Project Manager Resume
Mocksville, NC
Summary Positive, results-driven, and innovative individual with proven success in leading, building and managing all areas of Information Technology, offering more than 25 year's of progressive and stable experience. Takes pride in ability to effectively combine corporate objectives and values with personal and professional goals and work ethics. Respected technically and valued personally by all levels of company employee groups. Employs proactive management and strong leadership techniques to generate accomplishmentdriven workplace environment, resulting in employee loyalty and success. Builds and fosters strategic business relationships at all levels. Possesses extraordinary capabilities in the areas of:
- Data Center Management
- Infrastructure Management
- Disaster Recovery Management
- Project Management
- Decisive Leadership
- Technology Architecture & Integration
- Technical HW/SW Management
- Application Development Management
- Personnel Development
- Change Implementation
- Networking Management
- Security Management
- Reduced use of outside consultants budget from $200,000 to $10,000 in two years
- Mainframe to (System i) platform conversion project management and implementation
- Built company infrastructure to support network security for Web Services, VPN access and secure FTP servers
- Project management and implementer of company conversion to new CRM system
- Developed, implemented and executed multiple company disaster recovery plans and offsite storage use
- Developed company policies for Internet use, Data Disclosures and Security
- Built IT technical and application teams supporting networking, system software/hardware, application engineering, data center operation and help desk functions
- Multiple Data Center consolidation, design, construction and cost management
- Facility LAN/WAN infrastructure design and support project management
- Department consistently captured almost 50% of company year-end awards
Consulting Services, Mocksville, NC 2011 -Current
- MS/Hyper-V Installs/Builds
- SharePoint Installs/Builds
Confidential, Winston-Salem, NC 2000 - 2010 Vice President - Information Services/Technical Services
- Total responsibility for all company IT direction, services, functions, support.
- Original ESOP (Employee Stock ownership Plan) loan guarantor.
- Company officer, executive management team member
- Set direction and managed projects resulting in continuously meeting and achieving organizational goals and timelines
- Build, lead and foster highly technical multi-tasking, cross-functional teams capable of meeting timelines and bringing projects to completion.
- Aligned business processes with technology to support company strategy.
- IT strategic planning and budgeting, company culture and personnel development.
- Handled all vendor negotiations for equipment purchases, maintenance contracts and cost saving proposals.
Confidential, Wilkesboro, NC 2000 - 2000 Project Manager
- Managed staff providing Windows/Client system software support, 2nd level hardware/software desktop support and software certification and verification.
Confidential,Wilkesboro, NC 1986 - 2000 Technical Services Director (1988-2000)
- Responsible for multiple enterprise 24/7 data centers
- Build and developed staff providing support services for data communications, networking, computer operations, systems engineering, vendor software maintenance, and IBM systems software.
- Group provided all help desk functions for hardware and software issues for corporate and 40+ remote facilities.
- Responsible for System-I Administration for 10 distribution center environments.
- Provided technical application support for application engineering staff of 25.
- Reviewed and recommended IT direction and capacity planning for network communications, system software, corporate and remote (Domestic and International) hardware requirements.
- Total project management responsibilities for planning, testing and execution of company Disaster Recovery Plan.
- Responsible for the planning and design of two consolidated data centers and distribution sites and provided all facility IT infrastructure.
Technical Services Systems Engineer (1986-1988)
- Maintained, installed and serviced large mainframe system with multiple operating systems and over 30 vendor software applications and utilities.
- Provided network, hardware/software support for 20+ remote facilities.
- Supported application engineering staff with technical issues and production runtime problem analysis and resolution.
Systems Programmer (1984-1986) Applications Programmer (1981-1984) Computer Operations (1979-1981)
OS/Environments: MS/Server 2008 - MS/Hyper-V server - MS/Windows - MS/Exchange server - MS/SQL server - MS/SharePoint - Novell - OS/400 - AIX - VM - VSE Storage Management/Platforms: EMC Storage Array - Dell SANs - Server Virtualization - DocStar Document Management - Windows/Servers - IBM Mainframes - IBM System i (AS400.iSeries) - IBM System p (UNIX) - Mainframe Virtualization Software: MS/Server 2008 - MS/Hyper-V - MS/Windows - MS/Exchange - Maximizer CRM - Novell - C++ - Visual Basic - .NET - SQL - Basic - FoxPro - OS/400 - AIX - VM - VSE - CICS - VSAM VTAM - NCP - JCL - CL - Cobol - Assembler - RPG - UDB - DB2 - Sequel - DL/1 Networking: Cisco Routers - Astro Routers - Avaya Routers - Switches - Repeaters - Controllers - Emulators - Protocol Converters - Ethernet - Token Ring - Radio Frequency - Fiber Optics - DSU/CSU - LAN - WAN - W/LAN - VPN - SAAS - International Satellite Communications - TCP/IP - SMTP - SNTP - FTP - SFTP - EDI - FEP - APPC - APPN REGULATORY FDCPA (Fair Debt Collection Practices Act) HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) PCI (Payment Card Industry)
EDUCATION Electronic Data Systems
MEMBERSHIPS YMCA (Former Board Member)