Android Application Developer Resume
Losgatos, CA
- Over 7+ years of extensive experience in Object Oriented technologies and Android applications with Java/Android technologies involving System Analysis, Technical Architecture, Design, Development, Testing and Implementation.
- 3+ years of experience on working with mobile application on Android platform, interactive application development and database management.
- Expertise in Android application development using Android Studio, EclipseIDE, Android SDK.
- Proficient in using Fragments, Activity workflow, Action Bar Navigation, Menu designs, Custom Views.
- Designed and Developed richUser Interfaces.
- Experience in implementing native libraries in application by using Android NDK.
- Proficient with common Android framework APIs (Web View, Location, Google Maps, Telephony API, Camera, Contact Manager, In - app purchase).
- Designed GUI and interfaces with services for mobile applications, Asynchronous Programming in Android (such as Thread pool, Tasks and services).
- Experience in using Storage options in Android like Shared Preferences, SQLite.
- Experience in parsing XML and JSON based WebServices/APIs response.
- Implemented Continuous integration with Jenkins.
- Developed Gradle and Ant automation scripts
- Worked extensively in developing web-based applications using Java, Servlets, JSP, Struts, spring, Hibernate, JDBC, UML, HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, JDBC, and Oracle.
- Extensively involved in unit testing using Junit and functional testing of applications.
- Good experience in Object Oriented Design (OOD), analysis (OOA), modeling (OOM) based on Unified Modeling Language (UML).
- Experience in working with audio codecs like MP3, Wav.
- Experience in the frameworks OpenGL, OpenCV, and JavaCV.
- Hands on Experience on version control Mercurial with SourceTree, SVN and Git.
- Experience in various SDLC methodologies like agile development and Waterfall development.
- Experience in various Project Management tools JIRA.
- Worked on revision control tools like Fisheye
- Experienced in requirement gathering, architectural design, and functional design and turning requirement to product.
- Experience in On-site coordination for offshore development.
- Excellent working experience with variety of operating systems like Macintosh, Windows, Ubuntu and Fedora.
- Ability to grasp and master new technologies, excellent analytical and problem solving skills.
- Able to take initiative; work independently and also as a team player.
Technologies: Android SDK, Android NDK, J2EE, JavaBeans, JSF, WebServices-API, Springs, Hibernate, JDBC, JavaScript, REST, SOAP, JUnit, JSP.
Programming Languages: Java, C, C++, C#, Python, R.
Markup Languages: HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, JSON.
Debugging and Testing Tool: Logcat, DDMS, ADB, JUnit.
Operating Systems: Windows XP, 7, 8, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mac OSX.
RDBMS: SQLite, Microsoft SQL 2005/2008, Oracle 10g, 11g, MySQL 4.0/5.0
IDE: Android Studio, Eclipse, NetBeans.
Version Control/Continuous Integration Tools: Mercurial, GitHub, SVN, Jenkins.
Scripting languages: JavaScript, JQuery
Servers: Amazon web server, Web Logic 8.1/9.2, Apache Tomcat 6.0.
Confidential, LosGatos, CA
Android Application Developer
- Followed Agile and Scrum methodologies in the project implementation.
- Migrated eclipse projects to android studio
- Wrote Gradle scripts for build automation in Jenkins
- Wrote ant scripts for build automation in Jenkins.
- Used Native NDK to support Native development based on android SDK
- UsedQualcommand ARMdevices for implementation and testing.
- Worked on resolving the bugs in UI and Services.
- Worked on Graphic Equalizer, communicating from UI to platform.
- Took care of code review, code fixes and bug fixes.
- Worked on Services, Async tasks and Alert Notifications.
- Used shared preferencesand SQLite to store data.
- Worked on Activity and Fragment lifecycles.
- Used Mercurial for version control.
- Used Jenkins for build automation.
- Tested the application on multiple android devices and debugged the issues using Logcat and DDMS.
Environment: Android Studio, Eclipse, Android SDK, Android NDK, ADT, ADB, Java, Jira and Fisheye.
Confidential, Chicago, IL.
Android Application Developer
- Engaged in the full project life cycle including analysis, design, development, testing and deployment phases.
- Discussed the requirements with the client and analyzed the requirements.
- Designed the architecture and User Interface using client requirements and use - cases.
- Followed Agile and Scrum methodologies in the project implementation.
- Parsed JSON data coming from server.
- Used Google Maps API for enabling GPS
- Used Activities, which implement Broadcast Receivers to listen to several Broadcasts from other applications and the system.
- Used AndroidNDK to create the library files to be used by Services.
- Developed App screens and its workflow using Activity and Fragments, which has views such as List View and Scroll View.
- Download and upload content from back end web server via REST API.
- Used AsyncTask for multithreading.
- Integrated Google Maps into the application using Google Android location-based APIs to display addresses and locations.
- Implemented Notification Manager to display updates on the notification bar.
- Provided assistance and feedback on login design and implementation.
- Utilized button style and edit text background, added background selector.
- Implementing Broadcast Receivers for Android.
- Used shared preferences to store data.
- Test and error logging on different versions and devices of Android.
- Used adb logcat, DDMS for Debugging.
- Troubleshooting and resolve problems.
- Used GIT for version control.
Environment: Android SDK, Android NDK, ADT-Plugin, Eclipse, Android Studio, Java, SQLite, JSON, XML, DDMS, Logcat.
Confidential, Dallas, TX
Android Developer
- Involved in the requirement of gathering and documentation.
- Worked with rest of the UI team to design the appropriate icon and display for the screens.
- Played major role in implementing different layouts design and layout modifications, customization of different functional layouts and UI elements.
- Managed data using SQLite, SQLHelpers as well as Raw Queries to do database management.
- As major responsibility, used WebViews, ListViews& populated lists from databases using simple adapters.
- Helped in implementing different web services in different functional models.
- Tested the application on multiple android targets and debugged the issues that were found.
- Followed the agile methodology for implementing the project.
- Took care of code review, code fixes and bug fixes.
- Managed and coordinated for timely delivery of the sustain services.
Environment: Eclipse, JDK, Android SDK, Java, JSON, SQLite, Web Services.
Confidential, Edison, NJ
Android Application Developer
- Involved in requirement gathering and outlining.
- Used Prototyper to create mockups.
- Made decisions on Layout design and Layout modifications.
- Prompt in handling Custom Menus, Dialogs and creating Image Views.
- Used API’s to access SD card storage.
- Deep hands on SQLite. Used both SQL Helpers as well as Raw Queries.
- Used Open Source Library for HTTP communication.
- Used a custom HTTPS verifier and keystore to store and verify the server certificate.
- Used list views & populated lists from databases using simple and custom adapters.
- Used gestures to allow for a consistent user experience.
- Used JSON parsing to filter server responses.
- Used Shared Preferences to store and maintain user information.
- Worked with back-end server team to resolve issues within server responses.
- Worked with the UI team to design the appropriate icon and display for the screens
- Used Eclipse IDE to develop the screens for the application using MVC design pattern.
- Backward compatibility was achieved using the ActionBarSherlock library.
- Tested the application on multiple Android targets and debugged the issues that were found
- Testing included emulator and device testing with multiple versions and sizes.
- Followed the agile methodology for implementing the project.
- Took care of Code Review, Code Fixes and bug Fixes.
- Involved in Android performance testing along with Functional and regression tests.
- Used Atlasian tools such as JIRA to manage and keep track on progress of project.
- Coordinated with Configuration Manager for continuous integration.
- Managed and coordinated for timely deliver.
Environment: Linux, Android, Java, Eclipse, SQLite, JSON, REST APIs.
Confidential, San Leandro, CA
Java Developer
- Designed and implemented the various front end interactive pages using java script frame work EXT Js.
- Extensively used the EXTJs MVC pattern for data handling in the UI side.
- Used ExtJS stores and Models to represent the data in front end.
- Developed REST APIs in spring framework where the UI can interact.
- Designed the JSON structure for data handling between APIs and UI calls.
Environment: Java, JSP, JSP JDBC, HTML, XSL, spring, CSS, NetBeans, JavaScript, XML, WebLogic.
Java Developer
- Participated in all the phases of the Software development life cycle (SDLC) which includes Development, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance.
- Involved in collecting client requirements and preparing the design documents.
- Implemented Spring MVC architecture and Spring Bean Factory using IOC, AOP concepts.
- Developed the JAVA classes to execute the business logic and to collect the input data from the users using JAVA, Oracle.
- Involved in creation of scripts to create, update and delete data from the tables.
- Followed Agile Methodology in analyze, define, and document the application which will support functional and business requirements.
- Wrote JSP using HTML tags for designing UI for different pages.
- Extensively used OOD concepts in overall design and development of the system.
- Developed user interface using Spring JSP to simplify the complexities of the application.
- Responsible for Development, unit testing and implementation of the application.
- Used agile methodology to design, develop and deploy the new changes.
- Extensively used tools like AccVerify, Check style and Clockworks to check the code.
Environment: Java, JSP, JSP JDBC, HTML, XSL, spring, CSS, JavaScript, Oracle 8i, XML, WebLogic.
Java Developer
- Developed technical specifications for various back end modules from business requirements.
- Built the UI using Struts
- Had coded various data adapters for processing XML
- Developed page data adapters
- Developed various xml components
- Developed JSPs as part of the UI layer
- Implemented the browse functionality in the project
- Developed one dash board application to analyze the sales.
- Had implemented the artist page.
- Had implemented the artist details page.
- Performed unit testing using Junit.
Environment: Eclipse IDE, Core Java, STRUTS, XML, JavaScript, JSP, WebSphere.