Peoplesoft Developer Resume
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PeopleSoft Developer
- functional team to define requirements, create technical documentation, code and test the desired solution,andensure implementation in production. Additional duties include coordinating with Mainframe team to integrate into and with PeopleSoft, participate in Disaster Recovery and upgrade efforts for Mainframe Pension related processes.
- PeopleSoft 9.2 Upgrade, enhancement and delivery of reporting and financial accuracy around Pension deductions, online tools to allow tracking of events related to Pension.
Sr. HRIS Consultant
- PeopleSoft 8.8 to 9.0 Upgrade - Lead technical team in participating in upgrade; Set up format for recording compare report data; Review compare reports; Review 9.0 Advances; Research documentation on PeopleSoft upgrade; Assist Project Manager in identifying necessary tasks and responsible parties; Provide insight on time frames of tasks. Document, develop, test, and deliver upgrade related changes. Virtual Edge Implementation to Replace PS eRecruit - Data mapping from PeopleSoft to Virtual Edge. Created interfaces to transfer data between Virtual Edge and PeopleSoft. Maintain interfaces and associated staging tables.
- Set up PGP and FTP for file transfers. EEO - Assist in applying and testing required governmental EEO changes. Work with Navisite to complete patch application. Identify and document impact on current SQRs and queries. Identify impacts on PeopleSoft customizations. Run and review compare reports. New Hardware Implementation - Identify impacts on hardcoding of server locations in code, web pages, Configuration Manager, and documentation. Identify users and activitieswhose direct access will be impacted by new server names replacing old. Create test plans for testing hardware at a PeopleSoft application level. Navisite handled the building of the environments on the new servers and performing machine level testing. Benefits - Create technical and functional specifications reflecting changing benefits requirements with Open Enrollment and Year End activities. Support interfaces to and from Hewitt (Benefits provider) and coordinate changes and implementations with Hewitt, Confidential Benefits team, and Payroll.
- Create interface and flat file containing Annual Base Benefits Rates for use to freeze benefits levels on Hewitt side.
- Participate in discussion and planning of Benefit changes
- Web Changes - Implement basic web changes using FrontPage as required
- As a Sr. HRIS Consultant, Lead, I helped direct appropriate solutions through integrated solutioning. Close interaction with vendors and users ensures timely and informed decisions that best meet the client needs. Regular skill enhancement through research, webinars, and seminars helps provide new knowledge for efficient and most appropriate problem resolution.
- Required skills include: PeopleSoft 9.0, Project Assessment and Management, Compliance, Web Development using FrontPage, PeopleSoft - HR, PeopleTools, PeopleSoft: PeopleCode, Payroll, Security; SQR, Windows XP, SQL, PGP, FTP, MS SQL Server, MS Office Suite, PeopleSoft System Administration.
Senior Programmer/Analyst
- management to enhance the current PeopleSoft 8.0 system. Additionally, Iparticipated in PeopleSoft 8.0 to PeopleSoft 8.9 upgrade tasks and team self-audit tasks.
- To assist the team in consistent and reliable product delivery, I developed a
- Change Control document with Policies and Procedures specific to our group.
- I ensured that the team was in compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley requirements and gathered appropriate documentation for the Lear auditing team. Work was performed in conjunction with the auditors to ensure appropriate demonstration of compliance had been met.
- As a PeopleSoft contractor, I assisted with the HRMS/Payroll 8.3 to 8.8 upgrade by providing analysis, documentation, coding, and testing using PeopleCode, PeopleTools, SQR, and SQL on an Oracle PeopleSoft database.Managed change control process of objects during upgrade process.
- Identify and document utilized table changes between PeopleSoft HRMS 7.51 and PeopleSoft HRMS 8.3
- Identify, document, and resolve issues as a result of PeopleSoft and client errors
- Create functional and technical documentation on client SQR’s for upgrade purposes
- Code and test client SQR’s
- Work with users to identify and document appropriate solutions when PeopleSoft processes and table changes affect user efforts
Lead Analyst
- Project Strategy and Scope Documentation
- MS Project integrated Work Plan Development and Maintenance
- Presentations to Confidential Senior IT Management
- Weekly Management Project Status Reports
- Technical Analysis of PeopleSoft HRMS 7.54 and PeopleSoft HRMS 8.3
- Project Team Plans
- Attend and contribute to Governance meetings
- Involved in change control process
- Monitoring development of system changes and ensuring compliance with corporate life-cycle requirements
- Responsibility: Coordination of Year 2000 testing for PeopleSoft modules (AP, AM, PO, IN, GL, HR, PY) and DDI. Creating test scripts for the above applications and determining time frames, data and setup requirements, in addition to validation procedures.
- Year 2000 testing required use of SQL, SQR, PeopleSoft Payroll, HRMS, AP, AM, PO, IN, and GL. SQA Robot was utilized as it proved beneficial for testing.
- As a PeopleSoft Engineer, I was responsible for the documentation of PeopleSoft objects (pages, PeopleCode, records, and fields) and SQR assessment, remediation, and unit testing. Responsibilities also included the analysis and charting of the remediation effort and testing processes. Testing the online objects (pages and associated business processes) was performed using SQA Suite based on the client’s requirements.
- The PeopleSoft application utilizes an Oracle database on a UNIX platform. Required skills and knowledge included PeopleSoft HRMS/Payroll, Oracle, Unix, Unix scripting, PeopleCode, SQR, Maestro, SQL Plus, and PeopleTools.
- Required skills included PeopleSoft HRMS/Payroll, Oracle, Unix, PeopleCode, PeopleTools, SQL, SQR.: Completed during employment at Henry Confidential included NT Workstation support, PeopleTools I (version 7.0), PeopleTools II (version 7.0), PeopleCode (version 7.0), PeopleSoft Data Management Tools (version 7.0), and Introduction to UNIX.
- Responsibility: Support of Human Resource personnel by creating reports and data extractions in Geac’s MSA and the development of an Access database.
- As an HRIS Specialist, I was responsible for creating reports and data extractions using Information Expert. Prior to generating the reports, I met with the end users to determine their needs.
- In addition, I participated in the creation and normalization of a new Access database. Part of my responsibilities, were to map the data from Geac to future Access fields and to provide end-user documentation.
Computer Associates
- As a Consultant/Programmer I was responsible for modifying PeopleSoft’s Human Resource and Benefits applications per the client’s requirements. Additionally, I converted data from a Geac MSA system to a PeopleSoft DB2 platform.
- Support also included various clients with SQR development and conversion efforts on both Oracle and DB2 platforms.
- Direct contact with the clients was frequently necessary, including on-site visits, to determine the client needs and how to transfer the needs into programs.
- Required skills included PeopleSoft HRMS, Benefits, SQL, SQR, PeopleTools, PeopleCode, Oracle, Unix, Mainframe. during employment included PeopleSoft Introduction to Human Resources (version 5.0) and MITI SQR3.
- Responsibility: Support of software for healthcare organizations to maintain Confidential t information, accounts receivable, accounts payable, claims, Confidential t scheduling, general ledger, PEER review, government reporting needs, and W-2’s.
- As a Programmer/Analyst on a Systems Maintenance Team, I was involved in correcting identified deficiencies in the released software, designing, programming, testing, and delivering new functionality to the client’s software, and providing system support.
- In addition, I provided for Confidential employees on the software.
- The programming language used was Pick BASIC with embedded TCL (Terminal Control Language). ACCESS and TCL were used to manipulate and view data. DOS and UNIX operating system knowledge was required for writing scripts, maintaining files and directories, and writing output for interfaces.
- As a Systems Analyst, I worked extensively with clients to determine the required modifications to the delivered software. I was responsible for the technical specification development and for programming, testing, and delivering the modifications to the client via modem.
- Other responsibilities included supporting clients with issues that the client support specialists were unable to solve. Additionally, of new employees and mentoring of new employees took place.
- Required skills included use of the programming language Pick BASIC. Knowledge of UNIX operating system was utilized to maintain directories and files, especially for the output of interface files and minor scripts.
- In addition to UNIX, I worked with DOS and Pick, and the Revelation platform.