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Full Stack Developer Resume

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Des Moines, IA


  • Oracle Certified Java Programmer SE with over 8 years of extensive experience in software design, development and deployment of web based and Client - Server enterprise applications.
  • Experience in developing client side web applications using HTML5, DHTML, CSS3, JavaScript,TypeScript, JQuery, XML, AJAX, JSON, SAAS, LESS, Bootstrap, DOM, and JSP.
  • Experience on front-end JavaScriptMVC/MVVM Frameworks AngularJS, Angular 2.x/4.x, BackBoneJs, HandleBar JS, and Ember JS.
  • Expertise in implementing view rendering JavaScript using ReactJS with FLUX and REDUX as architectures.
  • Proficient in implementing microservices using SpringBoot and NodeJS using frameworks ExpressJS or HapiJS.
  • Experience in working with XML data using XPATH, DOM, XSLT, DTD parsers like SAX and DOM.
  • Expertise in testing client-side applications using frameworks Jasmine, Mocha and Chai on Karma as test runner.
  • Ability to building high-level web applications using dependency management tools like NPM and BOWER.
  • Strong experience in developing applications using J2SE 8.0, J2EE, Web services, Spring MVC, JSF, STRUTS, Spring Boot, JDBC.
  • Experience in writing XML and DSL build Scripts using Ant with Apache Ivy, Maven, Gradle, and performed JUNIT test cases by using JMeter for performance testing and JIRA, ClearQuest for bug tracking.
  • Implemented logging framework using Log4j 2 with SPLUNK as log management tool.
  • Expertise in ORM tools Hibernate 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, iBATIS, with JPA specifications, HQL, Caching, ACID transaction, Locking and implemented ODM framework like Mongoose for mapping MongoDB.
  • Experience in working with spring frameworks like SpringAOP, Spring Batch, and Spring Security.
  • Experience in developing web applications using various design patterns, which include Service Locator pattern, Business delegate pattern, DAO, Singleton and Factory Pattern.
  • Expertise in Service Oriented Architecture using SOAP webservices(XML Parsers, WSDL, HTTP, UDDI,JAX-WS) and RESTful webservices(JSON, JAX-RS, JAXB,WADL,SAWGGER, Apache CFX).
  • Proficient in Configuring Application Servers such as IBM WebSphere 5.x/6.x/7.0/8.0, BEA WebLogic 8.x/10.x/12c, JBOSS(WildFly) and Apache Tomcat 8.x/9.0.
  • Implemented message Queuing using ApacheKafka, RabbitMQ, Active MQ and IBM MQ.
  • Expertise in creating jobs using Shell scripting for batch Processing.
  • Experience in working with relational databases like Oracle 10/11g, MySQL, DB2, Sybase and non-relational databases include MongoDB, Cassandra, writing complex SQL Queries, procedures, Triggers and Stored Procedures.
  • Experience in working with AWS with EC2, S3, SQS, RDS with high availability, scalability and deploying infrastructures and backend compute service using Lambda.
  • Experience in working with Spring Cloud which include Zookeeper for Config Management and Service Discovery, Hystrix for Circuit Breakers, Zuul for intelligent Routing and Micro Proxy.
  • Expertise in Configuring Docker in cloud environment using Docker tools and deploy/run Docker Images in various virtual servers.
  • Widely used Grunt, Gulp track runners and Webpack module builder in associate with NodeJS to build web applications.
  • Experience in developing UNIXshell scripts for background jobs and batch processing.
  • Ability to perform unit test cases using Junit, Mockito and PowerMock and used integration tools like Jenkins, QuickBuild, Bamboo.
  • Experience in all phase of SDLC like Requirement Analysis, Implementation and Maintenance, and extensive experience with Agile and SCRUM.


Languages/API: Java/J2EE, JDBC, DTD, UML, Design Patterns, Shell Script, JavaScript, SQL and PL/SQL.

Frameworks: Struts 2.x, Spring 2.x/3.x, Hibernate 4.x/3.x, iBatis, AngularJS 1.x/2.x/4.x, Node.js, ReactJS, BackboneJS.

Web Technologies: HTML, HTML5, XML, XSL, XSLT, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, Bootstrap, JSP.

Web/Application Servers: Apache Tomcat 7.x/8.x, IBM WebSphere, JBoss 6.x/7.x, WebLogic 9.x/10.x

IDE’s: Eclipse, NetBeans, Intellij 14.x/15.x, Spring Tool Suite 2.x/3.x

Database: Oracle 12c/11g/10g, SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and Cassandra.

Operating systems: Windows, Linux and macOS

Web Services: Jersey,RESTful, SOAP, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, WSDL, UDDI, WADL, Swagger

Version Control: CVS, SVN, Git.

Building Tools: ANT, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Bamboo, Quickbuild.

Testing Tools: Junit, Mockito, Mocha, Chai, Karma and Jasmine.


Confidential, Des Moines, IA

Full Stack Developer


  • Created single page web application by creatingtemplates with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, ES6 and responsive components by using event binding and routing services for great user experience with Angular 2.
  • Created Reusable components using Typescript and services are obtained using Dependency Injection to consume REST API’s.
  • Events, Nested Components, selectors and DOM Manipulations are used for obtaining dynamic content of Angular 2 application.
  • Worked on Angular 2forms and controls in order to validate Input Data.
  • Worked with Angular 2 using Angular CLI and generated various components, routes, services, pipes and structured the application code using Component based architecture.
  • Worked on several modules provided by Angular 2 framework like Router Module, Http Module, Forms Module and Browser Module.
  • Created NodeJS services using ExpressJS which are consumed by Angular2 components on the clientside.
  • View rendering on client-side is handled by Virtual DOM using ReactJS in-memory Data structure Cache.
  • Utilized React-Redux libraries for state management to maintain consistency across different environments.
  • Worked on ReactJS virtual DOM for updating DOM manipulations.
  • Extensively worked in writing minimal code in building re-usable forms with their validations using React with Redux Architecture.
  • Maintained and managed JavaScript files and compiling SAAS files to CSS files Using WebPack build tool.
  • Configured OAUTH 2.0 authorization framework for ensuring security of web services.
  • Application packaging and dependencies are managed using BOWER.
  • Followed ECMA 6 standard for writing scripts and used Babel tool for browser compatibility.
  • Used Spring Boot framework to write Presentation Layer, Business Layers and Controller servlets.
  • Implemented Spring Boot Actuator to monitor and manage the application.
  • Implemented microservices using RESTful api with Spring Boot and Apache CFX.
  • Integrated micro services with HibernateORM using Spring Boot and wrote HQL queries for data access.
  • Spring IOC design pattern is used as life cycle manager across the application.
  • Utilized Swagger framework for design, documentation, testing and deployment of REST APIs in Spring Boot.
  • Created Docker images of microservices by installing Docker on Amazon EC2 instance and able run images on Amazon Container.
  • Created schemas, tables, views, PL/SQL and triggers which are required by application using Oracle database.
  • Installed, configured, and administration of NoSQL database clusters in AWS Virtual Private Cloud Network. Created architecture stack for data access with NoSQL data base Cassandra.
  • Maintained log delivery system by creating producer, consumer and broker architecture using Apache kafka.
  • Designed built, and deployed a multitude applications utilizing AWS stack (Including EC2, S3, DynamoDB, SQS and EMR), focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling. Deployed microservices on AWS Elastic Beanstalk and interfaced with Oracle on AWS RDS.
  • Testing Front-end application using Jasmin test runner and running test cases using Grunt and Karma.
  • Created jobs for continuous integration and continuous deployment in shared repository using Jenkins.
  • Developed test cases using Junit and Spock for unit testing and Selenium for smoke and integration testing.
  • Tracking and Error handling in remote application is handled using Log4j framework and SPLUNK tool.

Environment: Angular 2, TypeScript, React JS, NodeJS, Oracle, Hibernate, Spring Boot, REST API, AWS, Cassandra, REST services, OAuth2.0, Swagger, Jasmine, Karma, Grunt, Spring IoC, ApacheKafka, Junit, Spock, Log4j, Spring Quartz, Selenium, Maven and Jenkins.

Confidential, St. Louis, MO


  • Designed and implemented front-end part of application using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JQuery, javaScript, AJAX.
  • Implemented single page responsive views with ReactJS using predefined components of NPM(Node packaging manager) and Redux libraries.
  • Several view components of ReactJs where managed using WebPack build tool.
  • Implemented Reactjs with Redux architecture for fetching asynchronous data from the RESTful webservices.
  • Implemented HTTP network requesting capabilities in application using ReactJS Axios configurations.
  • Navigation capabilities of application are implemented using React Router module.
  • Made asynchronous tests using testing framework Mocha with Chai libraries on NodeJS and on browser.
  • Worked with Mongoose connector for database persistence using Node.js to interact with MongoDB.
  • Used NPM to download dependencies for JavaScript that manage front-end components.
  • Introduced and implemented Webpack infrastructure to modernize JavaScript practices by extending ES6 through Babel loaders.
  • Implemented security and authentication to web services using Oauth2 and client side using React-Redux-oauth2.
  • Worked on No SQL database MongoDB to perform asynchronous operations.
  • Used Spring Boot which removes boilerplate configuration and makes application faster.
  • Used Spring Boot properties like actuators and health checkers to enhance micro service implementations.
  • Implemented enterprise micro services using Spring Boot architectural patters.
  • Developed RESTful web service using Spring Boot to the underlying Agent Services API and Implemented RESTful web services.
  • ImplementedNode.js server side code along with Express framework to interact with MongoDB to store and retrieve data by using the Mongoose Connector package.
  • MySQL is used as a persistence layer for microservices and written PL/SQL procedures, views and complex queries for data processing.
  • Integrated Spring with Hibernate for data access from MySQL Database.
  • Developed several view rendering components on front-end integrated with back end SpringMVC with Hibernate framework.
  • Worked with Streams, lambda functional programming using Java 8.
  • Spring Security was implemented to handle security in application.
  • Crated aspects to handle cross cutting concerns especially logging, profiling and transaction management using Spring AOP.
  • Implemented Spring IOC for dependency injection and maintain bean life-cycle throughout the application.
  • Tracking application on remote locations is handled using Log4J.
  • Gradle was used as build tool to deploy application on web servers.
  • Jenkins was used for creating jobs for continuous integration and continuous availability
  • Integrated Spring Cloud- Netflix OSS for microservices through auto configuration and binding to spring environment.
  • Installed Spring Boot application using Docker into Pivotal cloud foundry.
  • Front-end view components are tested using Mocha with Chai.
  • Integrated Swagger API specifications for easy access of REST API.
  • Created solutions for service to service security in Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
  • Implemented several Swagger components like Swagger-parser, Swagger-codegen, Swagger-JS etc for building an application.
  • Issue tracking, bug tracking and project management was handled using JIRA.
  • Created batch jobs using Jenkins for continuous integration and deployment.
  • Test Ng, Spock frameworks are used for unit, integration and functional testing.
  • Refactored property templating in Kubernetes build system.
  • Asynchronous message queuing and validating data across microservices is handled by RabbitMQ library.
  • Business Policies, maintenance, and user roles are validates using Drools tool.

Environment: JavaScript, ReactJS, HTML5,CSS3, ES6, AJAX, Babel, Bootstrap, jQuery, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Hibernate, Spring Data, Spring Boot, RESTful, Microservices,Restful services, Netflix OSS, EclipseJavaEE IDE, Pivotal cloud foundry, Jenkins,Log4j, Mango DB, MySQL, Bower, Web pack, Drools, Oauth 2.0,Apache Kafka-EC2, S3, Elastic Load Balancer, Docker,RabbitMQ, Jenkins,Test Ng, Spock.

Confidential, Denver, CO

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer & Web Developer


  • Extensively used AngularJs, Jquery, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap for creating dynamic web pages for enhanced user experience.
  • Implemented AngularJS scripts using various directives like filters, model, scopes, http, DOM etc.
  • AppliedAngularJSUI router to create Single Page Application using multiple views and layoutstemplate and implementedAngularJS controllers to maintain each view data.
  • ImplementedAngularJSclient-side form validation, format view results using various controlsand filters.
  • Implementedservice calls with dependency injection to prevent scope conflictcommonly found with JavaScript using AngularJS.
  • Used Jquery to implement slick animations and fun user experience using AJAX to retrieve new data without need for page reloads.
  • Used Grunt tool for minification, unit testing and compilation of JavaScript.
  • Developed UI components for email and link sharing of documents and files for a Content. Management System using Backbone.js.
  • Involved in parsing JSON API to JDOs and use them in frontend handlebars.js.
  • Used Spring MVC to consume RESTful web services and created views using AngularJS to display data front end.
  • Implemented Spring MVC framework using Maven Build tool for creating web Application.
  • Implemented interactive features using Jquery libraries and form validations using AJAX.
  • Called RESTful web services through Angular JS Services to get JSON object and modified the response object to display in UI.
  • Used Rest templates in the Spring Services to call the rest web services.
  • Created Restful APIs using Apache-CFX and deployed in remote servers and communicated using WADL.
  • Handled complex Time and PTO related REST calls asynchronously with deferred objects for better user experience.
  • Developed Hibernate in Data Access Layer to access and update information in the database.
  • Applied filtration rules and logical conditions on persistence objects using Hibernate criteria API.
  • Implemented various caching techniques in Hibernate, and created DAO’s for retrieving and mapping data objects to POJO classes.
  • Configured various interceptors for security and logging management using Spring AOP.
  • Worked on writing triggers, stored procedures and queries using mysql.
  • Used Collections and Multithreading concepts to store, retrieve and manipulate objects in the business logic layer.
  • Implemented data security and user authentication using Spring Security.
  • Migrated APIs into AWS servers using AWS ElasticBeanstalk and EC2 and worked with DevOps to move application to cloud based on company policies.
  • Worked on Spring Security for application authentication and Modifying the Spring MVC, REST Controllers and Services classes as part offspring framework.
  • Installed Spring application using Docker into Amazon EC2 containers and using AWS admin console.
  • RABBIT MQ was used to provide a single unifying transport that reduces cost and maintenance efforts, including support for HTTP, REST and JMS.
  • Created unit test with Jasmine, Karma for front end and Junit tests for Presentation, Business, and Data Access layers.
  • Implemented Spring IOC to create stateless sessions across the application and dependency management of services.
  • Used ANT with Apache IVY with Jenkins for build process, dependencies and integration.
  • Involved in creating unit testing of various layers using JUnit and created automated test scripts for integration testing using Selenium.

Environment: AngularJS 1.X, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, REST API, Ember JS, AJAX, Backbone.js, Handlebars.js, JAX-RS, ApacheCXF, Hibernate, SpringAOP, MySQL, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring Inversion of Control (IOC), SpringJTA, Log4J, ANT(Apache IVY), Jenkins, Grunt, AWS, Rabbit MQ, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Jasmine, Karma.

Confidential, Chicago, IL

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved various phases of software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) of the application like requirement gathering, Analysis, Design and implementation using Agile/Scrum methodologies.
  • Designed dynamic and multi-browser compatible pages using HTML, XHTML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript and BackboneJS.
  • Performed DOM manipulations using native Jquery libraries on web pages.
  • Created several models with key-value binding, custom events, views, and declarative event handling using BackboneJS framework.
  • Utilized various JavaScript andJQuerylibraries,AJAXfor form validation and other interactive features.
  • PostgreSQL database used to store the application related data and performed data related operation i.e. Indexing, Cursors, triggers.
  • UsedJSFframework in developing user interfaces usingJSFUI Components, Validator, Events and Listeners.
  • Implemented Java EE components using Spring IOC (Dependency Injection), Spring Transactions and Spring security models.
  • Created spring batch jobs for reliability, robustness and essential automatic processing using Spring Batch.
  • Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions.
  • Used Spring Batch to develop batch processing to handle bulk requests from the clients.
  • Used Prime faces along with JSF to enrich web pages and AJAX validation done by Prime faces.
  • Implemented Web service calls using SOAP, and REST (Using JAX-RS and JAX-WS frameworks).
  • Wire-level, authentication and authorization security on SOAP web services are implemented using JAX-WSsecurity.
  • Implemented SOAP to provide significant pre-build extensibility in the form of the WS* standards.
  • Tested the services and schemas by using WSDL files via SoapUI.
  • Worked on the Web Services classes and WSDL generation and exposed the service at server-side over the Internet.
  • Implemented Web Services to integrate between different applications using SOAP services using JAX-WS.
  • Used Collections and Multithreading concepts to store, retrieve and manipulate objects in the business logiclayer.
  • Responsible for writing/reviewing server side code using iBatis and DAO Framework for executing stored procedures and complicated SQL queries.
  • Created Data Access Objects to fetch data from database with SQL queries integrate them with iBatis.
  • Used ANT to deploy application in IBM WebSphere in UNIX environment IBM AIX. Tested the application after making the necessary configuration.
  • Experienced in implementation of JMS to exchange information over reliable channel in an asynchronous way by using Rabbit MQ as a message queue.
  • Involved in creating unit testing of various layers using JUnit and created automated test scripts for integration testing using Selenium.
  • Used Maven as a build tool and Jenkins for monitoring the build status of the project.

Environment: PostgreSQL, iBatis, Spring JTA, JSF, Prime faces, BackboneJS, Spring IOC, Spring security, Spring Batch, SOAP, JAX-WS, HTML,XHTML,jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, JSP, log4j JMS, Rabbit MQ, IBM Websphere, Maven, Jenkins, JUnit, Selenium, Maven,Jenkins, Collection API, Core Java.


Java Developer


  • Involved in the Requirements collection & Analysis from the business team.
  • Created the design documents with use case diagram, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams for application.
  • Implemented client-side using HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript and Jquery.
  • Implemented client side validations and DOM manipulations using JavaScript.
  • Implemented AJAX class using Jquery for retrieving data from REST services.
  • Implemented the MVC architecture using SpringMVC Framework.
  • Worked on the JAVA Collections API for handling the data objects between the business layers and the front end.
  • Implemented various features of Spring such as Dependency Injection, IOC, Annotations.
  • Implemented the business layer by using Hibernate with SpringDAO and also developed mapping files and POJOjavaclasses using ORM tool.
  • Used J2EE design patterns like Value Object Pattern, Session Façade, Singleton, Factory and DAO.
  • Implemented Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and web services using SOAP with JAX-WS.
  • Handled Java Multi-threading part in back-end component, one thread will be running for each user, which serves that user.
  • Authentication and data security is handled using Spring Security.
  • Used XML Web services using SOAP to transfer data using WSDL.
  • Implemented Spring AOP for message resource handling, event publication.
  • Involved in writing PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and Views for SQL database.
  • Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as payment status report.
  • Developed Unit test cases using JUnit.
  • Used Spring Batch as spring batch jobs can meet the requirements of reliability, robustness and traceability which are essential for automatic processing of large amounts of data.
  • Developed Ant scripts and developed builds using Apache ANT.
  • Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions.

Environment: HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript, Jquery, AJAX, Core java, collections, REST, SOAP, PL/SQL, SQL, SOA, J2EE, Spring MVC,XML, Spring Batch, Spring Security, Shell Scripts, JTA,ANT, LOG4j, Junit, JMS.


Java Developer


  • Involved in developing efficient design and developing User interaction screens using HTML, DHTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript, JSON, jQuery, Ajax.
  • Worked on Agile Software development methodology.
  • Extracted data in UI for different clients using JSON format.
  • Implemented J2EE design patterns like Value Object Pattern, Session Façade, Singleton, Factory and DAO.
  • Implemented AJAX to speed up web application Used Web Developer, Firebug, and IE developer toolbar for debugging and browser compatibility.
  • Worked alongside backend programmers to troubleshoot Java Script related issues with front-end connectivity.
  • Developed and implemented the MVC Architectural pattern using STRUTS framework including JSP, Servlets, and EJB.
  • Developed the modules using Servlets, Java2EE and JDBC for connecting with SQL.
  • Created coherent templates and UI components where user can perform drag and drop.
  • Developed UNIX Shell Scripts for batch jobs to transfer the data on different servers.
  • Extensively used Jquery for client-side validations and for capturing dynamic events.
  • Implemented Quartz scheduler with Spring batch for creating and scheduling batch process.
  • Developedstoredprocedures, triggers inOraclefor lowering traffic between servers & clients.

Environment: HTML, DHTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript, JQuery, Quartz scheduler, JSON, AJAX, Agile, Firebug, Struts, JSP, Servlets, EJB, JDBC, Oracle.

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