Software Development Manager Resume
Lakewood, CO
- A senior software developer with over 20 years experience in all aspects of the software development lifecycle possessing strong leadership skills.
Languages: Java, JSP, Servlets, jQuery, JSON, EJB, RMI, JNDI, JDBC, Struts, Ant, JUnit, XML, XSLT, Web Services, C++, Pro*C, C, Make, Perl, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, SNMP, and Fortran.
Hardware: UNIX (HP, Sun), and PCs
Operating Systems: UNIX (HPUX, Sun, AIX, Solaris), DOS, and Windows
Databases: Oracle, Oracle Forms, Informix, MySQL, SQL Server, and Postgres
Web Servers: Apache, JBoss, WebLogic, Tomcat, Axis, IPlanet, and JRun
Source Control Packages: RCS, PVCS, CVS, Subversion, ClearCase, and CMVC
Confidential, Lakewood, CO
Software Development Manager
- Responsible for recruiting, selecting, scheduling, mentoring, and managing the day to day activities for a cross - functional development consulting team on a Federal Government contract.
- Serve as managerial and technical liaison to the Federal Government relating to the consulting team’s strategic planning, reviews, productivity, quality and customer-service level management.
- First line supervisor managing and tasking development resources and overseeing project management.
- Manage team responsible for all J2EE application development supporting the Mine Safety and Health Administration.
- Lead team responsible for creating new offline browser based application using AngularJS, RESTful web services, HTML5 and CSS3.
- Lead Scrum sprint planning sessions and serve as an evangelist and mentor as projects migrated from a waterfall process to an agile process.
- Participate as a member of Program Management group responsible for creating responses to request for proposals, statement of works, and statement of objectives.
- Design and implement complex J2EE components using Struts, Hibernate, Java, and WebLogic.
- Refactor existing code base to remove EJB’s including CMP and XDoclet.
- Provide production support for multiple J2EE applications on weblogic.
- Mentor junior developers and serve as Architect for larger projects.
Confidential, Westminster, CO
Software Engineer III
- Develop and maintain J2EE commercial product which monitors and provides real-time reporting for call centers.
- Provide technical support to resolve complex customer issues.
- Mentor junior developers in OO design and the use design patterns.
- Lead and participate in Scrum sprint planning sessions.
Confidential, Denver, CO
Senior Web Developer
- Refactored J2EE websites to Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) using Tomcat, Apache CXF, Web Services, Spring, Hibernate, and Struts.
- Created J2EE websites on Tomcat using Apache CXF, Spring, Hibernate, and Struts.
- Developed and maintained J2EE websites on WebLogic using Axis, EJB 3.0, Hibernate, and Struts, PL/SQL, and Oracle 11i.
- Architected and developed web services for company wide PCI compliant credit card transactions.
- Implemented Single Sign On functionality using PingFederate with SAML 2.0 and WS-Federation.
- Tasked developers and manage project schedule on several large J2EE projects .
- Mentored junior developers in SOA design and the use design patterns.
- Participated as a member of corporate architecture team to identify methodolgies, SDLC(both waterfall and agile), coding standards, and technologies used in corporate wide initiatives.
Confidential, Denver, CO
Senior Software Engineer
- Manage software development team developing J2EE website through all aspects of AgileSoftware Development Life Cycle.
- Provide tasking assignments, mentoring, and direction to all development resources including remote teams in both India and Chicago.
- Architect and implement SOA J2EE websites on JBoss using Web Services, Axis, Spring, Hibernate, XDoclet, Middlegen, and Struts.
- Took communications startup from concept to production.
Java Team Lead
- Design and Implement java code changes to J2EE services using Weblogic, Spring, Middlegen, and Hibernate.
- Develop and implement test cases used to test various J2EE webservices using JUnit.
Confidential, Denver, CO
Senior Software Engineer
- Develop wireless service activation website using J2EE, Struts, and Hibernate.
- Create a suite of web services using Java and SOAP allowing partners functionality to manage their product catalogs.
- Maintain XML/XSLT interface allowing partners to order broadband services.
- Architect and develop core Java objects used across multiple applications.
- Assist with the migration of website from Apache/Tomcat to Apache/Tomcat/JBoss.
- Mentor junior developers in Object-Oriented analysis and design and design patterns.
Confidential, Colorado Springs, CO
Systems Engineer
- Perform system analysis and design utilizing Rational Rose and Requisite Pro.
- Implemented several file manipulation utilities in Java using regular expressions.
- Train project team on the use of Rational products including Rose, RequisitePro, ClearCase, ClearQuest, and TestManager.
- Implemented development methodology based on the Rational Unified Process (RUP) for project team.
Independent Consultant
- Architect, develop, and implement an internal website using J2EE technologies.
- Implement MVC Model-2 front end using Jakarta Struts.
- Utilize J2EE Data Access Object (DAO) architecture to build modularized interface to Postgres database.
- Install and maintain JBoss application server working with Jetty web server.
- Create website configuration system using XML based properties system.
Confidential, Littleton, CO
Senior Systems Architect, Manager
- Managed team of software developers and network technicians developing internal tools and websites.
- Architected, led team developing Network Operations Center website using PHP, Perl, SMNP, MySQL, and Apache web server.
- Designed and developed real-time gathering of cable modem headend statistics utilizing PHP, Perl, SNMP, and MySQL.
- Implemented cable modem and email provisioning scripts using Perl and MySQL.
Confidential, Golden, CO
Technical Team Lead
- Architected, and led team migrating existing BroadVision website to J2EE MVC model-2 website utilizing JSPs, Servlets, Java Beans, JDBC, and IPlanet.
- Architected and developed core Java objects used across multiple applications.
- Implemented content delivery mechanism to customize website for each affiliate.
- Developed Customer Service Representative tool utilizing Java Beans and JDBC.
- Developed and maintained HTML GUI libraries in Java.
- Built prototype J2EE implementation of Confidential website utilizing WebLogic, and EJB’s.
Confidential, Englewood, CO
Senior Systems Architect
- Led analysis and design utilizing Rational Rose and RequisitePro utilizing RUP.
- Architected and developed a multi-threaded server using C, C++, STL, and Pthreads.
- Developed and maintained several high-risk modules in C++.
- Tutored junior developers in the nuances of Object - Oriented Programming in C++.
- Implemented internal diagnostic tools using Perl and Apache web server.
Confidential, Lakewood, CO
Advanced Systems Engineer
- Led renovation team through PL/I Year 2000 code renovation.
- Automated several Year 2000 processes using Perl.
- Led integration of client server application to automate the routing of Bell South’s Outside Plant process on multiple HP UNIX servers and PC’s.
- Systems support team lead for test and development environments.
Confidential, Englewood, CO
Quality Analyst
- Led Quality Assurance test team throughout software development cycle.
- Unit and system tested several applications included an automated outband call dialer, and roadside assistance call center.
- Designed and implemented custom test tools using C.
Quality Assurance Engineer
Confidential, Denver, CO
- Created test scripts on UNIX, and VAX/VMS systems.
Confidential, St. Joseph, MI
Software Engineer
- Responsible for coding, debugging, and nationalizing software products in C.