Storage Administrator Resume
Pleasanton, CA
Professional Summary:-
- Extensive IT experiencein Storage Management and Business Intelligence Networks along with system administration experience in multiple operating systems like UNIX and Windows
- Strong knowledge of all aspects of SAN and NAS technologies that include EMC and NetApp like Fiber Channel, iSCSI, storage allocation, storage virtualization and optimization, RAID levels and LUN masking.
- Expertise in administration of storage like Symmetrix, Clariion, Netapp N-series, IBM SVC, DS-8K, ESS Shark environment. Configured and managed the SAN environment using SYMCLI, Navisphere manager, NAVICLI, DSCLI, SVCCLI, Filer view, Web tools for Brocade, DCX for DCFM fabrics and MCData devices or Fabric Manager.
- Experience in administration of NetApp FAS3020, FAS3040, FAS250 to multiprotocol environment like NFS and CIFS. Performed data recovery and protections solutions like SnapMirror, SnapRestore in NetApp NAS environment.
- Administration and maintenance of the IT storage environment and its components including monitoring, metrics, reporting and analysis on availability, capacity, performance and allocation
- Good knowledge on how to create NIS master server and configuring NIS clients and managing NIS maps and checking whether NIS master daemons are NIS client daemons are running or not. Good Knowledge in UFS dump and UFS restore from root disk to other disk incase of increased partitions or same configuration of root disk in case of disaster.
- Good Knowledge in creating NFS / CIFS shares in EMC Celerra and provision lun’s or export file systems using ISCSI or FC.
- ExperiencedinSystemAdministration,whichincludesSolaris8/9/10,windowsNT/2000/2003 server versions. Implemented automated installation of SUN Solaris OS using Custom Jumpstart mechanism to install multiple different systems with no user intervention and Advanced Installations like Webstart or flash on Sparc processors.
- ExperienceinImplementationofSRDF,TimeFinder(BCVs/Clones)forbackupsandrestorationofdatainSymmetrixDMXseries.VerygoodknowledgeinperformingMirrorView,Clones, Snaps, SAN Copy in Clariion CX- Series.
- Hard working, self starting individual with good intercommunication skills combined with the ability to work collaboratively and as well as an individual to achieve management goals.
EMC Certified Proven Associate
SUN Certified System Administrator
Network Appliance Storage Networking
Technical Skills:-
OS Hardware- SUN Architecture T-2000, 6800, 4800, 4500, E10k, E450, E420, V480r, V280r, V890, V490, v1280, B100S, B1600, e420r, e450, v240, v280, v2900, v440, v480 IBM E Series p570, HP rp5470, L Class, N Class, Sun Storage S2, D1000,
Hardware Processors:- Intel X86 and AMD x64 based high end & lower end servers and PC\'s form Dell, IBM ,HP and SUN
EMC Hardware:ClariionCX340CX600/CX400,SymmentrixDMXArray3000,DMX3Series,BrocadeFCDirectorslikeDS12000B&DepartmentalSwitcheslikeDS32B2McData FC Directors like ED1032, Cisco FC Directors like MDS 9513 /9506 and Departmental Switches like DS 9120
Operating Systems:WindowsNT/Windows2000/Windows2003,SUNSolaris9&10,IBMAIX,HPUX,Linux,CISCO(FabricManager/DeviceManager)Brocade&McDataSwitches(ConnectrixManager),Navisphere manager,
EMC Applications:- SnapView, MirrorView, SAN Copy, Visual SAN 4.0, Celerra Snap Sure, Symmetrix SRDF/S/A,Navisphere manager.
Administrative tools:- Solstice Disk Suite (SDS), Sun volume manager (SVM), Logical Volume manger, Veritas Volume Manager.
Networking Protocols:- TCP/IP, NFS, UFS, CIFS, NIS, SSH, RPC, FC, ISCSI, SCSI.
Switches:- Cisco MDS 9509, 9506, MCData 3232, 6140, 6064 and Brocade 3200, 3250, 3800, 3900, 4100, 5120, 24000, 48000
Professional Work Experience:-
SAN Administrator
Boulder, CO (Jul’08 – Till date)
- Perform daily operational support with following products: EMC Symmetrix DMX 3, DMX4,EMCClariion,NetappNseries,DS4000,DS8000,SVC,CISCOSANFabric,BrocadeSANFabricorsimilar.Thisincludeslogicalconfiguration,troubleshooting,implementation,andgeneraloperationalsupportwhichincludestouchsupportactivitiessuchascheckingphysicalhardware status, pre-staging equipment for installation, providing guidance to CEs regarding installations or repairs.
- Designed and implemented Storage Area Networks (SAN) & Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Server platforms are typically some variety on UNIX and INTEL, Disk hardware such as DS8000, IBM ESS, Clariion and Symmetrix.
- Implementation of Binding Raid groups and lun’s for a Clariion CX-3 and CX-4 Series using Navisphere Manager and also implemented lun mapping and masking using both manual and automatic Dynamic lun allocation in Symmetrix DMX-3 and DMX-4 series.
- GoodunderstandingknowledgeonSymmetrixVMAXseriestoperformbasicallocations to the servers like Windows and UNIX using Symmacess commands.
- Accomplishedoveralloperationalperformancewhichincludesstorageadministration,troubleshootingandsolvingissuelikepathdown,linkfailure,storageunseenforWindows,Solaris,HPUXplatforms,MPIO,MPXIOissues,securepathissue,lunreservation issues, Degraded path issues and Power path problems.
- Used Connectrix manager, Fabric manager, Web tools, Data center Fabric manager (DCFM) to manage storage environment consisting of MCData, Brocade and DCX switches and EMC storage.
- CreatenewZonesanddeletethezonesfromactiveZonesetsaspartofdecommissioningprocessfor Decommissioning storage to open system environment from Storage array and actively worked on Remedy ticketing system.
- ParticipatedasakeymemberinSwitchmigrationfromMCData6140toBrocadeDCXswitches
- Created Aggregates, Volumes (Traditional and FlexVol volumes), Qtrees using ONTAP command line and Filer View. Created, Configured and Managed CIFS Shares, NFS shares and permissions on NetApp filer using Data OnTap 7.x.
- Provisioned NFSand CIFS share on NS600 Integrated Celerra and provided file system shares for both windows and UNIX clients using NTmigrate. Tool. Performed Lun masking for Windows servers through ISCSI in Celerra environment.
- Maintained a real-time copy of data in two to five Symmetrix systems in physically separate sites using SRDF/A. Performed Establish, Split, Restore, Failback, Failover operations on the Symmetrix device groups.
- Configured point-in-time BCV mirror copies of production data and provisioned them to backup hosts using Time Finder local storage replication solutions.
- Maintained a copy of a LUN at separate locations in a order to provide for disaster recovery using Mirror View
- Performed Volume-to –Volume and Qtree-to-Qtree replication using Snap Mirror in NetApp N-series and FAS Series.
- Ran EMC Grab utilities/ Brocade support saves/ MCData data collection commands and sendinggeneratedfilesandcorestovendorforfurtheranalysistocriticalperformance issues.
- Provide24*7supporttostorageArrays,FiberSwitchesandUnixHosts.Troubleshootday-to-daySANissues.
Environment:-DMX 3, DMX 4, Clariion, McData, Brocade DCX, Navisphere Manager, Solution Enabler, NAS, Connectrix Manager, Fabric Manager, Solaris, Windows, AIX, NetApp N-series and FAS Series, Celerra,NAVICLI, SYMCLI, SANCopy, Snaps, Clones, MirrorView, SnapMirror, SRDF, BCV.
Confidential (Sep’06 - Jul’08)
Implementation Specialist
Sanjose, CA
- ProvidestorageprovisioningandcapacityplanningusingNAVICLI,SYMCLI,McDataandBrocade switch zoning. Performed Lun Migration on following factors Meta lun expansion if all possible factors are completed and also for platform change of arrays like CX to CX 3 series.
- AssistedwiththeSANFabricFirmwareupgrade.Storageinfrastructureengineering&supportfor DMX-2,DMX-3, CX3-40, CX3-80, McData and Brocade switch.
- InvolvedinAllocationandDecommissioningofstoragetoopensystemlikeWindows,UNIX &LINUXhostsfromstoragearraysusingECC,SYMCLI,NAVICLI&Navisphere manager.
- MarinatingClariionenvironment(CX4120,CX320,CX340,CX380,CX700)including,creating Raid groups, Binding lun’s and Meta lun configuration and also migrated lun’s from RAID-5 to RAID 1/0 to increase the performance for already allocated storage from Clariion and Symmetrix DMX arrays to the servers.
- Installed Snap view, Mirror view and San copy software’s on Clariion CX3 40 and CX 3-80 using NT tool. Performed Synchronous and Asynchronous Mirror view local replication on Clariion CX3-40 and performed synchronization of lun on secondary image.
- Implemented the migration of data from CX 700 to CX-3 series arrays using SAN Copy migration solution.
- Creating new LUN’s based on requirement and RDF pairing, SRDF device mapping creating DG’s and sync data across sites and maintain proper backup’s according to the SLA.
- Created Device groups, Establish BCV, Break Mirrors, RBCV in SRDF operations. Implemented disaster recovery for performance critical hosts using SRDF/A.
- Implemented Time Finder in storage environment for backup’s using BCV and point in time copies of production data by using clones and Snap view.
- Extensively used Connectrix manager, Fabric/Device manager in order to perform dutieslikeassigningDomainID’sforswitches,CreatingVSAN’s,andAdding/Removing zones in a zoneset, creating zonesets and activating zonesets.
- Worked with VERITAS Volume manager for creating volumes and file systems for various applications and databases.
- Trouble-shooted and resolved issues like one-path-down, host not seeing storage, HBAfailures,Degradedpaths,Lunreservationissues,Storageallocations,Mapping,Masking issues and zoning issues.
Environment:- EMC Clariion CX3-40, CX 3-80, Symmetrix DMX-1, DMX-2, NetApp Filers FAS250, FAS960, Navisphere Manager, NaviCLI, SYMCLI, SANCopy, MirrorView, SnapMirror, SRDF, CISCO, Brocade, McData.
Confidential (Dec’05- Sept’06)
Storage Administrator
Pleasanton, CA
- ProvisionstoragebasedonstandardizedprocedureasoutlinedbyEMCbestpracticedocumentation.DesignmanageandsupporttheEnterpriseStorageenvironmentincludingSANbasedclustering,storageprovisioning,andprovisioningmadeforDisasterRecoverywithEMCDMX,Clariion,McDatafabricwithWindowsandUNIXservers.StorageAllocationviaCLI,hyperandMetacreationanddestruction,mappingandunmappingvolumestoFAports,maskingdevice tohosts.
- Configured SnapView Snapshots for local point-in-time copies, SnapView Clones for test servers and used SANCopy for remote replication solutions, migrated existing data from CX 500 to Clariion CX 700 storage systems.
- CreateDeviceGroups,associateBCV\'stostandardvolumes.DeliveryofstorageallocationinacentralizeddatacenterenvironmentwithEMCHardware,Symmetrix,CLARiiON, Connectrix.
- AbilitytotroubleshootanddiagnosecomplexI/OissuesinthelargestSANenvironments including storage arrays like CX700, CX600, CX3-20 and DMX 1000, 2000.
- CreateClariionbestpractice,LUNmasking,fiberspecs,switchspecifications,SANsecurity/Port Zoning, core-to-end,Continuous monitoring and troubleshooting to pinpoint problems and identify violations that stray from policies and best practices. Created Meta Lun’s for CX 500 by running Navi-CLI and Clariion GUI interface.
- Administered and managed NetApp Filer using Command line and FilerView. Created Aggregates and Volumes in Netapp FAS 3050, FAS 6040 using FilerView and also added CIFS shares to Windows hosts and NFS export volumes to UNIX hosts.
- Performed Scheduled backups hourly, daily & weekly basis using Snapshot technology and data recovery using SnapRestore.
- Using SnapMirror maintained a replica of one volume in anther volume.
- Performed SRDF by establishing SRDF links between R1 and R2 systems.
- Performed UFS dump and UFS restore from root disk to other disk incase of increased partitions or same configuration of root disk in case of disaster. Performed Root cloning from one disk to other disk to have root disk redundancy.
- Performed Cloning and root mirroring on the one of the root disks on the SPARC servers incase o disaster or increase in hard partitions on disk.
- Performed live upgrade on various Sun servers like SUN V220R, V280R, SunFire 6800 from Solaris 7,8 to Solaris 9.Troubleshooting related problems and traffic analysis using Enterprise LAN meter, TCP/IP Protocol, Hostname, IP address configuration on HP and SUN.
- Performed jumpstart installation for brand new servers like SPARC in the network and installed Solaris 9 and 10 .Performed Ignite Installation on HP-UX PA-RISC servers and Itanium.Performed Shell Scripting for Jumpstart clients to automatically create the profile file of the particular client and the rules files for that specific client.
Environment:- Brocade, McData, Clariion CX300, CX600, CX700, Symmetrix 8800, DMX series, SRDF, TimeFinder, SANCopy, MirrorView, NetApp.
Hyderabad, India (Jan’04 - Nov’05)
- Solid understanding of TCP/IP, NFS, CIFS, ISCSI and basic networking technologies. Hands-on experience with various Sun hardware, particularly SunFire V240, V480, V440.
- Worked knowledge on Logical Volume Manager and JFS for creating volume groups, logical volumes and file systems in UNIX environment.
- Worked on how to create NIS master server and configuring NIS clients and managing NIS maps and checking whether NIS master daemons are NIS client daemons are running or not.
- Build Golden system with company specific configuration, patch levels, OS security and applications. Created Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 Flash archive images and installed them using Jumpstart infrastructure.
- Performed UFSsnap backup for one of the critical applications like Raptor and backed it up to remote tape libraries. Also performed file system backup using CPIO in and out operations
- Configured, Maintaining and troubleshooting server and client systems enabled with NIS & NFS with Auto mount services.
- Performing storage workload modeling and prediction tasks for server storage systems.Closely monitoring server storage performance, identifying problems and implementing solutions.
- Solaris Network Implementation and administration with Ethernet, TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS, NIS, NIS+, SNMP, NTP.NIS master/slave/clients configurations in Solaris, maps maintenance, NFS server and automounter configuration.
- InstallationandconfigurationofSunSolaris7/8/9andLinux.ResponsibilitiesincludedSystem Administration and Hardware in an environment with Cisco 2600 Router, Linux Send-mail Server, Domain Controller, Gatekeeper Proxy Server, 200 Windows Nodes.
- Provided 24x7 production support for critical time-sensitive systems in a heterogeneous environment with Sun, Windows and Novell servers.
- Analyzed problems on RPC (remote procedure call), security.Fixed bugs using IPtrace tools, core dump analysis tools and memory leak tools, worked with DMZ firewall.
Environment- Sun Solaris 7/8, Sun Fire 280R/V440, Solstice Disk Suite, Veritas Volume Manager, NFS, NIS, DNS, DHCP.