Developer Developer / Systems Analyst
- 10+ Years Developer / Analyst on SAP ABAP/46 Months Developer / Analyst on SAP WebDynpro for ABAP
- 6 Months Developer / Analyst on BASIS Administrator
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP ECC 6.0, Created various applications
- ABAP applications and ALV Reports
- RF (for scanners) multiple screen dialog applications
- BDC (Data Migration, External Data Uploading into SAP)
- AdobeForms
- SmartForms
- WebDynpro for ABAP
Confidential - Spokane, Washington
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP ECC 5.0, ABAP IM / MM RF QM PP SAPscript SmartForms.
- Created RF dialog multiple screen scanner app. 101 Goods Receipt.
- Created RF dialog multiple screen scanner app. 261 Goods Issue To Work Order.
- Created RF dialog multiple screen scanner app. 262 Goods Return From Work Order.
- Created RF dialog multiple screen scanner app. 301 Transfer Between SLoc To SLoc.
- Created ALV and Classic List screen reports.
- Created SmartForms Barcode Label.
- Created SAPscript ZQM Complaint Form.
- Created custom Stock Overview (MMBE) for Hand Held Unit.
- Created custom Material Cost Estimate Application (similar to CK11 and PMEVC) but with built in best price search (like ME1M) to display best price breakdown according to quantity ordered with multiple ALV lists output.
- Applied SAP OSS Notes.
Confidential - Grand Prairie, Texas
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP ABAP SmartForms / Style-Sheet BDC RF WM SD MM
- Created BDC Upload from flat file into VL01N (Create Delivery) Created application to upload SO numbers, then display and download WBS Data.
- Created application to upload PO numbers, then display messages of each PO.
- Created application to upload from flat file, and convert values to SAP field lengths.
- Created application Core Due In Report with SmartForms printout
- Created RF SAPscript printout for label with data and barcode
- Created RF interface application for Parcel scanning with barcode
- Created RF application for Picking
- Created multiple ABAP ALV WM SD MM Reports
Confidential - Los Angeles, California
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP ECC 5.0 ABAP SmartForms HR
- Made modifications and additions to multiple custom apps in HR Payroll / Benefits / COBRA
- Created HR SmartForms applications.
Confidential - Irving, Texas
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP ECC 5.0 ABAP SD
- Created ABAP dialog application with multiple ALV Invoice report displays.
- Created SmartForms / Style - Sheets, application display / print any of the ALV reports as Invoices.
Confidential - Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP ECC 6.0 ABAP-WebDynpro EBP SRM SUS SD MM
- Created ABAP - WebDynpro ALV front-end for SAP s internal use.
- Created ABAP ALV Report, front-end to be added to SAP EP via iViews.
- Created RFC that will be called on by the above applications.
- Created ABAP ALV Report. User can select, and Unlock any Locked SAP Application.
- Created Structures for ALV s use and Table Types for the RFC.
- Prepared Technical Specifications and Power Point Presentation.
Confidential - Albuquerque, New Mexico
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP ECC 5.0, SD MM
- Created ABAP ALV Report for non - confirmed Sales Order Documents.
- Created structure for ALV use.
- Applied ABAP on MM Save User-Exit to inform user if an invalid entry had been made.
Confidential - Fort Worth, Texas
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP ECC 6.0, BSP in EP MSS ESS
- Participated in fixing code bugs in BSP function modules for MSS / ESS.
- Created HR RFC Function module, and standard HR Function module.
- Prepared Technical Design Documentation for the Function modules created.
Confidential - Plano, Texas
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: ECC 5.0, SRM / EBP
- Created R/3 server ABAP application to send BP addresses to EBP server via RFC.
- Created EBP server RFC application to receive addresses from R/3.
- Applied 4 BAPI s in RFC to create / change EBP addresses in the SRM.
- Created R/3 custom table to hold Business Partner Numbers / External Addresses.
- Created Technical Design Documentation and Code walk - through text in the applications.
Confidential - San Antonio, Texas
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 4.70, NetWeaver, EP 6.0, CRM, BW, IS-Oil
- Participated in the installation of NetWeaver / EP in sandbox server.
- Participated in the installation of CRM 4.0 in sandbox server.
- Participated in BW IS - Oil Data Refresh from PRD to PSS.
- Prepared initial CRM Landscape using Visio.
Confidential - Scottsdale, Arizona
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 4.70, ABAP, LE, WM, HU, RF / SAPConsoleNetWeaver EP, MM, SD, BAPI
- Created 7 RF ABAP Inbound / Outbound applications for hand held unit scanning.
- All applications were made visible in EP iViews.
- Made modifications to existing ABAP applications to improve on functionality.
- Made additions to existing ABAP dialog applications to expand on functionality.
- Prepared Flow Diagrams to display functionality.
Confidential - Scottsdale, Arizona
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 4.70, ABAP, ALV, SD, WM, RF / SAPConsole
- Created ABAP/ALV application to display delivery header LIKP records that did not have item level LIPS records.
- Made modifications to existing ABAP applications that did not function properly.
- Made additions to existing ABAP dialog applications to expand on functionality.
- Made additions / modifications to existing RF applications.
- Created inbound / outbound interfaces in SAPConsole.
Confidential - Wausau, Wisconsin
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 4.70, ABAP, ALV, SAPscript, MM, WM
- Created ABAP application to display data using ALV, and interface with 2 other apps.
- Created ABAP application to populate database table manually.
- Created ABAP application to delete records from database table manually.
- Created Z database table to hold Material and Description data records.
- Made modification to SAPscript application.
Confidential - Tulsa, Oklahoma
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 4.6c, ABAP, ALV, LE, WM, SD, MM
- Created cluster picking application with multiple interfaces that will monitor and process Transfer Orders for cluster picking.
- Created cluster picking dialog application using Object Oriented ALV List & Grid Control.
- Created functions that would be called on via cluster picking application.
- Created database tables and field elements to hold Warehouse Setup and Material Exclusion records matching fields of Material Master.
- Appended fields to SAP LTAP table to act as flags of Transfer Order status.
Confidential - Plano, Texas
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 4.6c
- Called in to review functional specks for suggestions, before being passed to the programming team.
Confidential - Westminster, Colorado
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 3.1h/4.6c - ABAP, BDC, RFC, SD, MM, FI/CO
- Designed master interface ABAP dialog application (Cockpit) that interface with 30+ different transactions for reprocessing of failed transactions. (810, 820, 824, 827, 840, 855, etc).
- Created application that would create new storage locations, and read storage location descriptions from flat file. Application used call transaction BDC process.
- Created a BDC application that would move materials from one storage location to another.
- Created BDC applications to perform conversions / load data from legacy system.
- Created application that would display a report of Materials, Sales Organization Sales Status, Plant, Item Category, using BDC / RFC, between two different systems at two different plants. Included security using authorization objects.
- Created application that would display a report of the Inventory Balance Summary by Product.
- Performed unit test and integration test procedures applications and interfaces.
- Prepared Detailed Design walk - through, along with code walk-through and used it in my presentations.
Confidential - Marathon, Wisconsin
ABAP Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 4.0b, ABAP/4, SAPscript BDC MM, SD, HR, WM, RF/SAPConsole
- Created BDC application to convert / populate SAP MM tables (add new materials).
- Created BDC application to modify SAP SD tables (update prices on materials).
- Extracted data to be used by applications reading data from flat files.
- Created about 25 ABAP SCM related dialog applications from scratch, such as Billing, Purchase Order, Packing List, Shipping, Order Confirmation, Scheduling Agreement, MRP Report, Purchase History Report, Component Usage Report, Expiration Date List, Inventory Age List, Sales Orders vs Inventory Report, Overview Inventories, Market Change Report, SD Yearly Analysis Report, Safety Stock Report, and a Z Program s Menu that included security using authorization objects.
- Created Dialog applications using Screen painter / Menu painter.
- Created inbound / outbound interfaces in SAPConsole.
- Created custom database tables and structures.
- Made modifications to existing ABAP applications.
- BASIS, transport s, authorization, performance tuning, and applied OSS notes.
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 3.1h, EDI, IDoc’s, ABAP, SAPscript, MM, SD, FI
- Assigned to work with EDI, IDoc s, configuration, and apply ABAP code in user exits to populate newly created extensions, for use with SD module (Transaction 810 / ANSI x12).
- Added ABAP code to user exit, to populate segment with term of payment, rebates, commission, pricing.
- Added ABAP code to user exit, to populate segment with serial numbers.
- Prepared new applications for MM, FI modules.
- Made modifications and/or additions to existing FI applications.
- Created new ABAP report to display the issuance of Purchase Orders, confirmed date of delivery from the factory as well as the actual date of the goods receipt in the JVC warehouse.
- Assisted juniors with ABAP programs at their need.
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 3.1h, ABAP, SAPscript, BDC, HR
- Assigned to prepare prototype for HR using ABAP.
- Prototype would display lists of Projects, Employees, Skills, Customersassignments etc., using newly created Z tables, and SAP tables.
- Used BDC to retrieve data from Excel.
- Basis tasks, authorization, security, performance.
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 3.1h, BASIS, ABAP, BDC
- I was given one month to complete the assignment, where I had completed it in two and a half weeks.
- Prepared an ABAP application on my own time over one weekend, that would conduct the transports check automatically, and save the company time. The manual check would take over 2 weeks, but my ABAP program would take just one hour to check the same transports.
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 3.1h, SAP - BASIS, EDI, IDoc’s, ALE, ABAP, BDC, MM, SD, Workflow
Responsibilities:º Assisted in workflow setup.
- Setup Port Definition, RFC s, transport, monitor system performance
- Assigned to work with EDI, IDoc s, ALE, RFC, BDC configuration and ABAP
- CMOD, SMOD development as needed.
- Required to setup purchase orders with trading partners from Material Management, and sending PO s, 850 s via EDI.
- Required to setup the receiving of order confirmation in two forms, first the 997, then the 855, and sending of our 997 out, after receiving the 855.
- Setup in UNIX file, trading partners Network Name, Test Mailbox, Test Qualifier, Production Mailbox, Production Qualifier.
- Setup in SAP, Partner Profile, Message Control, Outbound Parameters, Inbound Parameters, Output Determination, etc.
- Created and modified interfaces that would display IDoc s, IDoc Status, X12 s Segments, Fields, etc.
- Assisted on the Mapping using Mercator, and SAP Workflow.
- Called and discussed with vendors the EDI process as it was tested in QA.
- The company had the option to buy a software package that performed certain tasks, making some of the work easier for the developers. The software package was not written in ABAP.
- To save the company money, from buying this software package, I prepared an ABAP dialog application that would perform the exact same tasks as the software package. The ABAP application I prepared would display SAP screens, showing all server directories and files. By clicking on a directory, it would expand and display it s directories and files. By clicking on a file, it would open and display the contents of that file. By selecting a sub - menu option (Transfer), the file would be transferred into a selected directory in either the users PC or a Server.
- The application was created to display, change, add, or remove any vendor in the UNIX Files, without the user needing to know any UNIX commands. The application would also display 850, 855, 856, 997, X12 Files on an SAP screen.
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 3.1h, BASIS, ABAP, SAPscript, BDC, HR, PS, PM
- Extracted data from legacy system and converted it to predefined formats that would facilitate loading into SAP.
- Transferred Kronos ShopTrac data and Material Master, Vendor Master from AS400
- (Job Scope) to ASCII Files.
- Created SAP tables for each of the above categories.
- Worked with ABAP/SAPscript applications.
- Using BDC, transferred data from ASCII Files to SAP tables.
- Prepared application to display reports of the above categories.
- Performed BASIS tasks, setup and conduct Data Migration.
- ShopTrac being a daily task of HR time collecting terminals on individuals and projects, involved exporting of data to ASCII Files, I was assigned to develop applications using ABAP screen painter, menu painter, permitting the user to make a menu selection, get a display of the weekly data collected, and/or transfer the ASCII File data to the SAP HR PS tables via BDC.
- Extracted data for archiving and to be used by applications reading data from flat files.
Developer / Systems Analyst
Environment: SAP R/3 3.0e, BASIS, ABAP, BDC, QM
- Assigned to make modifications to ABAP/4 applications.
- Fixed bugs in ABAP interfaces.
- Involved with Data Conversion, BDC within Quality Management.