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Sr. Software Engineer Resume Profile

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  • Senior Software engineer with 6 years of extensive experience in web and client server technologies covering all phases of project development including business requirements analysis, architecture and design, user interface design, module and component construction and implementation. Specializing in multi-tier web or traditional client / server projects using LAMP technologies.
  • Proficient in multiple web development technologies and Kaltura Platform.
  • Extensive knowledge of web services, APIs, Blog platforms, Social media marketing and integration.
  • Well versed with source code control.
  • Proficient in developing back end and front end web applications using PHP MVC design patterns and frameworks like Sonic ,Code Ignitor, Zend and People Aggregator.
  • Strong understanding of agile methodologies and techniques, and continuous development.
  • Experience with REST web service and related protocols for data-intensive and complex analytic systems desired
  • Proficient in handling Search interface with Solr search server.
  • Proficient in developing front end interfaces using HTML, JQuery and other components.
  • Quick learner with proactive attitude and adaptable to learn new skills and technologies for enhanced productivity.
  • Received the aspire award for Intermediate Project Delivery in Times Internet Limited.

Skill Summary

Technologies: Kaltura, LAMP, MongoDB, CMS, XML, Solr, JSON.

Frameworks: Sonic, People Aggregator, Code Ignitor and Zend Framework

Web Services: Amazon, Google, webtrends, Cognos, DBPedia, Tradedoubler, Freebase, Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.

Databases: MySQL, MongoDB

UNIX Scripting: Crontab, Shell Scripting, Server Side scripting and development

Operating Systems: RHEL, Ubuntu, Windows.

Tools: Netbeans IDE, SVN, GIT, PHPDocumentor, Putty, MongoVUE, PHPMyAdmin, PHP Debugger, PECL Packages, PDO ORM, Jquery.

Search Engines: Solr search

Work Experience


Sr Software Engineer

Role - Member of Architect Group

Technologies used -

  • Kaltura, Linux, PHP, Mysql
  • Symphony Framework, Zend Framework, XML, JSON, DBPedia APIs
  • Jquery, Solr search server, ArcGIS, AWS Services

Key Tasks

  • Requirement analysis and discussion with the OCS director.
  • Work with the OCS Director to design, develop and support geospatial video integration
  • Installing Kaltura on Amazon web services with RHEL.
  • Development of different functionalities across Kaltura platform using Frameworks.


Role - Member of Architect Group

Project involves the core development of newer version of itimes.com which is an interest based social networking portal aiming at conceptual and broad technological changes for providing a new concept.

Technical aspects -

itimes.com is a web application build in Sonic framework. It uses a non relational document based database Mongo Db to make an optimized solution. It uses DBPedia and freebase as webservices, Solr search engine for fast indexes on search, and akamai services for caching

Key Tasks

  • Requirement analysis and discussion with the Product team
  • Develop the architecture and APIs for migration of data from MySql to MongoDB
  • Feasibility study and implementation of MongoDB.
  • Implementation of Solr search service arcoss itimes.com
  • Implementation Of ibeats across itimes.com
  • Development of the modules/different functionalities across itimes.com
  • Development of Blog Platform for itimes using Drupal.

Technologies used -

  • LAMP, MongoDB, Solr Search , Drupal
  • Sonic Framework, XML, JSON, DBPedia APIs
  • Jquery, Mustache template engine, CDN.


Role - Module Developer

Technical aspects -

It is based on PA MVC framework. It uses PHP PDO as ORM and Data Access Layer to interact with the database. It uses Kaltura API web services for live satsang coverage.Mysql for the back end and Akamai services for caching.

Key Tasks

  • Requirement analysis and discussion with the product team and project manager.
  • Development of new modules.
  • Design code using various PHP methodologies , MVC pattern ,etc
  • Implementation of Kaltura Apis and kaltura video libraries.

Technologies used -

  • LAMP, Solr Search
  • PA MVC framework, XML, AJAX, JSON
  • Jquery
  • Apache, Akamai Server
  • PECL extensions


Software Engineer

Role - Developer

Key Tasks

  • Requirement analysis and discussion with the Client.
  • Develop the whole dashboard for 15 regions.
  • Responsible for writing the cronjobs, shell scripting, linux server maintainence and PHP scripts for handling API services.

Technologies used -

  • MongoDB, MySql, PHP, LINUX, SVN
  • XML, AJAX, JSON, Google APIs
  • Jquery, Webtrends, Cognos API, REST


PHP Developer

Role - Developer

Technical aspects -

Involves the development of web portals for clients which involve the two tier development of the applications. Scripting and the backend one. Scripting is done in Code Ignitor Framework and Mysql is used as the back end

Key Tasks

  • Requirement analysis and discussion with Clients.
  • Development of projects.

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