Senior Consultant Resume
Scottsdale, AZ
- Applying for the Sr. Android or iOS Developer position where I can use over 7 years of mobile development and software engineering with project management experience of over 13 years. Experienced top performing leading Sr. Mobile Software engineering with experience required to get projects completed. Self disciplined, responsible, trustworthy, easy to work with and a great positive attitude.
Browser Scripting: AJAX, JSON, JavaScript, and jQuery
Configuration Management: Clear Case, SVN, GIT, Github, Subversion and others.
Database: ADO.NET, Confidential Access, Confidential SQL, MySQL, MONGODB and relational database design
Design: Low level design (LLD), High Level Design (HDL), UML, and Confidential Visio.
Engineering: Capturing customer's desired changes, preparing engineering bids, updating requirements, implementing software requirements, verification, integration, software release including documentation and software. Troubleshooting, investigating issues, and solving problems in simulated or on target hardware.
IDEs: Rational Apex Ada, Eclipse including the Android SDK, Android Studio, Confidential Visual Studio, Xamarin and Xcode.
Mobile Development: Android, iPhone (iOS) development, Windows embedded device development, Mobile First IBM, Xamarin, and REST APIs development
Programming: ADA95, C, C++, C#, GSE ( Confidential Ground Support Equipment), HTML, Java, Objective C, Perl, Swift, Unix or Linux development, VB 6.0, VB.NET, XML, and $T (Meditech)
Project Engineer: Planning, resource management, financial forecasts, maintains project schedules, execution of plan, and primary technical point of contact. Flawless execution and leadership skills.
Model Based Development: ADAPT, VAPS XT, and Simulink
Scripting: Bash, DOS, Perl and Python.
Tools: Doors, GIT, PREP (review tool), ClearCase, ClearQuest, and Subversion
Verification: Expert in software verification testing of embedded real - time systems, system level testing, defining and executing tests to verify that software meets specified requirements, perform system level tests on target hardware (rig), identify root cause on test failure, write discrepancy reports, and rig trouble shooting. Experience gained while working at Confidential on FMS and DataLink. At Confidential experience with FMS Performance and autothrottle for Boeing 747-8, Boeing 777 and Boeing 787 aircraft.
Confidential, Scottsdale, AZ
Senior Consultant
- Senior Lead Mobile Developer providing professional expertise for any mobile development platform with experience developing mobile applications for any business on both Android and iOS. Current project Android and iOS new applications for Best Western International that includes the following: JSON and soap web services, payment services (debit/credit card, MasterPass, and Buy with Google Wallet), Google location search, Google Maps integration, Google Play, Google Wallet, Retrofit, Okhttp, Picasso and analytics. Experienced with Agile team, daily stand-ups, sprints and other software engineering processes.
- Easy to work with and understand clearly customer's requirements and desired user experience. Senior Lead mobile developer for additional updates after initial release of both Android and iOS applications for Best Western International. The Best Western mobile applications have now won two different mobile rewards.
Confidential, El Mirage, AZ
Principal Software Architect and Principal Software Engineer
- Experienced Android and iOS developer taking applications from ideas to released apps used all over the world. Develop mobile apps and publish them to the iTunes Apple App Store (iOS) and to the Google Play store (Android). Excellent communication and collaboration skills. Agile software development process, scrum and other development methodologies.
- Strong programming skills with C, C++, Objective-C, Java, C# and Android Mobile development. Experience with UIKit, CoreData, Xcode, iOS SDK, Android, Android Studio and Eclipse. Experience with Git, SVN and Clearcase revision control system. Experienced with DOS and Unix commands or scripting. Experience with TCP/IP, Bluetooth LE and UDP network protocols.
Confidential, Phoenix, AZ
Senior Software Engineer
- Flight Management Systems Performance Group responsible for autothrottle on the Boeing 747-8, Boeing 777, Boeing 787 aircraft. Full phase required time of arrival on Boeing 787 aircraft. My responsibilities on both programs are the following: engineering estimates, make design changes to requirements, implement the software updates, ad-hoc testing, debugging in the lab, and integration with other subsystems to DO-178B standards.
Confidential, Cedar Rapids, IA
Project Engineer
- Project Engineer for Government Systems (GS) program where the commercial data link applications are used. Responsible for leading engineering activities, bidding engineering work, capturing requirements, updating requirements, software updates, integration, creating builds, coordinating verification, release documentation preparation, and leading release efforts to DO-178B standards. Software development in C++ and using Ground Support Equipment (GSE) to create Airline Operational Control (AOC) applications and other Data Link applications. Mentor others and am the "Go-To" person. Experience using Confidential Project, Doors, Clearcase, Subversion, Visio, Visual Studio .Net, Visual Studio 6.0, Confidential Office, Eclipse, Model Based Development with VAPS XT and other proprietary tools.
Confidential, Cedar Rapids, IA
Software Engineer
- Worked as a software engineer with the Flight Management Systems (FMS) group. Programmed in Ada, C, MBD using VapsXt and Perl Scripting. First responsibilities included leading two offshore teams in China, root cause analysis, problem solving, investigating issues, responding to questions, implementing change requests for the user interface for the FMS. Later moved to Flight Display Function (FDF) which displays the maps, background items and report pages. Responsibilities included: implementing change requests, requirements updates and integration on target hardware. Transitioned to the
- Graphical Flight Planning (GFP) team where I was responsible for the software development and integration of the standby multifunction Controller (SMC). Mentored other engineers and became the "Go-to" person. Programming experience in Ada, C++, C and Model Based development. Developed tools to automate processes written in Perl. MBD in VAPS XT, Simulink and Mathlab.
Confidential, Rapid City, SD
- Create NPR reports, $T programming, C++ Programming, and Visual Basic programs to update databases. Primary Meditech support to the in Confidential t pharmacy of multi-facility hospital. Secondary support to the LSS system to outlying facilities. Assist with NPR report writing to the Meditech Work Group and other programming requests. Created interface for updating pharmacy drug inventory dictionary based on Pixis inventory to keep Meditech drug dictionary in sync. NPR report writing experience in the following dictionaries:
Confidential, Redmond, WA
Student Ambassador
- Attended 3 days at Confidential . Taught programming using C#, VB.NET, ADO.NET, and web services using Visual Studio .NET.
Confidential, Rapid City, SD
Technical Support
- Provided internet technical support and cable TV support for many Internet Service Providers across the United States. Confidential