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Project Manager Dayton Oh

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Project and General Management Executive with35+yearsofexperience in Architecture developing technical solutionsto drivegrowthand profitabilityinchallenging and competitive markets.Strong leadership,motivation,communication, negotiation,creative and analytical skills.Decisive,solutions- focused and results-oriented.Strong trackrecord ofidentifying/customizing businessagreementsto meet requirementsofspecificbusinessrelationships.Well versed in Agile and Waterfall project management and ITILv.2 and 3 methodology.Combinecross-functional expertise in:

ªStrategic Vision&Planning ªContract&VendorNegotiations
ªMission-Critical Program Development ª TechnologicalInnovation
ªNetwork ArchitectureDesign&Development ªHelpDesk/CallCenter Management
ªSystemsMigrations/Transitions ª TeamBuilding&Leadership

Turn-AroundExperience.Buildandmovedata centers for Fortune500,design/program Web applications,rolloutIT Desktop/Serversandmanagesystems engineers,LANadministrators, Help Desksupport staff,networkarchitects,programmers,graphicartistsandDBAs.
Enterprise Network ArchitectureExpertise.Streamline,optimize,andmaintainnetwork functionality,performanceand recoverabilityinmission-criticalenvironments.
IT& ClientRelationshipDevelopment. Cultivate,negotiate,andmaintainprofitable,long-term


Dayton ,OH Jan 2010– Current
AssistantProfessor, TenureTrack
Lead instructorresponsiblefor networktrack curriculumincluding hiring and staffing allnetworkbasedIT classes fora26 thousandstudent communitycollege.Teach all classesrelated tonetworking, network management,LAN,WAN, Wireless,and application development classesas needed.Write curriculum for both face to face and on line classes. Classes include:

  • Installation of Microsoft Server 2003/2008 in a VMware virtual machine using clones and ISO images
  • Router, switch, and firewall installation and configuration
  • Installation and configuration of Active Directory
  • Installation and configuration of DNS and DHCP
  • Infrastructure design including WAN, LAN, wireless, organizational units, and Group Policy Objects
  • Citrix, Sql, Exchange, and SharePoint integration into the Enterprise.
  • Windows 7 Image creation, management, automation, and distribution.

DirectorlevelManager, Project Manager - Infrastructure&Governance

  • Served as Project Manager, designer, and managed $15 million, 18 month global infrastructure project to divest network from Delphi to new global network of Inteva Products utilizing ITIL methodology.
  • Served as Project Manager and subject matterexpert (SME) forGlobal WANdesign and divestiture from
    Delphi global network integrating eight separate networksin NorthAmerica,three networksinMexico,two
    networksinGermany, one inKoreaand one inShanghai
  • Project Manager for design and installation of global email infrastructure in Exchange 2007.
  • Formulated global strategyformigrationfromexisting infrastructure and designed the newenterprise WANandLAN.Responsible for design,installation,migration,and on-going maintenance forall data, telecommunications,and satelliteservices worldwide

§ Established helpdeskand support services onthree continentsproviding 24x7call center service infive languagesand on-site desktop services.
§ Did handsoninstallation and on-site programming ofCiscoswitchesand routers for nine sitesaspart of newnetworkroll out and cutover fromexisting Delphi infrastructure;six inNorthAmerica,one inMexico,
and one inGermany; ledremote teamchiefengineer for Shanghai installationprovidingracked servers, writtenconfiguration,and telephone support during cutover
§ Designed and built serversforeachindividual site including arobust Virtual environment,Maruwireless,
web,Exchange, BlackberryEnterprise Servers(BES),and remote access utilizingRSAtokensand servers
§ Replaced standard POTStelephone system withCISCO VOIPsystem. Personallyinstalled andprogrammed phonesandCISCOphone switchesat three sitesaspart ofoverall phone installation

  • Instituted clearperformancemetricsacrossthe entire infrastructure forall aspectsofITservices using
    ITILV2 methodology,standardized reporting onutilizationofinfrastructure servicesallowing the incorporationoffinancial accountabilityforindividual departmentsITusage; initiativeswhich criticallyfactored in$10millionsavingsinITinfrastructure expendituresthe first year

§ Established all ITcorporate standards, implementedchange management processes,created the Project
Management Office,anddocumentationstandards forall ITrelated systems using ITILV2 standards

May2006– Dec2007

LeadEnterprise Architect, Project Manager-MessagingLeader(May2007–12/2007)
· Project Manager for global upgrade to Exchange 2007 from Exchange 2000

  • Project Manager for upgrade and integration of Blackberry Enterprise server to global footprint
  • SMEforall typesofcommunicationfrompagingand instant messaging to email,cell,satellite and global compatibility.Responsible forlocal and globalvisionand strategyforthe integrationand support of merging communicationtechnologies fortheglobal enterpriseresulting inathree-yearstrategyenabling better forecasting and accurate budgeting.Reduced unplanned expendituresby30% first year

· Led networkteamindesignandhands onupgrade of Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2007 including installationand configurationofall role servers
· Provided strategicinsightsinmaking recommendations forbusinessunit optimizationand utilizationof existing communicationtechnologyeliminating waste and increasing productivity
· Performed analysisofbusinessunitcommunication systemsdesignand provided more efficient and cost effective alternatives. Increased the total numberofcommunicationsprojectscompleted yearto yearatanoverall cost savingsthroughhighlyeffectiveroad mappingand forecasting

LeadEnterprise Architect-SAP(May 2006–April2007)
Responsible forthe project management including scope,prototype,development,design, andimplementationofSAP3.1i migrationto ECC6.0.Led the effort to convert a highlycustomizedenvironment including more than4000 SAP customizationsand whose infrastructure andusers werespread over5 continentssupporting a$7 billionenterprise.Managed $1 million budget and 22 team members in building the proof of concept and prototype.Wrote the playbookforglobal migrationusing ablockpointstrategyallowing amore predictable and even financial spend overthe lengthofthe project.
· Recruited and lead projectteamresponsible forprototype,development,design,staffing,and implementationof $50 million,3 three yearSAP 3.1i migrationto ECC6.0netting acost savingsof$10 millionper yearglobally

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