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Sr. Mainframe Z/os Db2/ims Systems Programmer Lead Dba Data Architect Resume

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Olympia, WA


  • A technical professional in the areas of DB2/IMS Systems Programmer DBA Technical Architect include supervisor team leading Systems Programmer DBA team to support IBM mainframe and PeopleSoft/SAP Application, DB2/IMS newer version installation configure include vendor DB2 IMS tools sub - systems analysis, design, implementation, maintenance and production performance monitoring and tuning performed.
  • In very strong background of IBM Mainframe working at IBM Global Systems Division OS390, z/OS Systems and Data Warehouse systems Systems Programmer DBA support in mentoring every DBA performing tasks.
  • Also, mainframe upgrading z/OS 1.12 DB2 version 8, 9 and 10, 11 QMF V10 IMS V10,V11, V12, V13 (PeopleSoft Application, PeopleTools 8.49 and 8.9, 9.0, 9.1) including design, analysis, implementation, PTF maintenance and production performance monitoring and tuning experience are in his depth skill set.
  • Performance Tools experienced with IBM Tivoli Omegamon, CA Unicenter RC-Migrator, Detector, Log Analyzer Insight, TMON DB2 CICS (Landmark) and BMC Mainview, Aptune, Catalog Change Manager, Log Master etc.
  • Extensive experience with z/OS, OS/390, MVS, AIX, UNIX, DB2 UDB/EEE, IMS/DB, IDMS, VSAM, CICS and COBOL, JCL, PL/I and Assembler, C and REXX Exec, Oracle, Ingres, Infomix, Sybase, SQL-Server, Excel, Access, Visual Basic / VBA, JAVA Eclipse-based and PeopleSoft Payroll HRMS.
  • Every Disaster Recovery Plan implemented for United Airlines, Qantas Airlines, Confidential and large Bank's Database Management Systems, including several STATE IT organization as well.
  • John has been participated DB2 software vendor ( Confidential) File-Aid, Hiperstation/Playback product development team as key software develop engineer supported worldwide mainframe customers such as, File-Aid DB2/RDX Hiperstation CICS Playback users product support.


Hardware: IBM mainframe Z9 Z10 Amdahl AS400 Tandam Teradata (DBC) Univac Facom

Software: VM z/OS OS/390 MVS/ESA/XA DOS/VSE VTAM RACF ACF2 UNIX AIX UDB DB2 QMF IMS DB/DC IDMS SDLC VSAM CICS JCL ORACLE INGRES SYBASE SQL-Server 2000 SAS ASSEMBLER "C" REXX COBOL PL/I APL language Dialog Manager TMON DB2 OMEGAMON Confidential File-AID products (DB2, MVS, IMS) CA-Platinum (Detector, INSIGHT) DBA Supporting products (RC- Migrator) and Erwin tool BMC DBMS support products (Change Manager and Main View monitor) DB2Connect and PeopleSoft Payroll/CRM, and Financial Suites - GL, AP, Budgets, AM AR, Siebel IEF - CoolGen.

IBM Tools: DB2 Admin, Query Monitor, Table Editor, Object Compare, SQL Performance Analyzer, Log Analysis, Omegamon XE, and OPTIM Archiving/Migrating/Data Studio/IDAA etc.


Confidential, Olympia, WA

Sr. Mainframe z/OS DB2/IMS Systems Programmer Lead DBA Data Architect

  • WA State Disaster Recovery design and implementation Plan for DR exercise Dress Rehearsal procedure established with IBM DR support group. Extreme significant DR improved with FreshCopy new technology available
  • Build new DB2 /IMS subsystems and Upgrading z/OS 1.12 and Roll-Over
  • Install/Customize DB2 QMF IMS software NEW releases - DB2 V9, V10, V11 & IMS V13 Omegamon DB2 upgrading 510 to 520 QMF V10
  • Apply system maintenance - SMP/E APAR fix
  • Support DB2 Data Sharing Sysplex Environment and Provide DRDA support
  • Provide problem determination and resolution
  • Special project assignments - State of Washington DR Plan Dress Rehearsal established:
  • Monitor space utilization and DB2 applications performance problems fix
  • Provide database backup/recovery
  • Database Administration utilities (reorganization, RTS - Realtime Runstats etc.)
  • Bufferpool and index creation/management
  • Perform database copy/cloning - data refresh migration etc.


DB2/IMS Systems Programmer, DB2/IMS Data Architect/DBA/including HR/Payroll PeopleSoft

  • Responsible for the providing Database Architect design and development of DB2/IMS database support systems, and create technical design specifications including functional specs.
  • Coordinate physical sub-system changes of the DB2 database objects including; coding, testing, database and production migration and performance tuning.
  • Installation and configuration of PeopleSoft HR Tool upgrade to Version 8.49 tool and version 8.9 for application.
  • Responsible for the DBA resource, peer review and comparison of PeopleSoft specific application business process models, and the establishment of business requirements.
  • Participated Confidential Enterprise DB2 Software Licensing review committee - Installing and testing all the vendors (IBM, CA, BMC) DB2 UDB products and reported evaluated each tool cost and functional benefits summary to the board and senior management.


Sr. DB2 DBA/Technical Data Architect - Lead DBA

  • Responsible for the providing DBA/DB2 UDB Architect infrastructure including Data Warehousing Systems, review project TFS and Strategy and Architecture analysis of project requirements.
  • Main responsible for Hogan Deposits (DDA and TDA), Hogan RPM, Hogan CIS, Designed and developed DB2 database support systems and created technical design specifications including functional specs.
  • Coordinated physical changes to DB2 database objects are including; coding, testing, database and production migration and performance tuning, Participated in the full life cycle implementation of Peoplesoft CRM Discovery Plan including designing, building, configuration, testing, and implementing as a functional DBA consultant. Participated in Confidential ’s SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) Business Processes Reference which required several sessions of workshops provided by IBM, to accommodate market demand changes, workload changes, and service level upgrades.
  • Implemented new applications, RTP Scalability System demands, such as, real-time processing of customer on-line transactions, ETL branch business process, was the new architecture for business process management based on SOA.
  • Participated WaMu Enterprise DB2 UDB Software Licensing review - Installing and testing all the vendors (IBM, CA, BMC) DB2 products and reported evaluated each tool cost and functional benefits summary to senior management.


Sr. DB2 Database Administrator

  • Designing and implementation of a corporate IBM DB2 UDB database and provided operational support.
  • Participated in developing the quality assurance procedure and implemented efficient backup/recovery procedures including Disaster Recovery Plan.
  • Designed and development database support the PeopleSoft Production DB2 UDB Database size 1TB for Human Resources and Payroll Systems.
  • Project leader participated in the United Airlines Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW DBMS Requirements) and reviewed RFPs from NCR Teradata and IBM Proposal for the United Airline’s Enterprise Data Warehouse Project.
  • Participated Committee and Implemented the US Airways Database system merger and integration plan.


DB2/IMS Software Developer

  • Designed software enhancements, diagnosed and fixed software bugs, enhanced software and wrote new programs, and completed the testing and technical documentation.
  • Responsible for the review and analysis of customer requirements, software prototypes, including designing and developing software systems and creating technical specifications.
  • Formulated and designed software system using MVS VSAM, DB2/IMS DBMS and IEF - CoolGen.
  • Analyzed software requirements to determine feasibility and evaluated software interface, operational, and performance requirements.
  • Duties also included unit, integration, and system production regression testing.
  • Evaluated user requests and consulted with users concerning system maintenance.
  • DB2/IMS/CICS Database Administrator/Systems Programmer (IMS/DB2 Systems Group).


DB2/IMS DBA & CICS Systems Programmer

  • Installed DB2/IMS software and maintained SMP/E.
  • Designed and implemented a corporate application database and provided operational support to ongoing corporate application databases.
  • Created data model methodology implementation handbook and AUTOMATIC workbench for ERA’s (Entity Relationship Diagram) defining or Conceptual Data Modeling and the DMD (Data Model Diagram) or Functional Data Model.


Project Manager DB2/IMS DBA Manager & CICS Systems Programmer

  • As a Project Manager, IMS/DLi and DB2 Database Administrator, designed and built up a database of financial information for entire banking institutions in Korea.
  • The databases are fully utilized by the Monetary Policy Board of Committee and providing principle guidance of decisions making for the Central Bank’s policy operations.
  • He participated to Central Banking Information Systems M.I.S review team, started June 24, 1985 ended Nov 23, 1985, and built up all the pertinent information systems resting on the basis of over-all options in the bank.
  • In a viewpoint of the Governor and Senior Executives of the central bank, and whole other nationwide commercial banking every institutions reporting system to the central bank. M.I.S team created an analysis on the jobs and behaviors on existed system delivery architectures and reviewing with IBM BSP methodology developed. (nowadays became S.O.A - Service Oriented Architecture)
  • Through a camp research jobs and several rounds of meeting, identified that 75 kinds of Business Process and over 250 data classes are necessary in attaining the purpose of the Bank's Information Systems.
  • These BSP output became the first methodology of data modeling architecture exploited by I.B.M and influenced to further data modeling system emerged IBM Data Dictionary system thereafter.

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