Sharepoint Resume
Confidential 05-2008 to 07-2009
Worked on SharePoint International Farm Deployment where I had several responsibilities: developed detailed process flows, implemented a new Change Control Release Management (CCRM) process, wrote requirements documents which also included use cases, developed quality assurance (QA) test plans and user acceptance test plans, performed QA and user acceptance testing in both pre-production and live production environments, responsible for go-no go decision on applications deployment, developed and delivered applications training to admin and help desk support personnel, developed computer based training using Captivate for use by the 9th Air Force.
Confidential– Knowledge Coordinator 10/2007 to 4/2008
Worked for Program Manager on an eCommerce web site development to replace Process Development and Delivery. Financial analysis and responsibility for the entire eCommerce project budget (over 27 million dollars). Supported Project Managers to maintain their budgets, run rates, and resource allocations. Website Sharepoint Administrator. Resource manager – researched, interviewed, and on boarded new resources. Managed personnel task assignments and time reporting thru Project Office. Developed and implemented processes to support eCommerce Program in the area of financial responsibility and audit ability.
Confidential– Technical Writer 07/2007 to 10/2007
Worked for Program Manager on a legacy computer replacement project. Developed Use Cases, identified Actors/Roles, developed Business Rules, and created Data Definitions. Created Visio process flows to support Uses Cases. Served as Share Point Web site administrator. Developed and delivered various types of presentations including project charts and graphs. Developed/delivered training and templates as necessary.
Confidential- Communications Lead 02/2006 to 04/07/2007
Worked directly with Program Manager on a $45 million computer mainframe core replacement project. Managed and controlled all internal project communications. Developed training as necessary, tracked and managed resource allocations and budget requirements. Developed process flows as required to mitigate gaps and software bug issues. Served as Share Point Web site administrator. Served as PlanView administrator – managed work, resources, time management, and Crystal reports for entire project. Developed and delivered various types of presentations including charts, graphs, financial analysis, and trends for Executive Steering personnel. Developed various matrices to measure and evaluate project health and performance.
Confidential- Business Process Analyst 08/2005 to 12/2005
Worked directly with system project Architecture manager on a major computer mainframe core replacement project. Developed processes and detailed procedures, activities, and Visio flowcharts on alternative analysis, gap analysis, risk mitigation, contingency planning, and issues escalation.
Confidential– IT Technologies Analyst 03/2005 to 08/2005
Developed IT Operating Model for entire Confidential IT network. Developed, documented, and created Visio flowcharts of process definitions and procedural analysis for capabilities within the IT infrastructure and stakeholders across multiple business units. Developed Facilitator training presentations, storyboards, and trained Facilitators. Worked with various business sector heads to facilitate process definition and financial accountability across the corporation. Identified functional redundancies, duplications, and gaps as a result of mergers and acquisitions. Developed life cycle model and context model using tools such as system life cycle modeling, SDLC, COBIT, CMMI, RACI matrix, and Business Genetics xBML modeling.
Confidential- Disaster Recovery Analyst 12/2004 to 03/2005
Developed software documentation for new software disaster recovery testing tool for Confidential.
Developed user guidebook, delivered training presentations (ILT), and administrator guide. Analyzed financial impact on potential disaster destruction of financial data network. Tested and debugged software and worked with programmers to augment software execution. Provided documentation, Visio procedures, and help desk support through Integration tests, system tests, and user acceptance tests. Developed and delivered training material for user support.
Confidential– Training Development/Delivery 7/2004 to 12/2004
Developed and delivered Instructor led training (ILT) on Confidential Client, mail, Instant Messaging, Netscape Calendar, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), and proprietary quality control and bug tracking software.
Confidential- Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Import/Export Compliance 2/2004 to 6/2004
Worked on a Confidential. Received US Customs certification training. Researched US Customs rulings and government guidelines to comply with SOX import/export mandates. Determined Harmonized Tariff codes, applicable Export Control Classification Notices (ECCN), and Country of Origin for over 5000 items. Determined financial impact on SOX compliance. Developed and managed a logistics database for all items. Developed data base delivery Visio procedure
Confidential- Training Consultant (SOX Inventory Accountability Compliance) 2/2003 to 12/2003
Worked for Confidential as a training development and delivery consultant on the Atlas project (inventory management and financial tracking software associated with cellular equipment). Developed training material, designed and developed training database source material for use in the training environment. Conducted Train-the-trainers sessions. Tested software implementation and databases in various environments. Worked with technical representatives from Telesparks, Indus, Signum, and EDI during systems integration testing to identify program bugs/errors and configure operational software on laptops. Developed training delivery schedules and deployment for a nationwide rollout with a phased integration release. Delivered training (ILT) to all targeted employees throughout the US (traveled to over 20 cities in 30 weeks). Developed and delivered Web Based Training (WBT) and computer based training (CBT) to Nextel employees throughout the US. Training resulted in $125 million dollars of savings to the company.
Confidential IT Contractor 2002
Worked for Confidential on a training development project (2) Web site design and development project and Multimedia Sales presentation for Holyfield Studios (3) Digital lab conversion support and tradeshow technical multimedia CD-ROMs for Millsaps Professional Imaging.
Confidential 1968 – 2001
Senior Training Consultant
My last project at Lucent Technologies was the most significant and most popular training course (also used as a sales tool) that yielded $4 million dollars in returned revenue to the company in one year. Over twenty years experience in information management including technical hardware and software writing, creative writing, end-to-end project management, training development, training delivery, training consulting, training results evaluation, desktop publishing, multimedia training development and delivery, web-based training development, satellite training development and delivery, training sales and scheduling, training management, telecommuting training and deployment, adult (both technical and non-technical) training experience, multicultural international training experience, extensive customer interface background.
Senior Technical Writer
Developed and delivered training on entire Lucent product line. Managed several projects simultaneously. Trained the training delivery instructors. Sold the training courses that I developed. Managed the entire projects from creation to development to delivery. Developed and implemented the type of delivery methods, such as classroom instructor lead, e-learning via the web, CD-ROM personal PC learning, and satellite delivered training (trained the entire South American group of employees in one session)
Project Management
Managed a group of trainers and the role out of the most significant training project for the company. Involved determining which aspects of the entire product lineup (over 15,000 products) to be included. Interfaced with product management, project management, and production management to develop a business plan, identify deliverables, project budget, and manpower requirements. Resulted in an on time, under budget, highly successful project completion that not only provided the objective of training the Account Executives to be able to sell solutions instead of “boxes” but also yielded over 4 million dollars in revenue for the company.
Managed a national rollout and delivery of a proprietary Inventory Accountability software application. Interfaced with data base administrators, software programmers, vendor programmers. Tested software and developed “workarounds” (of course the schedule dictated that we deploy before the software was 100% verified). Project managed 5 trainers, and sixty laptops - wireless LAN connections/portable handheld computer-code scanners being deployed simultaneously nationwide to train all Nextel employees. Developed schedules and verification information to prove SOX compliance. Resulted with Nextel receiving a favorable SOX audit, their stock went up, and as a bonus we identified enough unaccounted non-capitalized inventory to pay for the 100+ million dollar project.
Writing Experience
Hardware— Cellular Telephone Installation and Trouble Clearing manuals, Cell Site Building Construction, Mobile User Manuals, Cell Site trouble Clearing, Factory Test Set Installation Operation and Maintenance Manuals, Military Department of Defense Standard Operating Procedures, Quality Systems manuals, Hardware Procedural Operational Manuals on high speed disk drives and high speed train printers, AC/DC Power Systems Manuals, brochures/newspaper and magazine advertisements, and Brolios.
- Developed multimedia training seminar samples, as well as details of the projects
- As a Senior Technical Writing/Training/Consulting/Project Management/Instructional Design, worked on several training development projects
- As a Senior Technical Writer responsible for providing management services to include technical hardware and software writing
- Responsible for creative writing, end-to-end project management, training development, training delivery, training consulting and training results evaluation
- Responsible for desktop publishing, multimedia training development and delivery
- Responsible for web-based training development, satellite training development and delivery
- Trained management, telecommuting training and deployment (both technical and non-technical)
- Senior Training Consultant, responsible for development and deliver training on all products
- Trained the training delivery instructors and managed several projects simultaneously
- Sold the training courses that were developed
- Managed the entire projects from creation to development to delivery
- Developed and implemented the type of delivery methods, such as classroom instructor lead to e-learning via the web, to CD-ROM personal PC learning
- Developed the most significant and most popular training course that was also used as a sales tool which yielded $4 million dollars in returned revenue to the company last year
- Responsible for cellular telephone installation and trouble clearing manuals, Cell Site Building Construction, Mobile User Manuals, Cell Site trouble Clearing, Factory Test Set Installation Operation and Maintenance Manuals, Military Department of Defense Standard Operating Procedures, Thin Film technology assembly procedures, Hardware Procedural Operational Manuals on high speed disk drives and high speed train printers, AC/DC Power Systems Manuals, brochures/newspaper and magazine advertisements, and Brolios
- Responsible for Quality Improvement Process Development
Associates Degree Electronics Technology
MsPowerPoint, MsWord, MsOffice 2003 XP Professional, MsOutlook, MsProject, Corel Draw
Corel PhotoPaint, Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Acrobat Distiller, Visio, Hijack office suite, Snagit, PlanView, Share Point, Macromedia Dreamweaver 4, Macromedia Flash 5, Macromedia Fireworks 4, Adaptec Easy CD Creator, AOL Client, Netscape Calendar, Paint Shop Pro, Lotus Notes, other company proprietary software.