Senior Database Consultant
Hardware : VAX (8220,11/750), IBM PC, AT&T Pyramid, HP 1000, Apollo Workstation, IBM 370, AT&T 6386, VAXstation
Operating Systems: Windows NT, VAX/VMS, UNIX (Sys V), RTEA, VM/CMS, MSDOS and OS/2
Databases : ORACLE9i (SQL*Plus, Pro*C, SQL*Forms, SQL*ReportWriter, SQL*Loader, SQL*Menu, SQLASSIST), Developer/2000, Oracle Apps 11i, MS Access, Dbase IV, FoxPro, Clipper
Languages : SQL, PL/SQL, SQR, ASP, HTML, JavaScript, VB Script, PERL, SAS, C, PL, RPL, PASCAL, FORTRAN, HTML, ASSEMBLY(68000) and LISP
Software : Crystal Reports 8.0, TOAD, SQL Navigator 4, MS Word, MS Excel, ISIS, and several other packages.
Senior Database Consultant
Confidential,Hopewell, New Jersey January 2008 – Current
Implemented enhancements to Global Medical Affairs Study Tracking (GMAST) system to track Post Marketing Trials throughout the world on Oracle 9iAS using PL/SQL and JavaScript. Development involved changes to user interface and reports which were generated using Oracle 10g Developer Suite.
Implemented enhancements to Product/Market Approval & Phasing System (GMAP) on Oracle 9iAS using PL/SQL and JavaScript along with Business Objects reporting tool.
Implemented IMPACT 3.4.7 changes and was involved in data migration efforts for My Trials application. DataFlux tool and PL/SQL was used extensively in massaging the SQL server data to be ported into Oracle database.
Developed backend structure in Oracle 10G, which provides PSM algorithms and creates data which is required by SPEaR (Start-up Planning, Enrollment and Reporting) Front end and BI Reports. The Data engine takes input data from IMPACT and EDM Systems. SPEaR forecasting tool has a front end built using COGNOS.
Senior Database Consultant
Confidential,New Jersey January 2006 – December 2007
Involved in Data Modeling of Multi program-GRE application in ORACLE. Developed PL/SQL batch programs using JAVA wrapper to interface with PeopleSoft. Also created queries to be used in Actuate reports. Lead development efforts in project releases.
Senior Database Consultant
Confidential,Lawrenceville, New Jersey October 2005 – January 2006
Implemented UNIX shell scripts for automation of data loads and PL/SQL packages for reconciliation of expense data. Developed user interface with Oracle Forms 6i. Created exception reports in HTML to be sent using ORACLE SMTP utility. Also developed PL/SQL packages to interface with .NET.
Senior Database Consultant
Confidential,New Jersey October 2004 – October 2005
Involved in Data Modeling of Next Generation TOEFL order processing application in ORACLE. Developed several PL/SQL batch programs to interface with PeopleSoft. Also created queries to be used in Actuate reports.
Senior Database Consultant
Confidential,Lawrenceville, New Jersey May 2004 – October 2004
Enhanced Deal Tracking application on Oracle 9iAS using PL/SQL and JavaScript (TraX is a web-based suite of tools designed to help business development personnel to manage the details, progress, and documents associated with a deal in a centralized, secure, collaborative environment). Worked on JSP and MS Access 2002 applications. Built reports in PERL and Crystal Reports 9.0.
Senior Database Consultant
Confidential,New Jersey October 2003 – March 2004
Senior Database Consultant
Confidential,Somerset, New Jersey March 2003 – July 2003
Worked on Sales Forecast and financial outlook system, which incorporated data from sales force and Oracle Apps 11i creating Forecast, Future outlook and highlighting trends. This allowed management to better understand the market and focus on production.
Senior Database Engineer
Confidential,Horsham, Pennsylvania July 2002 – December 2002
Worked with a group of developers on a project for C-SPAN to manage, and distribute programming and scheduling information using Oracle Objects for OLE. Developed PL/SQL packages for data migration on Oracle 9.2.0. Involved with requirement analysis, design and development of database and client interface for finding companies and products. Implemented Oracle Text search utility.
Senior Database Engineer
Confidential,New Jersey April 2000 – April 2002
Worked with a group of developers in E-Commerce development. Developed several PL/SQL backend processes in Oracle 8.0.5. Helped developers in Web applications and written multiple reports using Crystal Reports 8.0. Designed, Developed and Implemented a Web Statistics Package to handle large sets of data.
Project Leader / Oracle Developer
Confidential,New Jersey September 1998 – March 2000
Lead a team of developers in the conversion SQL*Forms 3.0 and SQL*Menu 5.0 applications to Forms 4.5. Converted applications from Access 2.0 to Access 97. Involved in making several applications Y2K compliant and documentation. Utilized the following tools: Forms 4.5, SQR, MS Access 97, FoxPro and ISIS.
Database Consultant
Confidential,New Jersey July 1998 - September 1998
Developed reports for “PSDI Maximo parts and inventory management system” using SQR. Also supervised developers in writing database triggers and made changes to existing data entry screens.
Database Consultant
Confidential,New Jersey April 1997 – July 1998
Worked with Computer Applications group in the requirement analysis, design, development, integration and documentation of Regulatory Document Index database to track titles of study reports used to support product registrations within the International Regulatory Affairs group. Developed and implemented a Submissions module for Animal Study and Submission Tracking System. Used SQL*Forms, SQL*Menu and SQR 3.0 on VAX/VMS.
Worked through Analysis, design, implementation, user acceptance test and all relevant documentation including a user’s manual of a payments database for Toxicology group using MS Access 97 and VBA.
Database Expert
Confidential,New Jersey October 1993 April 1997
Design and build a data management system using Clintrial (ver 3.3) on Oracle (ver 7.0). Design, develop and define database structures according to Case Report Forms for clinical trial data collection and storage. Develop electronic edit, logic and consistency checks for data cleanup using validation software and procedures. Troubleshoot and validate operational problems related to clinical data collection tools databases. Served as the primary point of contact between the Data Manager and Bio-statisticians. Instruct and mentor new staff and junior
team members in the training and use of data collection tools. Establish and maintain effective communication with Data Manager and Bio-statisticians to identify enhancements needed for error detection and task automation. Work with Data Management team and global IT staff to determine data collection design tools for clinical studies.
Database Consultant
Confidential,, New Jersey September 1992 September 1993
Provide Systems Analysis and development support for an Evaluation System for all contract work done for Merck & Co. Used Oracle (Ver 6.0), SQL*Forms, SQL*ReportWriter and SQL*Menu on VAX/VMS. Built a Personnel Database system and provided Oracle Training.
Oracle Consultant
Confidential,Trenton, New Jersey April 1992 September 1992
Developed an Automated Information System for the Commercial Recording Division of the State of New Jersey. This required extensive use of Oracle (Ver 6.0), SQL*Forms (Ver 3.0), SQR (Ver 2.14) under PRIMOS.
Software Consultant
Confidential,New Jersey July 1991 April 1992
Analyzed and implemented view screens and reports for AT&T Sales Compensation Management System. Worked under extreme time pressure to deliver the system on time. Implementation was done on AT&T Pyramid 7000 using UNIX, Oracle (Ver 6.0), SQL*Forms (Ver 3.0), PRO*C (Ver 1.3) & C.
Software Consultant/Database Specialist
Confidential,New Jersey November 1990 June 1991
Solely responsible for the design, development and testing of a Package Component Management System. Implemented on a VAX 8820 running VMS (Ver 5.41A) and ORACLE (Ver 6.0) and required extensive use of SQL*Forms (Ver 3.0) and SQL*ReportWriter (Ver 1.1)
Scientific Programmer
Confidential,Cranbury, New Jersey September 1989 October 1990
Design a Raw Material Inventory database for the Formulations Department to maintain optimal inventory levels. This was developed on an Apollo Workstation running UNIX, ORACLE (Ver 6.0). Tools used were SQL*PLUS (Ver 3.0), Pro*C (Ver 1.3), SQL*Forms (Ver 2.3) and SQL*ReportWriter (Ver 1.1).
Developed a highly successful Statistical Analysis Package for the Pharmacology Department. This involved complex Macro programming in LOTUS 123.
Database Analyst
Confidential,New Jersey March 1989 September 1989
Designed an Inventory Control System to schedule equipment maintenance for effective cost control and budgeting. Developed a Budget Tracking system for project cost control. Used Dbase IV on an IBM PC/AT.
Chemical Engineer
Confidential,India December 1985 September 1986
Involved in the development of a database for the Payroll Department, using ORACLE.
M.S., Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., Chemical Engineering