Sr. Software Engineer,resume Profile
Confidential has 13 years of experience in designing, developing and supporting n-tier web applications and client / server applications using Java, JSF, J2EE, SAML, GWT Google Widget Toolkit , Share Point, EJB, DAYS CQ5 CMS , Frameworks Spring, Struts , Swing, Servlet, JSP, JAXB, SAX, DOM, JDO, Web Services, Java Script, JQuery, JDBC, CSS, HTML/DHTML/XHTML, XML/XSD/XSL/XSLT, DTD, C , C , IBM Web Sphere, RAD, Struts, Struts 2, Tomcat, on Unix and Windows NT/2000/XP platform. He is experienced in all aspects of the software development life cycle, with the ability to work and communicate effectively. Balmeeki has worked in building the applications and handled all aspects of project including architectural design, scheduling release, documentation, User/Training manuals, handled training sessions and support. He has expertise in requirement gathering, analysis, design of client server systems and developed Use Cases, Data models and Class diagrams using UML. He has extensive experience in database technologies such as MS SQL, MY SQL, and Oracle. He also has experience writing UNIX Shell Scripts as well as Ant scripts for automated build and deployment tasks. He is an excellent team player with leadership qualities and good interpersonal skills, positive user interaction and can team up and work with people from diverse background.
Technologies: Java, J2EE, JSF, GWT, Share Point, Server Side Programming, DAYs CQ5 WCM CMS , Javascript, Java Server Pages JSP , Servlets, Enterprise, JDBC, Spring, Swing, Apache Tomcat, IBM Websphere 5.0, Struts, SAML, SOAP UI, Schematron, Hitmer, ANT, Maven, UML, Rational Rose, xslt, dtd, HTML, PDQ, PIX, XDR, WSIF, JAXB, SAX, DOM, RAD
Languages: Unix Shell scripting BASH, KSH, CSH , HTML, SQL, Java, C , XML, C , .NET
Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux 9.0, Windows 9x/00/NT/XP
Databases: MYSQL, MSSQL, Oracle
Protocols: TCP/IP, NFS, Telnet, FTP, HTTP, HL7, NHIN, CONNECT
Sr. Software Engineer, Confidential
The projects worked on during this period of time are with
1 Sirius / XM on a legacy system ROSCO 11/09 03/10
2 UNDP United Nation on a data migration to the CQ5 WCM DAYS software. 03/10-07/10
3 NIH NIAID Lockheed Martin / MSCWeb Contract on bioinformatics and computational biology. 07/10 02/11
4 ONC Lockheed Martin Contract on Medical Informatics Reference Implementation Project and Query Health . 02/11 05/11
5 SSA Lockheed Martin Contract on Medical Informatics. 02/11 -09/11
6 SSA Lockheed Martin Contract on DCPS / Medical Informatics. 10/11 -05/12
7 Department of Justice AOUSC Camber Contract 06/12 11/14 MOST RECENT
Designing and developing web based online application using Java, J2EE, Struts, GWT, Share Point, Tomcat and Oracle. The DAYS software CMS is also used for the development of the project.
- Gathered/analyzed functional requirements for the new phase in design.
- Using DAYS software CQ5 WCM for the development.
- Developed the user interface using HTML, JQuery, JSF, Rich Faces, Prime Faces, GWT Google Widget Toolkit , CSS, XSLT and JSPs.
- Worked with 'Schematron' and 'HITMER' tool to do CCD testing and validation.
- Worked on SAML, CONNECT and NHIN.
- Used SOAP UI tolls for testing SOAP messages.
- Contributed to architecting the framework according to the J2EE Design Patterns Client tire, Middle tire, Business tire .
- Excellent hands-on experience dealing with the onsite offshore model.
- Worked with JAXB, SAX and DOM Parser.
- Used JUnit to write Unit test cases.
- Worked on Production Support 24x7 to analyze and debug issues related to legacy system. Handled various complex situations at a short notice and did trouble shooting. Also worked with the offshore team to resolve the production issues.
- Developed workflow engine as a web services using SOAP and WSDL
- Application is based on MVC pattern and designed and developed web components using JDO, Javascript, Share Point, JSPs and Struts framework.
- Developed / Implemented XML schema for validation of XML documents.
- Developed Ant build scripts. Worked with RAD
Environment: Java, J2EE 1.4, JavaScript, JSP, CONNECT, GWT, Share Point, My SQL Struts, Eclipse, RAD, JDBC, Oracle, Tomcat, HTML, CSS, XML/XSL/XSLT, Ant, Tiles Framework, Validation Framework and Design Patterns, Windows XP.
Software Engineer, Confidential
- Gathered/analyzed functional requirements for the new phase in design. Developed the user interface using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XSLT and JSPs.
- Architected the framework according to the J2EE Design Patterns Client tire, Middle tire, Business tire .
- Developed the application using Struts framework, Eclipse.
- Worked on Production Support 24x7 to analyze and debug issues related to hospital information systems. Handled various complex situations at a short notice and did trouble shooting. Also worked with the offshore team to resolve the production issues
- Developed Data Access Object framework for accessing the data from the database.
- Worked on XSD's Schema Changes , XHTML.
- Involved in writing complex queries using SQL to extract data from database and to delete the data and to reload the data on MS SQL and Oracle database.
- Developed functional test cases for Integration and Functional testing, regression testing, and user acceptance testing.
- Worked extensively with JDO and Web Services.
- Developed workflow engine as a web services using SOAP and WSDL
- Worked with JAXB, SAX and DOM Parser
- Implemented the SQL queries for database interaction.
- Worked using HL7 protocol. Worked with PDQ, PIX, NHIN, CONNECT.
- Worked as support in production for various production issues. Worked in Maven environment.
- Writing and developing the server side using Struts 2, Spring MVC and J2EE technology Installation of JDK, Tomcat in Windows and Unix boxes
- resulting in helping the company to earn revenue up to 10 million dollars and renewal of contract up to 25 million dollars with VA Hospitals.
Environment: Java, J2EE1.4, Eclipse, JavaScript, JSP, NHIN, CONNECT, Struts 2, Spring MVC, PDQ, NHIN, PIX, JDBC, MS SQL, Oracle, Tomcat, XHTML, HTML, UML, Junit, Maven, Tiles Framework, Validation framework and Design Patterns, Windows XP.
Software Engineer, Confidential
- Developed presentation layer using Spring, CSS, JSP and Servlet. Extensively used Java Collection Classes like Array List, Hash Map etc
- Used XSLT for transforming XML documents to HTML. Service Locator object has been developed to abstract all JNDI usage and encapsulate of Initial context creation
- Created XML files to provide Context and Hibernate Mapping for database persistence.
- Used JUNIT for unit testing the module. Deployed and tested on Tomcat.
- Worked using HL7 protocol. Worked with PDQ, PIX, NHIN, ICD9, CONNECT
- Worked with C using STL for interfacing application with hospital site.
- Wrote ANT scripts to build EJB components
- Wrote and developed the server side using Spring and J2EE technology. The Spring components used were Spring ORM, Spring Web, Spring MVC and Spring AOP.
- Installation of jdk, Tomcat in Windows and UNIX boxes.
- resulting an extension of the contract with NIH.
Environment: J2EE, Java, Spring 1.0, JSP, CSS, NHIN, CONNECT, Servlet, Session Beans, XML, XSLT, JavaScript, JDBC, Tomcat, UML, HTML, MS SQL, CVS, HL7, ANT, SQL, UNIX, C
Software Engineer, Confidential
- Involved in Analysis, Design, Development, Testing and Post production support.
- Worked closely with functional analyst and gathered client requirements, analyze the feasibility and prepared the technical documentation. Participated in code walkthroughs with the team members.
- Application is based on MVC pattern and designed and developed web components using JavaScript, JSPs, CSS and Struts framework. Developed several custom tags to use in JSP pages.
- Developed / Implemented XML schema for validation of XML documents. Extensively used MVC Architecture to isolate each layer of the application.
- Worked extensively with JDO and Web Services.
- Developed Ant build scripts. Wrote Korn shell scripts to automate manual process.
- Used JUnit to write Unit test cases. Deployed the application on to Tomcat server.
- Involved in unit testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing of the application.
- Created support documents for Production support teams.
- Involved in supporting the application after it went into production.
- Primary on-call support after hours. Closely worked with different support and infrastructure teams in resolving production issues.
- Involved in bug fixing, coding system enhancements and production support.
Environment: Java, Java / J2EE Patterns, JavaScript, JSP, CSS, Struts 1.1, JDBC, XML, JUnit, MY SQL, ANT, UML, Eclipse, HTML, MS Visio, Unix.
Software Engineer, Confidential
- Participated in the design of framework. Developed Use Case specifications, Use Case Diagrams, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams.
- Developed Java Servlets and JSPs for dynamic HTML generation and perform the server side processing on the client requests. Developed view components using JSP to display and update the user profiles, ticket information in front office queue.
- Extensively used open source software tools like Log4j, JUnit, STRUTS validation files, JSTL and resource bundles.
- Worked on understanding of the existing Web services and developed services for payment modules.
- Working with C to develop an interface
- Used design patterns like Factory pattern and DAO to encapsulate the communication with the persistent data storage
- Extensively used JDBC to retrieve data from MySQL to the data objects.
- Used ANT to deploy the application.
- Participated in ensuring quality through design, code reviews and testing.
- Used JUnit to implement test classes to ensure quality through design, code reviews and testing.
- Design and developed JSP, Servlets, Tag Library, DHTML using Eclipse.
Environment: JDK 1.4, J2EE, Struts frame work, ANT, JSP, DHTML, Servlets JDBC, UML, Linux, My SQL, Eclipse 3.2, Unix, Linux.
Programmer Analyst, Confidential
- Korn Shell, C Shell Scripting for security, clustering.
- Developed presentation layer using JSP and Servlets
- Extensively used Java Collection Classes like Array List, Hash Map etc
- Worked with C using STL, for developing projects related to large scale simulation for Genomics.
- Worked for 2 years with HPLC, Electron Microscope, Diffusion Chamber and Mass Spectrophotometer in pharmaceutical lab in UMKC.
- Worked on Cell Culture in pharmaceutical labs in UMKC as a graduate student.
- Worked on .Net C for developing a project for Red Cross
- Worked with My SQL to create, store and retrieve Bioinformatics Data
Environment: JSP, Servlets, C , STL, C , .Net, JDK 1.4, UML, My SQL, Eclipse, Windows 2000