Senior Sas Programmer Resume Profile
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Objective: Seek Senior SAS Programmer position in pharmaceutical/CRO/health care industry
- Accessing data: reading raw data with INFILE statement options using list, column, Formatted input or mixed input styles: controlling processing with INPUT statement components including column pointer, line pointer, single and double trailing controls Importing EXCEL, CVS, ASCII, and ACCESS file by PROC IMPORT or Import wizard Using SQL through to extract data from clinical database
- CDISC mapping: converting raw data into SDTM standardized data sets and creating analysis-ready data sets conformed with ADaM.
- Manipulating Data: sorting observation in a SAS dataset conditionally executing SAS statements: using assignment statements in the DATA step modifying variable attributes with options and statement in the DATA step manipulating numeric, character data with use SAS functions processing data with arrays, DO loops and Proc transpose.
- Outputting data: creating temporary and permanent SAS data sets referring SAS library with LIBNAME FILENAME statements combining SAS data sets in the DATA step with SET MERGE UPDATE statements subsetting data with IF-THEN/ELSE and WHERE statements exporting data to EXCEL or ASCII files.
- Generating reports: generating listing with PRINT, REPORT and TABULATE procedures summarizing statistical characters with SUMMARY, MEANS, FREQ and UNIVARIATE procedures enhancing reports by labels, formats, titles, footnotes and system reporting options generating HTML PDF RTF reports with ODS statements
- SAS/SQL: ordering rows group results by values of one or more columns subsetting rows by using conditional operators, calculating values correlated and noncorrelated subquerries combining tables horizontally or vertically inserting, updating and deleting rows creating indexes, controlling the usage if the index and dropping the index from a table using PROC SQL options to control execution and output.
- Macro facility: creating macro variables during with LET, CALL SYMPUT, Proc SQL select :into statement referencing macro variables indirectly, using multiple ampersands for delayed resolution, defining with MACRO MEND and calling macro with , making macro available to SAS program with INCLUDE statement and autocall macro facility, using system options for debugging interpret errors messages and warning messages.
R, Matlab, Minitab, Microsoft office suit Word, Excel, ACCESS and PowerPoint
- Linear regression Proc REG , Logistic regression Proc logistic , General linear Model Proc GLM , Mixed Model Proc Mixed
- One way Two-way ANOVA, Factorial ANOVA, Nested ANOVA
- Sign test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, Wilcoxon Summed rank test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient, kendall's Tau rank correlation coefficient, Randomization test, Survival Analysis.
- T-Test with equal or unequal variance, paired T-test.
- Extracted and validated CRF data from clinical database, integrated data from different sources.
- Performed data pre processing including checking data quality, handing missing value and duplicate records, integrated and unblinded dataset
- Create mapping specification to SDTM, perform quality control of mapping specifications and outputs, generated derived data sets according to ADaM.
- Performed efficacy analysis and produced clinical trial tables for the primary and secondary endpoints according to SAP,CRF and protocols, include t-test and p-value for comparisons between drug and placebo and within the different dosage.
- Produce summary table statistics using PROC MEANS, PROC FREQ, PROC UNIVARIATE, updated by the request from after statistical and medical meeting and review create quality customized reports include tables, listing by PROC REPORT, PROC TABULATE, and PROC SUMMARY.
- Create sas transport files xpt file and define document for wlwctronic submission
- Developed sas macro for data cleaning, validation, analysis and report generation to support routing processing, tested and debugged existing macro
- Involved in study locks by doing the final analysis of the data and reports, followed validation process for all IT systems created, prepared data definitions for the studies
- Participated in documentation preparation and reviews. Collaborated with data management group for case report form, CRF design and specifications. Made suggestion on statistical analysis plan SAP , Prepared sas datasets and appropriate documents for electronic submission to FDA.
Senior SAS Programmer Confidential
- Clinical phase I, II trail on infectious disease and cancer
- Wrote code using SAS/BASE and SAS/MACRO to extract clean and validate data from external file, developed and reviewed SDTM data specification and annotate CRF using SDTM variables.
- Perform efficacy analysis by Proc lifetest and Proc Phreg, create box plot of response measurements showing the effects of different drug candidates compared to one another, produced adverse event summaries and Kaplan-Meier survival estimate tables.
- Analyze the results using t-test and ANOVA. Made recommendation to improve the drug test, exported descriptive statistical by using proc freq and PROC UNIVARIATE
- Produced deliverables including tables, listing by proc report. Proc print for integrated summary of safety and integrated summary of efficacy ISS/ISE as well as Ad-hoc request from clinicians etc. enhancing figure view by AS/GRAPH. Draw conclusions and made recommendations based on research data and findings.
- Developed and maintain general purpose and Ad-Hoc SAS programs /Macros for the validation, extraction, presentation, manipulation, analysis and reporting
- Create electronic SAS datasets, such as SAS transport files
- Interpreted and presented results for the lab and department
- Clinical trial phase I, II, III of cancer
- Developed SAS macro to extract, clean and validate data from Excel files, Access database and Microsoft SQL server
- Review case report forms CRF , annotated CRF, database structure and study related documentation e.g. data validation guidelines
- Generated SAS dataset for endpoint analysis, extracted raw data of endpoints, ordered data using proc sort, manipulated data with array and proc transpose, and concatenate different endpoints lab tests into one dataset.
- Used proc tabulate and proc report to create report and listing. Create TLF in HTML, RTF, PDF for meeting and progress reports.
- Performed efficacy and safety analysis, produced safety tables, listings and figures including summaries of demographics and adverse event etc. prepared for e-submission such as transport file, define and pdf document, formatted HTML and RTF reports using SAS ODS
- Applied SAS/SQL and SAS macro to aid efficient process of repeated analysis
- Transferred and migrated data from one platform to another for further analysis.