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Cdn Architect/engineer Resume

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Westford, MA


  • A business leader with a consistent history of business process enhancement success. An outstanding record of delivering high tech webcasting / digital media solutions to a variety of industries. Managed and implemented numerous high end events in large venues for television and radio networks with strategic initiatives and project management innovations to accelerate performance and delivery. Developed systems and managed programs for OEM, telco, government, retail, religious, utilities, financial services and providing solutions start to finish with emphasis on sales & marketing and social media. Developed personal and strategic relationships with global executives worldwide. A team builder with keen problem solving skills and strong negotiating skills bringing the following core competencies to the table:
  • Strategy Development and Planning
  • Hardware/Software Outsourcing
  • Contract Negotiation/Client/Providers
  • Infrastructure/CDN/Webcasting/Satellite
  • Client Liaison/Relationship Management
  • Shared Services/Remote Administration
  • Purchasing /Multi - Vendor Coordination
  • Satellite Acquisition and Delivery
  • RFQ/RFP Response Strategies
  • Multimedia Production and Development
  • Case Modeling
  • Webcasting/Teleconferencing/Signage



Confidential - Westford, MA


  • I am currently working on the MFC (Media Flow Controller) CDN project with the Services Surround Integration Team at Confidential, supporting Next Gen CDN development, deployment and product management.


CDN architect/Engineer


  • Contracted through Confidential to be a resource to Confidential Communications as a CDN Architect/Engineer.
  • Collaborative engineering of CDN architecture for video distribution through Telco infrastructure.
  • Rack and stack CDN HW/SW solutions with heavy emphasis on configuration, DNS, DHCP.
  • QA testing of vendor CDN middleware, (Bake off of Verivue, Cisco, Edgecast, Velocix, etc)

Streaming Media Architect/Engineer / Network Consultant



  • Contracted through Confidential to write deliverables of high end architecture to the Video group.
  • Consulted IT in its delivery of proprietary video distribution using RTMP/RTSP for delivery of video assets to mobile devices (Apple OS/Blackberry/Android)
  • Technical drawings and integration plans for entire MLBM regional offices and central datacenter.

Streaming Media ARCHITECT/PRODUCT MANAGEMENT/Network Consultant



  • Contracted through Confidential to write deliverables of high end architecture to the IT group for eCDN.
  • Consulted with the IT group in its delivery of proprietary video distribution using Confidential Smooth Streaming.
  • Technical drawings and integration plans for entire Confidential regional offices and central datacenter.

CTO / STREAMING ENGINEER / CDN ARchitecture Consultant / PRODUCT MANAGER - Business Owner

Confidential - Greensboro NC - Baton Rouge, LA


  • Acquisition of Confidential assets and intellectual properties in 2000.
  • Technical liaison between IT, business units and outsourced media hosting providers.
  • Evaluated the customer need through use case analysis to find the best of class solution.
  • Hired as a consultant to fortune 500 companies to address best of class CDN/Streaming solutions.
  • Technical support for all aspects of media computing, OS, Windows Media, Real Networks, Flash Technologies for private and public networks including teleconferencing.
  • Managed proprietary products and services with emphasis on strategic marketing.
  • Provide strategic, tactical and operational leadership for technology infrastructure, media services, support and managed events.
  • Over the past several years consulted large organizations, helping them bring on Streaming / IPTV technologies to their core IT platforms. This included Wowza Servers, Adobe Flash Servers, Windows Media delivery, both from the hardware end to the GUI/CMS interfaces for content delivery which included Accordent, VMIX, Ooyala, ThePlatform and others.
  • End to end test and quality assurance of all network and streaming platforms. Analytical testing procedures in place to assure best of class, service and standards.
  • Senior member of the team that delivered major webcasting and satellite events to stadium environments, civic arenas and private corporate communications.
  • Negotiated favorable hardware and software purchases, licensing agreements and platforms for media servers and services throughout the world. This included the CDN component needed to deliver large amounts of bandwidth for large events.
  • Long term committed relationships with bandwidth providers, state of the art data centers, and satellite providers having a working knowledge of all technologies related.
  • Developed a cost and service review to provide hard numbers for executive decision-making.
  • Implemented a shared media services environment, an infrastructure media outsourced solution credited with creating unique historic events for television and the Internet through webcasting, television and satellite technologies.
  • Responsible for production of multimedia presentations for scheduled events including commercials, marketing and Internet Interactive communications.

Webcast Sales Engineer / Account Management / PRODUCT MANAGEMENT

Confidential, Philipsburg, PA


  • Established long-term executive/client partnerships by remaining attuned to client needs, helped in writing grants to fund solutions provided.
  • Helping define and drive WebcastCenters delivery of Streaming Media and Content Delivery Network Solutions.
  • Reduced risk and complexity of programs by understanding and anticipating cross-project dependencies
  • Crafted solutions for the state of Pennsylvania’s high schools and museums that became the model for linking the state’s government with projects that put new technology into the hands of the students, achieved by incorporating industry best practices with practical leadership and .
  • Establishing connections between Pennsylvania High Schools and the State Governor’s office.
  • Established working relationships with institutions as well as government agencies including the US Senate and Congress.
  • Historically provided the webcasting solutions to the Billy Graham Evangelical Association in 1998 and became the first live online webcast of a Billy Graham Crusade from Tampa Florida.
  • The first teleconference/webcast live wedding in 1997 with Rev. Jerry Falwell.
  • Pittsburgh Museum of Science’s live webcast from the Galapagos Island exploration. Technology so new we had to provide generators, satellite Internet connections and encoding computers.
  • Internationalbusiness solutions to corporations with satellite locations throughout the world.

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