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Java Resume

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Chicago, IL


  • Advance experiences in C#, C++, Java, Visual Basic, Oracle SQL programming language and analysis software like Wireshark, NS2 and Matlab
  • Excellent academic background and efficient learning ability
  • Capable of independent working but also enjoy teamwork


Confidential, Chicago, IL 01/2012 - 04/2012
Software Developer
Work projects in Confidential
Confidential project -facilitating a groundbreaking user interaction experience by allowing traders and risk managers alike to configure a fast and easy interface. Distilling market generated information required to make informed trading decisions, configuring trading strategies based on calculated fair value, employing scalping strategies. Focusing on building up interface and strategy,as well as bug fixing.

  • Gate Spread Bandit (Beta) -- an automated spread trading tool. Allowing latency sensitive synthetic spread trades to execute with unparalleled speed and configurability, advanced price feed monitoring. Focusing on fetching and processing FIX messages.
  • Several side projects relevant to Network Communications and Real-time Exchange Trading.

Confidential, Chicago, IL 04/2012 - now
Site Engineer
Work projects in Confidential:

  • Using Astra Readers and Antennas reading tags information, including customers’ information, time information during the whole show through radio frequency technology. Storing all real-time data in the server by Sensornet software.
  • Have successfully accomplished MTE show in D.C., ATOM in Moscow, Premier Conference in Nashville, TN, and NIC Conference in chicago.


Database project

  • Implemented a framework for storing files with one or more indexes that used the B+-tree data structure. They were stored in main memory, with their persistent versions being kept on disk.Moreover, a query parser for the input, and a query evaluator for several operations was also built up on such a database system, the query result was displayed with a selected evaluation plan, implementing the cost-based optimization.

Optimal Wireless Network project

  • Studied on Basic Algorithms and Convergence of Optimization Flow Control, focusing on the effect of applying two algorithms to network flow control.

MIMO Wireless Communications Projects

  • Simulations on a non-coherent MIMO system with transmit antennas and receive antennas in the environment of slow fading channel experiences Rayleigh fading and a moving vehicle with fixed bandwidth and band signal;
  • Simulations on a conventional MIMO system using QPSK signals with channels of Rayleigh fading, modeled as independent complex Gaussian random variables and additive noises at the receivers.

Operating System Projects

  • Used posix pthread library for solving a series of concurrency processes including multi-processor synchronization and IPC models combination;
  • Designed and implemented a basic disk-like secondary storage server and a basic file system to act as a client using the disk services provided by the server designed above using socket API for communication between client processes and file system, the file system and the disk storage server.

Modern Network course project

  • Designed and implemented a distributive leader selection protocol with various techniques of socket communications using TCP/UDP in the Unix/Linux environment.

Data mining project

  • Microarray Data Analysis. Implemented several algorithms (partition-based, hierarchical, density-based and self-created) to find clusters of genes with similar expression profiles and then validated the results.
  • Cancer Class Prediction. Implemented algorithms (Golub and SVM) to select informative features from the given training set and built up classifiers, by which classify the given test set.


M.S. in Computer Science & Engineering
08/2010 - 02/2012

M.S. in Electrical Engineering
08/2009 - 02/2011

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