Oracle Dba Resume Profile
Skills Summary
Thirteen years of Oracle Database Administration and eight years of Unix/Linux Systems Administration. Supported Web Services and Servers. Implemented and used System Monitoring and Automation tools. Extensive Shell Scripting and SQL experience. Significant amounts of UNIX and ORACLE environment software development experience. Supported all levels of system users in Federal and Civilian organizations Experience includes major roles in Development, Implementation and Production. Installed and built on Redhat Enterprise 5 an Oracle 11g database with encrypted table spaces, encrypted RMAN backups and RMAN recovery catalog. Excellent team player and written/verbal communication skills. Have used or supported Java Enterprise Edition J2EE , Remedy, Patrol, Erwin, Apache and Tomcat. Upgraded many Solaris servers from Solaris 8 to Solaris 10. Have supported virtually all Unix variants including Redhat Linux, AIX, LINUX, HPUX, Solaris, Harris HCX, SCO SYSV and Sequent DYNIX/ptx. Have been DBA on Oracle 5, Oracle 6, Oracle 7, Oracle 8, Oracle 9i, Oracle 10g and Oracle 11g. Very good at fixing problem systems that have proven difficult to optimize due to combination of systems administrator and oracle dba skills. Currently use Centos 6.5 Linux Server as training test bed. Last Clearance Held: MINIMUM BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION Work Experience: Linux / Oracle / Mongo Training Confidential
- Installed Centos 7 Linux Redhat Enterprise Linux 7 compatible
- Installed Centos 6.5 Linux Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.5 compatible on KVM/QEMU VM running under Centos 7 Linux
- Installed and configured Oracle ASM on Centos Linux 6.5 VM
- Installed and implemented Oracle RDBMS on Centos Linux 6.5 VM
- Installed Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control on Centos Linux 6.5 VM
- Configured Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control with multiple managed Linux/Oracle 12C hosts and used ASH, ADDM and AWR, on multiple Linux / Oracle 12C managed hosts.
- Employed Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control to set up RMAN backup.
- Installed MongoDB Enterprise 2.6.5 on Centos 7. Built collection of 150 million indexed documents
- Installed Solaris 11.2 on Centos 7 KVM/QEMU VM
- Confidential Infrastructure Oracle DBA
- Supported Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina Database Infrastructure team in database installs, patching and problem solving.
- All supported environments were Unix/Linux variants including IBM zLinux running under an IBM zOS LPAR, Redhat Enterprise Linux Linux and Solaris
- Used root Linux and DBA privileges to install and debug database issues on a variety of platforms that included mainframe zlinux, Redhat Linux and Solaris.
Oracle DBA Training
Confidential Installed and configured Centos Linux 6.5 on Dell Vostro 470 Installed Oracle 12c version on Centos Linux version 6.5. Created an Oracle 12c database. Confidential ORACLE DBA/Developer 12/12-10/13 Supported development of Joint Veterans Affairs/DOD IEHR Integrated Electronic Health Record medical records system. Designed and preliminary implementation of XML based 4DD Tetra Federator to federate DOD and Veterans Administration Health records into a single patient view. Confidential
Systems Administrator/Oracle DBA/Developer
Designed ORACLE 11.2 Streams downstream capture replication solution on mixed HP/UX Unix and Sun Solaris Unix environment. Configuration was 10.2 database sending archive logs to downstream capture database, all on HP/UX Unix Itanium 11.31. Recipient of stream is Sun Solaris M400 running Oracle Implemented entire configuration of stream and all supporting functions through PL/SQL and SQL embedded in Unix bash/shell scripts. Oracle DBA Training 10/09-1/10 Confidential Installed Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Linux 5.4. Upgraded Redhat Linux Enterprise Server to version 5.4. Installed and configured Oracle11.2. Reviewed Oracle Clusterware, ASM and RAC. Confidential Systems Administrator/Oracle DBA Supported General Services Administration ORACLE 10g servers running both Windows and Solaris. Applied Oracle Patches. Used Enterprise Manager/ Grid control for systems monitoring. Implemented shell script based data dictionary query tool. Advised Solaris Unix Administrators on best Unix Administration practices. Total size of databases were in multi-terabyte range. Oracle DBA Training 08/08-010/08 Confidential Installed and built on Redhat Enterprise 5 an Oracle 11g database with encrypted table spaces, encrypted RMAN backups and RMAN recovery catalog. Confidential Unix Systems Administrator Provided support for Sun Solaris / Oracle systems in support of Army Radio Frequency In-Transit Visibility program web and database servers running Apache and Tomcat. Installed, configured, maintained, corrected problems and analyzed server issues on Solaris 10. Upgraded many development and production servers from Solaris 8 to Solaris 10. Implemented mirroring and Raid 5 with Sun Volume Manager. Implemented site wide backups using Apple Xraid, ZFS, NFS and a generic script that utilized ufsdump. Wrote fast server clone/rebuild script. Installed Legato Networker 7.1 and 7.3 for backups to SUN StorEdge L25 tape library. Installed and tuned Oracle 9i. Implemented test implementation of Streams Replication in Oracle 9i. Supported miscellaneous Red Hat Linux servers. Installed and configured LSI fiber cards into Solaris Servers. Implemented IP over fiber. Administered Qlogic fiber switch. General resource for developers and users with Unix questions. Confidential Unix Systems Administrator/Oracle DBA Installed and configured Solaris 8 on Sun 8600 for development environment. Installed, configured and maintained Oracle 8I for development environment. Confidential Unix Administrator Oracle DBA Supported development and Production databases using Oracle for a production environment on Solaris 7 and Oracle for a development environment on Linux. Designed and implemented schema necessary to support backend. Schema included all tables, views, triggers, synonyms, grants needed to support backend facilities. Implemented hot backups. Interfaced with developers to determine and satisfy their needs from a database viewpoint. Linux Administrator on a server running Redhat Linux Confidential Oracle DBA Supported Y2K effort at client USAID. Helped with mainframe conversion to Oracle 8i. Maintained Oracle databases on AIX platform. Confidential Oracle DBA Supported several development databases and providing second tier support for overseas production databases. Confidential Oracle DBA Supported client CSC on site at NASA's GODDARD Space Flight Center with mainframe to Oracle conversion of Satellite Tracking System as well as various other systems. Diagnosed and solved system and application problems that prevented the system design goals from being realized. Confidential Oracle DBA Supported several Oracle databases running on AIX for client MANOR CARE. Created ER model for existing database using ERWIN. Provided complete AIX System Administration and Oracle DBA support for project during transition from one vendor to another. Confidential Oracle DBA Supported dozens of DEVELOPMENT and 24X7 PRODUCTION Oracle databases in HP9000 Unix environment on site at customer MOBIL Headquarters. Implemented hot and cold backup scripts which became accepted by MOBIL for corporate wide use. Confidential Unix Administrator/Oracle DBA Supported System Development effort on site for client NOBLESTAR. Administered HP9000 E35 running HP/UX 9.0. Created and implemented several ORACLE 7.1 databases. Implemented SQLNET links to POWERBUILDER as well as STORED PROCEDURES, FUNCTIONS and TRIGGERS as requested by the interface designers. Implemented ER diagram and most database changes with ERWIN for POWERBUILDER. Confidential Unix Administrator Oracle DBA Lead Unix Administrator and backup Oracle DBA. Administered several HP 9000, SUN and SCO Unix Systems. Unix administration responsibilities included installation of Unix, recompiling Unix kernel, diagnosing system problems and helping users with performance problems. Performed backup Oracle DBA responsibilities. Oracle DBA responsibilities included helping users with performance problems, diagnosing system problems and providing advice to both the users and the primary DBA. Confidential Oracle DBA Performed Oracle DBA responsibilities in a SUN environment on many ORACLE 6 and 7 databases as a consultant to BELL ATLANTIC on the BAOSC project. Confidential Oracle Developer Designed/Implemented requirements tracking system using AIX and Oracle forms 3.0 for PRC on site at Newington. Confidential Oracle Developer Designed Developed and Implemented document viewing system for NASDAQ using ORACLE FORMS 3.0 running on an HP9000 UNIX server. Confidential Unix Administrator/Oracle DBA Developer Supported NIH contract. Performed all ORACLE DBA functions. Handled all SCO UNIX SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION. Conceived/Designed/Implemented Automated Configuration Management system using SCCS calls embedded into BOURNE SHELL SCRIPTS. Conceived/Designed/Implemented menu based DBA tool using embedded SQL and BOURNE SHELL SCRIPTS which provided an easy way to examine and modify the database configuration. Implemented user reports using SQLPLUS embedded into BOURNE SHELL SCRIPTS. Tuned Database configuration and System Administration Procedures so that the customer's perception of the system became more positive. Implemented several ORACLE V7 databases. Confidential Unix Adminstrator/Oracle DBA Developer Supported Department of Justice contract. Performed all ORACLE DBA responsibilities. Handled all SCO UNIX SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION. Performed full life cycle development using SCO UNIX SYSTEM V, ORACLE V6, SQLFORMS 3.0, SQL, PL/SQL, C and UNIX SHELL SCRIPTS. Helped install TCP/IP network. Confidential Oracle Developer Worked at Coast Guard Headquarters. Designed and implemented Investigation Tracking System and Generic Survey System using Sequent DYNIX/ptx UNIX, ORACLE V6, SQLFORMS 3.0, SQL, PL/SQL, C and BOURNE SHELL SCRIPTS. Quickly established reputation as the person to ask about UNIX/ORACLE issues. Confidential Unix Administrator Administered network of HP/Apollo Unix workstations. Confidential Unix Administrator/Oracle DBA Developed, Maintained and Administered Unix/Oracle/C Trident Supply database on HARRIS HCX-5 minicomputer. Performed all Oracle DBA and Unix Systems Administration responsibilities. Wrote many Unix shell scripts. Held a DOD Secret Clearance. Confidential Missile Fire Control Developer Wrote Design Specifications and code for Missile Fire Control system running on Sperry AN/UYK. Held a DOD Secret Clearance.