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Divisional Electrical Engineer Resume

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  • :I’m BS Electrical Engineer graduate and have 30+ years of experience in Electrical Engineering systems using electronics/electrical engineering principles in investigation, analysis, plan, design, development, implementation, testing, and evaluation of electrical systems.
  • I've hands on experience in Electrical wiring Diagram and have good understanding of electrical/electronic components. I've hands on experience on Microsoft office tools like Excel and Word.
  • I have good working knowledge of low voltage, motor controls, and have worked extensively in Power distribution (120V, 480V, 5kV), lighting, grounding, motor controls, and heat tracing. I have worked in Power house (two 110 MW units) heavy industry.
  • I have working knowledge of Microsoft Office products, and AutoCAD 2d.
  • I worked in consulting environments before.


Drawings: Electrical, Civil, mechanical, and structural drawings; plan, elevation, and section; isometric views; geographical maps, contours, longitudes, latitudes

Physical science: F.P.S and C.G.S units, vector and scalar representation; properties of solids, liquids and gases; linear, circular and harmonic motions; simple and compound machines, derricks, cranes, winches, etc; work, power and energy; velocity and acceleration

Computers: Windows 2000/NT/98/95, MS Word, M Excel, MS PowerPoint, Oracle, PeopleSoftS

Heat: Conduction, convection and radiation; expansion of solids, liquids and gases; Thermometry, heat exchangers, thermocouple, thermocontrol, calorimetry, specific heat, latent heat

Thermodynamics (applied to heat engines):Adiabatic and isothermal expansion, Carnot cycle, diesel cycle; boilers, heat exchangers; steam engines and turbines;

Electromagnetic Spectrum: Dispersion of light, visible spectrum, UV and infra - red rays, Wave length, band width; micro and radio waves; x-rays, alpha, beta and Gama, rays

Light: Reflection, refraction; spherical mirrors and lenses; focal length; diffraction; Band width, Photometry, laser, electron microscope, telescope; solar energy;

Sound: Forced vibrations, progressive waves, velocity, resonance

Magnetism: Properties, lines of force, electromagnetism

Electricity: Static and dynamic electricity; storage cells, batteries; circuits; Ohm s law,joules law; electrolysis: electromagnetic induction; Dynamos and motors; Induction, squirrel cage, synchronous motors; Generators, transformers; their design and utilization; atomic and modern Physics; multi meter, watt-hour meter (electromagnetic mechanical clock type to electronic digital); application, calibration, standardization and maintenance; metering and tariff

Surveying, civil and mechanical engineering: Chain and theodalite survey; dumpy leveling, estimating, mark outs, building construction, R.C.C, masonry, wooden; stress, strain, bending moment and shearing force; steel structures, welding, jointing, riveting of work shop technology; hydraulics and water turbines.

Electronics: Thermionic valves and vacuum tubes, C.R.O., Semi conductors andTransistors, pnp and npn types, ac/dc converters, rectifiers, MG set,Inverters, AM/FM modulations, frequency generators; Integrated circuits





  • Also, pursued continuing and in computer systems - Windows, MS Excel; MS Word ; MS PowerPoint; AutoCad, Database Management Systems; Oracle, Developer 2000; Oracle Financials, PeopleSoft; Java, Binary and Base x systems; Hardware; MS Excel 2016


Divisional Electrical Engineer


  • Supervised and managed construction, operation and maintenance of overhead L.T.,H.T.and E.H.T.(single pole, double pole, multipole and structural tower) lines, transmission and distribution feeders up to 220 k.v. with connected switch-gear, setting routes and statutory safety clearances; stub setting, curing, erection of structure; fixing insulators such as pin, disc, shackle, guy, post type insulators; L.A.s etc; paving and stringing of necessary conductor and earth wires such as A.C.S.R., copper, G. I.; all aluminum conductors. Maintenance of clearances with telecom lines crossing buildings, rail, road, rivers and bridges.
  • Tested power lines and substations for megger values. Frequently inspected (particularly pre-monsoon) power lines by camping where necessary. Maintenance of tree and other clearances; crossing of power lines with each other and with telecom lines; testing of fault locations by impedance and bridge methods using OFB,ZFB(English electric) test kits etc, for fault locations.
  • Hotline maintenance of all lines and substations without availing shot down; replacement of strain discs, insulators(both for tangent and straight locations), rectification of closing and opening of blades of isolators and A.B. switches or any problems with switchgear, prevention of snapping of conductors by suitable metallic reinforcement of weaker sections of the conductors, lines and supports. Replacement of worn-out angles, channels or any section members of towers and structures.
  • Filtering of transformer oils and testing for di-electric strength for 30seconds and more. Periodical maintenance of power transformers upto 100 M.V.A. Installation of indoor and outdoor switchgear such as electrical breakers of all types; O.C.B.s;M.O.C.Bs, A.B.C.Bs, isolators, air break switches, S.F.6 breakers etc.


Asst Divisional Engineer (Electrical)


  • Study and scrutiny of loads on the section of the grid system of 4 revenue circles (including Hyderabad metro) i.e.one forth of the state, in the chief engineer’s office and according additional load sanctions, including 33 k.v. substations on the grid. Scrutiny of rural Electrification programs of cluster of villages and accoding sanctions.


Asst Divisional Engineer (Electrical)


  • Periodical maintenace of power and station transformers upto 8 M.V.A. Maintained Hyderabad metro area 33 k.v.ringmain and feeders with 10 nos. 8 m.v.a and 5 m.v.a. transformers and 8 nos. 33/11 k.v.substations and connected grid switchgear.Also maintained 11 k.v. underground cables.


Asst Divisional Engineer (Electrical)


  • Surveyed, estimated and submitted proposals for electrification of 100 rural villages and got sanctioned of them. Electrified 30 Nos rural villages and one 33/11 k.v substation by extending supply to 33 k.v, 11 k.v and 415v lines by carreying all connected technical work.


Asst Divisional Engineer (Electrical)


  • Worked in erection, testing and commissioning of 4 nos.each110 M.W.s coal fired suspension type boilers, their auxiliaries; turbine and feed water pumps. Erected clarified water plant for power station and colony, Demineralisation plant, chlorination equipment, ash collection hoppers, electrostatic precipitators for 2 units. Established chemical laboratory for testing coal, water, ash, hydrogen, flue gases, boiler and furnace contents etc.
  • Erected complete 415v (Seiman’s switch gear) and 6.6 K.V. (Asia Brown Boveri, Sweeden) indoor switchgear systeems including power and control cabling systems; tested and commissioned. Erected 220 k.v.switch yard, tested and commissioned.
  • Erected, tested and commissioned air conditioning plant for all control plants, control rooms and offices; Worked as shift generating and controlling engineer for last 3 ½ years for 7th and 8th units.


Junior Electrical Engineer


  • Worked as technical engineer for meters, relays and transformers testing electrical protection division. Electrified 4 villages. Worked as Government inspection engineer for consumer electrical installations.


Junior Electrical Engineer


  • Worked as electrical and mechanical engineer for electrical and mechanical safety; of workmen and staff in efficient operation and maintenance. Attended consumer Electric supply complaints. Educated public in safe utilization of electricity. First aids; avoidance of recurrence; minimizing of accidents; safety measures.


Junior Electrical Engineer


  • Worked as Junior Engineer, electricity, operation and maintenance of 33 k.v,11 k.v, 415v lines, and 33/11 k.v substations and consumer distribution systems.

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