Mainframe Systems Analyst Resume
Basking Ridge, NJ
- 7 years of IT experience in Development, Maintenance, Enhancements, Production Support, Conversion, Troubleshooting of IBM Mainframe Applications.
- Proficient in both Batch and Online applications using COBOL, JCL, VSAM, DB2, CICS, IMS/DB, IMS/DC, IDMS, ISPF, TSO, REXX, IEFBR14, SORT,FTP,, Mercury Quality Centre, XPEDITER, FILE - AID, CHANGEMAN, ENDEVOR, PANVALET, SQL, SPUFI, QMF, FILE MANAGER, CATALOG MANAGER, SDSF, SYNCSORT and DB2 Utilities.
- Expertise with full Software Development Life Cycle (Agile, Waterfall) and documentation including requirements gathering, analysing the project requirements, analysing the existing systems, Detailed Designing, Writing of Functional Design Documents, Technical Design Documents, Development, Testing of the applications and Documentation of Applications Software.
- Excellent knowledge in Regression Testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, User Acceptance Testing, Production Implementation and maintenance of mainframe applications. Support activities on Integration Testing and UAT.
- Experienced in code implementation in staging environments and maintenance and Production implementation and post implementation support.
- Expertise in creating Unit Test plans, Integration Test Plans, System Test Plans and Executing the test cases, documenting test cases and test results in Test Director, Tracking the defects, Prioritizing the defects using Test Director and Fixing of the defects
Hardware: IBM 3090, IBM/390, IBM PCs
Operating Systems: MVS/ESA, OS/390, z/OS, Windows 95/98/NT/2000, MS-DOS,Windows XP
Languages: OS/VS COBOL, OS/VS COBOL II, COBOL/370, PL/1, Meta COBOL,JCL, SQL, PL/SQL, HML, Visual Basic 6.0, HTML
Databases: ORACLE, DB2, IMS/DB, IDMS, VSAM, MS Access
Utilities/Tools/Others: TSO/ISPF, SPUFI, QMF, XPEDITER, File-Aid, CHANGEMAN, VSAM, ENDEVOR, PANVALET, Easytrieve Plus, ABEND-AID, Version Merger, SMARTEST, SAS, REXX, CLIST, File Manager, BMC Catalog Manger, BMC tools, FTP, SAR, SPUFI, QMF, SDSF, SYNCSORT, ICEMAN, CA-7, IDCAMS, BMS, Informatica, etl, MQ Series, Mercury Quality Center, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Visio, DB2 Utilities, QUERYMAN, ICETOOL, File manager for z/os, file manager for db2.
Confidential, Basking Ridge, NJ
Mainframe Systems Analyst
- Analyzing, development and Enhancement of modules, supporting and resolving production issues.
- Design and development of the new requirement and implementing as per standards
- Responding to business in case of any application issues
- Modified COBOL programs to add the functionality based on business requirement.
- Participate in the meetings with Business Users to gather business requirements, discussing about the pending requirements and set the priorities for the requirements
- Created/ Modified JCL to process as per new functionally.
- Providing technical support and coordination among team members
- Managing Requirements - Involves the analysis of project requirements and document the gaps in the requirement.
- Prioritizing, tracking the deliverables from offshore and ensuring the quality delivery on time
- For enhancements analyze the business and system requirements including impact analysis on existing legacy system to develop detailed technical specification
- Using high level functional design and detailed technical specifications, develop the legacy modules, prepare unit test cases, perform unit testing and document unit test results
- Participated in Identifying poor performing SQL queries mainly to 24*7 batch processing jobs by getting the STROBE statistics of DB2 queries and improved the performance of the long running DB2 queries
Mainframe Programmer Analyst
- Analyzed new Adoption Business requirements document to adhere to the New Adoption Function, analyzed the business requirements and HLDs of Financial Management Applications
- Involved in design and development, testing and Implementation of all the modules batch processes, Aging Batch Process, Daily and Monthly Maintenance Generator batch, Payroll Batch Process
- Developed front end templates using HTML, DOM, Java Script for Adoptive AD Function Transfer, Split or Merge.
- Developed Transfer, Split or Merge modules, Web aware Interface programs to communicate between Templates and Mainframe Systems using CICS, COBOL and DB2.
- Modified the online programs Payment Request and batch programs of Aging Batch Process, Daily and Monthly Maintenance Batches, Weekly Payroll batch
- Fixed the JIRA production tickets issues of AD Function in Daily, Monthly, Weekly Payroll Batch programs and in payment edit subroutine
- Designed, Developed the new forms first step letters using the XML, DB2,COBOL,CICS
- Coded, tested on enhancements to the overpayment screen changes
Environment: and Software:IBM Mainframe, IBM/390, Z/OS, JCL, Enterprise COBOL, TSO, ISPF, IMS/DB, DB2, VSAM, SQL, SPUFI,QMF, PLATINUM, File-Aid, IBM Utilities, CA-7, FTP, ICETOOL, SORT, Java Script,HTML, CICS, BMS, INSYNC
ConfidentialMainframe Developer
- Involved in Analysis, Design and development, testing and Implementation of all the modules of batch, Payroll Batch, Production support of all the applications
- Prepared the detailed level Technical Specifications documents for each and every module that I involved.
- Involved in different modules like Protocols, Investigation and Assessment, Case management, Eligibility, Resource and Financial Management.
- Developed front end templates using HTML, DOM, Java Script and AJAX.
- Wrote several online CICS, COBOL Web aware Interface programs to communicate between Templates and Mainframe Systems.
- Developed the batch programs for Payments Systems, Payroll batch, claims, Medicaid Claims sent and received batch, accounts, Income process and for the report generation
- Expertise on Division Payments system, Maintaining the Kids account, Overpayments and deductions, Recoupment processes
- Wrote the DB2 subroutines, to access the DB2 tables and to display the data on the WebPages.
- Involved in DB2 Performance tuning, rewritten several legacy Systems SQL queries to get optimal performance.
- Developed Interface modules to pull the data from other sub system which uses IDMS data base.
- Converted the FACES IDMS subroutines to DB2 subroutines.
- Created Several Online and Batch COBOL/AFP reports for DSS mailing.
- Developed Interface modules to communicate with other systems in state like Health and Medicaid.
- Tested the programs in different testing phases like Unit, Integration and System Testing.
- Involved in Post Production Support and Maintenance.
Environment: and Software:IBM Mainframe, IBM/390, Z/OS, JCL, Enterprise COBOL, TSO, ISPF, IMS/DB, DB2, VSAM, SQL, SPUFI,QMF, PLATINUM, File-Aid, IBM Utilities, CA-7, FTP, ICETOOL, SORT, Java Script,HTML, CICS, BMS, INSYNC
ConfidentialProgrammer Analyst
- Analyzed the Change Request Requirements for the Brazil Tax enhancements Accounts Payable Application
- Developed application programs for the Claims Journals, Type 27 and Type 29 Journals of accounts payable system using COBOL, JCL, DB2 using Java Script, HTML
- Participated in enhancements to the accounts payable application programs using COBOL. JCL, IMS, MQ Series, CICS
- Wrote new programs, Jobs, SP modules, PARM’s and modified existing programs using JCL, DB2, VSAM, COBOL, EZ+ as per the requirements documents
- Wrote the MQ recovery process programs, Jobs, Parm’s using COBOL, MQ Series, JCL and documentation on MQ Recovery Process
- Participated in Integration Test Support, UAT Support and Regression Test Support for Brazil Tax
- Participated in analyzing / investigation of Project Issue Tracking (PIT Tickets ) Issues during Integration Test and UAT, Analyzed the PIT tickets depending upon the issue priority
- Participated in identifying the root cause and code fixing, Testing of the Critical and Non-Critical Issues during Integration Test ad UAT of Brazil Tax Project and extensively participated in analyzing and fixing of all the Accounts Payables accounting and Journals Issues in Integration Test and UAT
- Wrote Unit Test Case Documents, Performer Test case execution of Accounts Payable Application programs
- Participated in Code Sync of the Batch and Online COBOL, DB2, IMS, CICS programs and JCL’s, SP modules and Parm’s for Brazil Tax Installation
- Participated in backup and cleanup of AP owned Accounts Payable Master files and DB2 tables for UAT
Environment: and Software:IBM Mainframe, IBM/390, Z/OS, JCL, Enterprise COBOL, TSO, ISPF, IMS/DB, DB2, VSAM, SQL, SPUFI,QMF, PLATINUM, File-Aid, IBM Utilities, CA-7, FTP, ICETOOL, SORT, Java Script,HTML, CICS, BMS, INSYNC
Confidential,Programmer Analyst
- Analyzed the Enable 1Step Rebills Business Requirements Specifications, Internal Design Documents (IDD) for NAFTA One step Rebills enhancements
- Analyzed the current Enable 1step Rebills application flow of rebill engine and functionality of the all the batch and online application programs for carrying the enhancements to NAFTA 1Step Rebills
- Wrote the Components Design Documents (CSD) for the modifications in existing rebill engine programs and new applications programs for the NAFTA ICF and Duty tax enhancements
- Participated in modifications and developing background MPP programs, BMP programs for International and Domestic Rebill Engine system using COBOL, IMS/DB, IMS/DC, JCL’s, DB2, Java Script, HTML
- Participated in developing the new background IMS/DC, BMP programs for International GroundICF Transactions, Wrote BMP programs and wrote new JCL’s for BMP programs for purge process, report programs
- Participated in unit testing of the background COBOL / IMS online application programs, BMP programs in Unit Testing Environment
- Participated in System Testing of the background COBOL / IMS online application programs, BMP programs in System Testing Environment
- Participated in supporting for fixing of the defects during the System Test and Integration Test
- Investigated and Fixed the production Issues, Investigated and closed the defects while System Test and Integration Test using the Mercury Quality Center tool
- Wrote Unit Test Case Documents, System Test Cases Documents
- Provided the production support for Rebill Engine
Environment: and Software:IBM Mainframe, IBM/390, Z/OS, JCL, Enterprise COBOL, TSO, ISPF, IMS/DB, DB2, VSAM, SQL, SPUFI,QMF, PLATINUM, File-Aid, IBM Utilities, CA-7, FTP, ICETOOL, SORT, Java Script,HTML, CICS, BMS, INSYNC