Network Administrator Resume
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- Partnering with executive management to align corporate and IT visions
- Turning around problem or jump-starting stagnant IT Departments and rebuilding IT’s reputation throughout the organization
- Designing a customized IT approach to meet corporate needs and improve IT’s value proposition (e.g., insourcing vs. outsourcing, internal servers vs. internal cloud vs. external cloud, etc.)
- Creating a “Learning IT Organization” environment to continuously improve IT’s service delivery
- Implementing Mike’s S’s: Standardization + Stabilization + Simplification = Savings in an IT Organization
- Contract negotiations to reduce overall IT spend
- 17+ Years of IT Department Management
- 27+ Years of IT experience across numerous industries: Government/Military, Consulting, Social Service, Pharmaceutical/Laboratory, and Real Estate (residential/commercial)
- 4 Years in Network Management/Administration
- 11+ Years in Software/Database Development and Project Management
- Continuously Increasing Levels of Responsibility
Responsibilities include:
- Management of IT Staff (4) – Reduced staff from 7 and three full time consultants to 3 FTEs and 1 full time consultant. Staff includes and included help desk, systems administrators, network administrators, software development
- IT Budget – Expense budget of up to $1.8M and Capex of $300k
- Maintain corporate infrastructure which included up to 43 locations, 55 servers, 350 users, user desktop and mobile technology, phones, copiers, etc.
- Develop and update corporate standards for technology and corporate technology policies
- Manage corporate support delivery across all technologies
Significant Projects:
- Embraced cloud strategy and cloud outsourced phone, email, accounting, and currently migrating corporate data, including implementing SharePoint organization-wide
- Implemented Disaster Recovery (DR) – In addition to the cloud approach for most mission critical system, corporate data is synchronized from the datacenter to multiple sites. In the event of full datacenter incapacitation, corporate data will still be available.
- Fully virtualized corporate datacenter from 30+ servers to 3
- Implemented Small Office Standard (SOS) – Developed technology standard for 30+ locations containing a cost-conscience, cookie cutter approach to reduce onboard & separation costs as well as continuing support costs.
- Cost reduction through outsourcing to Managed Service Partners (MSP), Software-As-A-Service (SAAS), training specialists at each location, developing relationships with on-call consultants, etc.
- Implemented IT Service Center (ITSC) help desk following ITIL best practices to track and respond to all users IT requests and learning organization best practices
- Reworked 10 node MPLS WAN to reduce costs and change vendors
- Implemented corporate backup system comprised of DFS and centralized backup for large sites and for small sites
- Moved, stood-up, or closed 40+ offices/properties
- Implemented SIP trunking for VOIP across MPLS and Internet VPN
- Implemented monitoring of networking devices & servers
- Implemented Backup-In-Layers (BIL) to secure user’s network data – Includes DFS (hard disk backup), VSS, and tape
- (Re)Negotiated IT costs;
- Reduced budget from $1.8M to $800k to fit companies budget reduction needs
- Reduced cell phone costs approximately $7k/mo, including BYOD reimbursement plan
- Reduced conference call rates from $0.125 to $0.03, LD rates from $0.035 to $0.015 and then unlimited free
- Reduced WAN site connectivity costs from $2.1k/mo to $450/mo. per site – $200k+ savings per year with added broadband backup for high availability
- Many additional cost saving programs
- Brought standardization to corporate technology and support delivery
- Reworked WAN to simplify infrastructure and reduce costs
- Stabilized infrastructure reducing IT related outages by 98%
- Developed Small Office Standard (SOS) – Designed and rolled out a standard for property offices which included phone, network, Internet, firewall, copier, and other standards to reduce costs and support
Director, IT Operations
Responsibilities include:
- Management of corporate infrastructure and growing technological capabilities
- Standardizing technology and support delivery mechanisms
- Stabilizing and advancing technology to meet and exceed corporate dependence
- Continue to meet and exceed high department satisfaction ratings on corporate surveys
- Manage numerous enterprise applications
- Support corporate laboratory technology and infrastructure
- Management of IT Operations staff (21), including system administrators, DBA’s (Oracle, SQL Server, & MySQL), network technologists (Solaris, Microsoft, & Novell), help desk, and trainer.
- Management of IT Operations budget – Approximately $3.1M expense, including all technology purchases. Capex decreased from approximately $3.0M to $1.0M across my tenure.
Significant Projects:
- Project managed the implementation of ITIL compliant Incident/Problem Management process to standardize and improve corporate support delivery (2002)
- Project managed the implementation of ITIL compliant Change Management process to improve corporate change tracking and process (2003)
- Supported the implementation of IT Portfolio Management (2005)
- Project managed team support for Venus; a large corporate book production application development effort (2005)
- Implemented SAN environment (2003 & 2004) and moved corporate shared data to NAS environment (2004)
- Standardized corporate hardware and software - PC (2002), Laptops (2003), Peripherals (2004)
- Implemented NuGenesis (pre-lims system) software in laboratory environment (2002)
- Numerous Enterprise Application Upgrades: Document Management – Convera’s Retrievalware/EFS and Opentext’s Livelink (2002, 2003, 2005), Enterprise Timekeeping – Kronos (2005), NuGenesis (2005), ERP – Oracle 11i (2003, 2005)
- Implemented Network Monitoring (2003) to support corporate move to “24/7”
- Expanded enterprise scanning system from one to four departments (2003, 2005)
- Setup of farm server environment - Application server farm (2003), Web server farm (2003), Database server farm (2004)
- Implemented redundant network to meet corporate uptime requirements for hosted products (2003, 2004, 2005) which included redundant ISP’s, network pathing to DMZ, and security.
- Supported implementation of the corporate Internet storefront, with direct ties to ERP (2004)
- Minimized budget growth to support large corporate user base growth. USP nearly doubled in staff size within 4 years, from 200+ staff to 400+. Expense budget grew at 4-6%/annum during tenure
- Minimized operations staff growth to support large corporate user base growth and corporate application growth
- Changed response to technology requests from “No, because...” to “Yes” by growing technology from server-based to farm-based and excess capacity planning
- Stood-up three new sites in 2005 - Swing space, India office, and Switzerland Office. China office to open in February 2006. Connectivity provided by DS3, IPL, and VPN.
- Continued to receive high approval ratings for support throughout all IT changes, upgrades, and introduction of new technology.
- Supported corporate ISO 9001:2000 certification and ISO 17025:1999 lab accreditation
- Developed a secure web-based electronic voting system for convention attendees to elect BOT and COE members. System was recognized by BOT and convention attendees for its ease of use.
- Negotiated Oracle licensing costs downward 60% during a corporate audit
- Upgraded corporate desktop software with < 1 hr. downtime per user
- Reduced complex network environment from five network OS’s to three.
- Reduced software and hardware acquisition time by stocking standardized components. 90% of all MAC requests are resolved in one business day
IS Director/Network Administrator
Responsibilities include:
- Maintaining and growing the corporate IS infrastructure and capabilities.
- Developing and implementing the Information Technology (IT) Corporate Vision Statement.
- Managing the corporate information technology staff.
- Managing the corporate telecommunication infrastructure.
- Managing the IS Department budget.
Significant Projects:
- Oversight and hands-on involvement in the planning for and the upgrade of the corporate network and workstation infrastructure (1998). Standardized equipment vendor, software platform, networking protocol (TCP/IP)
- Researched and developed the corporate plan for a Distance Learning Facility (1999).
- Managed the development and implementation of the corporate Intranet (1999).
- Co-Chaired the Automated Recruiting Tool (ART) committee: Researched recruiting options and beta testing chosen ASP (1999-2000).
- Co-Chaired the Corporate Telework Committee and chairing the Corporate Telework Technology Subcommittee (2000).
- Project managed the research, purchase, and integration of new corporate telephone system (2000).
- Implemented VPN of regional offices and telework employees (2000).
- Moved company to new location, including IT infrastructure design and implementation management (2001).
- Single-handedly ran the day-to-day Computer Support Desk (CSD), network, and telephony operations for 8 months.
- Stabilized the corporate IT infrastructure and developed the CSD.
- Decreased average CSD response time to less-than 1 hour and rebuilt the IS Department's reputation. Reduced support calls by 87%.
- Reduced long distance telephone rates by > 65%, located and negotiated best value Internet Service Provider (ISP) and negotiated local phone service - minimum 50% savings.
- Standardized IT vendors and negotiated best prices.
- Worked with managers to improve current processes with and without the use of technology.
- Managed three website development efforts of varying sizes (J & E Internet, J & E Intranet, & secure client Internet database).
Reports Team Manager
Responsibilities included:
- Identifying report requirements through client discussions.
- Designing and testing all reports while implementing a new database system.
- Identifying ways to place reports on the L&F Intranet.
- Integrating the reports onto the corporate server and performing scheduled process timing runs.
Database/Products Director
Responsibilities included:
- Researching Internet hosting requirements and designing initial web layouts.
- Designing a CD-ROM product that incorporated a custom query tool and a .PDF viewer.
- Managing the redesign and upgrade of an interim FoxPro 3.0 database into either an Oracle Workgroups or InterBase backend.
- Developing a networked internal data verification system to track productivity.
- Designing and developing a database report writer that produces materials for a monthly publication.
- Upgrading a flat-file system to a FoxPro 3.0 database in order to meet time-critical deadlines.
Team Leader/Programmer/Analyst
Responsibilities included:
- Leading a seven-member team in the development of the Ground Combat Vehicle Survivability Database (GCVSD) for the U.S. Army.
- Managing three FoxPro programmers in the development of the Front End Analysis (FEA) database for USSOCOM. It featured a free-form (ad-hoc) query.
- Managing a team of PowerBuilder developers who created the Joint Service Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defense Materiels Database (JSNDM) for the Army Material Command.
- Lead developer of the Army Nuclear Survivability Status Tracking System (ANSSTS) for the U.S. Army. The ANSSTS database system was developed in FoxPro 2.6 for Windows.
- Lead developer of the Materiel Analysis of Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Contamination Survivability (MANS) database for the U.S. Army.
- Acting as manager and/or developer on thirteen additional database systems in FoxPro (PC, Macintosh, and cross platform), Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, and Clipper.