Websphere Administrator Resume
Long Beach, CA
- IBM WebSphere Administrator with 4+ years of experience in middleware administration.
- Expertise in installation and configuration of WebSphere Application Server v 7.0/6.1/6.0/5.1 , WebSphere Portal 6.0, IBM HTTP Server(IHS) v 7.0/6.1/6.0/2.0 , IIS 5/6/7, SunOne Web Server, Apache Tomcat v 6, on different platforms like Windows, Red Hat Linux(RHEL), IBM AIX and Sun Solaris.
- Experience in upgrading highly available environments implementing WebSphere Application Server (Base and Network Deployment), WebSphere Portal (Enable and Extend) and IBM HTTP Server.
- Experience in configuring IBM HTTP Server and Web Server Plugin.
- Strong experience in configuration concepts like Federation, Clustering (High Availability) and Work Load Management (WLM).
- Configured Security on WebSphere environments using LDAP.
- Expertise in configuring Single Sign On (SSO) using External Security Manager (ESM) like Tivoli Access Manager and CA Site Minder.
- Experience in tuning and load testing of WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Portal environments as per business requirements.
- Extensive experience in monitoring WebSphere Application Server with performance diagnostic tools like Tivoli Performance Viewer, Wily Introscope.
- Setting up Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data for application and server monitoring.
- Good understanding of Class loading parameters for J2EE and Web Applications.
- Expertise in troubleshooting application and deployment issues on WebSphere environments.
- Experienced in analyzing heap dumps and thread dumps with the help of Heap Dump Analyzer and Thread Dump Analyzer for tuning of Application Server.
- Administered the configuration of JDBC, JMS, Queues, Virtual Hosts, and Service Integration Bus (SIB) for the environments.
- Experienced in troubleshooting the WAS by enabling tracing and analyzing logs like JVM logs, plugin.log, http logs, Process logs and service logs.
- Experienced in using Jacl and Jython scripts along with wsadmin.sh Admin Objects (AdminTask, AdminApp, AdminConfig).
- Experience with Portal configuration tasks (WPSConfig/ConfigEngine) like database migration from Cloudscape to DB2, Federation and enabling LDAP/Custom security in WebSphere Portal environments.
- Good understanding of features like Job Managers and Administrative agents in WebSphere Application Server v7.0.
- Configured Session management, JDBC Providers, JMS, JVM classpath and Virtual Hosts in WebSphere v7.0/6.x/5.x.
- Experience in creating a new key database and self signed certificate using Ikeyman tool.
- Strong understanding of UNIX Shell, Jython/Jacl and ANT for automation of WebSphere Administration tasks.
- Worked with 3rd party vendors in installing, configuring and troubleshooting vendor software in various environments.
- Experience in working with IBM L2/L3 support towards the resolution of WebSphere issues.
- Experience in standardizing deployments in various environments of WebSphere.
- Round the clock on call support.
- Good communication skills.
Application Servers: IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.0/5.1/6.0/6.1/7.0 , WebSphere Portal Server 5.1/6.0/6.1, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS
Databases: ORACLE 10g/9i/8i, DB2/UDB 7.2/8.0, SQL Server, MS - Access
Languages and Scripts: Java, J2EE, C++, C, SQL/PL SQL, HTML, DHTML, XML, CSS, JACL, Jython, ANT,, WSCP, wsadmin, Shell scripting, Perl, JavaScript
Web Servers: IIS 4.0/5.0/6.0, IBM HTTP Server, Apache HTTP Server, Sun One/ iPlanet Web Server
Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux, OS/390, AS/400, HP-UX (including Service Guard), Solaris (Including Veritas), IBM AIX (V4.3.3 and 5L V5.1, HACMP) and Windows NT/2000/XP
Network /Protocol: TCP/IP, HTTP/HTTPS, SSH, Telnet, FTP, RMI/IIOP and WAP (WTP/WSP)
Tools: Tivoli Storage Manager, Clear Case (Version Control Software), SSO (Single Sign On), SSH
Confidential, Long beach, CA
WebSphere Administrator
- Installed and configured WebSphere Application Server (ND) v7.0/6.1 on Windows and Linux platforms using silent and console methods.
- Responsible for day-to-day administration of middleware environments with applications servers, web servers, security of application servers.
- Responsible for configuring the different kinds of profiles like cell, dmgr and federated on the existing base installation of WAS using manageprofiles.sh and profile creation wizard.
- Responsible for designing and creating shared WAS 6.1/7.0 environments by setting up multiple clusters (horizontal and vertical) for various applications across various lines of business.
- Configured IBM HTTP Server v6.1/7.0 and Web Server Plugins for internal and external applications.
- Responsible for enabling the security for the enterprise applications on the WebSphere application server like Single Sign On using CA SiteMinder(Web Agent and TAI Agent)
- Worked closely with Build Masters and Application Developers of various applications during the build, deployment and release process.
- Worked closely with Build Masters and Application Developers of various applications during the build, deployment and release process.
- Worked with development teams during application troubleshooting by enabling tracing in log4j properties and WAS console.
- Good understanding of J2EE development and deployment best practices to WebSphere middleware.
- Created and configured JDBC Providers and Data Sources at various scope levels to support backend database applications using DB2 and Oracle databases.
- Responsible for troubleshooting of application server using JVM logs, Process logs and service logs.
- Closely worked with load testing teams during load/stress/certification tests.
- Performed tuning and monitoring the performance of WebSphere Application Server with Wily Introscope 8.X.
- Analyzed diagnostic information like heap dumps and thread dumps using Heap Dump Analyzer and Thread dump Analyzer.
- Responsible for migration and in-place upgrade of WebSphere Application Server v6.1 to WebSphere Application Server v7.0.
- Documented day-to-day issues pertinent to WebSphere Application Server and supported the team on a 24x7 basis.
Environment: Was v7.0/6.1, IBM HTTP Web Server v6.0, LDAP v5.2, Aix v5.x, Linux v4.x, Web Agent, J2EE1.4, Oracle8.1.7, WSAM, WSAD5.0, J2RE 1.4.2, JSP1.2, Java 2.0, EJB2.0, db2 v8.2, JDBC 2.0, Wily Introscope 7.1, Leapstone (Content Management and Service Broker),IIS 6/7 Load director, Clear case, Clear quest, XMLSpy, Shell Scripts, JACL Scripts
WebSphere System Admin
- Installed, configured and maintained IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.x/6.1, IBM Http Server 6.x, on heterogeneous platforms (AIX 5.3/Sun Solaris 10/Linux/Windows NT).
- Involved in migration from WAS 5.1.1 Network Deployment and Base to WAS 6.1 ND on AIX platform. Applied refresh packs, fixpacks and cumulative fixes for WebSphere, IHS and plugins.
- Applied Fix Packs for WebSphere Application Server 6.1 and hot fixes to various applications and multiple environments as per the change management system request to overcome the functionality and performance issues.
- Worked closely with developers in deploying ears and wars, configuring necessary database resources (JDBC Providers, data sources), MQ resources (Queue Managers, Queue destinations, Queue Connection Factories (qcf's), Message driven bean listener ports).
- Responsible for changing and migrating source code of high profile applications and deployment on WebSphere Application Server.
- Troubleshoot problems on the various environments involving the integrations of WebSphere, IBM Http server, iPlanet WebServers, TAM and LDAP.
- Configured GC parameters, monitoring the heap sizes by setting verbose GC, fine tuning and fixing memory issues.
- Configured global security on WebSphere using IBM Directory Server and secure the admin console.
- Troubleshoot problem-tickets, worked with developers to identify the root cause and resolve the issue or propose a potential work around and successfully resolved LDAP, SiteMinder, WAS, MQ, code, and data issues.
- Implemented authentication and authorization permissions to web resources and Installed SSL certificates on the web servers using IKEYMAN.
- Managed the security and performance optimizations for EJB containers and web applications in IBM WebSphere, IBM HTTP Server and Apache web server.
- Provided solutions for clustering at Web Server and WebSphere areas. Worked on Horizontal and Vertical clustering methods providing fail over, effective load balance scenarios and efficient utilization of system resources.
- Configured enterprise applications and corrected performance problems by monitoring server availability and resource utilization analysis.
- Lead role in performance testing and tuning the applications performance emphasizing on JVM heap size, CPU utilization, JDBC connection pools, Garbage Collector, Web container threads, Servlets performance, response time alerts and thresholds.
- Problem determination using local error logs and by running user traces and service traces.
- Assisted in several thread dumps and heap dumps analysis using IBM Thread analyzer and IBM Heap Analyzer.
Environment: IBM WebSphere AppServer 6.1/5.1, IBM Http Server 1.3/2.0, AIX, WSAD, RAD7, LDAP, Heap analyzer, Windows 2000, LDAP,EJB, JDK, J2EE, JNDI.
WebSphere middleware administrator
- Installed, configured, administered and supported WebSphere Application Server v6.1 on AIX and Solaris.
- Deployed the applications on the Websphere Application Servers v6.1.
- Database Migration from Cloudscape to Oracle for CP and FS instances and to DB2 for Personalization Rules Engine instance.
- Cluster configuration for Primary and Secondary nodes, which includes pre federation and post federation tasks.
- Extensively involved in IBM and Tridion Web Content Management (WCM) administrative tasks like creating the libraries and templates, Defining Work flow items, Creating Syndicators and Subscribers.
- Extensively involved in create/modify personalization Business Rules and configured to use this rules to all other regions like DEV, TEST, QA and Production regions.
- Installed and configured the Wily’s Introscope v 7.2.1 to App Servers.
- Configured the SSL for webservers and LDAP for secure communications.
- Generated the certificate requests for VERISIGN CA and installed the certificates for WebSphere.
- Automated the administrative task using the Jython and Shell scripts.
- Enabled the global security using IBM Tivoli Directory Server.
- Installed and configured the Wily’s Introscope v 7.2.1.
- Monitored the performance of the Sun JVM’s using Wily’s Introscope v 7.2.1 and Tivoli Performance Viewer.
- Monitored the heap dumps using advanced monitoring and analysis tools such as Jmap and Jhat.
- Configured the Apache Webserver in accordance to the Applications.
- Performance tuned the Sun HotSpot JVM’s.
- Involved in designing of the Stress Testing scenario using Load Runner.
- Configured the Oracle 10g DB to Websphere Application Server.
- Involved in reviewing the Java code to detect the memory leaks.
- Performed various Stress tests to bench mark the limitations of the environment and to resolve the Bottle Necks.
- Provided 24/7 on call support.