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Sap Abap Application Programmer Resume

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Summary: SAP ABAP Application Programmer

A wide range of industry exposure and SAP modules and versions, with attention to detail- combined with clear, concise and efficient coding abilities. Proficient with ABAP applications and object orientated methodologies, including BAPIs, BADIs, ALV, class-based exceptions, user-exits, function modules, RFC function modules, menu painter, screen painter, etc. Had some experience with Web Dynpro ABAP (WDA) as well.

  • Published paper describing performance technique
  • Holds certificate in ABAP language
  • Hobby – digital photography and Photoshop CS2
  • Fifteen years of Application Programmer experience
  • SAP Modules programmed in: SD, FI, MM, SM, AM, EH&S. Had exposure to SRM.
  • Ten years of experience as a Technician at IBM (1982-1989 and 2004-2006)
  • Well able to work within a team or solely
  • Hold current certifications in SAP ABAP and C/C++
  • Local to Alexandria, VA. Available immediately


2/09 – 6/09

SAP Module: EH&S and Web Dynpro ECC 6.0

  • Consultant for CAT Technology Inc
    • 377 Route 17 South, Suite 208, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
    • under:
  • CSI – Consulting Services, Inc.
    • 115 E. California Ave, Suite 410 Oklahoma City, OK 73104
    • under:
  • Criterion Systems, Inc
    • 8330 Boone Blvd, Suite 400, Vienna, VA 22182
    • under:
  • CSC - Computer Sciences Corporation
    • 3110 Fairview Park Drive, Falls Church, VA 22042

Working at Fort Belvoir, Virginia at US Government facility for client: Confidential,

SAP Web Dynpro ABAP Application Programmer – Worked in a team residing remotely to build a Proof of Concept project SAP ECC 6.0 system. The focus was on the Environmental Safety and Health module using WWI – Windows Workstation Integration and DMS – Document Management System, operating on a Windows Citrix virtual platform. Role: Web Dynpro for ABAP Adobe Interactive Form development.

  • Participated in workshops formulating overall system design.
  • Developed WDA - Web Dynpro for ABAP applications.
    • Created two tutorial applications which covered the WDA structure and usage.
    • Reviewed the functionality of Adobe Interactive Print-only, Interactive, and Offline forms, with their usages and operation. Developed Print-only WDA application.
  • Obtained US Government DOD Secret security clearance.

Confidential,Plano, Texas

3/07 – 8/08

SAP Modules: FI, SD and MM

SAP ABAP Application Programmer
100% travel position as part of the EDS SAP Implementation Team. Specialization is SAP ABAP Application Development.

Performance enhancement to existing report programs for Beverage Distributor Firm –Developed performance technique to extract and ‘slice’ database data used in the ‘for all entries’ select statement using SAP ABAP RFC modules.
Further information can be found at:
Enhanced ALV List format report output by adding columns and data.
Created utility Dialog-based program.

  • Developed in version 4.6B.

Asset Number – Inventory Numbering Enhancement for Automobile Manufacturer – Enhancement developed with communication between BADI, Shared Memory Area and User-Exit, using object-orientated methodology.

  • Developed in version ECC 5.0.

Confidential,Endicott, New York

3/06 – 9/06

SAP Modules: FI, SD

Consultant for The Experts

    • 10 Cordage Park Circle Suite 226, Plymouth, MA 02360

SAP ABAP Application Programmer
Development and maintenance of ABAP/4 program interface and a G/L account balance extraction program.

  • Developed in version 4.7.

FI Interface to post G/L documents – input data was from mainframe EBCDIC-encoded input files using a record format of 400 characters in width. Program would post G/L documents for multiple-company codes.

FI G/L Extract Report- Generates an output file containing huge cumulative G/L account balances. The output file contained all accounts under the main chart of accounts, and the cumulative balances reflected each period in the current fiscal year.


6/04 – 3/06

  • Poughkeepsie, New York

Full Time - Equipment Services Technician

  • Worked as part of a team that maintained 350 chip-test tools on manufacturing floor.
    • Worked on Windows and Unix PCs, networking, PLCs, hydraulic, electrical, and coolant unit component of testers: adjusted and or replaced parts in question.
    • Performed regular periodic maintenance.
    • Worked using a call tracking system with assigned beepers to alert technicians and to record and track tasks.
  • Held this position for much of the same timeframe when working at UPS.


8/03 – 3/06

  • Yorktown Heights, New York

Part Time - Package Dispatch Operational Management Supervisor

  • Generated reports for night mgr and for mgrs on first shift. Hours: midnight to 5:30 am.
Data Capture (8/03 – 6/04)
  • Held the UPS positions for much of the same timeframe when working at IBM.

Confidential,New York

2/99 – 5/02

SAP Modules: SD, MM, SM, and FI

SAP ABAP Application Programmer
Developed, changed and performance-tuned SAP ABAP programs. Also provided production support. The SAP version used was 4.6B.

Developed, Enhanced and Maintained interfaces, reports, Sapscript Form data programs and Screen Painter programs.

  • Maintained FI ABAP programs that generated business forms as .dat files for the Jetform system. Jetform would then process these .dat files to generate hardcopy customer forms.
    • Forms generated: Invoice, Credit, Credit Memo, Customer Return, and many shipping label programs.

Confidential,Newburgh, New York

1/98 to 8/98

Full time student.

  • Took courses toward completion of requirements / attained Bachelor degree.

Major – Computer Science GPA – 3.36

Confidential,New York

3/82 – 12/97

Confidential,Full Time - SAP ABAP Application Programmer (1993 – 1997)

SAP Modules: SD, MM

Development, enhancement and maintenance of ABAP/4 reports and program interfaces. This was in the IBM Microelectronics Division (IMD) with their implementation of SAP. The last version of SAP used there at the time was vrs. 3.0E.

  • Main focus of position was maintenance of an internal sales-order/plant manufacturing SD program.
  • Used worldwide.

Confidential,Application Programmer, Various Languages (1991 – 1993)

C Language

  • OS/2 platform developing a component of a chip-tester tool for Engineering Group.

C++ Object Orientated

  • Borland Turbovision product development on DOS platform for IBM product. Created GUI interface, converting from DOS command line interface format. Used object orientated compiler libraries with an OO methodology.

C Language

  • Windows GUI and OS/2 GUI programming done for IBM product (above). Added features to product such as an automated mouse pointer positioning for a screen, and a screen image capturing and logging feature. These and the user documentation were developed for each platform.

PL/X-370 Language

  • Maintained PL/X-370 tester program for Engineering Group. The program component was the OIM (Operator Interface Module), and was developed in the VM/CMS operating environment.

Rexx and SQL Reports

  • Developed reports using imbedded DB/2 SQL statements. Done in the mainframe VM/CMS environment.

PL/X-370 and SQL Language Reports

  • Maintained report programs which utilized imbedded SQL in the mainframe VM/CMS environment.

Confidential,Computer Test Technician (1982-1990)

Tested new and diagnosing failing components on the IBM 308x and 3090 Mainframe Computer series.

  • These were multi-processor, water-cooled computers that employed the latest compressed chip technology.
  • Used various techniques such as diagnostic programs and diagnostic skills, along with 370 assembler language when necessary- to isolate failing or intermittently failing components.
  • When TCM failed a test and a call was made, these were sent to a department to have the called chips replaced. The TCM was then sent back in a different kit for retesting. Our performance was generally appraised by how accurate the calls were.


Bachelor of Arts Computer Science
Associate of Science Electronics Technology

Technical Skills

Hardware defect diagnosis in PLCs, water-based coolant systems, TCP/IP network
connectivity problems, computer functionality and the performing of
periodic maintenance and monitoring tasks.

IBM SAP and ABAP internally administered classes
Attended various SAP classes to help with SAP and SAP ABAP Application Development
Developed WDA – Web Dynpro ABAP applications

IBM New Programmer Education (NPE)
This was a 60 week program where IBM would take likely candidates to retrain
for the programming field. We went to school on a full-time basis: attending
IBM-internal, and college administered Computer Science courses.


Brainbench Software Assessment Certificates Held:

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