Senior Java Developer Resume
Morrisville, NC
- Over 10 years of experience in Java Web Development, B2B Integration and Workflow Orchestration
- Experienced in eCommerce web site development using SAP Hybris framework
- Highly skilled in Java Web Development using Vaadin/GWT, HTML5, jQuery, CSS, SCSS, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JSF Facelets, Taglibs, Struts, Tiles, Spring, AOP, Spring WEB, Spring MVC and JPA & Hibernate
- Skilled in SOA implementation and B2B Integration using Spring Integration, Mule ESB and Tibco Business Works and Active Matrix
- Experienced in developing SOAP Web Services using Apache CXF
- Experienced in developing REST Web Services using Jersey
- Experienced in implementation of JPA and Hibernate ORM layer
- Experienced in setting up projects and hierarchy using Maven and Ant
- Experienced in implementing encryption and decryption using Java Cryptography Extension and Bouncy Castle Encryption
- Experienced in implementation and integration of document repository using JCR and Apache Jackrabbit
- Skilled in implementation, customization and orchestration of Workflows using JBOSS jBPM software
- Experienced in Performance Tuning and Multi - Threaded implementation of Java Applications
- Skilled in implementing Java Annotations and meta-data processing
- Experienced in importing and exporting excel sheets using Apache POI
- Experienced in XML serialization, transformation techniques and usage of JAXB, XSD WSDL and XSLT
- Experienced in using Oracle 10g/11i/12c database and writing SQL and PL/SQL Stored Procedures
- Experienced in using Tomcat, JBoss and Websphere servers
Programming Skills: Java 1.6/1.7/1.8, J2EE, JavaScript, AJAX, PL/SQL, XHTML, XSLT and CSS
Java Development Skills: JSP, Servlets, JSPF, JSF, Facelets, JSTL, JDBC, JMS, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, WSDL, SOAP, REST, JPA, JAXB, JTA, JNDI, JNI, JCE, XQUERY, CXF, AXIS, SOA, JUNIT, RSA, AES, Bouncy Castle Encryption, JCR, Jackrabbit, EasyMock, Mockito, JPublisher, Hudson, Corbetura, Jira, FishEye, Crucible and Bamboo.
Frameworks & Tools: Vaadin, Hybris, JBOSS jBPM, Struts, Spring MVC, Spring Web, Spring Security, Spring Tiles, OpenFaces, Hibernate, Bouncy Castle, Apache CXF, Jersey and Apache POI.
Servers/ESBs: Apache, Tomcat, Jetty, Jboss, Grizzly, Mule, Weblogic, Websphere and TIBCO
Databases: Oracle, SQL Server, MySql, DB2 and Informix
Persistence Tools: Hibernate, JPA, iBatis
Release Management and Version Control: Maven, Ant, Subversion, Clearcase, Perforce, JIRA, Teamtrack and VersionOne
Confidential, Morrisville, NC
Senior Java Developer
- Helped with UI/UX development of web site using SAP Hybris Framework
- Involved in developing Hybris infrastructure components that can be used in cmscockpit for development of screens
- Developed Promotions component following Hybris’ best practices of using Façade Pattern and Spring‘s Controller, Service and Data Access Object architecture.
- Developed required xml files for adding/editing the Promotions component to the web pages via cmscockpit
- Helped with development of JSP views and reusable TAGLIBS for product checkout module.
- Helped with Responsive Web Design of UI and developed CSS media queries for different screen resolutions/mobile devices
- Developed the Outlet Product Listing, Details and Pricing Page using JSP, TAGS and RWD CSS.
- Developed Affinity Discount Login Page used for Employee and Student Purchase Program and created the Controllers that delegate the authentication to gate keepers.
- Helped with creating content slots and pages using Hybris impex files
- Developed site map for the site to display brands, splitters, categories, products and accessories using Hybris Facades and Fast Search HQL Queries
Environment: Agile - Scrum, Java 1.7, J2EE, HTML5, CSS3, RWD, Ant, Hybris, Spring, Spring MVC, Hibernate, JSP, JSTL, Taglibs, Webservices, REST, JavaScript, jQuery, Lighbox, Bootstrap, Git, SourceTree, GitHub, Solr, Jira, Confluence, Jenkins, VMware and Unix.
Senior Java Developer/Technical Architect
- Helped with upgrading product from Applet based to Web based application using Vaadin Framework
- Developed prototypes and initial screens per module to Kick-off development using Vaadin Framework.
- Involved in developing Infrastructure components and generic Vaadin extensions to support and ease the development of screens
- Established Code Patterns and Best Practices and helped Developers with the usage of Vaadin Framework
- Helped with development of Java Annotation based field building and XML based binding system to support screen customizations.
- Developed annotations to store meta data of fields in the XML using JAXB marshaling and un-marshaling
- Developed Themes, custom SCSS Styles and Validation mechanisms for individual screens
- Helped with development of SOAP web services using CXF and RESTful web services using JAX-RS and Jersey
- Helped with development of RESTful web services that can produce and consume plain text, xml and json formats and implemented them using JPA @PersistenceContext
- Helped with development of form editor to customize the screens
- Helped with development of form/user exits to run custom java code per screen
- Developed generic Export to Excel functionality using Apache POI
- Developed infrastructure code for Key-board navigation, shortcuts and defined Access keys for individual screens
- Helped with setting up development Builds and Release management using Maven and Hudson
- Developed screens for Accounts Receivable and Sales Order Invoicing and Shipping modules
- Developed Bill of Material screen using Vaadin TreeTable that contains functionality like Right-Click context menu add-on and added Drag and Drop feature
- Helped with creation of Installation scripts using Apache Ant.
- Helped with generation of JPA objects and Hibernate set up
- Helped with auto wiring the views into Vaadin navigator and pop ups using Spring.
Environment: Agile - Scrum, Java 1.7/1.8, J2EE, JAXB, Java Annotations, Java Reflection, Vaadin 7, Spring, JPA, Hibernate, Web Services, JAX-WS, SOAP, Apache CXF, REST, Jersey, HTML, JavaScript, AJAX, CSS, SCSS, Maven, Ant, Apache POI, NIO, Oracle, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, JUNIT, Jira, Tomcat, JUNIT, VMware and Unix
Senior Java Developer
- Helped with upgrading the workflow software from to open source JBOSS jBPM.
- Helped with development of workflow engine that automates Purchase Order, Purchase Requisition and Request for Quote workflows.
- Helped with development of Java Annotation based runtime attribute evaluation system to support dynamic database changes that could happen within the workflow especially with human tasks waiting in queue
- Developed SOAP based Web Service APIs to workflow engine that start and modify workflow processes and human tasks using Apache CXF
- Generated the web service client specifications using JPublisher and loaded them into oracle so that they can be used as pl/sql functions from pl/sql code
- Developed and customized the Workflow Administration Console web application using JSF/Facelets, jBPM Tags, Custom Tags and Hibernate.
- Helped with defining COTS/Standard workflows that are bundled part of the product
- Helped with integration of Apache Jackrabbit into the product for Document storage
- Developed a Check-in and Check-out mechanism for documents that are attached to PO, PR or RFQ workflows
- Helped with creating Migration and Installation scripts using Apache Ant
- Implemented Multi-Threaded workflow migration process (InConcert to jBPM) and optimized the time taken to migrate ~50,000 workflows from 11 hours to 4 hours
- Implemented, Optimized and Tuned Performance of Multi-Threaded Document Migration process (InConcert to Apache Jackrabbit) and reduced the taken to migrate ~2 million documents from 80 hours to 10 hours
- Added password Encryption and Decryption logic for database connection pooling to eliminate the plain text passwords in configuration files.
- Helped with Customization of workflows and Custom java calls
- Helped with setting up the Development builds
- Helped with customer On-boarding of product.
Environment: Agile - Scrum, Java 1.6, J2EE, jBPM, JCR, Jackrabbit, Hibernate, Gravel, JSF, Facelets, JSP, JSTL, Webservices, JAX-WS, Apache CXF, WSDL, SOAP, JavaScript, Oracle, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, JPublisher, VisualVM, Oracle Forms, Workflows, Ant, Tomcat, JUNIT, VersionOne, TeamTrack, VMware and Unix.
Confidential, San Diego, CA
Senior Java Developer
- Helped with creating the web site using the frameworks Spring MVC, Spring Tiles, Spring Web and Spring Security
- Developed integration component for CRUD operations on Salesforce cases using the WSDL, Apache Axis and Eh-cache and integrated it with the web layer
- Developed XHTML/HTML web pages using JSP, JSTL and JQuery
- Customized the Spring Security to in corporate application specific data and added new filters for password update and terms and conditions acceptance
- Helped with design documents, continues integration, builds, version control, dependency management, release management and testing
Environment: Agile - Scrum, Java, J2EE, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Web, Spring Tiles, JSP, JSTL, Eh-cache, AXIS, Salesforce, WSDL, JAX-WS, SOAP, Mockito, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, Maven, Oracle, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, JUNIT, Crucible, FishEye, Jira, Bamboo, Crucible, Weblogic, SSL, VMware and Unix
Confidential, San Diego, CA
Senior Java Developer
- Helped with the database modeling and project design
- Created the project structure following the service component architecture with Spring and Maven
- Developed the application following Spring’s best practices - Service, Data Access Objects and Domain Model
- Used Spring annotation-based platform independent declarative transaction management to tie the database inserts, file generation, encryption and signature in an atomic transaction
- Used Maven assembly to create archive of executable application jar with dependent jars
- Implemented batch processing of SQL statements to improve performance
- Used RSA and AES encryption methodologies to encrypt data and create file signatures
- Helped with design documents, continues integration, builds, version control, dependency management, release management and testing
Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring, Spring JDBC, XML, XSD, OXM, JAXB, JTA, JNI, RSA, JCE, AES, SHA, Maven, Oracle, PL/SQL, Bouncy Castle Encryption API, JUNIT, VMware and Unix
- Involved in the design and development of extranet and intranet site using RESTful SOA architecture with JAVA, PL/SQL, XSLT
- Designed and developed generic XSL templates to render XHTML compliant web pages and added support for PDF using XSL-FO
- Developed an end-to-end system for importing and exporting program guide data to populate intranet, extranet and provide data to handsets
- Developed oracle stored procedures to handle business logic
- Helped with design documents, continues integration, builds, version control, dependency management, release management and testing
Environment: Agile - Scrum, Java, J2EE, Spring, Tomcat, JavaScript, AJAX, Prototype, XML, XSL, XSL-FO, XHTML, Xstream, Maven, JUNIT, Jira, Hudson, Oracle, PL/SQL and Stored Procedures
- Developed a service provider component for authorization and self - subscription from devices
- Developed BW integration components (providers and consumers) and assembled them in AMX
- Involved in the support and release management of components and applications
- Helped with moving the integration components to TIBCO infrastucture.
- Helped with design documents, version control, release management and testing
Environment: Java, J2EE, SOA, SCA, XML, XSD, XSL, WSDL, SOAP, JAXB, JAX-WS, Spring, Mule (ESB), JMS, Maven, Jira, Oracle, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, Oracle AQ, TIBCO (AMX, BW, EMS), VMware and Unix
Confidential, Bentonville, AR
Java Developer
- Designed and developed the application using Struts Framework and implemented flexibility for internationalization.
- Developed JSP web pages and added support to access language from the database
- Developed server side utilities for validation of legal rules for Common Law, Civil Union and Domestic partner relationships
- Developed modular and reusable helper classes, exception handling and multi-lingual support
- Involved in the business requirements gathering process, customer walkthroughs and legal sign-offs.
- Helped with creating pre and post implementation plans, testing and validation
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, Struts, HTML, DB2, WSAD, Websphere and Unix
- Designed and developed the site using Struts MVC Framework
- Designed and developed front end using combination of JSP and JSP fragments
- Designed and developed XSD and added JAXB compliance for XML parsing
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, JDBC, JAXB, JSTL, XSD, HTML, DB2, WSAD, Websphere, JUNIT, UNIX and Informix
Confidential, Erie, PA
Java Developer
- Developed survey web pages using JSP
- Developed access controls that help administrators to define users and their roles to perform different tasks.
- Designed and developed flexible role based report management to view or download survey results in the different formats like Excel, Word, Bar and Pie Charts.
- Developed classes to interface with LDAP for authentication and authorization
- Implemented auto alert E-mail system to notify survey participants on a selected frequency basis.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, OpenLDAP, Tomcat, Dreamweaver, chm2help, SQL Server, JFreecharts and JNI Registry