Software Engineering Resume
Applying for a full time position, seeking a challenging opportunity in software development, where I can utilize my skills and enhance them.
2004 - 2008
- B.Sc. Computer Science, Faculty of Computers and Information.
- Major (Computer Science) - Minor (Information Systems).
- GPA: 3.34 / 4 (B+) Grade: Very Good.
Graduation Project "Automated Programming Online Judge".
- Project Overview: Automated Programming online Judge (APOJ) software is a way to automate the marking of programming assignments. Students submit the assignments through the web. Other features in software are cheating detection and running programming contests among students.
- Used Technologies/Tools: JSF, Facelet, XHTML, CSS, MySQL, and Apache Tomcat.
- Graduation Project Grade: Excellent (A+).
Training and Certifications:
- IBM academic course at FCI-CU, J2EE (EJB, Web services, JSP and Servelts, JSF) using (WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Application Server Toolkit, DB2).
- Java Developers Conference (JDC) 2008 and 2010 organized by EGJUG.
- Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6.0 Programmer (SCJP 6 Certified)
- Java Enterprise Edition 5 Web Component Developer Certified Professional (SCWCD 5)
Technical Skills:
Programming Languages: C/C++, Java (J2SE - J2EE), Intel x86 Assembly, SQL
Technologies: JSP, Servlets, EJB, JSF / ICEFaces / JSF-IBM, Web services, JSTL, JDBC, HTML, XML, XHTML, JMS, JPA, Ajax, JavaScript.
Tools / IDE\'s: IBM WebSphere 6.1, IBM DB2, MySQL/MS SQL Server 2000, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, GCC under Linux, NetBeans, Tomcat, WebSphere AST 6.1., IBM RSA 7.5., Crystal Reports.
Case Tools: Rational Rose, Visual Paradigm, ArgoUML (open source), Sybase PowerDesigner.
Conceptual Knowledge: OOP, Software Engineering, Database design, Algorithms.
Soft Skills:
- Interactive and fast enough to learn new technologies and sciences.
- Highly Communication and Presentation Skills, Self Motivated / Results Oriented.
- Time management, Ability to work in a group or individually.
Work Experience
Software Engineering, Jan 2012 - Present, Confidential - Egypt
Associate Software Engineering, April 2010 - Jan 2012, Confidential - Egypt
Confidential Auto Payment Web Channel
- Project Overview: Confidential Auto Payment web channel enables customers to conveniently and securely pay their bills through internet banking for each bank and also schedule his/her payments to be paid automatically if the payment conditions matched (bill amount less than threshold, available balance covers the bill amount), view payments history and send notifications for bill arrival and payment done.
- Used Technologies/Tools: EJB3, JMS, JAX-WS, JPA, JAXB, Java Cryptography, IBM WebSphere 6.1, and Oracle 10g.
Confidential POS - SOF
- Project Overview: Confidential Point of Sale - Source of Fund acts as the core banking (Debit and Reverse debit) for merchants registered in Confidential payment service to serve customers with/without bank account via cash or credit payments, Web Admin tool for administrators to manage merchants' terminals, reports. SOF acts as biller using Confidential collection as bill type to make it possible for collectors to recharge merchants' terminals and also for merchant to charge his/her terminal from another merchant or from ATM.
- Used Technologies/Tools: EJB3, JMS, JAX-WS, JPA, JAXB, JSF1.1, JSF-IBM, Java Cryptography, IBM WebSphere 6.1, Oracle 10g and Crystal Reports.
Military Service year, Jan 2009 - Feb 2010
Confidential Armed Forces Accidents Application
- Project Overview: Accidents Reporting System is a windows application monitors the military people accidents and also used to make a monthly accidents report.
- Used Technologies/Tools: C# .Net, Access, MS Charts 3.5
Software Engineer Freelancer, Feb 2007 - March 2010
CCS Expression Simulator
- Project Overview: CCS, a shortened word refers to the calculus of communicating systems. It is a concurrent system which is described as networks of agents or says processes. Operators to be simulated (+) addition, (|) parallel, (/) restriction, ([x\\y]) re-labelling.
- Used Technologies/Tools: J2SE, Eclipse
- Project Overview: Graffitio is drawing tool to draw different shapes (circle, ellipse, line, strings and rectangle) with options (dashed, transparent, thick or thin, change colour and filled or not) and also can save as image or objects file, open image or objects file and also print the drawing canvas.
- Used Technologies/Tools: J2SE, Eclipse
- Project Overview: JSheet is a simple spreadsheet like Excel and the data grid made by array of labels (not JTable component) and evaluate the functions using the cells in spreadsheet like =A1+B3/C2.
- Used Technologies/Tools: J2SE, Eclipse
Software Engineering Intern, Aug 2007 - Sept 2007, Confidential
Generic Timeline
- Project Overview: A generic time line for historical events (from XML file) with a friendly user interface (landscape view) and identify each event type with a different symbol. Finally this time line is supposed to be added to the website of CULTNAT or Eternal Egypt site.
- Used Technologies/Tools: ActionScript - Flash MX, Java Applets
Additional Information:
Gender: Male
Nationality: Egyptian
Military Status: Completed
Languages: Arabic (Native Speaker), English (Fluent Read/Write/Speak)
Birth Date: December 27, 1986
Marital Status: Engaged