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Sap R/3 Abap Consultant Resume

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  • 10+ years of experience in SAP ABAP primarily in SD MM PP PM FICO WM SCM SRM HR and QM modules.
  • Extensively worked on all RICEF development techniques.
  • Involved in various projects such as Implementation, Maintenance, Support, and Upgrade.
  • Analyzing the Functional Specs and preparation of Technical specs and Estimation of Object
  • Programming experience in Classical, Interactive and ALV reports, Data Dictionary, Menu Painter, Screen Painter, Custom Container in screens, Function Modules, Dialog Programming, LSMW, BDC (Batch Data Communication) using session, call transaction and Direct Input Methods, Creating and Scheduling Batch jobs, Job Variants, BAPI, User - Exits, Business Add-Ins, layouts (SAP Script, Smartforms) Adobe Forms.
  • Good experience in OOPs (Object Oriented Programming).
  • Experience in Dialog programming (Module pool Programming).and screen designing using Screen painter and menu painter.
  • Experience in User-Exits (Field Exits, Menu Exits, Function Module Exits, Screen Exits), BAdis.
  • Good hands on experience in customizing ALE settings like Logical Systems Creation, RFC Destinations setup, Port creation and Partner Profile Settings.
  • Worked extensively in ALE and IDOC for all types of distributed integrated systems.
  • Expertise in Web Sphere Application Server (WAS) and SAP's NetWeaver Developer Studio.
  • Experience in Webdynpro in creating Webdynpro Application component, Webdynpro Controllers and entities, Defining Context structure at Design Time, User interface elements, Message Manager and Error Handling, Creating Table UI Elements-Table Tool Bars, Component Usage, Integrating the component within other Component, Dynamic Component usages, ALV’s in WD AppDynamics Programming (UI Elements, Attributes, Actions).
  • Expertise in using Adobe Life Cycle Designer (ADLC) to design Adobe Forms (both print forms and interactive).
  • Report Programming Techniques SQL Trace and Runtime Analysis.
  • Expertise in Performance Tuning, Problem Solving and debugging skills.
  • Extensive experience in Production Support troubleshooting, tracking Technical Issues, creating and monitoring batch jobs.
  • Experienced in applying OSS notes.
  • Experienced in Upgradation Projects.
  • Modification of the existing programs according to the new organizational structure.
  • Replacing the obsolete Function Modules, Replacing the Obsolete syntax statements
  • Performing Extended Program Check. Unicode Check. Removing Hard coding.
  • Preparation of UTP.
  • Preparing the document with all the modification details
  • Report Programming Techniques SQL Trace and Runtime Analysis.
  • Expertise in Performance Tuning, Problem Solving and debugging skills.
  • Extensive experience in Production Support troubleshooting, tracking Technical Issues, creating and monitoring batch jobs.
  • Good Knowledge on SAP EP Net Weaver Technologies and XI (Exchange Infrastructure). Configuring SLD, IR and ID. Adapter Communications: IDOC, FILE, RFC and JDBC Adapters. Integration Scenarios: IDOC to FILE, FILE to IDOC, File to RFC and RFC to File and Portal iView’s, Roles, Workset, Page Creation.
  • Exposure to Business Intelligence (BI). SAP R/3 Extraction, Generic Data Sources, Extractor Enhancements, Info Objects, Info Cubes, ODS Objects, InfoSets, Aggregates and BEx Reporting.
  • Ability to analyze, estimate, design and development of SAP customized applications.
  • Monitoring the team and providing the technical assistance to manage the deliverables on daily basis.
  • Worked closely with super users, middleware team, Business analysts, gathers information Create design estimate development hours and in defining requirements of new processes and reports.
  • Knowledge on middleware tools like MQ-Series and Web Methods.


SAP Skills: Data Dictionary, Classical & Interactive Reporting, Report Writer, report Painter, Dialog Programming, Function module, BDC, ALV, SAPscript,SmartForms,BAPI,UserExit,Badis,ALE,IDOC,WorkflowSAP-XI,PI


Operating Systems: Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, UNIX, Sun Solaris.

Languages: ABAP/4, JAVA, Java Script, HTML, C, C++


Confidential, Florida

SAP R/3 ABAP Consultant

Environment: SAP R/3, ECC 6.0


  • Developed ALV report to show the ‘Repair-Replace Due Days Report’
  • Mass Upload of consumption data in material master for selected Finish Materials
  • Created an interactive report displaying sales order and line items, which needed to be delivered by a certain date.
  • Developed a Badi the 1st time a product is received against PO, a pop-up message should show up to tell that the product must go to the VIP room
  • ClientSystemswillsenddetailsofSparesandServicesthatarerequiredtobeprocured.ThedatawillbesentintheformofanIDOC.OnreceiptoftheIDOC, aPurchaseRequisitionshouldbecreatedinSAP
  • For PRs created based on Data from Client, the status of the PR should be sent back to Jabil when PO is created, and Goods are received in full.

Confidential, San Jose CA

SAP R/3 ABAP Consultant

Environment: SAP R/3, ECC 6.0


  • Rating Agency credit report is an interactive ALV report. The main report output shows the customer internal information for each customer provided in the selection screen criteria. Customer internal information comprises company code, customer number, customer name and credit limit etc. This information is directly fetched from the SAP standard customer tables like KNA1, KNB1 and KNKK
  • Automated custom program developed for creating GR against PO for partial quantity using the BAPI GR CREATE FOR PO and post the GI for the delivery using the BAPI DELIVERY POST GI and post the GR for the delivery using the BAPI GR CREATE FOR DELIVERY
  • Batch Stocks in Quality Inspection - This report will be used to monitor the stocks of Batch Materials in Quality Inspection on current date. It will list Sales Orders, Production Orders, Batch Numbers, Materials, Quantities, SO Delivery date, Production Order GR date, storage location as per selection-input for any plant, material, storage location, Batches, SO delivery date ranges.
  • Developed a custom program for creating and updating Goods Movement Document by using BAPI GOODSMVT CREATE.
  • Modified customer enhancement PPCO0019 to prevent saving of the Production order if the work center field is left blank in the operations tab.
  • Modified customer enhancement PPCO0005 to delete the back-flush indicator from a Service order.
  • Developed Module Pool Program for Combination of Material and vendor. This Program Updates, Modifies and Deletes records. Table Control was used extensively to List out the entries and performs various Operations
  • Uploaded Material Master Data using LSMW.
  • Created a batch program to update a custom table with the PP operations scheduled start date/time for reporting purposes.
  • Enhanced Custom Tab for XD01 Transaction for additional data tab and custom fields should be saving in Custom Table
  • Implemented screen BADI for MIGO transaction.
  • Developed a Smart form to Display the Vendor payment Cheque Details.
  • IDOC creation from End-to-End for Stock Transfer Information from SSS to Confidential . Internal stock transfer from source plant and storage location to destination plant and storage location using the BAPI GOODSMVT CREATE
  • Performance Tuning has been done using SQL trace, run time analysis and changing the ABAP reports for better performance modifying internal tables and select statements.
  • Implement a BADI to validate customer master application for postal code.
  • BDC program developed for Material Master Migration - Storage view using session method.
  • Developed a Purchase Order (transaction ME21) and a Vendor Master (transaction XK01) batch input programs (BDC’s) to transfer data from flat-files into underlying SAP tables.


SAP R/3 ABAP Consultant

Environment: SAP R/3, ECC 6.0


  • Developed a report to display Advance Payment against a Purchase Order.
  • Worked on the Purchase Order (MM) user exit EXIT SAPMM06E 012, for changing the Tolerance level based on the value of the Purchase Requisition.
  • Created an interactive report for billing details, based on the order type of sales order for standard order, return order, scheduling agreement.
  • Worked on user exitcanbeusedforchangesorchecks,before adocumentissaved
  • Created customized smart forms on Commodity Code Packing List.
  • Developed a Smart Form to display Vendor ledger balances.
  • Implemented BADI for MM01 Transaction to restrict the user to create Material.
  • Worked on BADI VENDOR ADD DATA and VENDOR ADD DATA CS to add customer screens in Vendor Master
  • Worked on Enhancement Spot in RV INVOICE DOCUMENT ADD to Replace Invoice Document Header - XBLNR value with the unique sequence number.
  • Developed a BAPI program for uploading data sales order (VA01) using BAPI function module BAPI SALESORDER CREATEFROMDAT2.
  • Developed a BDC to change weights and quantities of a material (MM02).
  • Developed a BDC to change header and item level data in a Sales Order (VA02).
  • Developed a BDC to upload and create an asset for this tcode: AS01
  • Developed a smart form to print Purchase order with operations data

Confidential, Boston MA

SAP R/3 ABAP Consultant

Environment: SAP R/3, ECC 6.0


  • Developed a ALV Report to retrieve Current Day Sales Revenue, by retrieving information from sales
  • Developed a stand-alone print program by modifying the customized pricing program to print the official price list and weekly price quotes for the customer.
  • Customer Master data uploaded from Legacy System to SAP
  • Developed a smart form for Tax Invoice template
  • Developed an outbound interface by customizing ORDERS05 IDocs, which sends the order status updates in SAP to external systems.
  • Created ALE enhancements by extending IDOC for message type DEBMAS for communicating the customers contact person’s business address.

Confidential, Fort Worth, Texas

SAP R/3 ABAP Consultant

Environment: SAP R/3, ECC 6.0


  • The Vendor Master List from SAP is sent to the third-party vendors and legacy Confidential systems, so they can process invoices and send interfaces to the AP system.
  • Developed a report to extract account payable data associated vendor master data and purchase order data and G/L accounts data on to the files.
  • Program to upload information of Employee eligibility for Railroad Retirement benefits is based on compensation and service months earned working in the rail industry. A report is required to identify sales invoices which need to be reported to Customs and Excise under the regulations associated with bad debt relief.
  • Created SAP reports which included Voucher List, Voided Check Listing, Commitment by Due Date, Open Cash Requirements by Vendor, Daily Reconciliation Accounts Balance.
  • Modified a Dialog program that displays sales orders. This program can interactively create and update Item notes for a sales order. The comments will relate to Material shortages, commit dates and other info.
  • Setting up of basic screens for create/change and display modes, used module pool programming concepts for the Volume Variability Analysis Execution.
  • Developed a workflow that gets triggered when a Maintenance Order is created, and which gets passed through a set of authorizations before the release of the created Maintenance Order. Extended the standard business object BUS2007 to add a custom method release.
  • Created a workflow object for complaints processing escalation for shipping order problem messages. Developed a custom object for the shipping order complaints and triggered it from the main program after validating business rules stored in a custom table. Maintained five levels of escalation for the work item on basis of number of complaints and deadline monitoring escalation was also implemented. Developed custom function modules to identify the positions in the escalation process.
  • Confidential currently stores Additional Personal Data information of all the employees in their legacy HR system called TESSERACT and their current data will be loaded to IT0077 in SAP Personnel Administration. This program will convert employee Additional information from the legacy system to SAP
  • Conversion program must upload the employee additional information which is being stored in Tesseract into SAP.
  • Open legacy system invoices will be brought over to SAP as completed/posted documents and eventually be paid out of SAP.
  • Developed BDC to upload and create Primary Cost Elements using the transaction code KA01
  • Developed the user defined BAPI(ZSD CUST DETAILS OUTBOUND) Customer General Data, Company Code data and Sales Area Data. Downloads the data into the given filename
  • Developed the RFC Function Module ( ZSD CUST DETAILS INBOUND ) to Update Web Billing Customer details into table ZSD WEB CUSTOMER
  • Created new BADI definitions (Both regular and Filter BADI) to implement them in the existing user exit framework for SD. Also Created BADI implementations in the MM modules. Few BADIs were defined and implemented in the standard user exit codeto enable better control of the enhancements (Activation and filter specific).
  • Change Pointers would be configured in SAP for Vendor data. Any change to the Vendor Master would trigger an IDOC to be generated. Informatics needs to pick this IDOC and generate the output file.
  • Configured partner profile and added custom code in the user-exit of idoc input orders FM. This interface reads the PO details and creates the sales order in the system
  • Outbound Delivery Note interface: Configured partner profile, and extended DELVRY03 IDocs to populate the shipping instructions and Idoc ship- to customer segment is modified by replacing the reference number of the customer from master data. Extended the Idoc.

Confidential, Farmington, CT.

SAP R/3 ABAP Consultant

Environment: SAP R/3, ECC 6.0


  • Developed a report using ALV displaying Company code, Plant, Material Number, Description, BOM number, BOM Description, Unit of Measure, Quantity, Vendor details like Name, Number, Address.
  • Developed a ALV report to display available to sell inventory for the stock maintained for each material.
  • Developed a sales order report covering all organization levels, delivery status, invoice status, shipping details and partner function details.
  • Developed a report that lists down all documents that were goods issued but not invoiced. List contains all sales documents, material documents, quantities and movement type.
  • Developed the plant stock balance report which shows inbound and outbound totals per storage location per material.
  • Added the logic to the Delivery Ticket System application. The field Order should accept internal orders along with work orders as input(Module Pool).
  • Developed a Dialog program for Material Details, Vendor Details, and Customer Details using tab-strips this front end was created to Add, Modify, and View the respective details from Tables, SAP Tables.
  • Developed an MM Purchase Requisition workflow that is triggered when a Purchase Requisition is created. It sends internal mail to MRP controller depending on the item category to enable the MRP controller to create STO, route to the Buyer or delete the requisition. Extended Business object BUS2105. Agent determination is done through rule-based function module.
  • Implemented workflow for custom purchase order release process based on the release strategy. Extended business object BUS2012 with custom method using BAPI PO CHANGE.
  • Migrated Maintenance characteristics from legacy system to SAP R/3 system using BAPI method.
  • Migrated Goods Receipts from legacy system to SAP R/3 system using BAPI method.
  • Developed a utility to create contracts using the standard BAPI function module. Developed the utility as a RFC enabled Function module to be called by the Point of sale systems. Also used the extension logic for a BAPI to populate few Z fields in the VBAK and VBAP tables
  • Developed a Batch-Recording LSMW object to create Material Master (MM01) in SAP based on the data from the Legacy System.
  • Developed a Batch-Recording LSMW objects to create Customer Master (XD01) in SAP based on the data from the Legacy System.
  • Developed a BDC to upload Cost Centre Master data using the transaction Code KS01, KSH1.
  • Worked with the following BAPI’s - BAPI Vendor create, BAPI PO Create,BAPI Customer Change Password and BAPI CompanyCode GetDetail.
  • Sent Master data and Transaction data from one client to another client using BAPI and IDOC.
  • Developed a user defined BAPI function module to display the order status (ZBAPI Display Order Status).
  • Customized Purchase Order Form by including the Shipping Terms, Standard text & Logo by configuring in different clients. With Target Quantity, Standard Texts and customized as per the requirement.
  • Updated Goods Receipt, Goods Issue Slip by using Eastman Forms and configuring them for each client through SMARTFORMS.
  • Customized Invoice Form by Customer dependent changes, Standard text & Logo by configuring in different clients.
  • Updated Delivery Note and Packing List SMARTFORMS with User defined changes.
  • Modified Smart form, print program for invoices and debit memos to print remittance advice.
  • Involved in configuration of ALE environment, developing Outbound and Inbound process, configuring the partner profile with inbound process code.
  • Distributed data like Customer Master (DEBMAS), Replicant Batch (BATMAS) and external agent service processing (DESADV) through ALE/IDOC.

Confidential, Santa Ana, CA

SAP ABAP Programmer

Environment: SAP R/3, ECC 6.0


  • Developed the Interactive report to find out the terms of Payment, Reconciliation Account numbers, Currency and Amount.
  • BAPI is modified where the pricing discount has exceeded the discount allowances a series of rules / checks must be carried out at the item level. .
  • Created several Data Dictionary Objects Including Tables, Structures, Data Elements and Domains based on the requirements.
  • Developed a report to track inventory sales order returns and standard cost using one report.
  • Modified an interactive Vendor Analysis Report, which lists the materials. Material Number and Storage Location were displayed. Unit of Measure, Description and Group Totals were included.
  • Created Interactive Report for Pending Order Status Report (MM). This displays pending Purchase Orders (PO) by Material wise and Vendor wise.
  • Developed a report to find out the Vendor performance in terms of the Delivery, Quantity and Quality from Purchase Requisition to Goods Receipt.
  • Developed Interactive Report which displays all the Sales Orders for one Customer.
  • Developed Interactive Reports to display all orders that are due for Shipping for a sales organization.
  • Developed a complex dialog program to automate document creation in sales order process.
  • Modifications done for existing menu painter, screen painter to develop user-defined screens. Involved in modifications of various aspects of dialog Programming
  • Sales Order Cancellation Workflow: When a Sales Order Item has been rejected, a work item will be sent for approval to the superior. Extended Business object BUS2032. Maintained Change document event linkage. Created new events and methods in the extended subtypes. Agent determination is done through rule-based function module.
  • Customizing and setting up of ALE on new clients / systems
  • Extended IDOC’s with additional segments to supplement the requirements of the documents to be transferred.
  • Create ALE models for distributing data between different R/3 systems using IDOC message types DEBMAS and MATMAS.
  • Formatted IDOC’s by using different filtering and reduction techniques.
  • Developed a new custom ALE where the receiver of an internal service must be able to reverse the invoice receipt, which will then cancel the applicable billing document automatically on the service providers system.

Confidential, Andover, MA

SAP R/3 ABAP Consultant

Environment: SAP R/3 4.7


  • The program extracts information about new purchase orders. The purchase order number and purchase order line number are used to retrieve the material requisition number.
  • Developed a report under service management to help Confidential endoscope’s division for its service contracts, including renewals and quotations. It also calculated service commissions at period end.
  • Developed a finished goods report which gives details like material no, customer material no, product hierarchy, quantity, and unit over a period.
  • Developed a customer and vendor Report which lists the customers who are also vendors and displaying their debit/credit balances the inputs are sales area and period.
  • Developed a report to list all the credit memos by ship-to party, Payer, Reason code, Document range and Document date range. This report also provides the functionality to branch into Billing info and Accounting info.
  • Developed a dialog program for individual and collective production order confirmation. The goods movement functionality is added for the materials in the production order.
  • Designed and Developed Reports to provide Account balances for trading partners.
  • Designed a new screen and flow logic with table control which should allow user to change the existing contact person and to create new contact person. created Module pool for the customized sales order creation process using BAPI . In this we handle different functionality to check Availability and sales order simulation.
  • Created BDC sessions to transfer the customer master and vendor master data from flat files to SAP systems.
  • Maintenance of Customer Master Accounts: Uploading data from legacy system to Customer details into SAP system.
  • Uploaded material inventory data from legacy system to sap system using MB1C transaction.
  • Created an alternative BOM and production version for the materials in the given plant, with given components using BDC call transaction.
  • BAPI: This program will upload the Bank Master Data into SAP as a part of the initial data transfer activity. The Bank Master Data and Vendor's Bank information that needs the wire transfer in payment process.
  • Created batch input program to change Cost Element/Activity Planning.
  • Batch input program for reposting of Primary costs.
  • Modified ME PROCESS PO CUST BADI for storing the vendor Number and Purchase Order Number when PO got created.
  • Populated Goods Movement details in a Custom Table each time a goods movement is created through MIGO or PGI by using MB DOCUMENT BADI
  • Created a Smartform that displays vendor, PO and item details along with the required quality checks that need to be performed by the vendor.
  • Modified Invoice to suit each country’s requirements in Smartform.
  • Modified SmartForm Quotation Contract Renewal, Order Confirmation, Picking list from delivery and shipment.
  • Implemented Workflow to notify person responsible when service order is completed. Workflow is triggered with event released. Object BUS2007 is utilized.

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