Mainframe Cobol Programer/analyst Resume
Springfield, MA
- 20+ years of analysis / development experience in life insurance and annuity administration applications on all platforms with particular concentration in large mainframe systems.
- Concentrated system analyst experience with several home - grown and vendor life insurance administration systems, compensation systems, repetitive payment applications, and financial reporting systems.
- Heavy new product development including Term, Whole Life, ISWL, UL, VUL, Joint Life, COLI, and Fixed and Variable Annuities.
- Expert level data conversion experience including lead analyst, design and development roles on multiple Conversion Engines.
- Extensive application, data manipulation and testing tools experience.
- Strong business area knowledge of life products and business processes with the discipline to perform and document business level analysis to complement IT expertise.
- Excellent communication skills, works very well in team and independent environments.
COBOL, CICS, DB2, SQL, QMF, SPUFI, JCL, VSAM, Xpeditor, InterTest, Assembler, Endevor, Syncsort, MS Access, MS Excel, MS SQL Server
Mainframe COBOL Programer/Analyst
Confidential, Springfield, MA
- Worked on project to set up new company code in Trad Vantage system. Tools included COBOLVSAM, DB2, SPUFI, QMF, JCL, ENDEVOR, SYNCSORT, EZTRIEVE, XPEDITER, FTP, FILE-AIDEXCEL, WORD.
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
Confidential - Tyson Corner, VA
- Worked remotely from home on various customer annuity systems (RPS - Repetitive Payment System -- Vantage). Development, analysis, coding, testing.
- From September 2014 worked on a consultant basis (The Computer Merchant) and was hired as a permanent employee in June 2015
- Tools Include: COBOL, VSAM, JCL, Endevor, Excel, Word, FTP, Syncsort.
Confidential - Roseland, NJ
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- (Consultant - Contech) Mainframe Programmer on investment system, clearing house conversion.
- One effort involved writing several COBOL programs to read multiple files both sequential and VSAM to produce variable length, CSV files.
- Another was to develop a process, using SYNCSORT to create a file by matching the keys on two other files.
- Software includes COBOL, TSO, JCL, VSAM, DB2, Syncsort, Changeman, Excel.
Confidential - Franklin Lakes, NJ
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Systems Business Analyst - Production Support (prescription drug claims).
- (COBOL, CICS, DB2, SQL, Intertest, Syncsort, TSO, MS Word, MS Excel)
Confidential - Hartford, CT
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Team member on project called UPI - Unclaimed Property Initiative.
- About 40 states have been auditing company’s overall processes to find claims that it should have paid in the past 20 years.
- The states will send requests to once a month - each request contains policy info plus a date-of-death from the government’s data.
- Our team worked on building a series of processes and a database to help with the claims process - including automating death benefit valuation as of some past date-of-death.
- First assignment was to take a series of extracts from several Sunset Individual Life Systems and back off any Post Date-Of-Death transactions that have occurred in order to arrive at a Death Benefit.
- This involved building several new modules to process the extracts and create an output file that went go to a separate calculator that values the policy to a future date.
- Software tools included COBOL, TSO/ISPF.
- The next assignment was to process text files through MS SQL Server, using VB.
- Some transformation was done such as changing codes and parsing names and addresses to create XML files, which were reviewed by business analysts and then loaded to a relational database.
- Member of team working on projects for a 4-system integration.
- Project tasks included design, coding and testing of new accounting reports.
- Resolved defects discovered in testing.
- Fast paced, multi-tasking environment.
- Heavy contact with business customers.
- Software tools included MF Net Express (Client Based Microfocus COBOL), DB2 Command, DB2, SQL, TSO, MS Excel.
Confidential - Meriden, CT
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Analyzed and implemented federally mandated changes to DCF (Department of Child & Family Services) system.
- Working with business customers, designed, developed and tested new tables using Access VB procedures.
- Software tools included MS Access, MS Excel, and MS Access VB.
Confidential - Hartford, CT
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Maintenance and development on RPS (Repetitive Payment System) Vantage Annuity System.
- Software tools included COBOL, VSAM, CICS, DB2, Endevor.
Confidential - Hartford, CT
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Conversion of life insurance systems to the third party Andesa system.
- Elements of CIGNA, Utica Life, NY Life, and Confidential systems were converted using MS Access VB procedures.
- Designed and produced reports, procedures to assist in monitoring of effort.
- Designed and tested transactions to move data through the conversion system.
- Software included MS Excel, FTP, MS Access, MS Access VB.
Confidential - Hartford, CT
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Member of team upgrading and converting John Hancock Vantage Life insurance system.
- Responsible for analysis, coding, and testing.
- Software tools included VSAM, TSO/ISPF, TSO/FILE-AID, Endevor, MS Excel, Mainframe Express.
Travelers - Hartford, CT
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Project involved researching and documenting hundreds of programs, developing change alternatives and implementing and testing the changes.
- Software tools included COBOL, Endevor, CICS, InterTest, TSO/ISPF, Eztrieve, MS Excel, MS Word.
Confidential, Hartford, CT
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Designed and implemented changes to TOPS statistical system.
- Changes provide additional data elements to supplement monthly claims payment data relating to revenue code expansion.
- Software tools included COBOL, Endevor, Xpeditor, TSO/ISPF, TSO/FILE-AID, MS Excel, MS Word.
Confidential - Bloomfield, CT
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Developed Access database to assist in Earnings system migration using DB2, SQL, QMF, SPUFI, TSO/ISPF, Endevor, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, VSAM, FILE-AID, VSAM.
- Analyzed technical specifications designed and implemented test plans.
- Assisted in testing and validation of CIGNA Healthcare release 2B, HFO Reporting using DB2, SQL, QMF, SPUFI, TSO/ISPF, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access.
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Performed detailed analysis, design and coding in COBOL, DB2 and CICS programs in support of banking transformation project.
- Performed analysis and coding in converting secondary account number file from VSAM to DB2 using COBOL, DB2, JCL, CICS, VSAM, Eztrieve, TSO/ISPF, Endevor, MS Excel.
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Member of a team responsible for supporting development and maintenance initiatives in VANTAGE 15 System using COBOL, JCL, DB2, VSAM, CICS, TSO/ISPF, TSO/FILE-AID, Endevor.
- Created ad hoc reports for customers using various DB2 utilities such as SPUFI, QMF, with SQL, transferring reports to Excel spreadsheets.
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Lead Programmer/Analyst responsible for the analysis, design, and programming to support company initiatives with VANTAGE One version 12 life insurance System. (COBOL, VSAM, DB2, CICS, JCL, TSO/ISPF, TSO/FILE-AID)
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Member of team converting Aetna Property Casualty system to Travelers system (IDMS to IMS) using COBOL, DB2, CICS, VSAM, JCL, TSO/ISPF, TSO/FILE-AID, Endevor
Confidential - Hartford, CT 6 /
Mainframe COBOL Programmer
- Originally started at Aetna as a junior programmer working on development and maintenance of their first UL system.
- Also, worked on Vantage I life insurance system which was also development and maintenance.
- Production support and development for ACAS Healthcare claims systems.
- Software tools included COBOL, DB2, CICS, MQ, Endevor, SDF2, QMF, Xpeditor, TSO/ISPF, MS Excel.