Business Analyst Resume
New, JerseY
- Business Management graduate with 8+ years of experience in market data gathering, analysis and recommending predictive action seeks a similar work profile in a nationally/internationally reputed company.
- Researched over a 100 acquisition targets in the specialty chemicals industry and narrowed the list down to 9 companies using financial criteria such as revenue, growth and EBITDA. Resulted in the organization conducting additional due diligence on 3 companies
- Participated in a Global Projects evaluation meeting, where I presented techno - commercial financial feasibility studies in respect of Release Agents and Iso Butyl Benzene (IBB). Results included arriving at a consensus to pursue further study of this industrial sector based on parameters such as annual revenues and growth
- Conducted on-site and desktop research into the Indian Mining Industry viz a viz the usage of specialty chemicals across the Industry. By comparing our product mix against existing product usage, authored the specialty chemicals report section for the combined report with respect to the Indian Mining Industry
- After extensive studies of India based industrial resin manufacturing units, shortlisted candidate units based on parameters such as strategic manufacturing location, ownership in the private sector, minimum sales revenue above USD 10 million. This resulted in a congruence of intent to pursue future technology sharing
- Devised a transport cost reduction plan by adopting an optimum mix of reduced vehicle numbers and increased vehicle tonnage, resulting in a reduced number of consignments and was able to target cost reduction of 25 %
- Experienced in effective translation of business requirements into project scopes and inter-team collaboration towards in corporation of scope items into SDLC
- Created Project Requirement Documents and Project initiation charters and tracked projects based on initial requirement gathering, implementation scope and summaries and continual user feed-back
- Tracked product development/enhancement cycles for functional and delivery risks using review matrices and dependancy charts
- In depth knowledge Rational Unified Process (RUP) methodology, Use Cases, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) processes
- Extensive experience in developing Use Cases, creating Screen Mockups, conducting Gap Analysis and Impact Analysis, SWOT analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Risk Analysis.
- Facilitated Change Management across entire process from Project conceptualization to Testing through Project Delivery, Software Development and Implementation Management in diverse Business and Technical Environments.
- Involved in Test Planning, Test Preparation, Test Execution, Issue Resolution and Report Generation to assure that all aspects of a Project are in Compliance with the Business Requirements
- Facilitated changes to employer’s e-commerce and marketing web site
Automation / Representation: Microsoft: Visio, Access, Project, and Office Rational Rose, Rational RequisitePro and Rational Clearcase Documentum
Bug tracking Tools: HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Rational ClearQuest IBM Remedy for Incident Management
Reporting tools: SQl Server Reporting Services (SSRS), MS Access and MS Excel Crystal Reports
Testing Tools: QuickTest Pro
Content Management: Sharepoint Dynamics AX
Methodologies: SDLC (Waterfall, Iterative, Spiral) and RUP GAP, JAD, Heptalysis, PESTLE, SWOT Agile
Confidential, New jersey
Business Analyst
- Effectively captured and articulated business requirements from user interviews and then converted requirements into technical specifications
- Worked on multiple business tracks and derived Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS) based on User Requirement Specification (URS).
- Authored functional specification document for KPMG custom web based applications that illustrates the look and feel with current interfaces, minimizing the number of places/screens customers have to go
- Facilitated changes towards KPMG’s web based applications and other products through analysis, decision process facilitation, report preparation, developed cost-benefit analysis and tracked defects
- Developed wireframes for UI screens
- Worked closely with the Virtualization and Automation team to create
- Project initiation charters and PRDs (Project Requirement Documents)
- To create Visio based process flows describing visually the overall virtualization and DataCenter automation involved
- Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) to define an overall effort investment required for their projects
- Performed gap analysis to compare the existing system with the proposed system and documented new requirements and features
- ConductedFeasibility Studies, Data Analyses, Data Mapping, Gap Analyses, Risk Identification and Risk Assessment
- Interviewed Business Users to gather Requirements and analysed the feasibility of their needs by coordinating with respective project managers and technical leads
- Prepared Business Requirement Documents (BRD’s) using Rational RequisitePro, after collecting Functional Requirements from product owners/clients. These BRD’s in turn provided appropriate scope of work for technical teams to develop/enhance products.
- Facilitated sessions to bring business requirements and functionality into product development and enhancement cycles
- Reviewed Design Documents, Requirements Analysis Specifications with Project Lead, Business Owners and the Technical Lead
- Performed Gap Analysis for new functionality requirements, as well as prioritized them based on actual business needs so as to align them with the product release roadmap
- Tracked product development/enhancement cycles for functional and delivery risks using review matrices and dependancy charts
Assistant Manager - Business Development
- Identified new customers and market segments for existing product lines
- Contributed in defining scope of the project and defined fucntional specifications
- Analysed and documented project specifications
- Extensive market study using PESTLE analysis techniques in collaboration with global and local contacts
- Performed task decomposition, delegated tasks and monitored project milestones using MS Project
- Market report analysis involving SWOT studies.
- Designed and developed Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, and Data Flow Diagrams using MS Visio to define the Business Process
- Participated in national and international trade fairs
- Compiled a comprehensive list companies for acquisition
- Shortlisted criteria-targeted private organizations having manufacturing capabilities in India with annual revenues in excess of USD 10 million using extensive research skills, independent judgement, discretion and decision making skills along with the Heptalysis Analysis Business Technique
- Identified potentially synergistic target companies via trade shows and internet search using research databases and systems (Lexis Nexis, World Compliance, World Check,Mantas, GOOGLE, etc.) in order to disposition customers' cases as accurate as possible.
- Gathered Business Requirements, interacted with the stakeholders, developers, Project Manager and SME's and facilitated JAD sessions to formulate Business Processes.
- Created brief and detailed presentations on these companies based on business requirement ducoments using MS Visio, MS Word, MS Powerpoint MS Excel.
- Managed and coordinated project details, schedules and plans, assisted in developing change and configuration management plans to aid making contact with the selected company of interest.
Business Analyst
- Assisting the long term business goals of the company with emphasis on the Paint, Mining, Pharmaceuticals and Water Purification indstry sectors
- Exploring long term market entry opportunities for company’s existing and envisaged product ranges.
- Interviewed Business Users to gather Requirements and analyzed the feasibility of their needs by coordinating with the project manager and Sr. Business Analyst
- Derived Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS) based on User Requirement Specification URS. Understood and articulated business requirements from user interviews and then converted requirements into technical specifications.
- Performed GAP Analysis to compare the existing system with the proposed system and documented new requirements and features.
- Identified prospective companies for acquisition or joint ventures using PESTLE and Heptalysis Analysis Business Technique
- Created and managed Project Templates, Use Case Project Templates, Requirement Types and Traceability Relationships in RequisitePro
- Identifying business or product lines synergetic with the current business of the company using Requirement Traceability Matrices
- Assisting business units with market research of other companies with a view to acquisition, collaboration (joint venture) or new business start up
- Assessing the viability and profitability of a suggested project or investment idea using SWOT and PESTLE Analyses.
- Developed and Documented timelines for Project Delivery, and managed Projects and Resources to successful completion.
- Developed and managed Project Plans and Schedules. Managed resolution of Project issues and conflicts
- Drafted the project scope and vision and presented the same to the management committee.
- Provided expertise in strategic planning, business process modeling, business process analysis, use case modeling, use case analysis, component-based development, and quality assurance.
- Market analysis and study by reports, attending trade fairs, third party consultants
- In depth profiling of related industry sectors to define market, market share, key players and industry spread.
- Conducted interviews with various business users to collect requirement and business process information and documented them using MS Visio
- Analyzed the feasibility of requirements by coordinating with the project manager using the Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM)
- Conducting market study and making presentations and reports on prospective industries
- Visits to industry specific areas, key players in an industry Acted as the primary liaison between the business stakeholders and technical teams to make communication and development efforts more effective
- Conducted and participated in walkthroughs to discuss certain issues with the development, design team and QA team
- Preparation of quarterly roll out reports detailing latest performance reviews of the company
- Collation of information on progress from all business lines
- Working on quarterly presentations made to colleagues regarding the roll out
- Preparation of document templates
- Assisted in on-going process improvement efforts to ensure Test Planning, Execution, and Reporting is effective, efficient, standardized, coordinated, and integrated
Assistant Manager - Production Planning
- Worked with multilple departments to compile production plan/schedule
- Liased with sales and production units to link business processes to organizational objectives for business process improvement.
- Created availability schedules of resources with respect to production and customer requirements using GAP analysis to compare all elements of existing “as in” with desired “to be” processes
- Organized and chaired requirement analysis meetings to translate production needs using Functional Requirement Specifications (FRS) based on User Requirement Specification (URS).
- Understood and articulated business requirements from user interviews and then converted requirements into technical specifications
- Balanced sales inventory vis a vis production schedule
- Formulated project plans including analysis, development and implementation
- Maintained and updated weekly sales figures based on Requirement Traceability Matrices (RTM) to trace all level of requirements and test cases.
- Performed Gap Analysis for new functionality requirements, as well as prioritized them based on actual business needs so as to align them with the product release roadmap
- Conducted analysis of finished goods inventory
- Perform and maintain Business Process Improvement (BPI) to keep record movement of material, and a record of those products that are being held up and need to be sold on priority basis
- Recording inward entry of goods received at plant site
- Inventory control management, proper inventory control, regulation of material coming into the organisation premises
Business Analyst
- The Capital Goods Industry
- Researched the chemical industry capital goods market in India
- Conducted technical/non-technical presentations to the management
- Subsequently identify and present on, industry related capital goods suitable for sustainable manufacturing investment using MS Visio and MS PowerPoint
- The Petrochemical Industry
- Researched and presented on the Indian Petrochemical Industry and identify upcoming financial investment regions across India.
- Developed Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) to record the requirements through each stage of requirement gathering process.
- Created a research based reakdown of the regions wih respect to business incentives, prevailing infrastructure, economic policies and commercial advantages available using the PESTLE Analysis technique
- In depth analysis and profiling of key players in the Indian Petrochemical Industry and of organizations investing in these regions.
- Indian Chemical Industry Landscape Rhein Chemie
- Detailed study on Indian companies having business lines similar to that of the Rhein Chemie business unit
- Interacted with the stakeholders to get a better understanding of business processes to gather business requirements.
- Identified and summarised profiles of companies synergistic with the current business or falling under its chain
- Short listing of companies based on best synergetic fit and presenting detailed profiles of those companies for the purpose of new growth opportunities
- Logistics cost reduction for the Rubber Chemicals Department
- Studied and presented on the different transports used, warehouse sites, routes and customer locations using decision process facilitation, report preparation
- Provided expertise in strategic planning, time management, business process modeling, business process analysis, object-oriented analysis & design, use case modeling, use case analysis and quality assurance.
- To reduce the cost incurred by the Rubber Chemicals Department for transportation of its chemicals to warehouses using Cost Benefit Analysis and to track problem areas throughout the country.
- Analysis of sites, chemical parks and avenues for development of chemical industry in India
- To understand the Indian Chemical Industry, its investment options with respect to SEZs (Special Economic Zones)
- Detailed study of the SEZs and the incentives offered in these regions
- A comprehensive study of the different chemical industry segments and of the key players in those segments
- Derive a heightened perspective of the industry within the Indian economy
Jr. Business Analyst
- Compilation of group companies’ publicity portfolio for international exhibitions and trade fairs.
- Upgrade company website post comparative analysis with competitor websites
- Facilitated changes to the company e-commerce web site and other marketing programs through analysis, decision process facilitation, report preparation, developed cost-benefit analysis and tracked defects.
- Involved in walkthroughs and meetings with development team to discuss related issues.
- Developed wireframes for UI screens
- Identified gaps and inefficiencies in the existing process and systems and gathering the user wish-list.
- Assisted in on-going process improvement efforts to ensure Test Planning, Execution, and Reporting is effective, efficient, standardized, coordinated, and integrated.
- Finance
- Developed Business Requirement Documents and Functional Design Documents.
- Worked with project management to analyze change requests to determine what is being requested and did the required.
- Preparation of proposals for intercompany deposits within the group and creating intercompany desposit document templates using MS Office
- Compiled documents comprising studies of selected international pharmaceutical markets with a view to enhance company revenues vis a vis acquisition, and setting up green field ventures