Health And Nutrition Coordinator Resume
- Obtain experience in applying skills such as statistical methods for data analysis, statistical modeling with SAS for clinical trials Multivariate, univariate, logistic regression heterogeneous data analysis, risk estimates, survival analysis Effect Modification / Confounding in combination in combination with my background in Psychology, pharmacy, medical school, and dual concentration in Epidemiology, and Biostatistics in the Health field with minor concertation is Business analytics Intelligence.
- Knowledgeable and Masters in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Developed New Analysis for State and Federal Employers
- Presented and Published in Statistical Methodologies for SAS, R, and SPSS.
- Ad hoc team Data analyst with Business analytics
Statistics: Multivariate methods, non - parametric methods, categorical analysis, exploratory and confirmatory analysis, Survival analysis, Risk scores, Probability, Logits, Data Reduction, Principal Component Analysis, Factor Analysis
Programming Languages: R, SAS, SPSS, and SQL Developer 4.0 and SQL management Studio 2012
Statistical Software: Extensive experience with SAS (9.3), SAS EG, SAS Enterprise Miner, SPSS, R, and Management Studio SQL 2012
Confidential, Florida
Health and Nutrition Coordinator
- Data input of dental files and data Plus medical health exams.
- Use ChildPlus database
- Prepare health packets
- Prepare and maintain various forms such as nutrition
- Make charts in Excel and pivot tables
- Summarize data into reports for meetings
- Prepare Health reports of Immunization and Physical exams
- File and maintain file database with up to date entries
- Prepare and file Disability and langauge competnecy exams
Secondary Instructor of Statistics and Epidemiology
- Reporting and making queries for Pharmaceutical data
- Wellcare is a type of HMO where claims involve Medicare and Medicaid for patients for various Dx’s
- Wellcare has a Pharmacy Analytics department which creates and generates reports on drug utilization based on brand name vs generic as well as new contracts
- PROC SQL programs creating tables SAS EG 5.1 concerning drug utilizations for various brand names
- Queries about brand and generic drugs by insurance sector such as Medicaid and Medicare pharmacy related drugs
- Building queries for reports in AD HOC group analyst
- PROC Report and PROC Summary, PROC Tabulate, PROC Import
- Reporting in Excel
- Business Intelligence tools (SAS/BI) ad - hoc reports using SAS Enterprise Guide
Confidential, Tampa, FL
Data Analyst, Predictive Statistician -Business Intelligence
- This is a workers compensation company which has 22 providers and manages drugs as well as ancillary benefits.
- Confidential started a new analytics department with software to help build and understand client needs
- Understanding the ICD 9 codes were important to manage the data
- Analyze Workers claims for Confidential insurance provider (SAS 9.3, EM 12.1, EG)
- Work on Days’ Supply and Quantity algorithms with Matrices for drug claims of Workers comp with new Matrix Method and O statistics for prediction based on Expectations
- Calculate and Predict Relationships of time related to injuries and Costs for drug claims of Workers comp
- Code ICD9, Opioid Agonists, costs, and clinical data for analysis and prediction of risks and misuse of Opioids for workers comp claims in California
- Principal Component Analysis SPSS
- Univariate Analysis and Plots with SPSS
- Data Migration, Data Sampling, data preparation, graphical presentation, statistical analysis, validation
Confidential, Tampa, FL
Statistical Consultant
- Analyzed cardiac data for univariate and multivariate regression variables and survival analysis with SAS 9.2
- Calculated risk scores for factors related to heart failure and other predictive measures from comorbidities, medications, normal and non-normal sample data, and other lab criteria
- Abstracted data from the VA database for medical records with relevant diagnoses
Confidential, St. Petersburg, FL
AIDS Surveillance Coordinator
- Complete epidemiological record forms and case report forms on updates for patients in the State database PRISM
- Analyze data and lab reports for risks related to HIV/AIDS patients.
Confidential, Sarasota, FL
SAS Programmer, Intern
- Writing SAS programs for analysis in PC environment (SAS 9.1).
- Make tables, listings, figures plus pie charts and bar graphs Confidential using to evaluate the outcomes
- Check State of (Prism) Florida database for records validity and cleaning on spreadsheet
- Testing categorical data with PROC FREQ, producing statistics with PROC MEANS.
- Writing edit checks specifications. Checking values of numeric variables, checking for Missing Values, Looking for "n" Observations per subject, verifying double entry and using SAS techniques for data cleaning.
- Contributed to analyze Zero Exposure Community Needs Assessment Project under Healthy Start Program for Confidential .
- Data were used to justify the need for specialized services, resources, and funding for drug-exposed newborns and their mothers
- Performed categorical data analysis of data with univariate and multivariate regression
- Analyze risk factors with logistic regression
- Modeling of regression equations for final models in case of Project Zero Exposure