.net Developer Resume
Atlanta, GA
- A .Net Professional with 8 Years of professional IT Experience in Object Oriented design, analysis, development and implementation of n - tier Business Applications using Microsoft Technologies and .Net Framework.
- Extensive experience in developing variousa pplications using VisualStudio.NET technologies likeC#, ASP.NET, ASP, ADO.NET, XML, Web Services, Silver Light, WCF, WPF, WWF, MVC and MVVM.
- Recent intensive project experience in developing front-end User Interfaces using ASP.NET,XML,HTML4, HTML 5, CSS, CSS3, CMS, JavaScript, JQuery, Telerik UI Controls and DevExpress tools.
- Experience in working on Visual Studio and SQL Server.
- Experience with Software Development Processes & Models: Agile and Waterfall
- StrongexperienceinusingADO.NETobjectssuchasConnectionObject,CommandObject,DataReaderObject, Dataset Object and Data Adapter Object.
- KnowledgeofASP.NETMVCpatternControllerActions,ViewEngine,HTMLHelpermethods,EntityFramework Model and the Windows Workflow Foundation.
- Experience developingrichGUI usingWindowsPresentationFoundation (WPF)andgoodworking knowledge of Silverlight.
- ExpertiseindesigningASP.NETbasedGraphicalUserInterfaceswithCSS,jQueryJavaScript,AJAX, Telerik, Multithreading and HTML.
- FamiliarwithUnitandIntegrationTestingusingN-Coveragetool,VSAutomatedUnitTestingFramework and N-Unit testing.
- Experienced in using version control tools like Visual Source Safe, TFS and Clear Case.
- Knowledge of Backend programming, RDBMS (SQL Server, Oracle 11g), SQL, T-SQL, PL/SQL, Stored procedures, Functions, Views and Triggers and imports and exports of Data using DTS Packages.
- Working knowledge of PL/SQL commands in DDL, DCL, DML and TCL.
- Extensive experience with MS SQL Server, SSRS, SSIS.
- Significant experience with MS-Projects,AutoCAD,GISsmallworld,SAPR/3andIT-telecomswitchand server domains.
- Proficientinwritingstoredprocedures,Functions,Cursors,PackagesandDatabaseTriggersusingSQL Server and Oracle.
- Experience in generating reports using Crystal Reports and SSRS.
- Strong Business and Application analysis skills with excellent communication &interpersonal skills.
- Excellent problem solving skills with an ability to adapt to fast changing skills and work.
- Possess strong team building skills and competencies needed to analyze problems,respondtochanging needs, and forge strong working relationships with peers and clients.
Programming Languages: C#, C, C++, PL/SQL, Transact-SQL, XML, XSLT, HTML, HTML5
WebTechnologies: ASP.NET, ASP.NETMVC4.0/3.0,Silverlight4.0/3.0,HTML,CSS,SOAP,andWeb services, WCF, Knockout.
Scripting Languages: Ajax, JavaScript, JQuery, VB Script, VBScript, Gallio.
Distributed Technologies: .NET Remoting, WCF, Web Services (SOAP, REST), LINQ,.Net Frameworks
Databases: SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB2, MS Access Reporting Tools SSIS, SQL Server Reporting Services, Crystal Reports 9.0
Testing Tools: NCoverage, JUnit, NUnit, Load, VS Automated Unit Testing framework
Other Technologies: ORM LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework 6/5/4,CMSSitefinity, Site Core, ModX, eZPublish, Middleware WCF, ADO.NET, Web Services, Enterprise Library, DLL Version Control Visual Source Safe (VSS), Team Foundation Server (TFS) Operating systems, UNIX, LINUX IDE Tools Visual Studio, SQL Server Management Studio
.Net Developer
Confidential, Atlanta, GA
- Analyzed specifications based on the requirements provided by the clients.
- DesignedGUI(GraphicalUserInterface)usingLayoutPages,HTML,JavaScript,CSS,CustomandUserControls.
- Experience in developing, testing, debugging, and supporting C#, ASP.Net in different internet browsers.
- Created application libraries in C#. Net.
- Used Session Objects to keep track of session and security attributes built in in theASP.Net MVC framework.
- DesignedtheUImainlyusingASP.NETServercontrols,andAjaxcreatedHTMLHelpersinordertoreduce the amount of typing of HTML tags.
- Developed and Enhanced Master Pages, User Controls using HTML, CSS.
- Guided the team in building out a lean, responsive UI layer utilizing semantic html5, SASS,Bootstrap, AngularJS, Jasmine and SOA API architecture while adhering to the latest web UI standards, design patterns, and best practices.
- Designed, Developed and Deployed reports inMS SQLServer environment.
- Implemented Ajaxtoolkit controls in Webpages for a seamless user experience.
- UsedNServiceBusEnterprise-gradeServiceOrientedArchitecture(SOA)fordevelopinganddeploying services.
- Wrote code deployment & daily task jobs for .NET applications using Jenkins, Powershell, and MSBuild/Web DeployDevelop WebEOC soap client and feed into the ArcGIS Explorer 500 application.
- Make GP models for Buffer, Hazard Models and publish to ArcGIS Server 9.3.
- Wrote NServiceBus endpoint to aggregate incoming telematics data for reporting web application.
- ImplementedanapplicationusingLINQtoXML,whichusesawebservicefromexternalsiteformatsand displays data in the application. Implemented a Windows form to test the application.
- Used WCF methodology to implement the RESTful web services.
- Used VB.Net Technology for server side programming.
- Worked heavily on Silverlight Layout Controls like Stack Panel, Canvas, and Grid Controls.
- Reported the bugs through email notifications to developers using TFS.
- Createdstoredproceduresforinserting,deletingandupdatingscreensdataintodatabaseusingSQLServer.
- Involved in the Unit and Integration testing.
- JQuery validation andMVCunobtrusive validation were used to validate form fields.
- Worked with testing team to fix the bugs as part of Bug life cycle and Production support.
Environment: .NETFramework4.0,VisualStudio2010,ASP.NET,VB.Net10.0,ADO.NET,C#.Net,VB.Net 10.0,ASP.NETA3.0,AJAX,SOAP,HTML,CSS,DTS,andWebforms,WCF,MicrosoftVisio,IIS6.0, XML/XSLT, SQL Server 2008/2012 (T-SQL), Asp.Net MVC
.Net Developer
Confidential, Green Bay, WI
- Undergone various phases likedesign,functionalandtechnicalspecification,coding,unittestingandcode reviews.
- Developed 3-tier architecture application.
- Developedbusinessusecases,sequential,collaborative,activityandclassdiagramsfortheenterprise presentation, and business and data access components of the system using UML.
- UsedASP.Net MVCApplications using MVC5.0 with Razor View Engine.
- Designed, Developed and Deployed reports inMS SQLServer environment.
- DevelopedandEnhancedMasterPages,UserControls,CustomControls,UserInterfacebyusingHTML, CSS, ASP.NET Controls, WPF along with Telerik Kendo UI and Telerik .NET UI Controls.
- DevelopedDL/BLclassesusing c#.Net, ADO.NET and SQL Server usingMVC 4.0.
- Involved in creation of Web Forms using ASP.NET (C# code behind)
- Utilized Site core CMS solutions to design .Net application features.
- DevelopedbusinesslogiccomponentsinC#andDataAccessLayercomponentsusingADO.NetandC# for Customer module and Order module.
- Developed Custom Controls and User Controls.
- Worked onAngularJS, used its two-way data binding to achieve the feedback functionality.
- Imported data into SQL Server 2012 from Oracle 11g data source and developed Stored Procedures,Triggers, and Views for accessing the database.
- Creating screens using Telerik UI forASP.Net MVC.
- Implemented LINQ to objects, LINQ to XML and LINQ to SQL to get the data.
- Developed Client side validations in ASP.Net pages using JavaScript,ASP.NET Validation Controls.
- Used WCF methodology to implement the SOAP web services.
- Implemented tight security throughout the application using .Net Forms Authentication.
- Developed Web Services for creating and consuming business components.
- DevelopWeb TaskswithArcGISServer9.3C#.NETforSpatial-Bookmarks,Quick-FindwithSQLServer for Anadarko Petroleum.
- EnableArcGISServerSOAP,REST,wmsservicesupportincustomizedtasksforQuery,Select,andMap printing.
- UsedCSS,MasterPages,Themes,andSkinsforachievinguniformitythrough all the pages.
- Used XML Document object to parse the XML document.
- Used ADO.NET objects such as Grid View and Form View.
- Implemented Client Side Manipulations with Ajax.
- Used Controls like Web Parts, Site Navigation, Master Page, User Login Controls.
- DevelopedwebpagesandDidEnhancementinClassicASP(VBScript)usedADOfordatabaseconnectivity.
Environment: ASP.NET 4.0/3.5, ASP.NET MVC 4.0, C# 3.0, VB.Net, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010/2012, JavaScript,CSS,JQuery,EntityFramework5.0,EnterpriseLibrary5.0,HTML,CSS,XML,XAML,WPF,WCF, AJAX, Telerik, TFS, IIS 7.0, Oracle 11g, SQL Server 2012/2008R2.
.Net Developer
Confidential, TN
- Involved in requirement gathering, functional and technical specification.
- Analyzing the specifications provided by the clients.
- Developed the application using Scrum methodology under the agile framework.
- DevelopedandEnhancedMasterPages,UserControls,CustomControls,UserInterfacebyusingHTML, CSS, ASP.NET Controls, WPF along with Site core CMS, Telerik Kendo UI, AngularJS.
- TheapplicationwasdevelopedusingtheModelViewControl(MVC)architecturethatgivesaclearseparation of representation of information from the user's interaction with it.
- Created MVC 3.0 razor views to design HTML based multiple pages of the application.
- DesignedGUIusingLayoutPages,HTML,JavaScripts,CSSclassesandCustom controls.
- Used JavaScript (JQuery) to enhance UI experience on Client-Side.
- Implemented web services (SOAP) Using ASP.NET for consumption by the client application.
- Used ASP.Net server controls like Grid View, Form View as a part of interface and for data display.
- Created Sequence diagrams as per the Requirements by using Enterprise Architecture (EA)
- Consumed WCF Services for accessing the database.
- Monitor MS SQL Server Error Log, space usage.
- Involved in setting up the Development, staging, testing & production environments for the application.
- Involved in adding enhancement to these application as per the client request.
- Implemented LINQ to objects, LINQ to XML and LINQ to SQL to get the data.
- Created Integration Services SSIS package to import raw data from MS Excel to SQLServer.
- Design,prototypeandimplementwebservicewithWCF,ArcGISServer.NETWebADF,c#andESRIJS API to automate Exporter Java-SOAP client.
- Used ADO.Net objects such as Data Adapter, Data Reader and Dataset for consistent data access.
- DevelopSHAIntranetmappingapplicationwithcombinationofOpenLayers,ArcGISServerRESTAPI, WMS and spatial web services.
- Used knockout to create the observables and Data Binding.
- Extensively involved in developing components for Business Layer and Data Layer.
- Imported data into SQL Server 2012 from Oracle 11g data source and developed StoredProcedures, Triggers, and Views for accessing the database.
- Prepared the workflow for the RTKL office using WWF to track the status of the request.
- Used Team Foundation Server (TFS) for Version Control, Team build, Project Management.
- ExecutionofprojectswithManualandAutomatedTestingToolsusingMercuryInteractiveTestSuiteandIBM Rational Tools
- Data Collection and Reporting.
- Used NUnit and MOQ for unit testing the application.
Environment: C# 4.0, .Net 4.0/4.5, ASP.NET 4.0/4.5, ASP.NET MVC 4.0, VS 2012/2013, VB.Net 11.0, JavaScript, AJAX, JQuery, AngularJS, Entity Framework 6.0, HTML 5, CSS, WPF, WCF, WWF, IIS 7.5/7.0, XML, XAML, SOAP, LINQ, TFS, Oracle 11g, Altova XML Spy, SQL Server, Fiddler, Enterprise Architecture (EA)
.Net Developer
Confidential, Paramus, NJ
- Used Waterfall Model as the SDLC.
- Involved in requirement gathering, functional and technical specifications.
- Involved in Enhancing the Business Layer to provide more interfaces and functions needed for the system.
- Used N-tier architecture for presentation, Business and Data Access Layers.
- Developed Web Forms using C# and ASP.NET.
- Developed Web forms using ASP.Net server controls and validated input using JavaScript.
- Developed rich GUI using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
- Created different tables, views, and indexes and normalized the data.
- Worked on the agile methodologies throughout the project.
- UsedADO.NETobjectssuchasData Adapter,Data Reader,andData Setforconsistentaccesstothedata store.
- Wrote Triggers, which send e-mails to client after successful transactions.
- Writing Database routines, stored procedures and fixing up standard specifications.
- UsedDataTransformationServicestoimportthedatainSQLserverfromheterogeneousdatasourceslikeOracle.
- Used WCF for developing and deploying services on windows in line with the ServiceOriented Architecture(SOA).
- UtilizedWeb configfiletohaveownsettingfortheapplicationbywritingdatabaseconnectionstrings,custom settings and user authentication.
- Testing - NUnit and FxCop.Worked on testing all the pages of the project by using the testing tools.
- Created C# applications using WinForms, custom encryption classes, multi-threading, login verification, dynamic tracking, detailed error tracking, and LINQ to Entities.
- Identified, researched, investigated, analyzed, defined and documented business processes.
Environment: ASP.NET3.0/2.0,C#,VB.Net,ADO.Net,VisualStudio2008,IIS5.0,SQL,XML,WPF,XSL, HTML, CSS, Oracle 9i, SQL Server 2005/2008 R2.
Software Developer
- Extensive experience in developing various applications using VisualStudio.NETtechnologieslikeC#, ASP.NET, ASP, ADO.NET, XML, Web Services, Silver Light, WCF, WPF, WWF, MVC and MVVM.
- Recentintensiveprojectexperienceindevelopingfront-endUserInterfacesusingASP.NET,XML,HTML4, HTML 5, CSS, CSS3, CMS, JavaScript, JQuery, Telerik UI Controls and DevExpress tools.
- DevelopedDL/BLclassesusing c#.Net, ADO.NET and SQL Server usingMVC 4.0.
- Gathered User Requirements, designed the Framework using UML that included identifying the use cases and its surroundings, drawing use case diagrams, identifying classes, drawing class diagrams and sequence diagrams.
- Reported the bugs through email notifications to developers using TFS.
- Application design based on n-tier Architecture.
- Extensively involved in the Database design.
- Extensively involved in developing Data access components by using Microsoft application blocks.
- Created C# applications using WinForms, custom encryption classes, multi-threading, login verification, dynamic tracking, detailed error tracking, and LINQ to Entities.
- Extensively involved in database migration.
- WorkedonSQLQueries,Triggers,BackupandRestoreDatabase,definingroles,creatingdatabaseusers, Assigning Roles to users using Sql Server 2005.
- CreatedaSetupPackage(.msi),compiledapplicationindebugandreleasemodebyUsingVisualStudio. NET 2005.
- Participated in full software development lifecycle.
- Prepared project plan using Microsoft Project.
- Responsible for configuration management (Configuring the Project in VSS, Taking VSS backup etc.)
- Done unit testing, integration testing and regression testing.
Environment: C#,.Net,ADO.Net,VisualStudio2005SQLServer2000,.NetRemoting,MicrosoftProject, Windows 2003.