Oracle Retail Administrator Resume
Oracl e C ert i f i ed prof essi on al of f erin g 1 5 + y ea rs ex pe ri en ce in cl udi ng ap pli catio ns dev el op men t da tab ase ad mi ni stratio n, S OA, ADF, EB S an d Oracl e Re tai l ORM S (f orm erly R etek) Impl ementatio n, da ta man ag ement an d Productio n suppo rt. D ee p t ech ni cal R eta i l k nowl ed g e obtai ne d w hil e bei ng i nv olv ed i n m ul ti pl e la rg e retai l i mpl ementatio ns wi th e x pe ri en ce in all ph as es of the S LD C li f ecy cl e . A bili ty to handl e m ul ti pl e t ask s an d capabl e of ha ndli ng resp on si bili ti es i nd ep en de ntly or i n a tea m envi ron men t.
Applications Oracle Applications ERP: (10.7SC, 11.5.10, 12.0.4), AP, AR, OM, PO, INV, GL
Oracle Retail Merchandising System: (8.0, 12.0.4, 13.1.2), RPM, ReIM, RIB
Integration Oracle: SOA Suite 10g, 11, Weblogic 11g, Confidential, ESB, BAM, Human Task, AIA
Architecture: Client/Server, J2EE, Oracle Application Server 10g, ADF BC, ADF, OAF
Database: Oracle 11g, 10g, 9i, 8i, 7.3, SQL Server 2005, DB2
Languages: PL/SQL, Java, Shell Scripting, XML
Programming: SQL, SQL*PLUS, PL/SQL, SQL*LOADER, Oracle Import Export
Tools: TOAD, Oracle Workflow, Oracle Designer 6.0, Confidential, JDeveloper, Visio, Clear Case, Clear Quest, Mercury (Quality Center, Test Director), Oracle WebCenter 11g
Front End Oracle Forms: 4.5, 5, 6i, 9i, 10g Oracle Reports 2.5, 3, 6i, 10g Crystal Reports 9, 10
Retek RMS: UI, Oracle ADF 10g, 11g
Oracle Retail Administrator
- Setup and installed agents with Oracle 12c cloud control
- Setup notifications and alerts for e.mail for monitoring weblogic, oc4j and soa servers
- Installed and configures RIB modules
- Responsible for deployment and configuration all the Lane Bryant and Catherine’s environments which includes databases as well as weblogic servers.
- Used opatch, adpatch and smart utilities to apply patches to database and fusion middleware components
- Responsible for tuning RIB issues and custom RPM deployments
- Assist RMS testing team with RPM and RMS performance issues
Confidential, Houston, Texas
Oracle Retail AdministratorResponsibilities:
- Installed, configured and setup brand new installation of Oracle Retail 14.0.1 on AIX 7.1
- Modules installed included RMS, RPM, Allocations, ReIM, SIM, RIB, RWMS, CO and RA
- Architected the DEV, UAT and PRD environments for the Database Server and Application servers
- Configured URL links to use F5 Load Balancer for UAT and Production environments
- Configured RWMS to communicate with Zebra printers for label printing at the warehouse
- Designed the development, test and production topologies for database servers and application servers
- Applied oracle released patches using orpatch
- Created users and roles for ReIM, RPM and Allocations.
- Developed and Designed scripts for Automation for starting and stopping all retail managed servers using python scripts.
- Created and setup UC4 application and agents.
- Configured and setup users in OID
- Applied patchset 14.0.1 to 14.0 for all the Retail Applications
- Configured and setup SSL in TST environment and Production environments
- Designed and developed 3 new OAF pages for the supplier screens in R12
- Created new personalization and moved from DEV to TST environment
- Created new extensions for the supplier screens and invoicing screen to add additional functionality
- Setup scripts to startup weblogic admin servers and managed serves using WLST
Confidential, Ankeny, Iowa
Oracle Retail AdministratorResponsibilities:
- Setup RPM clearance strategy and debugged issues with running rpm batch jobs
- Optimized Merch Extract batch job and setup cadences and rules for the job.
Oracle Retail AdministratorResponsibilities:
- Installed and configured RIB 13.2.4 in TST, UAT and Production
- Applied RIB Patches and performed configuration to optimize performance
- Installed ReIM, Allocations, RPM and SIM in 13.2.4 for TST, TRN and UAT environments
- Created Database and Java Wallets for security setup.
- Created users and roles for ReIM, RPM and Allocations.
- Troubleshoot performance issues in RPM including newitemloc and location move batche s.
- Optimized performance on a custom daily purge job by increasing threading, adding indexes.
- Used Database Parallel functionality to optimize database performance.
- Worked on RIB Scripts by processing data from RDMT, RIB Hospital and querying AQ topics
- Created and maintained tablespaces an d database security user roles in TST, TRN and UAT environments
- Created and maintained user wallets in RPM, Allocations and Invoice Matching applications
- Worked with Oracle Support to identify, troubleshoot issues in Allocations, ReIM, SIM and RMS Worked.
- Customized Oracle Forms using Forms 11g for Orders, Store and Item Forms. n performance issues and instability with Allocation User Interface by adding indexes and modifying java code to enhance performance of the application.
- Applied patches related to RMS, ReIM, Allocations and RIB
- Created Allocation and ReIM build processes an d deploymen t standard s acros s th e enterprise .
- Worked on RIB deployments, RIB testing, interfaces and enhancements.
- Used Oracle Retail Integration Gateway Services (IGS) with external systems to call web services
- Fine tuned RPM batch jobs to enhance performance
- Went Live with Oracle Retail 13.2.4 Modules (SIM, RMS, RESA, RPM, RIB, ALLOC, REIM)
Confidential, Jacksonville, Florida
- Worked on support issues with Oracle ReIM and customizations in ReIM
- Applied customizations to existing code in XML
- Troubleshoot issues with JDE financials and Invoice Matching in the posting process
- Im pl em en ti ng an d sup po rti ng RIB, a cc ordi ng to S tei n M art req ui rem en t
- Fron t e nd Custom iz ati on usi ng Oracl e Form s 10 g i n Orm s acc ordi ng to S MR requi rem en ts
- Def i ne an d I m pl em en t cha ng e con trol proc ess, e s tabli s he d codi ng stan da rd f or Oracl e Re tai l and c om pl ete sof tw are dev el op m en t li f e cy c l e ( S DLC) m eth od ol og y i n S tei n M art
- P erf orm an c e a nd tu ni ng f or num be r of sl ow run ni ng S QL q ue ri es f or f aster respo nse ti m e, Mo di f i ed S tored P roced ure / Functio n an d Pa ck age s f o r RMS, ReI M a nd custom cod e
- S up po rt S tei n M art f or r esea rc h f or S OX c om pli an c e Do c um en ts f or Au di t p urpose a nd en f orc e t he Com pa ny Data ba s e S ecurit y P oli c i es
- Developed custom code using Java.
Oracle Retail AdministratorResponsibilities:
- Developed Proof of concept for integration between OSB and Manhattan and Oracle RIB.
- Installed and applied upgrade for weblogic 10.3.3 to 10.3.4
- Installed and designed Retail Integrated web services between Oracle E - Business Suite and Oracle Retail.
- Installed Weblogic, SOA suite and OSB server 10.3.3 in development.
- Installed and configured Oracle SOA suite 11g in the development environment.
- Designed blueprint of interfaces between Manhattan WMS, Flex, Mainframe and other systems to integrate with Oracle SOA Fusion Middleware.
- Defined fault policies and configured common policies for groups of interfaces.
Oracle Retail AdministratorResponsibilities:
- Developed conversion scripts to extract, transform and convert data from Retimans legacy system to Oracle Retail 13.1.2 RMS.
- Installed Weblogic server 10.3.3 in development. Installed and configured Oracle SOA suite 11g.
- Installed and configured WebCenter 11g for displaying content applications.
- Customized the Content Server Interface by choosing custom skins and publishing a new layout.
- Designed and developed custom oracle forms and reports using Forms 11g to support retail enhancements in items, purchase orders
- Deployed SOA composites using the weblogic console.
- Developed conversion functional and technical specifications and data mapping documents for Merchandise Hierarchy, Organization Hierarchy and foundation data.
- Developed Functional specification for interfaces from RMS 13 to Manhattan systems.
- Worked with Oracle Sales Team to demonstrate proof of concept for ODI 11g and SOA suite 11g
- Lead the conversion team by assisting them in coding standards and tracking their work
- Completed POC's on ReitMan's sandbox to do POC's to demonstrate JMS queues on SOA suite 11g and SOA suite 10g using RIB interfaces.
- Completed POC's on ReitMan's sandbox to do POC's to demonstrate change data capture (CDC) using ODI 11g
- Assisted ReitMan's technical team with questions on ADF 11g and webCenter 11g.
- Debugged code with ReIM, RPM and RMS.
- Developed functional integration documents for Oracle Retail and Manhattan Warehouse System
- Worked in setting up Oracle Application Server, Oracle Weblogic 11g and Oracle Database 11g on development environment in VMWare 8
- Completed the development, testing and documentation of 2 new releases of Known Shipper Management System (KSMS). The work was done on AR module of Oracle Financials 11.5.10 under Oracle 10g database and Solaris
- Designed system design documents documenting the full development lifecycle and impact assessments
- Estimated LOE and technical documentation including build and migration documents
- Designed and developed custom new OAF pages in CRM module using Oracle E-business Suite 11i that would allow a shipper to appeal
- Developed new concurrent programs for polling of new shipper information
- Used Oracle API to create and update new parties, location and contact information
- Completed the notes conversion using Oracle JTF Notes API
- Registered custom flexfields for use in Party and Organization tables in AR
- Recommended alternative technical architectural solutions to complex issues such as web services and creating reusable services across the project
- Designed and registered custom lookups, messages and profile options for use in the application
- Designed and developed custom XML publisher report screens that would print status of shippers that have appealed
- Developed new VO, controllers and Application Modules for OAF pages
- Developed custom pages to store and retrieve Oracle Notes using Notes API
- Developed new custom OA pages for searching shippers within the application
- Develop custom webservices using java client to call external services such as D&B Integration Manager to validate legitimate organizations
- Developed prototypes to use Confidential to expose existing webservice calls using SOAP as the protocol
- Developed build documents to migrate code including LDT scripts
- Worked on standards for HL7 design schema and used various tools such as Oracle Confidential for transformation of XML schema
- Worked on designing new pages for search pages using Oracle ADF 11g
- Provided guidance on the best XML tools for HL7 conversion including Oracle Confidential and XML spy
- Used Oracle SOA 11g using mediator, Confidential, Human tasks and Business Rules to for proof of concepts
Oracle Retail AdministratorResponsibilities:
- Provided production support to GPO for Oracle EBS in inventory, Purchasing, Payables and project modules
- Modified custom GPO Purchase Order PL/SQL package to add additional validations
- Modified custom report in xml publisher for the move order report for inventory
- Providing Bug Fixes, Defect Management, address XMLP report issues
- Handled Interface errors for PO modules, run daily custom program and standard import PO to load Purchase orders
- Run daily jobs and assist users, upload data files as part of level 2 production support for Oracle EBS
- Modified custom workflow process for purchase orders
- Created Tar’s and worked with Oracle On Demand to resolve production issues