Database Engineer Resume
Austin, TX
- 8+ years of experience as Oracle DBA in Oracle products on multiple platforms and environments spanning Finance, IT, Health care, Communication and Tech sectors.
- Experience as On - Call24x7productionDBA support, application/development DBA.
- Extensive knowledge on database administration for Oracle 9i, 10g,11g and 12c, with experience in very large scale database environment and mission critical large OLTP and OLAP systems.
- Involved in all phases of theSDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)from analysis, design, development, testing, implementation and maintenance with timely delivery against aggressive deadlines.
- Involved in various projects related toData Modeling, System/Data Analysis, Design and Development for both OLTP and Data warehousing environments
- Migrated 11g databases to different server using goldengate with minimal Down time
- Configured ACTIVE-ACTIVE Goldengate setup for the databases in different data centers
- Installed and upgraded oracle GOLDENGATE one-way and Bi-directional replication on Oracle database 11gr2
- Configured oracle Goldengateclassic and Integrated capture modes on Linux servers
- Installed Oracle 12c database and 12c Cloud control on Linux server
- Upgraded database from to on Linux boxes
- Installed 11g3 node production RAC Grid InfrastructureandDATABASE on Linux
- Experienced in installation and maintenance of ORACLE 10g and 11gr2 RAC 2 node and adding a node to this cluster database for high availability.
- Experience in a variety of hardware and software platforms including; MS-Windows, NT Server, UNIX/Linux, Sun Solaris, HP-UX & AIX and RHEL.
- Hands on experience in Oracle 10g/11g RAC implementation & administration (Oracle Clusterware setup and configuration, RAC installation using ASM, Grid Installation.).
- RAC Clusterware administration, Configuration, Patching, RAC Backup and Recovery.
- Having Good Knowledge on MSSQLServer 2014.
- Updating and generating oracle DDLsusing SYBASE PowerDesigner 16.1tool.
- Datamodeling experience.
- Migrated databases from sql server 2008r2 to Oracle 11gr2 using sql developer for small sized databases.
- Data Modeling Concepts.
- Extensive experience in Dataguard configuration, implementing and monitoring standby databases.
- Hands on experience in Grid control, Streams, Goldengate Replication
- Performance Tuning: Tuned various large critical OLAP and OLTP databases of Tera bytes size using various tools like STATSPACK, AWR, SQLTrace, Tkprof, Analyze, ADDM and Explain Plan Methods.
- Setup Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) 10g,Grid Control 11g &Grid control 12c for database monitoring/performance/diagnostics.
- Extensive knowledge in Database Backup and Recovery concepts using RMAN utilities (scheduling full/incremental/cumulative backups, hot/cold backups writing/editing UNIX Shell Scripts for RMAN).
- Experience in LOGICAL BACKUPS and Database migration tools with DATA PUMP, Export/Import and Transportable tablespaces
- Good experience in PATCHING and UPGRADATION.
- Expertise in upgradingOracleDevelopment and Production databases from 9i to 10g&11g.
- Extensive knowledge and experience on Data Warehouse using ETL.
- Proficient in SQL, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, Functions, Cursors and Triggers and extensively usedTOADfor querying databases etc.
- Extensive experience in configuring and implementing ASM and proficiency in using ASMCMD and ASMLIB, Flash-Back Technology, Log Miner.
- Experience in implementation of enterprise databases on enterprise Storage Solutions using Storage area Networks (SAN) / Network Attached Storage (NAS)
- Experience in database cloning with RMAN, Capacity Planning, Database Refresh and patch management.
- Experienced in maintaining databases on large Production, Testing and DEV environments.
- Developed database monitoring/health check alert scripts for database uptime/downtime status, and sizing issues using grid control (OEM)
- Excellent Communication skills, co-ordination and communication with system administrators, business data analysts and development teams
DBMS & RDBMS: Oracle 9i,10g,11g,12c,Sql server.
High Availability, Tuning & Monitoring Products: Oracle 10g, 11g RAC, ASM, Streams, Data Guard, 10g,11g,12c Grid Control (OEM), Tkprof, Statspack, AWR, GOLDENGATE, ADDM, ASSM, Veridata
Operating Systems: Solaris 9/10, Linux RHEL 3/4/5, HP-UX 10.x/11.x,AIX 5.2/5.3, Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/2005 , UNIX
Tools: & Utilities: Oracle SQL Developer, PL/SQL Developer, TOAD, RMAN, BMC Remedy, Export/Import, EXPDP/IMPDP, SQL Loader, SCP, FTP, SFTP
Backup Tools: NetApp, TSM, EMC, RMAN, Data pump,AVAMAR
MS Office Tools: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Visio
Programming Languages: C,C++,Asp.Net,XML, HTML, DHTML, CSS, Java
Confidential, Austin, TX
Database Engineer
- Supporting multiple projects like Confidential checkout, Cloud Base Payment (CBP),VDP ( Confidential Developer Platform), Token service enrollment(TSE) and other applications and act as SME during USA hours
- As a Database Engineer we Build all non-prod and production databases for various applications and turned over to Operations team
- Designing, Creation and maintaining of Oracle 11g databases for various applications and supporting the same during deployments
- Installed 11g & 12c multi Node RAC &Grid infrastructure installation on RHEL 5/6.x servers
- Used Explain Plan, Oracle hints and creation of new indexes to improve the performance of SQL statement and Migrated databases from Physical server to vBlock servers
- Configured Oracle Data guard (ADG) for Oracle Disaster recovery on standalone databases using 11g ACTIVE DUPLICATION
- Monitoring all databases using OEM 12c and Tuned database and poor sql queries using OEM 12c (awr,ADDM,ASH,Tuning Advisor,etc.,) Explain plan and OS watcher tools, Remediate all database related SPLUNK alerts
- Experience in administrating Exadata x5-2,x4-2 Half Rack environment.
- Deep understanding about Exadata specified features such as Smart Scan, HCC Hybrid Columnar Compression, Flash Cache, etc.
- Provide and implement performance-tuning recommendations of all components in Exadata database machine.
- Installed Goldengate on ACFS and configured automatic failover of Goldengate process
- Configured replicat on target databases from Oracle server to SQL server using Goldengate replication. Configured oracle Active-Active (Bi-directional) golden gatereplication and setup CDR
- Migrated 11g databases to different servers using golden gate with minimal Down time
- Upgraded oracle goldengate from to version and Installed 12c Configured Integrated extract and Integrated replicat performance and testing
- Configured HEART BEAT tables on source and target to find goldengateLAG
- EncryptedGolden gatepasswords andTRAIL files at Source and Target side
- Remediated Confidential TSR (Technical Security Requirements) for non-prod databases
- Sending oracle Goldengate Trail files from Linux to AIX server for reporting purpose
- Experience in Administering Oracle 11g and 12c Databases using Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM), Toad, SQL Developer and PL/SQL Developer
- Converted OLTP non-partitioned tables to partitioned tables using online redefinition and datapump methods
- Involved in the Migration projects by using Data pump and RMAN utilities
- AppliedCPU and PSU patches for all the development,QA and pre-prod servers when required
- Configured 11g Physical standby RAC databases using RMAN active duplication
- Proficientin using Data pump utilityfor refreshing databases
- Used SQL LOADER to upload the information into the database tables
- Daily Health Check Up of the Database and SQL Queries,12cOEM, AWR, ADDM,ASHandTKProf
- 12cOEM agent upgrade on RAC databases
- Building new databases and schemas from the scratch for new projects/application on Linux and UNIX Boxes.
- Cloned database and schemas using Data pump for 10g and 11g versions.
- Cloned 10g and 11g databases using RMAN duplication(with and without backup)
- Involvement in space management, Housekeeping rectification of lock problems, user management.
- Responsible to provide24 x 7 database administrative activities over different database servers
- ASM Disk storage and user Management
- Performance Tuning for the SQL queries by scrutinizing long running sql queries
- Scheduled Oracle Jobs and Backups using CRONTAB and OEM 12c grid control.
- Experience in backups and recovery using RMANshellScripts.
Environment: /Tools: BMC Remedy, JIRA, Oracle 12c/11g/10g, HP-UX UNIX,VMWARE,VPLEX, vBlock, RHEL 4.x/5.x, ASM 10g,11g, 12c OEM (Grid Control), RMAN, Data Guard,Goldengate, SQL Developer, Data Pump, Online redefinition, OS watcher,Toad, PUTTY,FTP, SFTP,SCP
Confidential, KANSASCITY, MO
Sr. Oracle DBA/Goldengate Consultant
- Installed, Configured and monitoredGOLDENGATEunidirectional, Bi-directionaland broadcast data distributionin classic capture mode on oracle 11g LINUX Server
- Administered Oracle Database 10g and 11g using Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM), Toad, SQL Developer and Power designer
- Upgraded RAC databases by using OEM agent
- Applied PSU patchusing OPatch and upgraded RAC environment in rolling fashion.
- Performed RAC check to review RAC health check reports.
- ASM management in 11g RAC multinode and RAC single node
- Monitoring all the databases using OEM 11G/12c cloud control
- Migrated oracle databases using oracle11g GOLDENGATE
- UsedErwinfor reverse engineering to connect to existing database and ODS to create graphical representation in the form of Entity Relationships
- Implement DDL changes to oracle database data model using SYBASE PowerDesigner 16.1
- Installed SQLTXPLAIN(SQLT) Tool that helps to diagnose SQL statements performing poorly
- Performance tuning of oracle Database and poor SQL queries
- Used PL/SQL to create Packages, Functionsand Procedure and Worked on Normalization and Denormalization techniques.
- Involved in the migration of huge databases of sizes ranging from 100GB to 7TB
- Daily Health Check Up of the Database and SQL Queries using Statspack, AWR, ADDM andTKProf
- CreatingUser accounts, Roles and granting required access permissions and privileges to the database based on the applications they are accessing.
- Worked on Client/Server tools likeSQLServer Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer to AdministerSQLServer.
- UsedDatabase Configuration Assistant (DBCA), Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) for upgrading Oracle10gR2 to the latest Oracle 11gR2 and applied patches as required.
- Cloned database and schemas using Data pump for 10g and 11g versions.
- Involvement in space management, rectification of lock problems, user management.
- Supporting Application developers with various performance, connectivity and security related issues on various projects
- Responsible to provide24 x 7 database administrative activitiesover different database servers
- Regular Data Refreshfrom Production to Test and Development environments using RMAN Duplicate Database or Data Pump utility for oracle 10g and 11g databases.
- Creation of database objects like Tables, Indexes, Views, Users, and DB Links using sql scripts
- Scheduled Jobs and Backups using 12c OEM and CRONTAB.
Environment: Oracle 12c/11g/10g/9i, HP-UX UNIX, AIX, RHEL 4.x/5.x, ASM, OEM 11g and 12c, RMAN and Data Guard, Goldengate, Explain Plan, SQLT, SQL Developer, PL/SQL Developer, Data Pump, Business Objects, Toad, PUTTY,FTP, SFTP,SCP.
Sr. Oracle DBA
- Experience in Design, Creating and maintaining Oracle Databases 9i, 10g and 11g from the scratch on UNIX, LINUX,AIX and WINDOWS environments.
- Installed 10g & 11g 2 Node RAC &clusterware installation on RHEL 5.x server
- Installed 11g 6 node production RAC CLUSTERWAREandDATABASEonLinux server
- Installed ORACLE 12cdatabase and Cloud control ( on Linux 64 bit server
- Upgraded oracle database from to and from to
- Installed, Configured and Monitored STREAMS and GOLDENGATE unidirectional replication
- Installed VERIDATA agents for comparing data forGoldengatereplication databases
- Installed Goldengate Monitor and agents for monitoring GG databases
- Configured HEART BEAT table on source and target to find goldengateLAG
- EncryptedGoldengate TRAIL files at Source and Target side
- Implement Oracle TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) column encryption for advanced security.
- Implemented Oracle database WALLETfor TDE
- Regular Refreshing of schemas from oracle database on AIX server to LINUX server using Datapump
- Experience in Administering Oracle 10g and 11g Databases using Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM), Toad, SQL Developer and PL/SQL Developer
- Involved in the Migration projects by using Data pump and RMAN utilities
- Applying CPU and PSU patches for all the development and UAT servers when required
- Upgraded all the development databases from 9i,10g to 11gr2 using Manual and DBUA Methods
- Configured Oracle Data guard(ADG) for Oracle Disaster recovery on standalone databases using 11g ACTIVE DUPLICATION
- Migrated 100GB database from Windows SQL server to Oracle server using SQL Developer tool
- Writing SQL scripts using SPOOL command when required
- Closely worked with the Data modeling team
- Excellent experiencein using Data pump utilityfor refreshing databases
- ConfiguredLOGMINER setup for the standby to capture delete records from the primary database
- Performed Online Redefinition for the large development and production tables
- Involved in the migration of huge databases of sizes ranging from 100GB to 7TB
- Daily Health Check Up of the Database and SQL Queries using OEM, Statspack, AWR, ADDM, TKProf and User management and security management
- Experience in moving the data from one server to another server using SFTP,FTP and SCP
- Building new databases and schemas from the scratch on Linux and UNIX Boxes.
- UsedDatabase Configuration Assistant (DBCA), Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) for upgrading Oracle10gR2 to the latest Oracle 11gR2 and applied patches as required.
- Regular schema, table and database refreshing from production to development, UAT and SIT environments using RMAN and datapump utility.
- Cloned database and schemas using Data pump for 10g and 11g versions.
- Cloned 10g and 11g databases using RMAN duplication(with and without backup)
- Involvement in space management, rectification of lock problems, user management.
- Responsible to provide24 x 7 database administrative activities over different database servers
- Configured Oracle Data guard(ADG) for Oracle Disaster recovery on standalone databases using 11g ACTIVE DUPLICATION
- ASM Disk storage and user Management
- Performance Tuning for the SQL queries by scrutinizing long running sql queries
- Creation of database objects like Tables, Indexes, Views, Users, and DB Links using sql scripts
- Scheduled Oracle Jobs and Backups using CRONTAB and OEM grid control.
- Experience in Online and Offline backups and recovery.
- Experience in backups and recovery using RMANshellScripts.
- Troubleshooting Streams and Golden gate errors when occurred
- Performed Schema as well as Table level Replication using Oracle Streams.
Environment: Oracle 11g/10g/9i, HP-UX UNIX, RHEL 4.x/5.x, ASM, OEM (Grid Control), RMAN and Data Guard, STREAMS, Explain Plan, SQL Developer, PL/SQL Developer, Data Pump, Online redefinition,Business Objects, Toad, PUTTY,FTP, SFTP,SCP.
Sr. Oracle DBA
- Experience in Design, Creating and maintaining the Oracle Databases 9i, 10g and 11g from the scratch on UNIX, LINUX and WINDOWS environment.
- Configured GOLDENGATE unidirectional in classic capture mode on LINUX
- Installed and monitored STREAMS one-way replication
- Involved in the 10g 2 Node RAC installation on RHEL 5.4 server
- Experience in Administering Oracle Database 10g and 11g using Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM), Toad, SQL Developer and PL/SQL Developer.
- Involved in the Migration projects Extensively using Data pump and Rman utilities
- Migrated 100GB database from Windows SQL server to Oracle server using SQL Developer tool
- Excellent in writing SQL scripts using SPOOL command
- Proficient in using Data pump
- Involved in the migration of huge databases of sizes ranging from 100GB to 7TB
- Daily Health Check Up of the Database and SQL Queries using Statspack, AWR, ADDM andTKProf.
- Created User accounts, Roles and granting required access permissions and privileges to the database based on the applications they are accessing.
- Experience in moving the data from one server to another server using SFTP,FTP and SCP
- Building new databases and schemas from the scratch on Linux and UNIX Boxes.
- UsedDatabase Configuration Assistant (DBCA), Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) for upgrading Oracle10gR2 to the latest Oracle 11gR2 and applied patches as required.
- Schema Refreshing of databases using normal copy method and exp/imp utility.
- Cloned database and schemas using Data pump for 10g and 11g versions.
- Cloned 10g and 11g databases using RMAN duplication(with and without backup)
- Involvement in space management, rectification of lock problems, user management.
- Responsible to provide24 x 7 database administrative activities over different database servers
- Regular Data Refreshfrom Production to Test and Development environments using RMAN Duplicate Database or Data Pump utility for oracle 10g and 11g servers.
- Configured Oracle Data guard for Oracle Disaster recovery on standalone database
- Troubleshooting ORA errors when occurred
- ASM Disk storage and user Management
- Performance Tuning for the SQL queries by scrutinizing the long running sql queries
- Creation of database objects like Tables, Indexes, Views, Users, and DB Links using sql scripts
- Scheduled Oracle Jobs and Backups using CRONTAB.
- Experience in Online and Offline backups and recovery.
- Experience in backups and recovery using RMANshellScripts.
- Performed Schema as well as Table level Replication using Oracle Streams.
Environment: Oracle 11g/10g/9i, HP-UX UNIX, RHEL 4.x/5.x, ASM, OEM (Grid Control), RMAN and Data Guard, STREAMS, Explain Plan, SQL Developer, PL/SQL Developer, Data Pump, Business Objects, Toad, PUTTY,FTP, SFTP,SCP.
Oracle DBA
- Experience in Design, Creating and maintaining the Oracle Databases 10g and 11g.
- Experience in Administering Oracle Database 10g and 11g using Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM), Toad, SQL Developer and PL/SQL Developer.
- Involved in 10g and 11g 2 Node RAC installation on RHEL 5.4 server
- Implemented and MonitoredData Guard (physical standby)for standaloneOracle 10g.
- Used Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) for migrating Oracle 10gR2 to the latest Oracle 11gR2 and applied patches as required.
- Export and import of database objects using EXP and IMP.
- Responsible for refreshing and cloning of databases per customer requirements using RMAN, Data Pump, and hot backup scripts.
- Involvement in space management, rectification of lock problems, managed quotas.
- Table partitioning to improve I/O access
- Responsible to provide24 x 7 database administrative activities over different database servers
- Data Refreshfrom Production to Test and Development environments using RMAN Duplicate Database or Data Pump
- Alert log Monitoring every day in the production environment
- Performance Tuning for the SQL queries which are running slow and taking more CPU cost
- Creation of database objects like Tables, Indexes, Views, Users, and DB Links etc.
- Scheduled Oracle Jobs and Backups using CRONTAB.
- Restoration and Recovery of databases at the times of occurrence of critical failures
- Experience in Online and Offline backups and recovery.
- Experience in backups and recovery using RMAN and Scripts.
- Involved in configuration of Goldengate replication
- Performed Schema as well as Table level Replication using Oracle Streams.
- Applied Security PSU and CPU Patches from Metalink when needed
Environment: Oracle 11g/10g, HP-UX UNIX RHEL 4.x/5.x, ASM, OEM (Grid Control), Data Guard, STREAMS, SQL Developer, PL/SQL Developer, Winscp, Business Objects, Toad, Informatica.
PLSQL Developer/Jr. DBA
- Installed and configured oracle9i/10g databases.
- Developed PL/SQL packages, stored procedures, functions, Cursors, triggers.
- Responsible for installing, upgrading and configuring the Oracle server.
- Creating databases, objects, roles andGrantingprivileges.
- Partitioned large tables to increase the Performance.
- Configured scripts to monitor activity with database.
- Responsible for optimizing the queries and application tuning.
- Implement Hot, Cold and Logical backup plans.
- Involved in Performance Tuning of SQL Queries
- Creating tables, indexes, views and synonyms depending upon the need
- Involved in Designing backup and recovery procedures for OLTP systems
- Use TOAD tool to access the database. Used PL/SQL developer to create PL/SQL Procedures.
- Testing PL/SQL procedures against the test cases. Involved in creating use cases and test cases
- Troubleshooting of various database performances by proper diagnosis at all levels like SQL, PL/SQL, database design, database tables, indexes, Instance, memory and operating system
Environment: Oracle 10g/9i,Windows 98/NT/2000, HP-UX, LINUX, AIX, Oracle 10g/9i, putty, Database Tools/Utilities, Oracle Enterprise Manager.