Global Lending Solutions (saas) Technology Expert Resume
- 8+ years as Azure Cloud Computing Platform Architect.
- 3+ years as Project Manager.
- 6+ years as Microsoft Technologies Consultant.
- 8+ years as Business and QA Analyst & Tester.
- 6+ years as English Translator and Technical Reviewer for IT books
- Business Expert & IT Manager Professional with 15+ years of experience in industries like Banking, Retail, Manufacture, Government and Education.
- Last 4 years as Azure Cloud Security Architect & Big Data and Analytics, Sr. Consultant, with experience in Data Management, ETL definition and implementation, DWH development, Data Integrity & Quality, Business Intelligence, and Visual Analytics. Able to understand and Model, Financial and economic drivers.
- Azure Resource Manager, 2)Azure Portal Dashboard & Hub, 3) Powershell, 4)Azure App Service and Web Apps, 5)Azure Virtual Machines, 6)Azure Storage & Blob Management, 7)Azure Virtual Networks and Databases, 8)Azure Active Directory, 9)Management Tools: Visual Studio 2015 and Powershell Scripting. Additional Azure Services Experience: 1)Azure Service Fabric, 2)Azure Redis Cache, 3)Azure DocumentDB and 4)Azure HDInsight (with Third services Integration like Hadoop, HDSF, MapReduce).
- Azure Expert in Runbook Management, 2)Azure Assets, 3)Azure Runbook Deployment, 4)Azure Associate to the Scripting Center, Library and Community (Owner of the Power BI MEXICO RUV - Community), 5)Azure Scenario Expert (to work with DevOps Lifecycle Management), 6)Cookbook Expert in Best Practices and Integration (Third Party with Chef, Puppet, Splunk), 7)Azure Microsoft Power Apps Automation (Dockit Documentation), Flow and Dynamics 365.
- Code Reader and Interpreter, 2)Web Apps, 3)Web Jobs (Third party with Docker and Octopus Automation Stack), 4)Scaling, Monitoring and Diagnostics, 5)Architect for Azure Cloud Apps with Third Party Vendors (DevOps, Data Storage and High Availability), 6)Power Query
- Hacking: 80% ability to read and process code, 20% ability to code, deep understanding of big data technology architectures from the Azure Marketplace 2)Data Science: Expert in Evidence-Based Decision Making, Great Skills in Improvisation, Orientation Actor, 3)Trust Advisor: PhD Level Communication and Relationship Skills, Ability to Frame Decisions and Deep Understanding of on the go Process, 4)Quantitative Analyst: Strong Statistical Analysis Skills (for Azure Cognitive and Machine Learning Analysis), Strong Visual Analytics Skills (For Saas, Iaas or Paas), ETL Processing, and Analysis of Unstructured Data: Text, Video, Images. 5)Azure Business (BAU) Expert: MBA Level for Know How on Business Works and Money Making, Expert Sense on where to apply Analytics and Big Data (AB Testing, etc). Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server 2016 on Premise and R, End to End Data Science, Predictive Maintenance and Reporting Services, Microsoft SQL Azure 2016 and Forecasting.
- Cloud Efficiency and Innovation, 2)Cloud IT Migration, 3)Cloud Architecture Blueprints, 4)Mobile and Responsive Applications (Expert Level Reader for Service Fabric, Node JS. Json, Angular2), 5)Cloud SQL DRP with Geo-replication.
Local: Data Lake Analytics, Databases (Master, Assemblies, Credentials, etc), Service Fabric, Storage Account (Blob, Queues, Tables)
Cloud: DevOps (Availability Sets, Key Vaults, Load Balancers, Network Interfaces, Network Security Groups, Public IP Addresses, Redis Caches, Service Fabric, SQL Databases, SQL Servers, Storage Accounts, Virtual Machines and Virtual Machine Extensions, Virtual Machine Scale Sets).
Global Lending Solutions (Saas) Technology Expert
- Key Technologist for: Blockchain, Azure Cloud Architecture, Mobile Responsiveness.
- Azure Partner Advisory: Microsoft CANADA
- Understand Business Model, Understand Operation Model, Understand Marketplace and Current Channels, Stakeholder Meetings, Competitive Research and Analysis (Interview with Brand, Operations, Call Center, Vendors, sales & IT), End User Technology and Interviews (Customer and Services).
- Technical Touch Points and Integration Touchpoints Specifications.
Confidential. CA
Cloud Security Architect (PaaS) Technology Expert
- Automate Complete End to End Lending Cloud Solution, Admin Collateral Management Solutions & Maximize Value
- Automate On-Line Secure Payments and Client Profile Systems
Cloud Architect (IaaS) Technology Expert
- Predictive Forecast Analysis for 1100 Confidential Transactional Systems using Mobile Solutions (POS)
- Agile Accelerated Development for End to End Lending Cloud Solution
Confidential, Milwaukee, WI
Senior Code Developer Reader
- Migration of Mortgage POS Solution for the USA and Canadian Markets to the Microsoft Azure Cloud
Cloud Architect - Business Intelligence Consultant
- Microsoft Azure Cloud Business Intelligence Consultant
- Implementation of Reporting Services 2016 & Power BI - QlikCloud and Tableau-Software Cloud Predictive Analysis
Big Data Analyst
- Collective Intelligence and Big Data Analyst for Smart Cities and Urban Mobility
- Responsible of the MIT Collective Intelligence Center & Confidential Quintana Collaboration Agreement for Climate Change Studies.