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Java Developer Resume Profile

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  • Skilled in implementing enterprise services and leading efforts that require integration with multiple clients and systems with legacy to state of the art technologies.
  • I am an experienced professional with over 15 years in Java/J2EE technologies ranging from the design and development of complex model-view-controller based systems.
  • I have extensive experience of using open source frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, Struts, and JSF to implement enterprise applications.
  • Motivated achiever with seventeen years of significant, progressive experience in information-technology, focusing on Web-based and client/server-based applications, custom development projects, as well as customization of packaged products.
  • Experienced professional who has successfully led large project teams of 25 people from requirements gathering through to implementation and support.


Design Skills 6 years

UML Rational Rose, Visio , Object Oriented Analysis and Design OOAD , GOF Design patterns, J2EE Design patterns, EJB Design patterns etc

J2EE 8 years

JSP, Servlet, EJB, JMS, JDBC, JTA, JNDI, Spring, JPA, Hibernate, Struts, Annotations, AOP Aspect Oriented Programming , IoC Dependency Injection , Web Services JAX-RPC etc

Java 9 years

Collection, Multithreading, RMI, Sockets, Applets, SWING, Reflection, type safe enums etc

Middleware 7 yrs

Websphere, Weblogic, Apache Tomcat, Dynamo,JBoss, etc

XML/HTML 7 yrs


Database and tools

Oracle, Sybase, PL/SQL, Sybase Stored Procedures, DB2 UDB, DB2 on AS/400, etc

Development methodologies, deployment Testing

RUP lite , Agile methodology, SDLC, JUnit,

HttpUnit, Ant, etc


Oracle SOA Suite and BPEL



  • Part of EPIC project, working as a lead developer, that redesigns the legacy security investigation system into a more maintainable and reusable system by redesigning and refactoring it with industry best practices.
  • Currently working on developing common business services for accessing data from oracle database using the revised data model. Implemented Residence, Item, InvestigationRequestItem Investigation APIs for NFW teams use.
  • Worked on redesigning billing system that is to be used by the business to control the initiation of all case related billing and payments. Implemented entity service which extracts data from legacy natural database using hibernate and connx gateway. Developed webservice client to invoke Corticon business rules. Implemented billing UI using webcenter portlets, jsp, spring and javascript.
  • Implemented Billing task services using Spring Integration Framework and Corticon business Rules for Spin, ReOpen, Finger Print and Close Bill business functions.
  • Designed and implemented Table Maintenance framework to manage table data CRUD for over 20 billing tables. Developed a web interface for the users to view and manage data. Implemented audit log functionality as an aspect which records any transaction activities initiated by the user in the database.

Technologies: Java, Spring 3.1, JPA/JPQL, Hibernate, XML, JSF, Hibernate, Corticon, Oracle, Weblogic, JBoss, Junit, Jenkins


  • Part of Data Center team, supporting OFR research and analysis organization in gathering financial data and developing analytical capabilities in support of OFR's mission.
  • Supporting integration of credit default swap data from various sources. Leading the team on developing risk, pricing and spread analysis models for CDS data.
  • Developing design to host Form PF data working on validation framework and provisioning of the data based on rules provided by the research team. Developing reports around various factors like liquidity, strategy distribution, performance, entity transaction, etc.,
  • Worked with Information, data and security architects in defining the architecture for the organization Worked with the team in developing J2EE framework and setting up the environments.

Technologies: Java, Spring 2.5, JPA/JPQL, Hibernate, XML, JSF, SAS SQL Server


Tax Troubled Data Restructuring Project

  • Spearheaded the design and development of a Spring, EJB, MVC and Hibernate based system that earned high accolades from the business area and retired about 10 EUCs and reduced the time it took to do tax processing from 2 weeks to 4 days.
  • Message Driven beans developed to generate parallel processing streams and each stream will process a different population of loans serving 1000 concurrent socket connections. The system uses JMS on Weblogic, which allows for loose coupling and horizontal scaling into multiple boxes.
  • Designed a simplistic batching framework to bundle loans together into batches for distributing to various functions within TDR Tax. Implemented many reusable services for this project, Cash Flow generation service, NPV computation service, AFR Applicable Federal Rate service, Deminimus Test Service and Level Yield Service to name a few.
  • Data Service Layer implemented using the Java Persistence API JPA framework leveraged with the Spring framework. JPA to manage the relational data by creating a lightweight Java class whose state is persisted to a table in the relational database

Technologies: Weblogic 10.3, Spring 2.5, JPA/JPQL, EJB, Hibernate, Informatica MicroStrategy

Rules MISMO Data Translation Project

  • Rules MISMO project transforms Freddie Mac infrastructure to use industry standard data MISMO , robust business rules management services, and a simplified, more transparent contracting process, to increase efficiency and reduce cost
  • Developed architecture and IT future state vision for the project. Lead an Oracle SOA implementation, which seeks to create enterprise wide services, retiring and decommissioning existing non-scalable legacy components.
  • Initiative involves changes to 10 systems and integration testing of over 15 systems ranging from mainframe to J2EE technologies that would use the enterprise service.
  • Developed a stateless enterprise service that supports both synchronous and asynchronous service requests. Request and response structures defined and controlled in XSD.
  • Designed the XSD for recomp and decomposition functionality. Designed the request and response XMLs for various different types of requests.
  • Worked with the infrastructure team to fine tune the system to meet the performance requirements.
  • Implemented business process using BPEL

Technologies: Oracle SOA Suite, Weblogic, Java, XML, XSD

Capital Reporting Integration CRI

  • Lead multi-year CRI effort to support Federal Housing Finance Agency FHFA develop a new capital model for capital and risk measures.
  • Implemented system features that increased accuracy and reduced research time, allowing FHFA to assess risk based capital accurately and for business team to handle FHFA requests with zero increase in staff.
  • Initial release delivered 10 tables of data to FHFA each containing up to 120 million rows. Designed and developed a system that retrieves 12 to 120 million rows of data from data warehouse and performs transformation based on the rules specified by FHFA.

Technologies: J2EE, SAS, DataStage, and DB2 database

Making Home Affordable Program MHA

  • Co-Managed PMO for MHA program, comprising of 22 projects with overall budget of approximately 15 million.
  • Defined and initiated projects, and worked with the Project Managers to manage architecture, schedule, and performance of component projects, while working to ensure the ultimate success and acceptance of the program.
  • Ensured the architecture of individual project design and architecture aligned with the overall program architecture and the future state vision of the company.
  • In addition to the PMO, lead the implementation of MHA program for Historical Loan Performance HLP application. HLP application reports loan data to FHFA on a quarterly basis changed the application to report MHA loans to FHFA.

Technologies: Tomcat, Java, SAS, Struts, and DB2 database

Retained Mortgage Assets

  • Enhanced the system to process tax calculations for IFUNDs transaction and to eliminate inaccuracies in REMIC processing schedule.
  • Worked with the Enterprise Architecture team in developing logical architecture for the enhancement and validating the design against FM standards and the architecture.
  • Created a java based lightweight socket listener, that introduces request and response based messaging architecture giving more control to the requester for requesting services from Intex on as need basis via event based model.
  • Fixed memory leaks and transactional issues on a J2EE based online system.

Technologies: Java, JSP, Servlet, Struts, WebSphere, Log4J, Commons Logger, POI, XML, C , Hibernate, SAS, and Autosys.

Alternate Platform 55-Day Initiatives

  • Part of the PMO for Alternate Platform effort, worked as an architect for the initiative. Lead over 10 applications for the Finance and Corporate division with over all budget of approximately 5 million.
  • Lead feasibility assessment pipeline phase for Average Loan Size, Historical Price Index, Single Family RBC SF RBC Historical Loan Performance HLP applications. Worked with business area in documenting business requirements. Developed logical architecture for changes to Tax, Single Family Profitability SFP , SF RBC, MRS and HLP applications.
  • Championed use of Java, J2EE based multi-tier application architectures, object oriented analysis and Design, and UML and RUP methodologies.

Non Mortgage Instruments MRS Data Provisioning

  • Led implementation of NMI and Mortgage Related Securities MRS data provisioning applications. NMI data provisioning system provisions debt, preferred stock issued or owned, along with data on all outstanding equity investments and all derivatives and submits to FHFA.
  • Designed an override component using XML, which allows the users to change data in 70 tables and around 800 columns, configurable via XML, and provided ability to extend, reuse and maintain through proper OO design.
  • Redesigned a re-usable and extendable generic File Parser, which parses excel and text files and saves the data into the database tables based on the configuration in the XML file. The re-architected framework design performs 3 times faster and easier to maintain, extend and scale due to its architecture, OO design and use of design patterns.
  • 3.5 million effort, deployed to production within 9 months. Lead a team of 16 developers, 3 business analysts and 8 system testers. Redesigned and migrated a poorly performing and outdated mainframe application to Struts, JMS and DataStage based system, which reduced the process time for the business area from 3 weeks to 1 week
  • Mitigated 80 of identified risks in audit findings related to legacy reconciliation procedures.
  • Managed business process re-engineering project for MRS system, integration between mainframe legacy system and web based J2EE platform. Managed systems development team to migrate legacy data from mainframe SAS datasets to DB2 database

Technologies: Java, JSP, Servlet, Struts, Log4J, Commons Logger, POI, XML, Hibernate, SAS, DataStage, and Autosys.

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