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Chief Architect/technologist Resume

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  • Dynamic leader with unique Software System Engineering and Operations Research System Analytics expertise.
  • Combination of 29+ years of hands - on, practical technical architecture/design/implementation coupled with 11 years of experience in operations, personnel and logistics planning, execution and supervision.IT engineering projects’ breadth of complexity range from small (35 employees), through mid-sized (700-1700 employees) and into large (300,000 employees) companies.
  • Extensive software system integration and design experience to include hardware, software and security components on a global scale.
  • Transcontinental and continental network engineering experience on multiple continents. Data center design, engineering and operations in 15 countries.
  • Information System infrastructure design and re-engineering experience used to integrate heterogeneous systems into global homogeneous systems.


Databases: Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, Superbase, Access, DB2

Operating Systems: (Intel) Windows 3.x, Windows NT (3.51 & 4.0), Windows 95, 98, ME, 2K & XP; (UNIX) Solaris 2.x-10, AIX 4.3.2, O/S2, LINUX, FreeBSD

Programming Languages: FORTRAN and JAVA

Markup Languages: HTML, XML, and BPEL

Notation Language: Unified Modeling Language (UML) 1.x and 2.0, SysML

Application Servers: Oracle Application Server 10g, SUN JAVA Application Server Suite

Web Servers: Oracle Web Server 6.1, SUN JAVA Web Infrastructure Platform Suite

COTS: Infoterra Grantium 3.0, AINS CATXPress, AINS SCANXpress, AINS REDACXpress, EMC Documentum Enterprise Content Server, Interwoven WorkSite

Tools: Rational’s Rose (CASE), Borland’s Together (CASE), Visual Cafe (JAVA Development Environment), Powerbuilder (Powerscript Development Environment), Galaxy (C++ Development Environment), Rational’s RequisitePro (Requirements), Borland’s CaliberRM (Requirements), SQA Suite (Testing), Siebel (CRM), Vantive (CRM), Clarify (CRM), PeopleSoft CRM 8 (CRM), Portal's Infranet (ERP), CODA (ERP), PeopleSoft (ERP), e2eHub (EAI middleware), Tuxedo (middleware), webMethods (EAI middleware), Eclipse (IDE), NetBeans (IDE) 6.9 and 7.0

Project Management Software: MS Project, Minitab



Chief Architect/Technologist


  • Chief Architect/Technologist on a $750M ID/IQ contract with an annual revenue stream of $111M.
  • Project Manager for the delivery of the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) component to the Federal Cloud Credential Exchange (FCCX), part of the eAuthentication program directed by GSA with Executive Sponsorship provided by the US Postal Service.
  • Project Manager for the delivery of a Software Development project for the Identity Verification System, a Cyber Security program that began as a $450k project that has grown to be a $3M system based on the client’s delight with the capabilities of the system.
  • Interface with the senior leadership in the US Postal Service bringing innovative ideas to help improve all business aspects of their company.
  • Convert ideas into proposals and opportunities that Confidential is capable and positioned to deliver.
  • Prime technical interface between Confidential and subcontractors in brainstorming optimum teaming packages to deliver on opportunities.
  • Solution infrastructure opportunities and to provide advice to application development bids.


Technical Director and Delivery Manager


  • Lead for all technical delivery to the Confidential and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, a $45+ million ID/IQ contract.
  • Stood up an Off-shore Development Center for the Confidential Group in Bangalore, India.
  • Managed 19 simultaneous projects’ staffed with 79 technicians.

Software System Architect



  • Designed a Web Services implementation as a foundation part to the Confidential Enterprise Architecture.
  • Performed analysis with recommendation of security requirements for the Confidential data center.
  • Assisted as the network architect for the Pentagon network re-design following the September 11, 2001 attack.
  • MPLS over Confidential network design
  • Relocation of all data closets in the Pentagon
  • Fail-over network design to the alternate disaster recovery site
  • MAN redesign for all Washington, DC based Confidential facilities
  • System architect for the development of the Confidential Enterprise Architecture.
  • Lead system architect in the design of an electronic lending application
  • Lead system architect in the design of an electronic records management system
  • Project Manager for the implementation of Computer Associate’s Service Desk application. Replacement of a ten-year-old system, introduced web based self-service capabilities
  • Data center architect in the $330 million winning bid for the National Archives and Record Administration (NARA) Records Management system


Chief Technology Officer & VP


  • Led the integration of three Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in three European countries during an eleven-month period.
  • Responsible for complete operation of a Security Operations Center in Paris, France and a Network Operations Center in Duisburg, Germany. These centers controlled global operations in 15 countries.
  • Profit & Loss responsibilities for $30 million budget.
  • Requested by CEO on behalf of the Board of Directors to individually perform a 2001-2002 “dot com” recession analysis and recommendation for the strategic system and organizational direction based on profitability. This led to the execution of system realignment and reduction in force culminating in the sale of assets whose revenue streams had not matured or manifested into the anticipated levels.


Chief Information Officer & VP


  • Analyzed, recommended and executed the replacement of a $22M unstable Customer Relationship Management system (customized Clarify product) with a $2.2M industry leading CRM system (Siebel) that resulted in a 90% maintenance reduction.
  • Accomplished within 10% of original estimate of time and cost
  • Accomplished without a single piece of customer data being lost from a 1 million record database
  • Moved from a 2-tier architecture to a 3-tier web-based architecture, which has proved to be more efficient to operate and maintain
  • Responsible for the execution of a $22.7M capital and operating budget.
  • Responsible for the consolidation of support assets and building realignment, which allowed for the elimination of one campus facility.


Director, Information Technology


  • Grew an Information Technology department from scratch during a one-year period. Hired, trained, established processes and procedures for the Confidential to take a paper organization to full operational capability in twelve months.
  • Accomplished the staffing under budget ($1M) and one month ahead of schedule.


Program/Project Manager


  • Project manager for the only successful multi-million dollar executive information system delivered on time, under cost during 1994 and 1995 for the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, US Confidential .
  • Directed a $5.1M hardware and software development effort for a global computer system for the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. This system links all global theater commanders with the Chairman for assessments of the readiness of military forces. The acquisition strategy takes components from an Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration through the material acquisition process until it undergoes testing and evaluation for compliance with all Confidential information system requirements.
  • Directed a $7.72M improvement effort for a global unit readiness computer application. Hired by the Joint Chiefs of Staff based on reputation for "getting the job done".
  • Formulated the concept and built an $8M computer application for the Chief of Staff of the Confidential . The application is used by Confidential units worldwide to report their readiness status.
  • Directed the development of a $3.25M computer application for the Chief of Staff of the Confidential . The application is an executive information system used by the Confidential Chief of Staff to assess the readiness of Confidential units on a monthly basis.
  • Wrote the Request for Proposal and Statement of Work for the follow-on operations and maintenance contract.
  • Served as the Contracting Officer’s Representative ( Confidential ).
  • Expanded the operational concept and use of the application from a stand-alone computer to an interconnected system used by every staff section of the Confidential staff in the Pentagon.

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