Dir. Data Architecture Resume
Sterling, VA
To Work for a company where I can leverage my broad technical experience and to be challenged in the area of software architecture & development.
Operating SystemsSolaris, Linux – file systems & kernel – expert, Windows user-level, Various RTOS-es
Database- Oracle - 16 years exp.
- MySQL – 8 years, everything from best practices to trouble shooting to performance and scale out, storage engine development, core DB internals development (MySQL Cluster). Certified DBA and Cluster DBA.
- Data Modeling – 11 years exp.
- Data Architect: Data migration techniques, ETL.
- Database access methodologies
- DBA – Oracle & MySQL, Index tuning on large databases 11TByte. Performance architecture designs – Certified MySQL DBA I & II, Cluster 5.1.
TCP/IP, SCTP, Network architectures, TNS, SNMP MIB development and deployment, IP Block storage protocols, Development of custom communications protocols for govt. agencies, and session layer block level storage protocols - LeftHand Networks AEBS/iSCSI. Patent for AEBS.
InternetWEB Server development (Apache, ColdFusion, PHP, Python), Enterprise Intranet architecture development and implementation, Legacy system interfaces for Web deployment, Database integration, Java/JavaScript, Java Servlet development, E-Commerce - design and implementation, PHP, Python.
ArchitectureHave architected many large scale systems – ecom.uswest.com, AMS systems for US WEST to smaller scale products and protocols – AEBS, Revenue Assurance ETL Connexn. In most of the positions I’ve held of the past 25 years have entailed being the architect. Have followed the KISS principle whenever possible.
ManagementVP of Engineering 8 years exp., Director of Engineering 6 years, Technical lead in all positions. Individual contributor – throughout all managements position have maintained a level of active software development.
Jan 09 to Present Confidential., Sterling, VA Title: Dir. Data ArchitectureDeveloped a complete ETL solution for all data streams, which included high volume log files, Web scraping and databases integration. The solution consisted of a highly scalable solution using a variety of MySQL techniques that included replication, backup and data partitioning (sharding). All ETL process developed in Python, C, stored procs.
- Performed all design and development of the ETL system for all data sources.
- Handled 6 data sources with a daily volume of 1TB daily.
- All into MySQL database with replication, rolling partition and data sharding.
- All database schema and architectural designs
- All ETL processes written in Python
- Implemented a Pentahoo reporting system for the business side.
- Defined all data architecture for Paxfire’s business solutions across all business ventures (i.e. Deep Packet inspection, Mobile, Proxy, Revenue, etc.).
Scion has been my own company that I have used to perform a variety of development and architectural engagements both in the capacity as products & services for Scion, and as consulting engagements for other companies. Some of these clients have been: Qwest Communications, Azure Solutions, ScoresUSA, Flarion Communications, AbleCommerce, Hitachi, PG&E, Subex. The following are a few of the projects that have been completed:
- Augemented Reality database design for 3G network implementation to provide points of interest to phones.
- AMDOCS audit PL/SQL development for RA tools support – switch-to-bill. – Azure Solutions, Inc.
- DBA & Data architect duties at Subex for RA engagements, database sizes range from 6 to 28 TB, partitioning, data slicing for rolling partitions and performance issues.
- Telco billing systems integration – AMDOCS, Brite, Mediation/Guiding/Rating, BOSS/CARS/CRIS/AACATS, Switches, CDR & XCDR files.
- Development of a python based MySQL performance monitoring tool using Tkinter (TclTk – python widget library) – Scion Product.
- Oracle DBA for various customers
- Java application to handle News Feed XML data from TSN to Oracle.
- U S WEST E-Commerce Initiative – lead technical architect & developer
- U S WEST Interconnect Mediated Access - lead technical architect, development manager & lead developer.
Worked in MySQl Cluster core development group:
- Development of the Ndb object pool and connection recycle on the Ndb storage engine interface.
- Replication state in time UNDO functionality.
- Worked many customer issues in trouble shooting issues to resolution, which includes resolving the code issues.
- Developed the benchmark system for tracking anomalies in the automated build and test system such that they could graphically be detected easier.
Worked in MySQL\'s professional servicer as their cluster specialist my primary responsibilities entailed working with customers to jump start their database systems. Certified DBA I/II and MySQL Cluster. My customer engagements task included:
- Customer mentoring on MySQL DBAing, data migration, scale out and up techniques, database tuning, schema design, stored procedures and best practices.
- Customers ranged from some of largest e-commerce sites to Telcos/Cable companies to community sites.
- Trouble shot all types of database issues deadlocks to performance to architural.
- Help customer’s develop their architectures and scale-out systems to handle everything from high availability to extremely large data volumes.
I was sole responsible for their OS, device driver development, and boot loader this included:
- Hardware bring up of there latest hardware platform based upon the Freescale MPC8250 Communications processor.
- New Boot loader features, flash configuration and image directories, RedBoot integration.
- Responsible for all OS related activities. Ecos &b embedded Linux. This included: File system on Compact flash, custom modem interface, SNMP development, porting latest version of eCos, all OS driver development.
Was brought in by Boulder Ventures to perform the restructuring of engineering to develop and deliver Roving Planet’s Wifi security based products. Duties included:
- Senior Architect performed technical lead tasks for a team of 6 engineers and 35 off-shore developers.
- Develop execution plan for their version 3.0 release which for the 1st time in Roving Planet’s history was on schedule. This included AP Commander, Network Commander and Edge Defender, and Global Commander.
- Architected and development their next generation data model for network and policy management system into firewall rules sets.
- Rearchitected there embedded database system to achieve the performance level that could handle thousands of WiFi idenity requests per second.
- Re-architected their product offerings into a scalable, focused, and easily deployable system.
Was brought into the company by Sequel Ventures to perform the restructuring of engineering to deal with deploying RA products into Tier 1 Telecoms. Duties included:
Instrumental in the acquisition of Connexn by Azure
- Setting the vision going forward for all engineering and company product directions
- My charter is to rebuild the engineering group and re-focus the product to leverage the company’s IP and simplify deployment engagements.
- Refocusing and motivating the engineering team into an application centric group to promote company’s IP.
- Developed the engineering plan to execute upon the vision.
- Managed the stabilization of the 1.0 release into 3 tier 1 accounts, which included on-site development fixing issues in real-time.
- Developed the ETL processes using Jython to FTP data, Transform against reference data, and manage bulk loaders into Oracle & SQL Server.
Started with Copan during the incubation phase while working with Austin Ventures, and on into initial series A funding. Perform technical lead and system architecture duties for their Rack controller (front-end Fibre Channel interface). Duties included:
- Managed a team of 5 developers and the CVS systems person
- Designed/Developed all Copan’s management system middleware.
- SCSI device driver development.
- Emulex FC Linux drivers.
- System repository – data model design and implementation using MySQL.
- System Architect for front-end controller - Architecture and development of all network based servers for internal/external servers both Java and C based implementation
Successfully performed all activities asked of me during my time at Lefthand – both as the lead network engineer and in the advanced technology group. My assignments were:
- Architect/Developed Lefthand’s AEBS (Advanced Ethernet Block Storage - patent applied approved) protocol from idea to production. This protocol provided a block protocol to the NSM-100 storage module. Developed the Solaris 2.7/2.8 kernel driver - United States Patent 6839706.
- Was the resident Oracle DBA for all testing, development, and disk performance tuning.
- Software project lead for the Broadcom sb1250 motherboard development effort, developed the boot BIOS. In addition, aided in all hardware design issues. Ported Linux to run within this environment.
Electrical Engineering & Technology,