Sr. Java/j2ee Developer Resume Profile
- About 6 years of experience as a Core Java and J2EE developer majorly in the areas of Healthcare, Finance and E-commerce.
- Deep understanding of Core Java concepts including Object Oriented Programming OOP , Garbage Collection, Exception Handling, Generics, Multi-Threading, Collections and Input/output.
- Proficient in Core Java Design Patterns: Singleton, Observer, Builder, Decorator, Proxy, Factory and also in J2EE Patterns such as Data Access Object DAO and Model-and-View Controller MVC .
- Expertise in designing and developing web application usingJ2EE frameworks such as Struts/Struts 2, Spring 2.x/3.x and Play.
- Extensive knowledge of database accesses including JDBC and object-relational mapping ORM -Hibernate 3.x, Spring JPA.
- Rich experience in building client/server environment with technologies of JSP, Servlet, EJB, Java Mail, JMS, AMQP, Apache Camel, Spring Cache, Spring Security, Spring Transaction Management.
- Knowledge in web services: SOAP and Restful.
- Experienced in using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, JSON and JSTL to create client-side user interface.
- Knowledgeable in writing XML files DTD, DOM, SAX, XML Schema .
- Proficient in writing SQL, PL/SQL queries and stored procedures on Oracle 10g.
- Skilled in using development tools such as Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite and JetBrainIntellij.
- Experience of using project management and version control tool: Maven, Perforce and SVN.
- Experience of working on Unix/Linux environment.
- Hands-on experience in deploying in to web servers of Apache Tomcat, Karaf and JBoss as well as OSGI environment.
- Hands-on experience in using message brokers such as ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ.
- Expertise in various frameworks and quality control tools for Unit Test and Integration Test, for example Mockito, PowerMock, Selenium, SOAP UI, Sonar, Cobertura and Peer Review Complete PRC .
- Basic knowledge of Scala and AngularJS.
- Experience of using tools such as XJT and EA to perform DICOM operation C-ECHO, C-FIND and CMOVE,
- Understanding of Software Development Life Cycle SDLC .Familiar with Agile Development, Test-Driven Development and Daily Scrum.
- Excellent problem analyst and solver with great communication skills and wide ranging knowledge. Quick learner and cooperative team player having the ability to both work individually as well as interact with clients and colleagues.
Programming Language | Java, SQL, JavaScript, Scala, HTML, CSS, C/C , MATLAB, Assembly Language |
J2EE Technologies | JSP, Servlet, Spring 2.x/3.x, Struts/Struts 2, Hibernate 3.x, Expression Language, JPA, JDBC, JavaMail, EJB, JMS, AMQP, Apache Camel, OSGI |
Web Technologies | JQuery, AJAX, XML, JSON, JSTL, AngularJS, Play |
Web Services | SOAP, REST |
Database | Oracle 10g |
Quality and Version Control | JUnit, Mockito, PowerMock, Selenium, TestNG, SOAP UI, Perforce, SVN, Maven, Sonar, Cobertura, PRC |
Application Servers | Apache, Tomcat 7.0, JBoss 5.0, Karaf |
Message Brokers | ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ |
Operating System | Windows, Linux OpenSUSE |
Other Tools | Eclipse, STS, Intellij, LaTex |
Confidential Position: Sr. Java/J2EE Developer
- Worked in an Agile environment, including attending release planning meetings, sprint planning meetings, sprint retrospectives and daily scrums.
- Configured Spring beans in context xml files to inject configuration parameters.
- Assessed various JavaScript PDF converters and viewers for the non-DICOM document viewer.
- Integrated the Snow Bound VirtualViewer in the Play Framework using HTML5, JavaScript and JQuery.
- Wrote Play controllers and routes files, replacing AJAX, to access the back-end services.
- Refactored the old code to standardize Exception Handling, improve Unit Test coverage and optimize methods.
- Wrote Unit Test case using JUnit, Mockito and PowerMock.
- Designed the generic message entity for the whole system using the Builder pattern.
- Implemented the function to send and receive AMQP messages on RabbitMQ synchronously and asynchronously, and send JMS message to Apache ActiveMQ on the edge device.
- On the edge device, responsible of sending response in serialized object to the cloud service using REST.
- Helped set up EA Enterprise Archive on virtual machines.
- Refactored the code, migrating the DICOM operation tool XJT to a higher version. Designed test cases for DICOM operations performance.
- Wrote automation test cases using Selenium and TestNG to test UI behavior.
- Tested back-end APIs using SOAP UI.
- Deployed bundles into GE's Predix-K platform, which is an OSGI environment, and modified feature files for deployment.
- Managed dependencies in Maven.
- Used Perforce and Subversion for version control.
- Reviewed colleagues' code in PRC.
JDK 1.6/1.7, Intellij, OSGI, Apache Karaf, GE Predix, Spring 3, HTML 5, CSS 3,REST, JQuery, JavaScript, AJAX, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Maven, Perforce, Subversion
Confidential Position: Sr. Java/J2EE Developer
- Worked in the Software Development Life Cycle SDLC of the system.
- Configured and mapped Spring MVC in xml files as well as annotation to handle requests from the network.
- Used Spring Security integrated with JDBC to manage user register and login. The MD5 hash function and salt are exploited in saving and validating password.
- Developed front-end user interfaces using HTML5, CSS3and jQuery. Applied JavaScript to validate front-end user input.
- On the client side, retrieved the data from the web service asynchronously using AJAX in JSON data type.
- Involved in the process of information transmission. Applied Core Java including Collections, Exception Handling and I/O for image loading, serialization and deserialization. Moreover, designed Singleton and Builder patterns to improve the system performance.
- On the server side, post the access to the application and provided result on the network using REST.
- Introduced Spring Cache and other new Spring 3 features into the system by configuring Spring Annotation in Spring MVC and back-end services.
- Implemented data reading, saving and modification by stored procedures in Oracle database and Hibernate criteria.
- Responsible for creating tables of patients' information in and writing Hibernate mapping files to manage one-to-one and one-to-many mapping relationships.
- Set up email service sent to the patients by JavaMail.
- Deployed the system on Apache Tomcat 7.0.
- Used SVN for version control.
JDK 1.6, Eclipse Indigo, Oracle 10g, Apache Tomcat 7.0, Spring 3, Hibernate 3.5, HTML 5, CSS 3,REST, JQuery, JavaScript, JSTL, AJAX, JSON, SVN
Confidential Position: Sr. Java/J2EE Developer
- Responsible for designing the Graphical User Interface GUI using HTML and CSS.
- Exploited jqPlot to show charts and graphs in the user interface.
- Used Struts 2 integrated with Spring 3 MVC to establish the mutual communication of server side and client side.
- Configured Spring Security to authenticate user to access restricted pages.
- Applied JavaMail to achieve contact between clients and loan representatives.
- Implemented Spring Transaction Management/Propagation in making transactions.
- Designed Java beans and wrote Hibernate mapping files and Data Access Object DAO to connect services with database.
- Involved in development of back-end calculation and logic using Core Java and GoF Patterns.
- Wrote SQL/HQL to query data from Oracle database.
- Tested the DAOs and services by JUnit test cases.
- Used SVN for version control.
JDK 1.6, Eclipse IDE, Struts 2, Spring 3, Hibernate 3.5, HTML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript, Oracle 10g, JUnit, jqPlot, SVN
Confidential Position: Java/J2EE Developer
- Participated in a small team under agile software development.
- Developed GUI with JQuery and JavaScript to achieve improved functions in the front end.
- Applied REST to publicize web services that allow user to do operations on the system. Used Jersey MVC to handle front-end requests as well as back-end logic.
- Used AJAX to get XML files which are used to transmit information updated by Restful web service.
- Extensively used Core Java OOP concepts and design patterns of Singleton and Proxy to write POJOs related to various functions.
- Wrote JUnit and QUnit cases to test application functions.
JDK 1.5, Eclipse IDE, JQuery, JavaScript, REST, JERSEY, XML, AJAX, JUnit, QUnit
Confidential Position: Java/J2EE Developer
- Implemented SOAP to publish web services and response to the request that acquires the service. Used UDDI to discover web services.
- Applied XML to manage request and response information.
- Used Spring IoC for bean management.
- Wrote Hibernate persistent objects which are mapped to tables in database.
- Used SVN for version control.
JDK 1.5, Eclipse IDE, SOAP, XML, Spring, Hibernate, SVN