Technical Architect Resume
- Over 10 years of experience in Java Web Development, Integration and Workflow Orchestration.
- Highly skilled in Java Web Development using Vaadin/GWT, jQuery, CSS, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JSF Facelets, TagLibs, Struts and Spring MVC.
- Skilled in implementation, customization and orchestration of Workflows using jBPM software
- Experienced in Performance Tuning and Multi - Threaded implementation of Java Applications
- Experienced in setting up projects and hierarchy using Maven and Ant
- Experienced in implementing encryption and decryption using Java Cryptography Extension and Bouncy Castle Encryption
- Skilled in SOA implementation and B2B Integration using Apache CXF Web Services, Mule ESB and Tibco ActiveMatrix
- Experienced in implementation of JPA and Hibernate ORM layer
- Experienced in implementation of document repository using JCR and Jackrabbit
- Skilled in implementing Java Annotations and using Apache POI, JAXB, XSLT
Programming Skills: Java, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, PL/SQL, XHTML, XSD, XSLT and CSS
Java Development Skills: JSP, Servlets, JSPF, JSF, Facelets, JSTL, JDBC, JMS, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, WSDL, SOAP, REST, JPA, JAXB, JTA, JNDI, JNI, JCE, XQUERY, CXF, AXIS, SOA, Swing, JUNIT, RSA, AES, Bouncy Castle Encryption, JCR, Jackrabbit, EasyMock, Mockito, JPublisher, Hudson, Corbetura, Jira, FishEye, Crucible and Bamboo.
Frameworks & Tools: Vaadin, JBOSS jBPM, Struts, Spring MVC, Spring Web, Spring Security, Spring Tiles, OpenFaces, Hibernate, Bouncy Castle, Apache CXF, Jersey and Apache POI.
Servers/ESBs: Apache, Tomcat, Jetty, Jboss, Grizzly, Mule, Weblogic, Websphere and TIBCO
Databases: Oracle, SQL Server, MySql, DB2 and Informix
Persistence Tools: Hibernate, JPA, iBatis
Release Management and Version Control: Maven, Ant, Subversion, Clearcase, Perforce, JIRA, Teamtrack and VersionOne
Technical Architect
- Helped with upgrading product from Applet based to Web based application using Vaadin Framework
- Involved in initial trials of connecting to Cobol interfaces
- Developed prototypes and initial screens per module to Kick-off development using Vaadin Framework.
- Involved in developing Infrastructure components and generic Vaadin extensions to support and ease the development of individual screens
- Established Code Patterns and Best Practices and helped Developers with the usage of Vaadin Framework
- Helped with development of Java Annotation based field building and XML based binding system to support screen customizations.
- Developed annotations to store meta data of fields in the XML using JAXB marshaling and un-marshaling
- Developed Themes, custom SCSS Styles and Validation mechanisms for individual screens
- Helped with development of form editor to customize the screens
- Helped with development of form/user exits to run custom java code per screen
- Developed generic Export to Excel functionality using Apache POI
- Added Key-board navigation, shortcuts and defined Access keys for individual screens
- Helped with setting up development Builds and Release management using Maven
- Developed screens for Accounts Receivable and Sales Order Invoicing and Shipping modules
- Developed Bill of Material screen using Vaadin TreeTable, Right-Click context menu add-on and added Drag and Drop functionality
- Helped with creation of Installation scripts using Apache Ant.
- Helped with generation of JPA objects and development of web services using CXF
- Helped with training junior developer to bring up to speed with development
- Helped with auto wiring the views into Vaadin navigator and pop ups.
Environment: Agile - Scrum, Java, J2EE, JAXB, Java Annotations, Java Reflection, Vaadin 7, Spring, JPA, Hibernate, Web Services, Apache CXF, HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS, SCSS, Maven, Ant, Apache POI, NIO, Oracle, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, Jira, Tomcat, JUNIT, VMware and Unix
- Helped with upgrading the workflow software from Tibco InConcert to open source jBPM.
- Helped with development of JDA workflow engine that runs workflows i.e. PO, PR and RFQ.
- Helped with development of Java Annotation based runtime attribute evaluation system to support dynamic database changes that could happen with in the workflow especially with human tasks waiting in queue
- Developed Web Service APIs to workflow engine using Apache CXF to start and modify workflow processes and human tasks
- Developed and customized the Workflow Administration web application to meet the customer needs.
- Helped with defining COTS/Standard workflows that are bundled part of the product
- Helped with integration of Apache Jackrabbit into the product for Document storage
- Developed a Check-in and Check-out mechanism for documents that get attached to PO, PR or RFQ
- Helped with creating Migration and Installation scripts using Apache Ant
- Implemented Multi-Threaded workflow migration process (InConcert to jBPM) and reduced the time taken to migrate ~50,000 workflows from 11 hours to 4 hours
- Used JPublisher to load the web services into oracle so that they can be used as pl/sql functions to integrate with existing pl/sql code base
- Enhanced the Document Migration process (InConcert to Apache Jackrabbit) to multi-threaded fashion and reduced the taken to migrate the ~2 million documents from 80 hours to 10 hours
- Added password Encryption and Decryption logic for database connection pooling to eliminate the plain text passwords in configuration files.
- Helped with Customization of workflows and Custom java calls
- Helped with setting up the Development builds
- Helped with customer On-boarding of product.
Environment: Agile - Scrum, Java, J2EE, jBPM, JCR, Jackrabbit, JSF, Facelets, JSP, Webservices, CXF, WSDL, SOAP, JavaScript, Oracle, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, JPublisher, Oracle Forms, Workflows, Ant, Tomcat, VersionOne, TeamTrack, VMware and Unix
Senior Programmer Analyst
- Helped with creating the web site using the frameworks Spring MVC, Spring Tiles, Spring Web and Spring Security
- Developed integration component for CRUD operations on Salesforce cases using the WSDL, Apache Axis and Eh-cache and integrated it with the web layer
- Developed XHTML/HTML web pages using JSP, JSTL and JQuery
- Customized the Spring Security to in corporate application specific data and added new filters for password update and terms and conditions acceptance
- Helped with design documents, continues integration, builds, version control, dependency management, release management and testing
Environment: Agile - Scrum, Java, J2EE, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Web, Spring Tiles, JSP, JSTL, Eh-cache, AXIS, Salesforce, WSDL, SOAP, Mockito, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, Maven, Oracle, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, Crucible, FishEye, Jira, Bamboo, Crucible, Weblogic, SSL, VMware and Unix
- Helped with the database modeling and project design
- Created the project structure following the service component architecture with Spring and Maven
- Developed the application following Spring’s best practices - Service, Data Access Objects and Domain Model
- Used Spring annotation-based platform independent declarative transaction management to tie the database inserts, file generation, encryption and signature in an atomic transaction
- Used Maven assembly to create archive of executable application jar with dependent jars
- Implemented batch processing of SQL statements to improve performance
- Used RSA and AES encryption methodologies to encrypt data and create file signatures
- Helped with design documents, continues integration, builds, version control, dependency management, release management and testing
Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring, Spring JDBC, XML, XSD, OXM, JAXB, JTA, JNI, RSA, JCE, AES, SHA, Maven, Oracle, PL/SQL, Bouncy Castle Encryption API, VMware and Unix
- Involved in the design and development of extranet and intranet site using RESTful SOA architecture with JAVA, PL/SQL, XSLT
- Designed and developed generic XSL templates to render XHTML compliant web pages and added support for PDF using XSL-FO
- Developed an end-to-end system for importing and exporting program guide data to populate intranet, extranet and provide data to handsets
- Developed oracle stored procedures to handle business logic
- Helped with design documents, continues integration, builds, version control, dependency management, release management and testing
Environment: Agile - Scrum, Java, J2EE, Spring, Tomcat, JavaScript, AJAX, Prototype, XML, XSL, XSL-FO, XHTML, Xstream, Maven, Jira, Hudson, Oracle, PL/SQL and Stored Procedures
- Developed a service provider component for authorization and self - subscription from devices
- Developed BW integration components (providers and consumers) and assembled them in AMX
- Involved in the support and release management of components and applications
- Helped with moving the integration components to TIBCO infrastucture.
- Helped with design documents, version control, release management and testing
Environment: Java, J2EE, SOA, SCA, XML, XSD, XSL, WSDL, SOAP, JAXB, JAX-WS, Spring, Mule (ESB), JMS, Maven, Jira, Oracle, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, Oracle AQ, TIBCO (AMX, BW, EMS), VMware and Unix
Programmer Analyst
- Involved in the business requirements gathering process, customer walkthroughs and legal sign-offs.
- Designed and developed the application using Struts Framework and implemented flexibility for internationalization.
- Developed JSP web pages and added support to access language from the database
- Developed server side utilities for validation of legal rules for Common Law, Civil Union and Domestic partner relationships
- Developed modular and reusable helper classes, exception handling and multi-lingual support
- Helped with creating pre and post implementation plans, testing and validation
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, Struts, HTML, DB2, WSAD, Websphere and Unix
- Designed and developed the site using Struts MVC Framework
- Designed and developed front end using combination of JSP and JSP fragments
- Designed and developed XSD and added JAXB compliance for XML parsing
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, JDBC, JAXB, JSTL, XSD, HTML, DB2, WSAD, Websphere, UNIX and Informix
Software Developer
- Developed survey web pages using JSP
- Developed access controls that help administrators to define users and their roles to perform different tasks.
- Designed and developed flexible role based report management to view or download survey results in the different formats like Excel, Word, Bar and Pie Charts.
- Developed classes to interface with LDAP for authentication and authorization
- Implemented auto alert E-mail system to notify survey participants on a selected frequency basis.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, OpenLDAP, Tomcat, Dreamweaver, chm2help, SQL Server, JFreecharts and JNI Registry