Senior Project / Industrial Engineer reporting to VP Operations
Confidential - Baltimore, MD $250MM Generic Pharmaceuticals Company (RFL: outsourced department R.I.F.)
Director of Packaging Cost Administration Manager of Industrial Engineering
Confidential. - New York, NY
$3BB Cosmetics, Toiletries and Fragrances (RFL: Downsizing $3BB to $1BB)