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Hp-ux Consultant Resume

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Houston, TX


  • Obtain a contract position as a HP - UX System Analyst, with expert skills in HP-UX thru 11.31, Confidential MC Service Guard, Confidential Data Protector, Tivoli Workload Scheduler, Hp-Ignite servers, SAN, Confidential PA-RISC and Itanium hardware, Confidential LVM management, VPAR configuration, Confidential patch management, Korn/Bourne Shell scripting, and Oracle Infracture support. I specialize in large scale projects, including datacenter migrations, large scale upgrades, datacenter moves, new system and cluster builds, etc.


  • Provided HP-UX hardware specification for Confidential 9000 server acquisition.Installed and configured HP-UX(10.x/11.x/VPARS) operating system including support tools.
  • Support installation of SAP R/3 and Oracle version 8/8i/9i/10i.
  • Provided configuration and installation of Confidential MC Service Guard for high system availability.
  • Supported the acquisition, installation, and configuration of system support tools including Confidential MC Service Guard, HP-UX Vantage-Point performance monitor, Tivoli’s Maestro batch scheduler, Confidential Data Protector backup Subsystem, Confidential Ignite-HX, scripting, TCP/IP, NFS, DNS and more.
  • Installation, configuration and database creation using Oracle version 8/8i/9i supporting client server applications including Oracle Sqlnet configuration to support desktop connectivity.
  • Confidential XP-512 installation and configuration using SAN connectivity in a high availability Confidential service guard environment.




  • As a HP-UX consultant, I work as a Confidential resource during the migration of the HP-UX support from Confidential to Confidential at the Confidential data centers. During the migration the Confidential systems had to be verified as fully functional and fully backed up, using Confidential Data Protector and Ignite-UX. All MC Service Guard environments had to be fully functional, as well. All work performed by me was remote. The project was completed on 11/25/2013



  • As a HP-UX MC Service Guard Consultant, I provided technical support for a HP-UX 11.23 Service Guard two node cluster during a project to migrate from EMC storage to IBM storage using a SVC connection interface to the storage units. The total time for this project was 2 weeks, including travel to New Haven, Ct. to complete the migration.



  • As a HP-UX consultant I was a part of the HP-UX migration team. As a team member I am charged with the migration of Confidential 9000 and Confidential Integrity applications from there current location in Boulder, Co to a new data center in Lebanon, Oh. The methods used as part of this migration are Ignite-UX backups and restores from current to new site for the OS(HP-UX 11.0 - 11.31) and Netbackup is used to move application data. Confidential MC Service Guard functions are brought up in the new data center as new Confidential nodes are put in service. Creation on application file systems in the new data center are a part of these task. Installation and connectivity of system managements agents are also part of this process. The total number of systems to be moved is in excess of 150. I also served 24x7 HP-UX support during each weekend cutover.



  • In this position I installed HP-UX on 27 Confidential blades servers and configured the backup using Confidential Data Protector. This included using Ignite servers to do bacups and system replications. .All applications and support tools were set up in a Confidential MC Service Guard environment, including network interface failover. All of the applications supported used Oracle as the relational database. I support Oracle versions 8.4 thru 10G. I also set up Confidential Ignite-UX servers to provide standalone backup and use existing Ignite backup to build new systems. We also built and supported Confidential VPAR(Virtual Partition) systems.

Confidential, Houston, Tx


  • In this position I worked with new Confidential Integrity servers. I set up a Confidential Ignite server to initially build and backup other HP-UX OS systems. I was the sole HP-UX resource brought in to install HP-UX on 8 Integrity servers in the new Confidential Blade Server enclosures. I also install and configured MC Service Guard, including the creation of 4 service guard clusters. Each cluster contained two service guard packages each. The OS was HP-UX 11.31. I created the backups using CommVault as the backup subsystem. The primary application for these systems was SAP using Oracle.

Confidential, Houston, Tx


  • In this position, I currently support the creation of new Confidential Service Guard packages in support of the Confidential migration of 150 Datacenters down to 6. I am also a part of the new system build team that builds about 30 new systems a week.All applications and support tools were set up in a Confidential MC Service Guard environment, including network interface failover. All of the applications supported used Oracle as the relational database. I support Oracle versions 8.4 thru 10G. I also set up Confidential Ignite-UX servers to provide standalone backup and use existing Ignite backup to build new systems. We also built and supported Confidential VPAR(Virtual Partition) systems.

Confidential, Atlanta, Ga


  • In this job I was the Unix team lead to build a new HP-UX, Confidential 9000 data center. We established this data center in a remote environment from our office. I established the backup and restore policies using Confidential Data Protector and the Tivoli Workload Scheduler(TWS) to coordinate shutdown jobs, backup data lists and startup jobs. I was also the lead in establishing high available environments using Confidential MC Service Guard. All applications and support tools were set up in a Confidential MC Service Guard environment, including network interface failover. All of the applications supported used
  • Oracle as the relational database. I support Oracle versions 8.4 thru 10G. I also set up Confidential Ignite-UX servers to provide standalone backup and use existing Ignite backup to build new systems. We also built and supported Confidential VPAR(Virtual Partition) systems. I have extensive experience using the Confidential LVM, SAN integration and Confidential storage arrays. I have upgraded the TWS from version 5.2 to version 8.2, including implementing the Tivoli Job Scheduling Console. As part of the backup environment included multi-tape tape libraries. I have worked with the Brocade, CISCO and other switches as well as the XP512, EVA and VA storage arrays.

Confidential, Houston, Tx


  • I was a part of the team that used HP-UX on Confidential 9000 servers to provide a platform for a larger SAP installation. We built over 150 Confidential 9000 servers using HP-UX version 10.01 thru 11.00, Confidential Data Protector, Confidential MC Service Guard, Confidential Ignite-UX servers and Tivoli Workload Scheduler(Maestro). I provided remote 24x7 support. I also provided the lead interface to the Oracle database support group. I worked with the Oracle group to develop backup and restore procedures, including on-line backup and timely restores.
  • Installed 2 Maestro Master nodes, version 4.3, each in a two node HP-UX Service Guard environment.
  • Installed 95 Maestro agents, version 4.3 on HP-UX nodes.. Each Application's Maestro agent was also configured in two node HP-UX Service Guard environments.
  • Created Application shutdown and startup Maestro Jobs, along with Confidential Data Protector backup
  • Maestro Jobs, including dependencies to provide consistent Applications and Oracle backups.
  • Upgraded all Maestro agents to version 5.2 from version 4.3.
  • Install and configured Tivoli Job Scheduling Console on all Windows XP desktops.
  • Trained all IT support on Tivoli Job Scheduling Console.
  • Confidential Data Protector version 4.x thru 6.20 experience
  • Configured HP-UX clients for disk and media agents.
  • Used TWS batch schedule along with Data Protector to configure and schedule system and application backups, including Oracle and SAP.
  • Used Confidential OVO operation center to monitor success and failures of backup.
  • Upgraded Confidential DP from version 4.x to version 5.0.

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