Junior Informatica Developer Resume
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Warren, NJ
- 8 Years of experience in Data warehousing environment in work experience as an ETL designer/developer in Informatica 9.1.0/Data Warehousing/ETL can be utilized and enhanced.
- Experience in using informatica 9.1(Repository Manager, Mapping Designer, Workflow Manager, Workflow Monitor, Transformation Developer).
- Extensively used Source Qualifier, Join, Connected and Unconnected Lookup, Normalize, Router, Filter, Expression, Aggregator, Stored Procedure, Sequence Generator, Sorter, Joiner, Update Strategy, Union Transformations, Mapplets.
- Ability to effectively communicate with business users, respond as per client needs and deliver on schedule.
- Involvedin Query tuning at database level (Indexes, Partitions, usage of all analytical and aggregate functions)
- Good client interfacing skills and demonstrated the same by interacting with Client from Offshore.
ETL: Informatica 9.1
Tools: Repository Manager, Mapping Designer, Workflow Designer
Operating System: Windows 7 & 8,UNIX
Database: Oracle 10g
Confidential (Warren,NJ)
Technologies: Informatica 9.1 and Oracle10g
- Identified the sources, targets and developed ETL mappings using Informatica 9.1.
- Attended multiple requirement gathering discussions and created Source to Target Detailed Design Documents.
- Worked with Offshore Development team in guiding them and also participated in Daily Scrum meetings with the Manager to keep updated on the status.
- Incorporated various transformations, Lookups, Expressions, Routers, Sequence generators, Mapplets, dynamic lookups and reusable transformations, Mapplets, Mapping Parameters in ETL maps.
- Worked extensively with complex mappings using expressions, aggregators, filters, lookup and procedures to develop and feed in Data Warehouse.
- Tuned the performance in ETL mapping.
- Interacted with Business Users and understood the design requirements of the users.
- Used different kinds of transformations like Router, Sorter, Source Qualifier, Joiner, Aggregator, Lookups both Connected and Unconnected Lookups, Expression, Expression, Sequence Generator, Union, Update Strategy to load data into target tables.
- Developed Scripting in Unix.
Confidential (Murray Hill, NJ)
Technologies: Informatica 9.1 and Oracle10g
- Experience in integration of various data sources with Multiple Relational Databases like Oracle Worked on integrating data from flat files like fixed width and delimited.
- Have extensively worked in developing ETL for supporting Data Extraction, transformations and loading using Informatica Power Center.
- Well acquainted with Informatica Designer Components - Source Analyzer, Warehouse Designer, Transformation Developer, Mapplet and Mapping Designer.
- Used MDM(Master data Management ) to analyze data for decision support system.
- Worked extensively with complex mappings using different transformations like Source Qualifiers, Expressions, Filters, Joiners, Routers, Union, Unconnected / Connected Lookups and Aggregators, Stored Procedures and Normalizers.
- Strong Experience in developing Sessions/tasks, Worklets, Workflows using Workflow Manager Tools - Task Developer, Workflow & Worklet Designer
- Extensively used Informatica Repository Manager and Workflow Monitor.
Technologies: Informatica Powercenter 9.1,Oracle 11i,SQL
- Involved in Analysis of functional side of the project by interacting with functional experts to design and write technical specifications.
- Involved in creation of detailed design document based on technical specifications.
- Extracted, transformed data from various sources such as Oracle, MS SQL, Teradata and Flat files and loaded into the target data warehouse.
- Created complex mappings using various transformations such as Joiner, Expression, Lookup (Connected/Unconnected), Aggregate, Filter, Update Strategy, Sequence Generator etc to implement the user requirements.
- Utilized Expressions, Aggregator, Union, Joiner, Router, Look up, Filter, Source Qualifier and Update Strategy transformations to implement business logic.
- Implemented SCD Type 1 and Type 2.
- Involved in the code changes and enhancements of the existing projects.
- Performance Tuning of the mappings to handle increasing data volume.
- Involved in migration of jobs to different environments (SIT, UAT, PROD)
- Performed Unit Testing and Integration Testing of Mappings and Workflows.
- Managing and leading the Onshore Offshore interaction.
Junior Informatica Developer
- Worked in developing ETL for supporting Data Extraction, transformations and loading using
- Worked with mappings using transformations like Source Qualifiers, Expressions, Filters, Joiners, Routers, Union, Connected Lookups and Aggregators, and Normalizers.
- Performed Unit Testing and Integration Testing of Mappings and Workflows.
- Worked With Informatica Designer Components - Source Analyzer, Warehouse Designer, Transformation Developer, Mapplet and Mapping Designer.
- Extracted Data from Sources like Oracle and Flat file.