Senior Sas Programmer Resume
- 7 Years of Industry Experience in using SAS for Data Management and reporting in the Healthcare, Insurance, Pharmaceutical fields.
- Core SAS Programmer wif experience in SAS tools like Base/SAS, SAS/Macros, SAS/SQL, and SAS/ODS, SAS/ACCESS, SAS/ETL and SAS/GRAPH.
- Extensive SAS programming experience in Design, Development, Implementations, Testing, Support, Maintenance & Upgrade or Promote and Migration of SAS Application.
- Exceptional ability in problem solving, data analysis, complex reports generation wif macro and data transfer between different environments.
- Expertise in transforming data imported from disparate data sources into analysis data structures, using SAS functions, options, ODS, array processing, macro facility, and storing and managing data in SAS data files.
- Experience in developing SAS Procedures, Macros, Application’s for data extraction, transformation, data cleaning, reporting and involved in preparing documentation.
- Worked wif the marketing team and analyzed marketing data using SAS tools to generate reports, tables, listings and graphs.
- Experience in BASE SAS (Including SAS SQL, SAS ODS).
- Experience in Microsoft Office tools like MS Access, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, and MS Excel etc.
- Excellent command in producing reports employing various SAS procedures like Proc Print, Proc Report, Proc Tabulate, Proc Mean, Proc Univariate, Proc Transpose, Proc Rank, Proc SQL, Proc Access and Data NULL .
- Experience in producing RTF, PDF, HTML and MS Excel formatted files using SAS ODS facility.
- Experience in cleaning and resolving data issues as well as merging data from different sources into a single integrated dataset.
- Write, maintain, and support SAS Programs in SAS Base and Enterprise Guide.
- Data preparation, summarization and exploration using SAS/EM.
- Strong Project coordination including strategic planning, trend analysis, forecasting, variance analysis, database management.
- 100% Project completion on time while meeting strict timelines and budget requirements.
- Extensively worked wif PROC SQL to extract data from Oracle database, load data into database, print sophisticated reports and Lists, Graphs etc.
- Excellent problem solving skills for delivering useful and compact solutions.
- Always keen and eager to face up to challenges by means of innovative ideas.
- Motivate supportive, cooperative and a quick - learner. Strong communication skills and ability to work well in a team.
SAS Tools: SAS/BASE, SAS/GRAPH, SAS/MACROS, SAS/ODS, SAS/REPORTS, SAS/ACCESS, SAS/STAT, SAS/AF,SAS/Enterprise guide-v4.1, SAS/ Enterprise Miner-v 5.3 SAS v 9.3/8.2.
SAS Procs: Print, Means, Univariate, Correlation, Regression, SQL, Tabulate, Freq, Sort, Summary, Format, Import, Export, Transpose, Compare, Life Test, and Gplot.
Languages: SQL, PL/SQL, C, VBA, HTML, XML, VB Script, VB6
Database: Oracle 9i, SQL Server 2000, MS Access.
Operating Systems: Windows XP/NT/2000/98, MS DOS, UNIX
Others: java,J2ee,Jsp,servlets,MSOffice (Word, Outlook), SPSS
Confidential - MA
Senior SAS Programmer
- Involved in requirement gathering and functional documentation preparation.
- Based on the requirements and the specifications, created SAS programs for the generation of datasets.
- Used data step programming to extract the data from raw files sent by the customers and carriers (insurance providers).
- Used SAS date in formats, functions, statements and options to extract the data from files dat are sent in different layouts.
- Used SAS procedures (FREQ, SUMMARY), SAS functions and user defined macros to test the accuracy and validity of data.
- Different carriers send their data in different formats and layouts. Wrote SAS programs to convert various types and formats of data, sent by the carriers, to BCBS standard layout.
- Used SAS data step, PROC SQL, PROC APPEND, PROC DATASETS and extensively used data step merge to merge the claims data against the eligibility information sent by the customer.
- Wrote macros and procedures to check the quality of the data before and after the eligibility merge.
- Used SAS data step functions, formats, statements and procedures like PROC FORMAT and to map the variables to the customer’s needs.
- Involved in writing code using BASE SAS and SAS/Macros to extract clean and validate data from oracle tables.
- Used the SAS Access engine to retrieve the data into SAS from the database.
- Used SAS PROC SQL Pass through facility to work wif oracle database.
- Responsible for converting the Business rules to SAS datasets and to Load the data in to the data warehouse.
- Performed validation/quality control check of SAS programs.
- Work on formalizing the Data Transfer Plan which involved extensive interaction wif the user for the definition of the technical data output specifications.
- Prepared reports directing SAS output to HTML files using output delivery system facility (ODS).
- Extracted data from various sources like Flat Files, Oracle into SAS.
- Responsible for developing new projects and supporting existing applications.
- Used shell scripting for scheduling of jobs.
Environment: UNIX,SAS V9.3,SAS/BASE, SAS/MACROS, SAS/ACCESS, Oracle, Crystal Reports
Confidential, TN
SAS Programmer/ Statistical Analyst
- Reviewed existing literature on Medicare, Medicaid and models dealing wif Medicaid fraud
- Attended various seminar presentations on Medicaid fraud such as finding duplicate claims, service after death, multiple service providers etc.
- Converted several fraud algorithms in Dataprobe scripts to SAS programming
- Modified existing SAS programs for facilitating migration from Mainframes to Oracle data engine.
- Used SAS/ASSIST to extract data from SAS Files and Oracle Data base.
- Involved in writing code using Base SAS & SAS/Macros to clean and validate data from oracle tables.
- Conducted data investigation
- Involved in Data mining using Enterprise Miner for various health care datasets such as Eligibility, Inpatient, Outpatient, Long Term Care and Pharmacy (Rx).
- Involved in developing various fraud algorithms and validated existing algorithms against specification
- Generated formats using PROC FORMAT for frequently used variables such as CPT (Current procedural terminology), HCPC, DRG (Diagnosis related group), Program type, type of claim, type of service, diagnosis code, Adjustment Indicator etc.
- Used SAS import procedure to generate temporary and permanent SAS data sets from txt, csv and excel data sets.
- Created various Graphs using SAS/GRAPH, SAS/GPLOT and SAS/INSIGHT.
- Validating data and creating reports using different procedures like PROC FREQ, PROC MEANS, PROC TRANSPOSE, PROC DATASETS, PROC SORT, PROC COMPARE, PROC SQL, PROC REPORT etc. and SAS ODS facility.
- Extensively used statistical procedures and predictive modeling techniques such as ANOVA, Regression Analysis, Trend Analysis, Cluster Analysis and Principle Component Analysis
- Conducted QA for macros generated by other programmers using Macro options MLOGIC, SYMBOLGEN, MPRINT, MACROGEN etc.
- Performed documentation of the SAS Code for the better understanding of the program.
Environment: Base SAS, SAS Macros, SAS/Access, SAS/ASSIST, SAS/STAT, SAS/GRAPH, SAS/IML, Enterprise Miner, ORACLE, Main Frames, Excel, Windows XP, UNIX.
Confidential, WI
SAS Programmer
- Worked on writing, editing, validating and debugging code in BASE SAS and MACROS.
- Extensively used PROC REPORT for detailed reports.
- Sources extracted from and dumped in to the oracle tables later extracted into the ODS (Operational Data Store) Used DATA NULL to produce outputs for reports.
- Assisted seniors and follow programmers in validation, edit checks and data review listings.
- Used SAS /ACCESS to gather data from RDBMS like ORACLE.
- Worked in multidisciplinary teams closely wif statisticians, medical writers and data managers.
- Compiled raw data and created datasets for all programs.
- Developed SAS macros for data cleaning and Reporting and to support routing processing.
- Assisted in checking and quality assurance of all programming code and datasets.
- Programming of data listings using SAS tools. Programming of data validation tools using PL/SQL.
- Create and extract Oracle tables from SAS and wifin Oracle by using SAS/Access, SAS/SQL, and DBLOAD.
- Writing analysis plans including specifications for tables listings. Taking raw data and creating datasets.
- Data preparation, summarization and exploration using SAS/EM.
- SAS was used for pre-processing data, data analysis, generating reports, and statistical analyses for marketing and financial decisions.
- Creating permanent formatted SAS data sets and developed reports using PROC REPORT, PROC TABULATE and DATA NULL for analysis. Wrote Edit check programs and listings of data.
- Ran weekly and monthly reports using SAS.
Environment: SAS/BASE, SAS/ACCESS, SAS/SQL, MS Project, UNIX and Windows NT/2000, Crystal Reports
Confidential, CT
SAS Programmer
- Develop and execute market list selections internally and client server environment.
- Review, validate and implement change request associated wif database objects.
- Extracting health care data from the database using SAS/Access, SAS SQL procedures and create SAS data sets.
- Creating SAS Views from tables in Database using SAS/Access.
- Retrieved the data from flat files received from the vendors and converted to SAS data sets for Analysis using SAS/STAT Procedures such as Proc Freq, Proc Tabulate, Proc Univariate and Proc Anova.
- Implementation of QA techniques using Proc Freq, Proc Means, Proc Tabulate, Proc Univariate, Proc SQL and Proc Compare. Creating validation data sets, restructuring the patient’s data, created macro’s to check numeric, character and invalid data entries.
- Creating reports in different output formats and export them to the web to enable customers review.
- Performing in-depth quantitative analysis/data analysis.
- Coding SAS programs wif the use of Base SAS and SAS/Macros for ad hoc jobs.
- Transferring and converting data from one platform to another for further analysis.
SAS Programmer
- Performed data cleaning, reformatting and re-organization tasks for accurate reporting and efficient data management. Develop and execute market list selections internally and client server environment.
- Worked wif a team of SAS administrators, statisticians, business engineers and IT consultants to simplify and stream line the reporting requirements.
- Provided ad hoc analysis and reporting support when necessary using Base SAS programming.
- Developed SAS Macros to standardize the report generation for re-use wif PROC TABULATE, PROC REPORT, PROC PRINT, and PROC GCHART etc.
- Generated reports according to FDA guidelines using PROC REPORT and DATA NULL functions apart from the style format reports generated using ODS statements and PROC Template.
- Analyzed Phase I and II clinical trials data, produced data listings, Summary tables and graphics for interim and final analysis and Publications