Sap Project Manager, Sap Program Manager Resume
San Diego, CaliforniA
- 19 Years working as SAP Project Manager, SAP Program Manager, SAP Program Scheduler and Coordinator simultaneously managing multiple projects including tasks and budget for team sizes of 10 to 80 resources for SAP Implementations and SAP On - Going maintenance with modules including SAP HANA Migration, EHP7 Upgrade, HR-HCM, SD, MM, FI, PM, PS, IM, and BW. Extensive experience working as SAP Business Analyst, SAP Data Analyst, SAP Functional Configuration, SAP Technical Development (ABAP/4), SAP Quality Assurance Test Lead, with 10+ full go-live implementations (including 5
- Global implementations) and 10+ intensive phased-maintenance implementations. Senior Project Manager that possesses excellent written and verbal communication skill’s along with excellent organizational skills and political astuteness. Experience with SAP process design documentation (PDD), integration documentation, functional and technical documentation, QA documentation, fit-gap analysis documentation, requirements gathering documentation, and documentation. Knowledgeable on SAP Database back-end having solid experience with Performance Testing and Relational Database Modeling including Oracle, DB2, and Sybase.
- Strong End-USER portal experience with ESS and MSS for Work-Flow Navigation and Authorizations used for documentation of BBP and QA test scripts. Over 25 years of Information Technology experience in the following industries including Confidential, Oil, Electric Utility and Gas Utility, Transportation, Public Sector and Government Sector, Science and Technology, Industrial and Manufacturing, Retail, Pharmaceutical, Automotive, Healthcare, Travel.
Confidential, San Diego California
SAP Project Manager, SAP Program Manager
- SAP HANA Migration, EHP7 Upgrade and SAP Version ECC 6.0 for IS-PS, IS-U, BI-BW, and CRM
- SAP Project Manager, SAP Program Manager and SAP Project Scheduler managing 20+ resources for large scale SAP HANA Migration including: (1) SAP HANA Migration creating 1,200+ Task MS Project Plan managing 20+ resources including Basis Leads, HANA Architects, Functional Leads and Development Leads for HANA Migration for IS-PS, IS-U, BI-BW and CRM for Sandbox, Development, Quality Assurance, Production,, Support and PBF environments. Held numerous working sessions to build out project plan with all stakeholders, conducted weekly status meetings to coordinate effort and update status, and sent out weekly statuses to executives and project sponsor.
- SAP Project Manager, SAP Program Manager and SAP Project Scheduler managing 80+ Resources (entire IT Department) for 10+ simultaneous projects including: Managed 80+ Resources for the following simultaneous projects by creating all MS Projects Plans and driving successful and timely execution including: (1) EHP7 - Enhancement Pack 7 Upgrade (300 Tasks MS Project Plan), (2) HR Renewal, (3) HCM Forms, (4) GRC Access Control Upgrade from 10.0 to 10.1 (800 Tasks MS Project Plan), (5) SAP Security Technical Rebuild (600 Tasks MS Project Plan), (6) OpenText Vendor Invoice Management, (7) OpenText Extended ECM and Document Archiving, (8) P2P, (9) Ariba and (10) Several highly technical projects including SAP Landscape Directory and Process Orchestration 7.4 Readiness.
- SAP Project Manager, SAP Program Manager and SAP Project Scheduler having the following responsibilities including: (1) Developed detailed end-to-end MS Project Plans utilizing dependencies and milestones to track all resources workload and completion statuses for SAP Functional, SAP Technical, SAP Basis and SAP Business USERs for IT Department and Confidential USER base. Managed SAP Full Life-Cycle “Road Map” including Project Preparation, Detailed Analysis, Requirements Gathering, Realization, Final Preparation, QA Testing, End-USER, Go-Live Deployment and Production Support, (2) Chaired, ran and coordinated all daily status call meetings with project resources to attain percent completion for all tasks, to keep tasks and budget on-schedule, and to continuously build-out, enhance, and update the MS Project Plans to accurately reflect the current state of the projects, (3) Managed delivery of WRICEF Objects and BW (Business Warehouse) development and reporting managing both developers and functional resources in the end-to-end structured SDLC of these objects, (4) Managed Issues and Risks log and Action-Item Log tracking all open Risks, Issues and Action-Items from each meeting and generated and distributed all Meeting Agendas and Meeting Notes, (5) Managed Client expectations by re-prioritizing work-load and tasks on an as needed basis to best meet critical path milestones and tasks, (6) Developed metrics and score cards to communicate progress against milestones, (7) Escalated issues to upper management and executives on as needed basis for resolution and resource allocation and (8) Utilized MS Office suite as needed to maintain clear and consistent communication to all stakeholders.
- SAP Project Manager managing multiple projects utilizing Agile Methodology: Managed using Agile Methodology for daily development walk-through meetings with the client for real-time design and development feedback through demonstration feedback.
- SAP Project Manager working closely with Client PMO: Worked closely with PMO (Project Management Office) to follow Clients PMO standards and best practices utilizing corporate templates. Participated in PMO quality management reviews of the MS Project Plans adhering to client standards tracking financial budget per project.
- SAP Project Manager presenting Weekly Project Status to Executives, Managers and IT Personnel: Provided weekly presentations of project status to executives, managers and IT Personnel. Managed project from planning to implementation of SDLC lifecycle.
- SAP Project Manager responsible for managing life-cycle completion of Project Plans, Issue Logs, Statues Reports, Functional and Technical Documents: Designed and Managed Custom SharePoint site working with SharePoint Technical Resource to centralize and store all documents for all projects onto user friendly SharePoint site. SharePoint documents centralized included all MS Project Plans, Issue Logs, Status Reports, functional and technical specifications for functional development, and design and development documents. Reviewed project deliverables for completeness, quality and compliance with established project standards. Ensured that all employees, executives, vendors, and stake-holders had easy access to these documents for .
- Cross Functional and Cross Departmental Project manager for SAP Projects and SAP HANA Migration working in Matrixed Environment managing Multiple Stakeholders and managing Multiple External Vendors ensuring that key stakeholders (client leadership, technical, functional and business resources) and outsourcing partners and external vendors (CGI Consulting, Epi-Use Consulting, Confidential, and ATOS) met deliverables and met schedules. Experience in full project lifecycle management and experience in data platform, application and analytic development. Managed project resources as “one unit” to design and implement an enterprise operational reporting solution based on SAP HANA.
- SAP Project Manager holding frequently scheduled meetings to monitor and execute day-to-day and week-to-week operations across 10+ simultaneous SAP Projects working with the executive leadership and business to drive requirements, and working with basis and functional and technical development teams to drive technical design. Ensured that both predictable and unexpected complexities were effectively managed through stakeholder influence and management. Worked with business on project communication, and coordinated communication among multiple stakeholders and departments. Worked with USERS, Development Team and Quality Assurance resources on testing and release processes. Reviewed and produced detailed documents and demonstrated excellent communication skills both written and verbal, with both technical and non-technical audiences and executive leadership.
Confidential, Richmond Virginia
SAP Project Manager, SAP Program Manager
- SAP Version ECC 6.0 and SAP Personas UI (USER Interface) Development
- SAP Project Manager and SAP Program Manager managing 40+ Resources for Large Scale Project Systems and Investment Management Roll-Out: Managed 40+ Resources for the following: (1) Developed detailed MS Project Plans utilizing dependencies and milestones to track all resources workload and completion statuses for Functional, Technical and SAP Personas USER Interface Development for Electrical Transmission Department. Managed SAP Full Life-Cycle “Road Map” including Project Preparation, Detailed Analysis, Realization, Final Preparation, End-USER, Go-Live and Production Support, (2) Chaired, ran and coordinated all daily status call meetings with resources to attain percent completion for all tasks, to keep tasks and budget on-schedule, and to continuously build-out, enhance, and update the MS Project Plan, (3) Managed delivery of WRICEF Objects and BW (Business Warehouse) development and reporting managing both developers and functional resources in the end-to-end structured SDLC of these objects, (4) Managed Issues and Risks log and Action-Item Log tracking all open Risks, Issues and Action-Items from each meeting and generated and distributed all Meeting Agendas and Meeting Notes, (5) Managed Client expectations by re-prioritizing work-load and tasks on an as needed basis to best meet critical path milestones and tasks, (6) Developed metrics and score cards to communicate progress against milestones, (7) Escalated issues to upper management and executives on as needed basis for resolution and resource allocation and (8) Utilized MS Office suite as needed and utilized HP Quality Center for managing team through testing preparation and execution.
- SAP Project Manager and SAP Program Manager managing multiple projects simultaneously and utilized Agile Methodology: Managed Multiple Projects simultaneously using MS Project Plan for Project Systems, Investment Management, Personas Development, and SAP Best Practices effort to stream-line client’s SAP processes. Managed using Agile Methodology for daily development walk-through meetings with the client for real-time design, development and demonstration feedback.
- SAP Project Manager and SAP Program Manager working closely with Client PMO: Worked closely with PMO (Project Management Office) to follow Clients PMO standards and best practices utilizing corporate templates. Participated in PMO quality management reviews of the MS Project Plans adhering to client standards tracking financial budget per project.
- SAP Project Manager and SAP Program Manager presenting Weekly Project Status to Executives, Managers and IT Personnel: Provided weekly presentations of project status to executives, managers and IT Personnel. Managed project from planning to implementation of SDLC lifecycle.
- SAP Project Manager responsible for managing life-cycle completion of Functional and Technical Documents: Managed and performed audit of 200+ project documents posted to centralized location including functional and technical specifications for functional development, SAP Personas design and development, and WRICEF development by meeting on a regular basis with all parties responsible for drafting these documents. Reviewed project deliverables for completeness, quality, and compliance with established project standards. Ensured that the latest documents were posted to eRoom so that all project team members (employees, executives, vendors, stake-holders) had access to these documents for . Worked with solution leads and technical architect leads to meet objectives and task and sub-task completion.
Confidential, Falls Church Virginia
SAP Project Manager
- SAP Version ECC 6.0 and UI (USER Interface) Development, Global Implementation
- SAP Project Manager and SAP Program Manager managing 40+ Resources for Large Scale HR CATS, Project and Assets, and Order-to-Cash Financial Transformation: Managed 40+ Resources for the following: (1) Developed detailed MS Project Plans utilizing dependencies and milestones to track all resources workload and completion statuses for Functional, Technical and Portal Development (for 100,000+ USERS for Desktop and Mobile Devices) and all down-stream processes including Testing and, (2) Chaired, ran and coordinated all daily status call meetings with resources to attain percent completion for all tasks, to keep tasks and budget on-schedule, and to continuously build-out, enhance, and update the MS Project Plan, (3) Managed delivery of WRICEF Objects managing both developers and functional resources in the end-to-end structured SDLC of these objects, (4) Managed Issues and Risks log and Action-Item Log tracking all open Risks, Issues and Action-Items from each meeting and generated and distributed all Meeting Agendas and Meeting Notes, (5) Managed Client expectations by re-prioritizing work-load and tasks on an as needed basis to best meet critical path milestones and tasks, (6) Developed metrics and score cards to communicate progress against milestones, (7) Escalated issues to upper management and executives on as needed basis for resolution and resource allocation and (8) Utilized MS Office suite as needed and utilized HP Quality Center for managing team through testing preparation and execution.
- SAP Project Manager and SAP Program Manager working closely with Client PMO: Worked closely with PMO (Project Management Office) to follow Clients PMO standards and best practices utilizing corporate templates. Participated in PMO quality management reviews of the MS Project Plans adhering to client standards tracking financial budget per project.
- SAP Project Manager and SAP Program Manager responsible for managing life-cycle completion of Functional and Technical Documents: (1) Managed and performed audit of functional and technical specifications for functional development, portal development, and WRICEF development by meeting on a regular basis with all parties responsible for drafting these documents. Reviewed project deliverables for completeness, quality, and compliance with established project standards. Ensured that the latest documents were posted to SharePoint so that all project team members (employees, executives, vendors, stake-holders) had access to these documents for . Worked with solution leads and technical architect leads to meet objectives and task and sub-task completion.
- SAP Project Manager and SAP Program Manager presenting Weekly Project Status to Executives, Managers and IT Personnel: Provided weekly presentations of project status to executives, managers and IT Personnel. Managed project from planning to implementation of SDLC lifecycle.
- SAP Project Manager and SAP Program Manager managing multiple projects simultaneously: Managed MS Project Plans and resources for CATS and HR Implementation and Project and Assets Financial Transformation effort. Managed using Agile Methodology for daily development walk-through meetings with the client for real-time design, development and demonstration feedback.
Confidential, Houston Texas
SAP Project Manager
- SAP Version ECC 6.0
- SAP Project Manager and SAP Program Manager managing 30+ Resources for Large Scale Merger Acquisition: Worked with 30+ Resources for the following: (1) Developed detailed MS Project Plan for multiple parallel Day-1go-live activities (including SAP Benefits implementation and planning for SAP Payroll for the following go-live) for Merger-Acquisition where Confidential Energy 6,000+ Employee Organization acquired Confidential 4,000+ Employee Organization, (2) Chaired, ran and coordinated all daily status call meetings with up to 30 participants to attain percent completion for all tasks on MS Project Plan to keep tasks on-schedule for all Day-1 go-live activities, (3) Managed co-sourced environment including Managing Confidential Managers and staff, Outside Vendors, Confidential and Confidential Employees, and Contractors by meeting regularly with all parties, and (4) Assumed and took over all project management responsibilities from two Confidential PMP certified managers while working closely with Confidential and Confidential (Client-Side) IT Managers and Senior Director/Leads to continuously build-out, enhance, and update the MS Project Plan and manage budget.
- SAP Project Manager and SAP Program Manager reporting statues and making presentations to Executive Level Management: (1) Reported project status to executive level management including CIO, Senior Director of HR, VP of IT, Senior Director of IT, Confidential PMP Certified Management, and Outside Vendors, (2) Reported status to all stake-holders and worked closely with all Team Leads to compile information to present project status in a practical and useful manor.
- SAP Manager acting as Liaison demonstrating Polished Political Skills, Excellent Organizational and Communication Skills between Business Owners, IT Resources, Executive Management and Vendors: (1) Demonstrated and exercised polished political skills along with excellent organizational and communication skills working with Senior Director, Business Owners, IT Resources, Confidential Management and Employees, Vendors, Confidential and Confidential Executive Level Management, Middle Management and Employees, and Outside Contractors to maintain an excellent relationship with all parties acting as a liaison to keep tasks and project deliverables on schedule, (2) Demonstrated polished political skills while acting in liaison capacity working with a wide range of challenging and difficult personality types to keep tasks and project deliverables on schedule while maintaining accurate information flow across the entire project to avoid project level communication gaps.
- Project Manager responsible for managing and auditing completion and sign-off of Functional and Technical Documents: (1) Managed and performed audit of functional and technical specifications for SAP Benefits, SAP Payroll, portal development, SAP Time, SAP OM and PA, and custom ABAP development by meeting informally on a regular basis with all parties responsible for drafting these documents. Audit was done in an effort to ensure the latest documents were posted on SharePoint so that all project team members (employees, executives, vendors, contractors) had access to these documents while maintaining accurate information flow across the entire project to avoid project level communication gaps.
Confidential (, Rockaway New Jersey
SAP Project Manager
- SAP Version ECC 6.0, EMEA Upgrade SAP 4.7 to ECC 6.0, Global Implementation
- SAP Project Manager and Data Business Analyst: SAP Data Business Analyst responsible for Data Migration, Data Cleansing, and Data Conversion for Global Implementation for SAP roll-out for United States and Europe involving 3,000+ Employees. Responsibilities included: (1) Comprehensive data analysis on SAP and legacy system and detailed documentation of this data analysis, (2) Managing Development team’s work-load and testing effort for Data Migration and Data Conversion Programs, and Data Cleansing effort, (3) Integrating with SAP development team and OM and PA functional leads to accomplish all data analysis tasks, and (4) Reporting status to Program Management and Steering Committee.
- SAP Project Manager and Data Migration Business Analyst: Responsible for analyzing the SAP “AS-IS” and the SAP “TO-BE” configuration including heavy data analysis with in-depth documentation of detailed requirements surrounding data migration effort so that the LSMW Programs and translational data files were created correctly by the development team. Data Migration Analysis included creation of data mapping and definition of data file structures so that the production-state data would be correctly loaded at the time of Cut-Over and Go-Live. Managed development team’s Unit Testing of all LSMW programs, and managed multiple Mock Run full data loads of all LSMW Programs simulating Go-Live activities prior to Cut-Over. Worked closely with OM and PA leads to develop and validate data migration analysis and results of Unit Testing and Mock Run full data loads.
- SAP Project Manager and Data Conversion Business Analyst: Responsible for analyzing the legacy system “AS-IS” and the SAP “TO-BE” configuration including data analysis with documentation of detailed requirements surrounding data conversion effort so that the LSMW Programs and data files were created correctly by the development team. Data Conversion Analysis included definition of data file structures so that the production-state data would be correctly loaded at the time of Cut-Over and Go-Live. Managed development team’s Unit Testing of all LSMW programs, and managed multiple Mock Run full data loads of all LSMW Programs simulating Go-Live activities prior to Cut-Over. Worked closely with OM and PA leads to develop and validate data conversion analysis, results of Unit Testing, Mock Run full data loads.
- SAP Project Manager and Data Cleansing Business Analyst: Responsible for analyzing the SAP production database issues working closely with the Manager and OM and PA Leads and documented detailed requirements for data cleansing effort to be performed in the SAP system. Managed tasks and work-load of SAP resources performing data cleansing activities to ensure data cleansing was occurring accurately and according to planned milestones. Coordinated with resources, Client-Site Managers, and SAP resources to address additional data issues as they arose and followed up with all relevant parties until all data issues were resolved. Chaired weekly status call to coordinate data cleansing activities and report status to the client and SAP resources.
Confidential, Portland Oregon
SAP Project Manager
- SAP Version ECC 6.0, Global Implementation
- SAP Project Manager managing 30 Resources for Integration Testing: (1) Developed large-scale Master Data spreadsheets for 8 Cycle (16 week) Integration Testing for 51 countries utilized by 30 on-site QA Testers for data entry to test Integration between OM, PA, Benefits, Compensation, Time, Payroll, ESS/MSS, and BI Reports as well as several hundred-plus Interfaces and Reports (RICEFW objects).
- SAP Project Manager managing Global Payroll: (1) Managed and developed business process procedures, requirements gathering, and 100-plus Test Scripts for all 51 countries which used outbound SAP Interface Files for generating payroll, and (2) Reported metrics “score cards” to top management.
- SAP Project Manager managing 30 Off-Shore Resources: Worked with 30 Off-Shore Resources for the following: (1) Development of Business Process Procedures, requirements gathering, and several hundred Integration test scripts in HPQC for RICEFW Objects (Report, Interfaces, Conversion, Enhancements, Forms, Work-Flow), (2) 1,000-plus Test Scripts Planned and Executed for OM/PA, Payroll, Benefits, Time, Compensation, and ESS/MSS for 51 Countries, (3) Managed the Off-Shore team work-load and tasks, (4) Defect Management and resolution, (5) Project Plan execution and adjustments, and (6) Reported metrics “score cards” to top management on a daily basis.
- SAP Project Manager managing 15 On-Site Client Resources: Worked with 15 Client Resources for the following: (1) Review and Sign-off of Business Process Procedures, requirements gathering, and Several hundred Integration test scripts in HPQC for RICEFW Objects, (2) Review and Sign-off of 1,000-plus Test Scripts for SAP Modules for 51 Countries, (3) Managed the Client Resources work-load and tasks, (4) Defect Management and resolution, (5) Project Plan execution and adjustments, and (6) Reported metrics “score cards” to top management on a daily basis.
- SAP Project Manager managing Performance Team: Worked with 5 Client Resources and Off-Shore Resources for the following: (1) Review and Sign-off of Business Process Procedures and Performance test scripts to be developed by Performance Team by meeting with all the functional analysts and business analysts, (2) Developed large-scale data spreadsheets for 5 Cycle Performance Testing that was utilized for automated script high-volume testing for OM, PA, Compensation, Time, Payroll, ESS/MSS, and BI Reports, (3) Managed the Client and Off-Shore Resources work-load and tasks, (4) Defect Management and resolution, and (5) Reported metrics “score cards” to top management per test cycle.
- SAP Project Manager managing Automated Testing using TAO: Worked with 5 Client Resources for the following: (1) Developed large-scale spreadsheets for 4 Testing Cycles that utilized TAO Automated Script execution to regression test SAP releases in the development environment before moving volume of transports into QA and PROD environments.
- SAP Project Manager managing Quality Assurance Testing with responsibilities including creating HPQC Test Cases in Test Plan for SAP Modules working closely with Subject Matter Experts and Business Analysts to develop the most through and relevant End-to-End Test cases in preparation for 36,000 employee populations for 53 Country Go-Live. Developed test cases for QA Testing and UAT Testing efforts. Executed test cases in HPQC Test Lab recording Pass-Fail Rate, utilized HPQC Defect work-flow process to log defects, followed-up on defects resolution, and re-tested fixed defects for the purpose of closing defects.
Confidential, Phoenix Arizona
SAP FI-MM-SD Quality Assurance Lead
- SAP Version ECC 6.0
- SAP FI-MM-SD Quality Assurance Lead with responsibilities including creating HPQC Test Cases in Test Plan for FI-MM-SD Modules working closely with Subject Matter Experts and Business Analysts to develop the most complete and relevant End-to-End Test cases possible. Developed test cases for QA Testing and UAT Testing efforts. Executed test cases in HPQC Test Lab recording Pass-Fail Rate, utilized HPQC Defect work-flow process to log defects, follow-up on defects resolution, re-test fixed defects for the purpose of closing defects. Worked with large team of over 60 employees in war-room scenario driving all day testing sessions for months at a time. Demonstrated exceptional coordination skills in dynamic testing environment to help client achieve its goal of a production grade SAP System.
Confidential, Boston Massachusetts
SAP Manager, SAP Functional and Technical Consultant
- SAP Manager, Functional & Technical Consultant, SAP Quality Assurance Lead responsible for the following:
- SAP Manager and Payroll and Functional Analyst where performed the following duties for 3,000+ North America Go-Live: 1) Conducted numerous fit-gap analysis and requirements gathering work-shops with the SAP Developers, Ceridian Developers, and Ceridian Payroll Subject Matter Experts to design and complete the set of business rules needed for a production-grade SAP to Ceridian Interface, 2) Documented, developed and executed over 200 detailed test cases in SAP environment to test all possible configuration combinations through the SAP IDOC, Ceridian Source-Link, and Ceridian World Source systems to validate that Ceridian Payroll was being paid accurately, 3) Performed Unit Testing, Quality Assurance Testing, Regression Testing and USER Acceptance Testing, logged all defects and issues, worked closely with development and functional team members on resolution, and compared Current-State Ceridian Legacy Results with Future-State SAP to Ceridian Results to further identify and resolve issues.
- SAP Manager and SAP Quality Assurance Lead managing five (5+) resources including ABAP developers, functional developers and Subject Matter Experts for the comprehensive testing, fit-gap analysis and development effort of SAP Interface to Ceridian Payroll System by managing their tasks, reporting progress to executive level management, and researching and resolving business, functional and data issues as they arose resulting in an on-schedule Go-Live.
Confidential, Atlanta Georgia
SAP Manager, SAP Functional and Technical Consultant
- SAP Version ECC 6.0
- SAP Manager, Functional & Technical Consultant, SAP Quality Assurance Lead responsible for the following:
- SAP Manager and Payroll and Functional Business Analyst where performed the following duties for 14,000+ North America Go-Live: 1) Documented and developed PDD (Process Design Documents), Integration Documents, Functional Documents, and Technical Documents for Payroll and sub-modules with detailed specifications utilized for realization process using a digital recorder to aid in capturing comprehensive details while keeping subject matter experts time to a minimum, 2) Designed and documented SAP requirements for critical Payroll FRICE items (Reports, Interfaces) by meeting with the client, outside 3rd party vendors, and the functional leads using a digital recorder to aid in capturing comprehensive details while keeping subject matter experts time to a minimum, 3) Managed Team of four ABAP developers for development effort of all Payroll FRICE items (Reports, Interfaces) researching business, functional and data issues as they arose, 4) Performed all Quality Assurance on custom developed items, logged defects, worked closely with ABAP team members on resolution, compared SAP Results to Legacy Results to further identify deltas outside of acceptable tolerance.
- SAP Manager managing 10 resources including ABAP developers, functional developers and Subject Matter Experts for development effort of all SAP, TALX and SAP Payroll FRICE items (Reports, Interfaces) by managing their tasks, reporting progress to executive level management, and researching and resolving business, functional and data issues as they arose to harmonize all legacy requirements into SAP resulting in an on-schedule Go-Live.
Confidential, Jacksonville Florida
SAP Project Manager, SAP Functional and Technical Consultan
- SAP Version ECC 6.0, EMEA Upgrade SAP 4.7 to ECC 6.0, Global Implementation
- SAP Manager, Functional & Technical Consultant, SAP Quality Assurance Lead responsible for the following:
- SAP Manager for Payroll Parallel NA where performed the following duties for 25,000+ North America Go-Live: 1) Documented and developed extensive payroll parallel project plan with detailed steps for execution, 2) Designed Complex Payroll Parallel Database (working with team of Access developers) to compare SAP Payroll Results to Legacy Payroll Results to identify wage type deltas outside of acceptable tolerance resulting in HPQC defects assigned to Functional Analysts for fix, reconciliation and re-execution.
- SAP Manager for Payroll EMEA where performed the following duties for 3,000+ 10 Country EMEA Implementation: 1) Wrote detailed Payroll requirements for FDD (Functional Design Documents) for 10 country implementation working with Functional Analysts via extensive WebEx sessions, 2) Performed extensive Payroll Analysis on numerous payroll runs of all 10 EMEA Countries being configured to assess where issues resided and recommendations for improved accuracy rate pertaining to configuration and conversion data.
- SAP Manager and Quality Assurance Payroll EMEA Lead where performed the following duties for 3,000+ 10 Country EMEA Implementation: 1) Designed, wrote and managed extensive library of 1100+ EMEA Payroll Test Scripts to be executed by Off-Shore Team, 2) Managed Mid-Sized Offshore Team in EMEA Payroll Test Script execution performing detailed step-by-step SAP Payroll walk-through via WebEx on a nightly basis.
- SAP Manager and Quality Assurance Payroll North America Lead where performed the following duties for 25,000+ North America Go-Live: 1) Designed, wrote and managed extensive library of 2500+ North America Payroll and all Sub-Module Test Scripts to be executed by On-Shore and Off-Shore Team, 2) Managed Large-Sized (50+) Onshore and (35+) Offshore Teams in North America Payroll and all Sub-Module Test Script execution performing detailed step-by-step SAP Payroll walk-through via WebEx on a nightly basis, 3) Developed requirements for FDD (Functional Design Documents) and QA Test Scripts for extensive list of custom Payroll and all Sub-Module Interfaces, Reports, Configuration, and complex client-specific applications.
- SAP Project Manager managing 80 resources for large-scale QA effort including ABAP developers, functional developers, Subject Matter Experts and Off-Shore resources. Managed Large-Sized (50+) On-Shore team including ABAP developers, functional developers, Subject Matter Experts and Managed Large-Sized (35+) Off-Shore team of QA testers for North American Payroll and all Sub-Module Test Script development and execution for Benefits, Time Management, CATS, Personnel Administration, Organizational Management, ESS/MSS. Reported progress to executive level management making power point presentations weekly.
- SAP Project Manager managing UAT and Service Center resources for USER Acceptance Testing with the end-client for extensive testing rollout prior to production go-live and worked very closely with the Service Center to ensure they were trained on the latest software enhancements and had structured policies and procedures in place to address all scenarios that would occur during production roll-out with client end-USERs and managers.
Confidential, Jacksonville Florida
SAP Manager, SAP Functional and Technical Consultant
- SAP Version ECC 6.0
- SAP Manager, Functional & Technical Consultant, SAP Quality Assurance Lead responsible for the following:
- SAP Manager, Functional Business Analyst and Quality Assurance Lead for North America where performed the following duties for 10,000+ North America Go-Live including: 1) Functional Configuration and Technical documentation, Business Process Procedures, and extensive test script development and execution for SAP Modules including Organizational Management, Personnel Administration, Time Management, CATS, Travel Management, Benefits, and Payroll, 2) Functional and Technical documentation, Business Process Procedures, and extensive test script development and execution for Custom Reports, Interface Programs, Conversion Programs, 3rd Party Applications, USER Exits, and Custom Infotypes for SAP Modules, 3) Extensive test script development and execution for both Portal and SAP Backend Processes, Work-Flow Processes, and ESS/MSS Portal Navigation for SAP Modules, 4) Worked under continuous intensive deadlines in a fluid, highly customized, and dynamic SAP environment completing a high volume of assignments in a timely fashion that were Quality Assurance tested to true Production Grade levels having an exceptionally low-percentage of UAT defects.
Confidential, Jacksonville Florida
SAP Manager, SAP Functional and Technical Consultant, and SAP Quality Assurance Lead
- SAP Version 4.7, Upgrade SAP 4.7 to ECC 6.0
- SAP Manager, Functional & Technical Consultant, SAP Quality Assurance Lead responsible for the following:
- SAP Manager, Functional Business Analyst and Quality Assurance Lead for State-Wide Implementation where performed the following duties for 180,000+ State-Wide Go-Live and intensive maintenance schedule on highly customized system: 1) Functional Configuration and Technical documentation, Business Process Procedures, and extensive test script development and execution for SAP Modules including Organizational Management, Personnel Administration, Time Management, CATS, Benefits, Payroll, Recruitment, Performance Management, and Learning Management, 2) Functional and Technical documentation, Business Process Procedures, and extensive test script development and execution for Custom Reports, Interface Programs, Conversion Programs, 3rd Party Applications, USER Exits, and Custom Infotypes for SAP Modules, 3) Extensive test script development and execution for both Portal and SAP Backend Processes, Work-Flow Processes, and ESS/MSS Portal Navigation for SAP Modules, 4) Worked under continuous intensive deadlines in a fluid, highly customized, and dynamic SAP environment completing a high volume of assignments in a timely fashion that were Quality Assurance tested to true Production Grade levels having an exceptionally low-percentage of UAT defects.
- SAP Manager managing 10 resources including ABAP developers, functional developers and Subject Matter Experts for development effort of large-scale annual Benefits Open-Enrollment upgrade and enhancements to the client’s Health Plans, Insurance Plans, Savings Plans, Miscellaneous Plans, Benefit Plans and Pension Plans, and the interfacing from/to the SAP System. Managed Quality Assurance of development effort to ensure the benefits custom portal and interface development was production-grade quality in preparation for the UAT sessions.
Confidential, Detroit Michigan
SAP CATS Functional and Technical Consultant
- SAP Version 4.7
- SAP Functional and Technical Consultant responsible for the following tasks:
- Thoroughly analyzed the data flow of (real-time and batch) interfaces between SAP CATS, MAXIMO, WorkForce and the TAS System and wrote an in-depth 10 page technical, functional and business analysis document assessing the entire architecture of these four systems including the following: 1) SAP outbound files to MAXIMO scenarios including the state of SAP outbound files, 2) Data Translations between the MEA SAP B2B and the MEA MAX B2B, 3) MAXIMO application inbound and outbound file processing, 4) Outbound MEA Queue to the MEA MAX B2B, and MEA MAX B2B to WBI middleware, 5) Labor Hours sent from Workforce into MAXIMO, 6) WBI Middleware validation for passing the stream of time data to different application systems, 7) MAXIMO to WorkForce Labor Record Information Interface, 8) MAXIMO to Work Force Work Order Interface, and 9) WorkForce to MAXIMO Actual Hours and Work Orders Information Interface.
- Evaluated WorkForce Graphical USER Interface Time System by visiting WorkForce Headquarters and making suggestions on how the WorkForce application could be improved, so that USERS could more effortlessly enter their time data, by meeting with several of the key WorkForce Technical Lead Developers.
- Reviewed Design of WorkForce to SAP CATS Interface: Reviewed design and ABAP code of inbound interface to SAP CATS from WorkForce Third Party Time System, reviewing the functional and technical specifications in addition to performing an SAP ABAP code review of the interface itself.
- Wrote extremely detailed CATS Test Scripts to be utilized by the testing team to thoroughly Unit Test (Positively and Negatively) the SAP CATS Time Entry System using CATT (via manual USER data entry) simulating how the Workforce to SAP CATS interface would perform when executed. CATS Test Scripts were extremely detailed so that even someone with no knowledge of CATS would be walked through the data entry and testing process in complete detail (without using a BPP).
Confidential, Washington D.C
SAP Functional Configuration and SAP Technical Development (ABAP/4) Consultant
- Designed, Managed, and Coded ABAP Development of Inbound/Outbound interfaces for HeadTrax System to/from SAP, 2) SAP ABAP Developer and SAP Functional Team Member, 3) Development of SAP functional and technical specifications for ABAP Reports, Interfaces, 4) Assisted with SAP Documentation and END USER on various SAP modules, and 5) Assisted with Unit Testing and Quality Assurance Testing.
- Designed, Managed, and Coded ABAP Development of Inbound/Outbound interfaces for HeadTrax to/from SAP: 1) Functional Analyst responsible for detailed business rules for SAP Inbound Interfaces loading/converting Headtrax Master Data into SAP Master Data, 2) Functional Analyst responsible for detailed business rules for SAP Outbound Interfaces loading/converting SAP Master Data into the Headtrax DataBase,3) Quality Assurance tested inbound/outbound SAP interfaces creating extensive test cases and data scenarios, 4) Developed ABAP Code and Remote Function Calls for all the Inbound/Outbound SAP Interfaces to/from the Headtrax Database, and 5) Managed senior SAP Business analysts and team of MicroSoft Consultants in the design and implementation of all SAP and Headtrax Inbound/Outbound Interfaces.
- SAP 4.6C Upgrade from SAP 4.0B: Performed upgrade from version 4.0 to version 4.6C. Prepared and implemented Testing Strategy for cycle, unit, quality assurance and integration testing creating test scripts and scenarios. Defined cycle, unit and integration testing time frames and guidelines.
- Developed Functional and Technical documents for custom interfaces and reports. Guided ABAP developers in design, development, QA testing, and regression testing of custom ABAP development.
- Quality Assurance testing for SAP functional modules: 1) Personnel Administration, 2) Organizational Management, 3) CATS, and 4) Benefits Administration.
- CATS: Tested CATS, including Enhancements to the CATS transaction, and reviewed reports.
- Personnel Management: Assisted Senior Functional Lead in review Business Process Design and related documentation for: 1) Personnel Administration, and 2) Organizational Management.
- Time Management: Assisted Senior Functional Lead in review Business Process Design and related documentation for: 1) Work Schedules, 2) Public Holiday Calendars, and 3) Absences and Attendances.
Confidential, Juno Beach Florida
SAP Functional Configuration and SAP Technical Development (ABAP/4) Consultant
- SAP Functional Configuration, 2) Development of SAP functional and technical specifications for ABAP Reports, Interfaces, 3) SAP Documentation and END USER on various SAP modules, 4) Unit Testing, Quality Assurance Testing, Integration Testing and USER Acceptance Testing
- Configured Personnel Management: 1) Configured Personnel Administration, 2) Configured Master Data, 3) Configured Organizational Management, and 4) Configured Benefits
- Configured CATS: Configured CATS, designed Enhancements to the CATS transaction, and designed complex reports and interfaces for the CATS Database.
- Configured and Event Management: 1) Business Event Preparation, 2) Business Event Catalog, 3) Day-to-Day Activities, 4) Recurring Activities, and 5) Resource and Room Reservation Management.
- QA (Quality Assurance) Payroll North America where performed the following duties for 10,000+ company-wide Go-Live: 1) Designed, wrote and managed extensive library of 500+ Test Scripts to be executed, 2) Managed Mid-Sized (5-8+) Teams for Test Script execution, 3) Reviewed FDDS (Functional Design Documents) and guided QA Test Script creation for custom Payroll Reports and Payroll Configuration.
- Developed Functional and Technical documents for custom conversions, interfaces, and reports. Closely guided teams of several ABAP developers in design, development, QA testing, and performance testing of custom conversions, interfaces, and reports.
- Quality Assurance and integration testing for SAP functional modules: 1) Personnel Administration, 2) CATS, 3) Payroll, and 4) Benefits Administration.
Confidential, Mclean Virginia
SAP Functional Configuration and SAP Technical Development (ABAP/4) Consultant
- SAP Functional Configuration, 2) Development of SAP functional and technical specifications for ABAP Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, and USER Exits, 3) SAP Documentation and END USER on various SAP modules, 4) Unit Testing, Quality Assurance Testing, Integration Testing and USER Acceptance Testing.
- Configured CATS: Configured CATS, designed Enhancements to the CATS transaction, and designed complex reports and interfaces for the CATS Database.
- Designed PeopleSoft Inbound/Outbound Interfaces to/from SAP: 1) Functional Analyst responsible for detailed business rules for SAP Inbound Interfaces loading/converting PeopleSoft Master Data into SAP Master Data, 2) Functional Analyst responsible for detailed business rules for SAP Outbound Interfaces loading/converting SAP CATS/Payroll data into the PeopleSoft System for payroll to be processed, 3) Quality Assurance tested inbound/outbound SAP interfaces creating extensive test case and data scenarios generating/validating weekly/bi-weekly payrolls, 4) Managed senior PeopleSoft business analysts and Team of ABAP Developers in the design and implementation of all SAP/PeopleSoft Inbound/Outbound Interfaces.
- Designed ESS/MSS web-based timecards and reports: Designed ESS/MSS custom web-based timecards and reports accessed via internet by thousands of employees and managers to enter and validate their time worked on a weekly basis (transferring timecard data into the SAP CATS Database). Responsible for functional design, Quality Assurance, and managing several web-based developers coding effort utilizing HOT to develop web-based custom timecards and reports.
- Configured Personnel Management: 1) Configured Personnel Administration, 2) Configured Master Data, 3) Configured Organizational Management, and 4) Configured Benefits
- Configured Time Management: 1) Configured Work Schedules, 2) Configured Public Holiday Calendars, 3) Configured Shift Planning, 4) Configured Absences and Attendances, 5) Configured Quotas.
- Developed Functional and Technical documents for custom conversions, interfaces, and reports. Closely guided teams of several ABAP developers in design, development, QA testing, and performance testing of custom conversions, interfaces, USER exits, and reports.
- Change Management responsible for Developing End USER Documentation and BPPs, and Teaching End USER Classes on SAP Modules including: 1) Personnel Administration and Master Data, 2) Organizational Management, 3) CATS (Cross Application Time Sheets), 4) ESS and MSS, 5) Benefits and 6) Custom ABAP Reports for client-specific business needs.
- Post Go-Live Support: Provided SAP functional consultation to the Help Desk for post Go-Live support on issues Help Desk personnel could not resolve with End USERS.
- Blue Printing and Fit Gap Analysis: 1) Participated in business process meetings and created ASAP business blueprint documentation and design, 2) Conducted fit-gap analysis for legacy systems to SAP 4.5.
- Worked closely with SD, MM, and FI/CO Functional Teams in the development of the SAP integrated system
Confidential, Parsippany New Jersey
SAP Functional Configuration and SAP Technical Development (ABAP/4) Consultant
- SAP Version 4.5
- SAP Functional Configuration, 2) Development of SAP functional and technical specifications for ABAP Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, and USER Exits, 3) SAP Documentation and END USER on various SAP modules, 4) Unit Testing, Quality Assurance Testing, Integration Testing and USER Acceptance Testing.
- Configured CATS: Configured CATS, designed Enhancements to the CATS transaction, and designed complex reports and interfaces for the CATS Database. Configured CATS to handle Future Times, configured Absence and Attendance Types to be mandatory, debugged and fixed configuration errors, and made certain WBS elements mandatory for CATS for loading into SD by having a USER Exit enhanced.
- Customized Infotypes: Created custom Infotypes working with ABAP developer.
- Configured Personnel Administration and Master Data, 2) Configured Organizational Management, 3) Configured Compensation Management, and 4) Configured Benefits.
- Configured Sick Entitlement and Floating Holiday Entitlement rules in features, 3) Debugged, fixed and enhanced Leave Entitlement rules as production issues arose.
- Configured Work Schedule Rules and Generated Monthly Work Schedules, 4) Configured Time Recording, 5) Configured Absences and Attendances, 6) Configured Leave Types, 7) Configured Rules for Attendance and Absence Counting, Leave Deductions and Leave Deduction sequences so that payroll could be run.
- Query: Created custom reports using Query.
- Configured Schemas, Sub-Schemas and Rules for Time Evaluation working under Time Management Lead, and 2) Configured Wage Types working under Time Management Lead.
- Developed Functional and Technical documents for custom conversions, interfaces, and reports. Closely guided small teams of ABAP developers in design, development, QA testing, and performance testing of custom conversions, interfaces, USER exits, and reports.
Confidential, Fairfax Virginia
SAP Functional Configuration and SAP Technical Development (ABAP/4) Consultant
- SAP Version 3.0
- Managing Team of ABAP Developers, 2) Development of detailed SAP functional and technical specifications for ABAP Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, and USER Exits, 3) Designing and Developing PeopleSoft Inbound/Outbound interfaces, and 4) Functional Configuration of Personnel Administration and Personnel Planning.
- Managing the ABAP Technical Team’s work load that developed the ABAP reports, interfaces, conversions and USER Exits for the Functional Team, 3) Designed ABAP coding standards to be followed, 4) Conducted code review and walk-through of all ABAP development, and 5) Development of detailed SAP functional and technical specifications for ABAP Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, and USER Exits.
- Designed detailed Business Rules for SAP Inbound Interfaces loading/converting PeopleSoft Master Data into SAP Master Data via SAP Transactions, 2) Designed and Developed SAP ABAP Inbound Interfaces to load and maintain 8,000 Mobil employee’s Master Data records from PeopleSoft into their corresponding SAP Actions, 3) Designed and Developed ABAP Call Transactions to load the Peoplesoft data into the following SAP actions: Hire action, Terminate action, Rehire action, Leave action, Transfer action, Return from Leave action, Transfer Out of Scope action, etc…and to handle the maintenance reflecting the daily PeopleSoft Database updates into the SAP Database, 4) Designed mapping of PeopleSoft fields to corresponding SAP fields (including PeopleSoft fields that required data conversion/pre-processing prior to being loaded into the SAP Database), 5) Designed and Developed SAP ABAP Inbound Pre-Processors with business rules mapping/converting PeopleSoft Master Data into an SAP format/value, 6) Extensively analyzed Peoplesoft data creating large Microsoft Access Relational Database, writing numerous queries to derive business rules used to load PeopleSoft records into corresponding SAP Actions via Inbound Interfaces.
- PNP Logical Database and Infotypes, 2) PA Tables, 3) PD Tables, 4) Master Data, 5) Organizational Structure Tables, and 6) SAP Transactions.
- ABAP Programs, 2) ABAP Interfaces, 3) ABAP Conversions, 4) ABAP Reports and 5) USER Exits.
- Coded numerous ABAP function modules.
- Coded ABAP upload programs that loaded UNIX data into SAP custom tables.
- Performed Data Modeling, Data Warehouse Reporting, and SQL Programming.
- Unit Tested, String Tested, Quality Assurance Tested, and Performance Tested conversions, interfaces, reports and USER Exits. Developed and executed test plans and scenarios.
- Data Requirements experience: Identified data requirements, participated in data mapping from legacy systems to SAP.
- Business Process Procedures: Documented Business Processes Procedures.
- Reporting Requirements: Defined reporting requirements for custom SAP reports.
- Project Scoping: Participated in project scoping and on-going planning efforts.
Confidential, Baltimore Maryland
SAP Functional Configuration and SAP Technical Development (ABAP/4) Consultant
- SAP Version 3.0
- Summary of Responsibilities for 2 Go-Lives (phased implementation) included: 1) Designed, coded and tested custom SAP ABAP reports for Personnel Administration, Personnel Development, Time Management and CATS, 2) Performed Functional Configuration, and 3) Mentored several functional developers into ABAP/4 developers working very closely with these employees for four months.
- Wrote numerous ABAP Reports and Interfaces as outlined below:
- Wrote Personnel Development report using ABAP and macros that identified the position previous to the dangler.
- Wrote Personnel Development report using ABAP and macros that identified managers, subordinate managers, and all the people that reported to them in the organization. Output of report was downloaded to a flat-file, and imported into the ORGPLUS tool that graphically drew the relationship between all the managers and their subordinates.
- Wrote Personnel Development report using ABAP and macros that identified discrepancies existing between the latest records of two infotypes.
- Modified complex Personnel Development report using ABAP and macros which diagrammed a structured tree with all the managers of an organization and all the personnel that reported to them.
- Wrote Personnel Development report using ABAP and macros that identified positions that do not have cost centers.
- Created an Infotype that assigned a category to a person.
- Wrote Personnel Administration report MD Reconciliation Extract of latest multiple infotypes utilizing ABAP, macros and PNP logical database written to a UNIX file output.
- Wrote Personnel Administration rule based report using ABAP and macros to load homeroom codes into a customized infotype via UNIX file with built-in preprocessor to expose conversion errors.
- Wrote Time Management report using ABAP and macros that created records for Infotype 7 vacation tracking.
- Wrote Time Management one time load of Carryover and Borrowed Hours from Payroll excel file into SAP using ABAP and macros.
- Wrote Time Management report for Leave Entitlement Data for Shop Floor Control using ABAP and macros.
- Wrote Time Management Quarterly report for Leave Entitlement for Payroll using ABAP and macros.
- Wrote CATS program that loads the Direct/Indirect flag on Infotype 9001 from an MD extraction file using ABAP and macros.
- Wrote CATS program that creates/maintains Infotype 315 sender information using ABAP and macros.
- Defined reporting requirements and developed reporting solutions, utilizing standard SAP and custom reports.
- Performed unit testing and string testing on the ABAP reports and interfaces.
- Communicated requirements to the ABAP team and acted as lasion between Functional and ABAP teams.
- Worked on configuration items mentioned directly below:
- Configured Personnel Administration, Personnel Development, Master Data, and Organizational Structures.
- Configured Structures in including Enterprise Structures, Organizational Structures. Used Simple Maintenance to create Organizational Units, Jobs, Positions and make Assignments.
- Hired employees using entry screens for hiring, Hiring Actions, Created New Personnel Actions, Personal Data, Organizational Assignment, Planned Working Time, and Basic Pay. Maintained Employee Data, edited Infotypes, and familiar with Fast Entry.
- Configured Planned Working Time and Basic Pay, Pay Scale Structures, and Wage Type Structures.
- Configured CATS.
- Configured Time Management, Public Holidays Calendars, Time Data Recording, Work Schedules, and Deviations in work time including Absences and Quotas.
PowerBuilder/Sybase Consultant
- Large and Complex Object Oriented PowerBuilder travel system utilized by 600 users that automates scheduling of sales/distribution of large scale travel events for corporate clients worldwide. Worked on team with 17 PowerBuilder developers and users to develop GUI standard screens. Coded business rules and complex transactions utilizing PowerBuilder scripts and functions in non-visible user objects. Developed over 600 pages of production grade PowerBuilder script code and numerous Sybase Stored procedures and triggers to perform standard database operations (updates, retrievals, and deletes) against large-scale databases.
- Performed Relational Database design and modeling, Table design, Look-Up Table Design, Domains, Datatypes, Data-flow diagrams, and Normalization of data for large Sybase Relational Database. Performed entity relationship modeling creating one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Designed Integrity Constraints including foreign key and primary key relationships. Wrote custom reports, queries, stored procedures, triggers, and advanced SQL programming.
PowerBuilder Consultant
- Designed, developed and tested: Large and Complex multi-module Object Oriented PowerBuilder hospital system consisting of Risk Analysis, Claims Information, Confidential t Relations and Hospital Personnel. Worked with intense team of seven PowerBuilder developers to produce a PowerBuilder system comprised of hundreds of custom windows and user objects utilizing a mid-sized Sybase database to market at a cost of $300,000.
- Performed Relational Database design and modeling, Table design, Look-Up Table Design, Domains, Datatypes, Data-flow diagrams, and Normalization of data for mid-sized Sybase Relational Database. Performed entity relationship modeling creating one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Designed Integrity Constraints including foreign key and primary key relationships. Wrote custom reports, queries, and advanced SQL programming.
PowerBuilder Consultant
- Designed, developed and tested: Object Oriented PowerBuilder engineering system to track continuing maintenance performed on a nuclear power plant. Acquired requirements from system analyst and analyzed host-based system to develop onto pre-existing PowerBuilder prototype with team of eight developers. Utilized PowerTOOL with Oracle database.
- Database Modeling: Performed Relational Database design and modeling, Table design, Look-Up Table Design, Domains, Datatypes, Data-flow diagrams, and Normalization of data for large Oracle Relational Database. Performed entity relationship modeling creating one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Designed Integrity Constraints including foreign key and primary key relationships. Wrote custom reports, queries, and advanced SQL programming.
- Designed, developed and tested: Complex algorithmic object oriented knowledge base system (6,000 lines of code). Application processed 70,000 IMS segments in batch mode converting 50,000 stockcodes to universal format used at Arkansas Nuclear generating plant and generated reports exposing 200,000 stockcode errors caused by User entries.
- Performed Relational Database design and modeling, Table design, Look-Up Table Design, Domains, Datatypes, Data-flow diagrams, and Normalization of data for mid-sized DB2 Relational Database. Performed entity relationship modeling creating one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Designed Integrity Constraints including foreign key and primary key relationships. Wrote custom reports, ad-hoc queries, and SQL programming.
Artificial Intelligence/Knowledge Base Management System Consultant
- Complex algorithmic object oriented knowledge base system (7,000 lines of code and 35 screens) that authorized and assigned unit/ corporate codes to all outside corporate vendors. Application designed to support up to 100 simultaneous users.
- Performed Relational Database design and modeling, Table design, Look-Up Table Design, Domains, Datatypes, Data-flow diagrams, and Normalization of data for mid-sized DB2 Relational Database. Performed entity relationship modeling creating one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Designed Integrity Constraints including foreign key and primary key relationships. Wrote custom reports, ad-hoc queries, and SQL programming.
Artificial Intelligence/Knowledge Base Management System Consultant
- Hypothetical diagnostic facility onto existing Anti-lock Braking object oriented knowledge base system (5000 lines of code and 150 screens). Application made engineers more proficient at diagnosing anti-lock braking problems by allowing them to explore numerous hypothetical problems and solutions for a particular Confidential vehicle.
- Performed Relational Database design and modeling, Table design, Look-Up Table Design, Domains, Datatypes, Data-flow diagrams, and Normalization of data for mid-sized Propriety Internal Relational Database (sold with the product). Performed entity relationship modeling creating one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Designed Integrity Constraints including foreign key and primary key relationships. Wrote custom reports, ad-hoc queries, and SQL programming.
Artificial Intelligence/Knowledge Base Management System Consultant
- Performed Relational Database design and modeling, Table design, Look-Up Table Design, Domains, Datatypes, Data-flow diagrams, and Normalization of data for mid-sized Propriety Internal Relational Database (sold with the product). Performed entity relationship modeling creating one-to-one, one-to