Senior Programmer/analyst Resume
Silver Spring, MD
- Web and DB Developer, VB/VB.NET, C#.NET, C/C++ and Java Programmer, and System/Data Analyst.
Operating System: Windows 2003, 2000, XP, 7, NT 4.0, 98 and 95, and Sun Solaris Unix.
Programming Language: VB.NET, C#.NET, MS Visual C++ 5.0 & 6.0(MFC), GNU g++, STL(in Unix), MS VB 5.0 & 6.0, Java(JFC), and Fortran.
Web Tool: Ajax, jQuery, ASP.NET, ASP, Web service, SOAP Client, XML, CSS, HTML, DHTML, Java JDK, CGI, VBScript, JScript, JavaScript, ColdFusion, Dreamweaver, InterDev, FrontPage, MS Index Server, and IIS.
DBMS: MS SQL server, Oracle8i/9i, SQL, PL/SQL, SQL*PLUS, Oracle Designer/2000, Embedded SQL, Oracle Pro* C/C++, MS Access, Visual SourceSafe, Team Foundation Server, Surround SCM, ADO, ODBC, and JDBC.
Application Software: MS Office 97/2000/2003/2007 , 80x86 Assembly, TMS320C25 Assembly, MCS - 51 Assembly, Matlab, LabVIEW, Altera Max+Plus II CAD software(AHDL), and Verilog HDL.
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Confidential, Silver Spring, MD
- Designing/developing Single Sign-On(SSO) project in Department of State Foreign Service Institute(DOS/FSI) using Web Forms, Server Controls, User Controls, HTML, XML, C#.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Ajax, jQuery, Web Service, Active Directory Search, VS.NET 2008/2010, VSS, ER model, Stored Procedures, Cursors, Triggers, User-Defined Function, and SQL Server 2005 in Windows XP Prof /Windows 2003 with IIS. SSO authenticates a user in order to access a tool/application without an extra login process if the user is logged into the DOS network and has permission to use the tool/application. SSO can be reused on various FSI applications, which saves applications development time and offers a central place to manage user/role information, which in turn benefits the FSI Help Desk.
- Working as a Team Project Collection administrator for Team Foundation Server(TFS) 2010 in DOS/FSI. Configured the FSIEXProjects collection and its Show Project Portal and Reports Site. Created new projects in TFS or inputted projects form VSS to TFS.
- Working as a Visual SourceSafe(VSS) Admin in DOS/FSI. Consolidated multiple Visual SourceSafe (VSS) databases from different locations (servers) into one file server. Reorganized/reconstructed Projects in those VSS databases to make them more easily for users to use and manage.
- Maintaining/Supporting End of Year Tool, Post Language Program(PLP), Budget Tracker, SLS Express, and BudgetAP applications (using .NET, Ajax, jQuery, Web Service, PageMethods, jQuery plugin and SQL Server) in DOS/FSI.
- Designed/developed EventViewer web application in DOS/FSI using C#.NET, ASP.NET, Log Parser COM component, Ajax, SqlBulkCopy, ObjectDataSource, ER model, Stored Procedures (one of them returns a paged and sorted DataSet). EventViewer inputs large data (a log file in about 100,000 KB) into database in a few minutes through SqlBulkCopy, and, efficiently, lists log event info from couple of million records in GridView page by page through the paged and sorted DataSet.
- Implemented Salted Hash Password in FSI Survey application (classical ASP) in DOS/FSI using SQL Server methods HashBytes() and newid() in stored procedures.
- Relayed Surveys, ADGalLoad, and other .NET applications in DOS/FSI from one developer to another. Located/verified all resources of those applications, tested their source codes, and knew how to use/run those applications in very short time.
- Developed/implemented Crystal reports in SLS Express application in DOS/FSI using CrystalReportResource to load and set ReportDocument dynamically in runtime, and Response (BinaryWrite) method to export customized Crystal reports. In this way, we reduce navigation/clicking times to have a Crystal report in a proper file format, and treat *.rpt file as a template not regarding a specific database.
- Designed/implemented Fees and User Admin (Tab) in SLS Budget Tracker application in DOS/FSI using ASP.NET, VB.NET, SqlDataSource, and GridView (with client/server side validation), and web service (to sync user’s roles with the user’s role assignment in SSO).
- Designed/Developed Error Reporting Utility in DOS/FSI using C#.NET, VB.NET, SQL Server. This utility is used by many applications of FSI. In runtime in production environment, the utility catches any error message through Application Error event and save it into DB.
- Designed/developed web based Supervisor Management (tool) and implemented XML web service in SSO application in DOS/FSI (using ASP.NET and C#.NET, Stored Procedures), which supports Audio-Visual Work Order and other applications in DOS/FSI to manage supervisors efficiently through web service.
- Installed/configured Oracle 9i server on a work station for developers to improve/develop Financial Planning and Control(FPAC) application in DOS/FSI. Designed a security admin prototype page in FPAC (using ASP.NET, VB.NET, web service) to sync user’s roles with the user’s role assignment in SSO through web service.
- Developed web based PDF/Excel reports in PLP application in DOS/FSI using ASP.NET, VB.NET, iTextSharp component, *.xml, Stored Procedures.
Senior IT Specialist
Confidential, Fairfax, VA
- Developed IRS Automated Labor and Employee Relations Tracking System (ALERTS) project using Web Forms, Server Controls, User Controls, HTML, XML, C#.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, VS.NET 2005, VSS, Stored Procedures, Cursors, Triggers, User-Defined Function, and SQL Server 2000 in Windows XP Prof /Windows 2003 with IIS. Developing/improving the ALERTS web application (.NET 2.0) in compliance with 508 in IRS standard and policy using AccVerify and JAWS as testing tools.
- Designed GUI prototype for IRS Transition Management Repository(TMR) web application version 5.6 using Visio with TMR team. Developed TMR web application version 5.6 using Web Forms, Server Controls, User Controls, Customer Controls, HTML, XML, VB.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, VS.NET 2005, VSS, Stored Procedures, Cursors, Triggers, User-Defined Function, and SQL Server 2000 in Windows XP Prof /Windows 2003 with IIS. Developed 508 compliant left side navigation control and top menu control to replace Telerik RadControls. Created TMR online help files using Adobe RoboHelp. Developed/improved the TMR web application (.NET 2.0) in compliance with 508 in IRS standard and policy using AccVerify and JAWS as testing tools.
.NeT Developer/Independent Consultant
- Developed/improved web site in compliance with 508 in Dept. of VA standard and policy(using JAWS as a testing tool) with 508 team. Developed a .NET component(ClassLibrary) in C# to make other .NET 1.1 components (without converting to .NET 2.0) work properly within .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 coexisting environment for web site.
- Designed and implemented a .NET web application (for to generate QA verification (excel, CSV) reports using Web Forms, Server Controls, User Controls, HTML, XML, C#.NET, VB.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Visual SourceSafe, Oracle Package, Stored Procedures, Cursors, Triggers, Function, and Oracle 9i client and server in Windows 2003/XP Prof with IIS. Implemented CSV (excel) report on the web site to handle unlimited records. And, configured SQL DTS service to transfer (excel) billing data to Oracle database to generate daily/weekly/periodically billing reports.
- Worked on IRS Criminal Investigation(CI) Project to develop a CI web application using Web Forms, Server Controls, User Controls, HTML, XML, VB.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, VS.NET 2003, StarTeam, Stored Procedures, Cursors, Triggers, User-Defined Function, and SQL Server 2000 in Windows XP Prof with IIS.
- Taught the course “Internet Databases” at The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale using ASP.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET, IIS, SQL Server 2000, Access, HTML, JavaScript, and DOM.
Software Engineer/Web Developer
Confidential, Colorado Springs, CO
- Improved/implemented Partner Search, Knowledge Base Search, and General Interest Form in using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, ASP, VB, InterDev, FrontPage, Cascading Style Sheets(CSS), ADO, CDONTS with SMTP configuration, DOM, Stored Procedures, Cursors, and Triggers in Windows 2000 with IIS.
- Designed/implemented the interface of FRS Products License Generator web site using IIS, ASP.NET, C#.NET, and SOAP Client.
- Analyzed and resolved the relationship among several web sites of FRS through analyzing ColdFusion application server, IIS web server, and MS SQL server.
- Participated in and developed a web-based product Heat SelfService(HSS) 6.01/6.4. Specifically,
- Designed and implemented First Level Support(FLS) theme structure and FLS web interface
- Designed and implemented HSS web interface to dynamically integrate the multiple themes of HSS with iKnowWeb
- Improved iKnowWeb JavaScript to support Netscape 4.x/6.x in addition to IE
- Improved the CSS, HTML, and ASP codes of HSS to support both Netscape 4.x/6.x and IE using DHTML handled by the loaded COM DLL in IIS cache memory, HTML, JavaScript, MS index server(IDQ Script), ASP, InterDev, FrontPage, and MS SQL server in Windows 2000 with IIS.
- Developed an HSS COM Registration Diagnosing Tool using DHTML, JavaScript, and ASP.
Senior Programmer
Confidential, Miami, FL
- Designed and implemented a “shopping mall” and a vacation registration pop-up form in, and daily updated and maintained using ColdFusion, JavaScript, HTML, and MS SQL server in Windows NT 4.0 with IIS.
Senior Web Developer
Confidential, Los Angeles, CA
- Designed and implemented Profile and Checkout included back end and front end. Improved Shipping Cart, implemented Link Share, and updated the back end system in www. Confidential .com using ColdFusion, JavaScript, HTML, and MS SQL server in Windows NT 4.0 with IIS.
Internet Programmer
Confidential, Miami, FL
- Developed JDBC programs for Oracle database in Sun Solaris Unix.
- Developed a Java applet to send a confirming email using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol(SMTP).
- Developed a Java server application to upload a file through browser using FTP Protocol in Windows NT 4.0 and Sun Solaris Unix.
- Developed an upload file application(CGI, DLL file) through browser using VC++ in Windows NT 4.0.
- Designed/implemented a picture search engine using ColdFusion, ODBC, and Access in Windows NT 4.0.
Research Assistant/Web Developer
Confidential, Boca Raton, FL
- Developed distance- web pages using HTML, JavaScript, and WEBCT.
- Coded and developed a Data Storage driver setup package using VC++, VB, and InstallShield.
- Tested and developed objects of RTP-NetArrays Developer Studio written by VB and VC++.
- Developed a Web-based Information System for Grade Report using client-server model with Oracle database engine. Implemented its user interface logic with HTML and CGI programs coded in embedded SQL using Oracle Pro*C/C++ in Unix.
- Designed an ACM SIGGRAPH Board Registration application using client-server model with Oracle database engine. Implemented its user interface logic as Java Applet with JFC of Java JDK.
- Coded and developed a database package using Java JDK. Implemented basic database operations such as insert, select, update, delete, and creating tables with one class(a *.java file) located in a subdirectory (i.e. Package).
- Developed a JPEG Codec system that consists of the JPEG encoder, decoder, and the converter between BMP images and RGB images using C++ in Unix.
- Developed the Maze Problem Solver, Infix to Postfix Converter, and Address Book Management programs (hash table algorithm) using C++ in Unix.
Teaching Assistant
Confidential, Cookeville, TN
- Instructed undergraduates for problem solving and graded homework for the course "Random Processes in Electrical System".
- Instructed undergraduates for problem solving and graded homework for the course "General Physics".
Computer Programmer
Confidential, Miami, FL
- Developed/integrated a biomedical signal processing system using LabVIEW.
- Designed/developed FIR digital filter, data spectrum analysis, data acquisition, curve fit, and GPIB virtual instruments(VIs) using LabVIEW.
Software/Acoustics Engineer
- Designed and developed an acoustical Digital Signal Processing(DSP) software using VC++.
- Developed an employee information system using Access and VB.
- Developed a numerical calculation program for sound signal propagating in shallow water using Fortran.
- Designed an acoustical noise cancellation system based on LMS algorithm using TI TMS320C25 assembly, and TURBO C simulation.
- Designed FIR/IIR digital filters for acoustical signal processing using Matlab.
- Conducted a hardware/software design for A/D converter and signal measurement using MCS-51 microprocessor/assembly.
- Developed an acoustical signal acquisition system through GPIB and RS232 using C and 80x86 assembly.