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Mainframe Systems Programmer  Resume

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Mclean, VirginiA


  • Mainframe Systems Programming z/OS, MVS, DB2, CICS, MQ
  • Performance Monitoring and Reporting, Capacity Planning, System Tuning
  • Storage Management Disk, Tape, Virtual VTS tape systems and DASD arrays
  • Operating Systems Upgrades, Installs, Maintenance
  • Excellent problem solving and debugging skills, excellent planning & documenting skills
  • Self motivated team player able to work under diverse environment
  • Outstanding people skills and dedicated customer support in 24/7x365 environment


  • z/OS, MVS, OS/390, DB2, CICS, MQ Mainframe Systems Programming Disaster Recovery Storage Management Security Administration Technical & User Support Performance Reporting & Monitoring Debugging Assembler Coding Testing, Stress Testing, IVP, IV&V Automation Installation & Implementation Sales Support Technical Writing Vendor List IBM, Computer Associates, Allen Systems, BMC, Software AG, SAS, MVS Solutions, Oracle, etc.
  • Programming Languages Assembler, Cobol, Rexx, SASAbend - Aid ACF2 BMC CA-1 CA-7 CA-11 CA-Datacom CA-Disk CA- Endevor CA-MSM CICS CLIST Changeman Control-D/M/T DB2 DFDSS Easytrieve FDR FTP File-Aid HCD HTML HSM ICKDSF IDCams IEBcopy IMS IPCS ISPF JCL JES2 Jobtrac Linux MICS MIM MQ-Series MXG Magstar Mainview NDM Netview OS/390 Omegamon OPS/MVS QMF PDS/E RACF Remedy RMM Roscoe SMF SMP/E SMS SPUFI SQL SRDF STK Syncsort Sysplex Sysview TCP/IP TMON TMONCICS TMONDB2 TMONMVS TMS/TLMS TSO Top Secret Security Telnet Timefinder Tivoli UNIX VM VPS VSAM VTAM VTSS WLM XDC Etc.


Mainframe Systems Programmer

Confidential, Mclean, Virginia


  • Subject matter expert for IBM z/OS operating system software, and all OEM vendors
  • Code and Maintain SDLC procedures for enforcing application development standards
  • Provide technical support for all mainframe products
  • Support all IBM & Vendor software, apply fixes, upgrades, and new fresh installs
  • Manage and plan for upgrade of z/OS and supporting ISV program products
  • Actively support operations and production control centers to ensure SLA’s are consistently met
  • Work with IBM & Computer Associates vendors and provide recommendations to upper management
  • Install and upgrade multiple mainframe software products using SMPE
  • Maintain, update, and rewrite Assembly Language exits, REXX routines, and CLIST scripts
  • Manage SMF data accumulation and reporting
  • Perform real time system monitoring using OMEGAMON

Mainframe DB2/DBA/Systems Programmer

Confidential, Mclean, Virginia


  • Support DB2 on z/OS/Unux/Windows (LUW) in a 24x7x365 production environment
  • Support DB2 users performing restores and backups, and performance monitoring
  • Perform system performance monitoring using TMONDB2, TMONCICS
  • Support Oracle Transparent Gateway for DB2 - Ensuring connectivity to DB2 and Oracle
  • Support Legacy COBOL & REXX Applications
  • Support DB2 Connectivity with Shadow Direct ODBC & DB2 Connect and install patches and fixes
  • Support DB2 using SQL Queries with Spufi and QMF, Create Views, Triggers, and Drops
  • Support Disaster Recovery Remote Testing Applications and Interfaces, etc.

Mainframe DB2/DBA/Systems Programmer

Confidential, Frederick, Maryland


  • Provide general DB2 support for the Federal Employees Program
  • Monitor DB2 performance with TMONDB2 and BMC Mainview
  • SQL tuning using Cogito EZ-DB2 Software
  • Assist DBA’s with DB2 stored procedures
  • Applied maintenance DB2 V8.1 using SMP/E
  • Installed and implemented DB2 v9.1 in a SYSPLEX’d Data Sharing environment (SMP/E)
  • Installed and Implemented Cogito EZ-DB2 SQL optimization software
  • Upgraded BMC DB2 Admin Tool suite
  • Planned and participated in disaster recovery exercises

Mainframe Systems Programmer

Confidential, Rockville, Maryland


  • Provide z/OS & MVS systems programming & technical support for VTAM and TCPIP networks
  • Provide systems programming for program product installs, maintenance & upgrades (SMP/E)
  • Planned & Participated in z/OS upgrade from version 1.8 to 1.9
  • Provide customer & technical support for customers and operations
  • Provide Storage Management support
  • Participate in Disaster Recovery exercises

Senior Systems Programmer

Confidential, Mclean, Virginia


  • Provide mainframe support for z/OS, DB2, MQ Series, Websphere, DB2, CICS, CA Products
  • Plan & Install program product upgrades and maintenance for conversion from OS390 to z/OS
  • Plan migration strategy for upgrade of Dept of Commerce LPARs from OS390 to z/OS
  • Manage, plan and participate in Disaster Recovery exercises
  • Automate Operations (IPLs) with OPS/MVS
  • Upgraded multiple OEM program products to support OS/390 to z/OS conversion
  • Successfully transitioned the Department of Commerce’s mainframes from OS/390 2.10 to z/OS 1.4

Senior Systems Engineer

Confidential, Washington, DC


  • Engineer a mirror backup data center for the DoD mainframes at the Pentagon
  • Provide automated failover operations for Pentagon mainframes (Storage Management)
  • Provide operational status in a single-view window with Omegamon DE
  • Engineer and implement management software for entire data center using BMC Patrol
  • Create proposal presentations using Microsoft Power Point
  • Successfully implemented a backup mirror site using data replication technology
  • Successfully implemented BMC Patrol and Mainview
  • Successfully implemented Omegamon DE for single-view systems monitoring
  • Installed Redhat Linux under VM on z800 IFL LPAR
  • Performed Complete Systems Audit
  • Negotiated zero cost license agreements with software vendors providing savings for DoD
  • Successfully implemented BMC Patrol Enterprise Manager to monitor UNIX and mainframes
  • Successfully implemented BMC PEMs on various hardware platforms for single-view monitoring
  • Presented Power Point slide-show proposals to Pentagon upper management (military and civilian)

Systems Programmer

Confidential, Rockville, Maryland


  • Team lead for mainframe operating system upgrade
  • Manage programming staff and coordinate phases of software upgrades to support new OS
  • Successfully converted mainframe operating system from OS/390 2.10 to z/OS 1.4

Principal Software Engineer

Confidential, Reston, Virginia


  • Installation and maintenance of all mainframe system software for Software AG
  • Planned for future capacity and recommended mainframe zSeries hardware purchase
  • Support ADABAS developers with each new release of z/OS
  • Consult with developers to test and debug SAG applications with new operating systems
  • Work closely with IBM to test and debug IBM operating systems in advance of public release
  • Stress testing IBM operating systems and Software AG application software
  • Successfully ported Software AG’s applications and operating systems to HQ Germany
  • Developed scripts and procedures to facilitate installing IBM operating systems and software
  • Implemented multiple versions of Websphere, CICS, DB2, z/OS, and Linux on SYSPLEX’d LPARS

Systems Programmer

Confidential, Washington, DC


  • Manage SMF data for performance reporting and monitoring
  • Manage Merrill's Expanded Guide to CPE using SAS and SMF data

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