Software Engineer Resume
Herndon, VR
PLATFORMS - Sun Ultra Enterprise 4000/5000/6000/10000, Sun Ultra 5/10/60/80, Sun R280, Sun Blade, HP C3000/C7000 Blade.
MASS STORAGE- Sun SPARC Storage Array, Sun A1000/D1000, Sun A5000, EMC 3400/3700.
MASS STORAGE UTILS- Sun Solstice Disk Suite 4.2, Raid Manager 6.22
TAPE LIBRARIES- IBM 3494, Exabyte EXB-440/480.
NETWORK -Ethernet (100BaseT, 10BaseT, Fiber), ATM, and FDDI.
ANALYZERS -Network General Sniffer, GNU Ethereal.
RTOS -VxWorks, HP-RT.
OS- Sun Solaris 10, Linux, Windows XP.
VIRTUALIZATION- VMWare Workstation 6.x, VMWareESXi 4.x RDBMS- Oracle 10g, MySQL 5.0
SOA- GlassFishOpenESB v2.x
LANGUAGES- Java, C++, C.
DEVELOPMENT TOOLS- Eclipse, Net Beans,Rational Suite Development Studio, MS Visual C++.
GUI --JFC Swing, XWindows.
APPLICATION SERVERS -JBoss 5.x, Oracle WebLogic10.x, Apache, GlassFish v2.x
PORTALS -LifeRay 5.2
DEVELOPMENT PROCESS- Rational’s Unified Process (RUP), Scrum, CMMI Level 3
, Confidential, Herndon Virginia
Software Engineer, Defense Security Service (DSS)
DSS is a federal agency supportingnational security by securing the nation\'s technological base, andoverseeingthe protection of US and foreign classified information.Northrop Grumman is tasked withdelivering and deploying enterprise applications incorporating singlesign-on (SSO) for their web portal customer service applications for internal and external customers. Northrop Grumman utilizes anN-Tierjava based architectureand Oracle Sun Microsystems products to deliver this solution. As a member of the Northrop Grumman integrated software and hardware team assisted with the following tasks.
- Developed a Java package to handle account policy management between Sun Directory Server Enterprise Edition and an enterprise service. Package utilized JNDIand SPMLv2.
- Developed simple JSR-168 Portletsfor Liferay 5.2.Portlets were used to verify User Communities/Roles for testing.
- Developeda set of VMwareWorkstation host configurationsto assist staff with the development of architectural elements. This technique allowed team members to work on specificaspects of the architecture without the need for additional hardware and allowed components of the architecture to be reused across the team without individual installation and configuration.
- Tasked with building a prototype Service Oriented Architecture.Researchedcurrent SOA implementationsto determine nest selection criteria. Based on criteria selected GlassfishOpenESB to build two prototype services usingthe SOAPBinding Component/LDAP Binding Component/BPEL Service Engineand SOAP Binding Component/Database Binding Component/BPEL Service Engine.Developed simple web applications to show full end-to-end testing.
- Integrated BEA WebLogic 10.3, Oracle 10g R2 database, and Oracle WebCenter Interaction 10g. The WebCenter Interaction integration was not well documented. Worked directly with Oracle/Sun technical support to complete, test, and document.
- Installation and configuration of F5 BigIP LTM VE for development environments at NGC.Task included writing basic iRules to direct traffic base on URIs and pool management.
- All work was documented and published on team MediaWiki.
Software Engineer, Navy Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) Team
As a team member of the Navy’s General Dynamics Littoral Combat Ship Team, L3 Marine is responsible for ship automation and control systems. To fulfill its requirements L3 Marine utilizes its ECS product line of VME based distributed consoles and remote terminal units designed to support industry standard control interfaces (Modbus, Profibus, serial) to a variety of machines and sensors. As a member of the L3 Marine LCS ECS integrated software and hardware team I assisted with the following tasks.
- Assist with requirements refinement, draft interface design description, software design, and unit test documents.
- Support installation and configuration ECS software in integration lab.
- Assist building internal and customer software releases.
- Integrate, configure and test new L3 ECS Core control interface software (Ada). Modify and enhance LCS specific application code using Rose RTU (anAda code generator).
- Conduct peer reviews of software related CMMI artifacts.
Software Engineer
As member of the corporate Software Engineering Process Group, supportprocess improvement and tool implementation issues related to use of Rational Enterprise Suite.
- Developguide lines for applying Rational Unified Process best practices to specific project needs.
- Created integrated Rational Tool Suite test bed to investigate tool integration, workflow, and tool use in support of software process improvement. This test bed was comprised of Clear Case LT, ClearQuest, RequistePro, Rose, TestManager, ProjectConsole and RUP.
- Configured Rational Project Console 2002.05.20 to collect custom codemetrics for project management.
Perform as small team lead in a component based development environment using CMM Level 3 processes. DRS was responsible for integrating a large custom graphical code base and providing a facade design pattern for ease support for multiple COTS packages. Responsibilities included:
- Risk Analysis and Risk Mitigation strategy.
- Requirements Management.
- Work Planning and Reporting.
- Managing streams using Rational ClearCase UCM.
- Developed UNIX shell scripts, with ClearCase commands and existing application build scripts, to implement a nightly build system with email notification to Microsoft Exchange.
Performed as a team member in a component based development environment using CMM Level 3 processes.Responsible for analysis, design,and implementation of specific components of the application.Utilized Rational Rose (UML) to model component and do code stub generation. Application was then cross platform compiled using Microsoft Visual C++, and Sun Forte C++ 6.0.
- Performed in integrator role for project components for two platforms and two COTS based packages.
- Developed multi-threaded sample application utilizing mutex locks to handle multiple external interfaces (time, Java GUI, data feed).
Prototype and developed server side code using the J2EE multi-tiered architecture. Server side technologies included Application Servers, Java Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), Java Server Pages (JSP), Java Servlets, Java Mail, Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), and Java Database Connectivity (JDBC).
- Integrate and test application servers on Red Hat Linux 7.0 and Oracle 8i. Specific testing was completed with Oracle 9i AS and WebLogic 6.0sp2.
- Install and configure CVS pserver on Red Hat Linux to support CM functions for project remote access to the repository.
- Configure WebLogic to use Oracle8i as Security Realm providing single source authentication.
- Developed client/server power management application allowing a singleattached UPS to service multiple VME chassis in a single system rack. Project was completed ahead of schedule. Application featured:
- UDP broadcast for client/server communications.
- Single source daemon process.
- Support for multiple UNIX variants, HP-RT, HP-UX, Solaris, Linux, and PowerMAX.
9, Confidential. Fairfax, Virginia
UNIX Systems Administration
- Provide support to large data center of Sun Ultra Enterprise 4000/5000/6000/10000 class servers. Duties include day-to-day administrative tasks, trouble-shooting, and system engineering support of enterprise servers and internet servers.
- Integrated IBM 3494 Tape Library with Sun Ultra Enterprise 10000. Worked closely with IBM and Sun Microsystems technical support during integration, testing.
- Manage EMC 3400/3700 Raid Mass Storage Systems utilizing Veritas Volume Manger 2.4.
- Maintain Internet web servers.
- Provide life-cycle-programming support to VxWorks real-time application on VME chassis. Chassis supports two i960 processors with additional memory and proprietary boards.
- Provide analysis and testing of software architecture capabilities for future performance enhancements.
- Configure development environment consisting of Sun SPARC 5, RCS source control, and LAN access to network, and rack setup.
Provide life-cycle support to C, XWindows, and Informix DBMS distributed application on HP platform.
- Updated GUI interface with Code Center View Center 2.5 GUI developer.
- Document and provide systems analysis of communications interface.
7 ConfidentialVienna, Virginia
Software Engineer
- As a member of a software development team provide life-cycle support of C, C++, XWindows application for Sun and HP platforms.
- Updated application GUI employing XWindowsMotif/Xt toolkit.
- Convert existing application UIL code to Motif/Xt based code.
- Developed prototype communications API using BSD sockets as proof of concept for architectural enhancements.