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Sr. Automation Engineer (.net/c#/selenium) Resume

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Pittsburgh, P


  • Over 8 years of Total IT experience in .Net Development,Quality Assurance in Manual Testing, Automated Testing, Database Testing on Web bases application and Client/Server based applications.
  • Extensive experience in Finance, Banking, Healthcare and E - commerce domains.
  • Exposure to all stages of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), Software Test Life Cycle (STLC), and software development methodologies such as Agile, V Model and Waterfall.
  • Experience in Building Microsoft.Net/C# automation Scripts by using Selenium, MS Visual Studio, MSTest,NUNIT, Spec flow, Coded UI, Azure and good expertise in using Annotations
  • Experience in developing the Automation framework using both C# and Core Java programming using OOPS concepts, Selenium, Java, JUnit/TestNG, Eclipse, Maven.
  • Expertise in both manual and automation testing of Web services SOAP and RESTFul.
  • Designed and developed Automation Frameworks like Keyword Driven, Hybrid driven and BDD/TDD
  • Experience in design and development of BDD framework from the scratch by writing GherkinFeatures-Scenarios using SpecFlow and Cucumber.
  • Worked on front end web application development that involved HTML, DHTML, XHTML, XML, JavaScript and CSS.
  • Expertise in Design and Development of User Interfaces, User Controls and Custom Controls using ASP.NET and C#.NET.
  • Experience in developing applications using ASP.NET Web Forms.
  • Experienced in developing and consuming Web services(Restful)/ WCF
  • Experience in building Continuous Integration/Delivery automation solutions for each product/project via TFS/Jenkins
  • Good Expertise in Schedule jobs via Jenkins (Continuous Delivery) and Continuous Integration for automating the build and deploy processes allowing significant increase in test automation. Monitoring the jobs scheduled jobs
  • Good amount of knowledge in mobile testing using Appium with C# and also with Protractor, Jasmine, Karmawhich is used for testing AngularJS application.
  • Good experience in Web Services testing using SOAPUI, XML, & WSDL. Providing required input data to request XML & get the required data from response XML & use the response data from other request XML using SOAPUI
  • Reviewing the code using fxCop, stylecop and Code flow tool.
  • Good Experience in unit testing/White box testing the code developed by the developers
  • Experience in developing and understanding of HTML, XML, CSS and Good Experience in.
  • Worked extensively on Agile Projects and hands on experience in creating task for sprint in Rally and attended Sprint Planning, Scrums, Sprint Review meetings.
  • Experience in working with Test Management/Bug Tracking tools like HP ALM/Quality Center/Rally/JIRA, to track test execution progress and prioritize bug fixes.
  • Worked on SQL Server database by writing different kinds of queries like Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views, Tables, Functions, Exception Handling in order to perform valid operations
  • Knowledge on networking protocols (TCP/P Protocol suite) such as TCP, UDP, FTP, SSL and HTTP.
  • Expertise in writing SQL Queries, SQL *PLUS, PLSQL stored procedures for databases like Oracle, MySQL, DB2 on UNIX as well as Windows platforms.
  • Worked on all level & type of testing like Smoke, Sanity, Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance, Retesting, Regression, Ad-Hoc, Black-Box, White-Box Testing, Grey-Box Testing, Verification, Validation, Functional testing.
  • Testing experience on ETL process for various data loading scenarios.
  • Knowledge in creating ETL test data for all ETL mapping rules to test the functionality of the ETL process based on mapping document.
  • Proficient performing different kinds of testing like Smoke, Sanity, Functional, GUI, Backend, Parallel Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing & UAT.
  • Experience in defect tracking system and bug life cycle using Test Director, HP Quality Center.
  • Strong exposure testing applications on different browsers, Firefox, Safari 3x.
  • Experienced in facilitating User Acceptance Testing for go-live.
  • Good Analytical and Communication Skills and ability to work independently with minimal supervision and perform as part of a team. Ability to work under competing deadlines.


Programming Languages: C,C++, C#(.Net), Java

Frontend Technologies: HTML5,CSS3,Java Script, AngularJS, Twitter Bootstrap

Microsoft Technologies: Asp.Net, MVC, Ado.Net, Entity Framework, Webforms, Web Api, Java, Silverlight

Databases: SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access, T-SQL, LINQ to SQL

Automation Tools and Languages: Selenium IDE, WebDriver, Grid, RC, Nunit, TEST NG, MSTest, Coded UI, ETL SpecFlow, Groovy Scripting, Gherkin (Cucumber), QTP, Clear Quest, Appium, C#, Java.

Web Services & Database Testing Tools: SOAPUI (SOAP,REST), Ready API, Rest Client(Firefox add on), SQL Server, Postman.

Automation Frameworks: BDD/ATDD (SpecFlow), TDD, Data Driven, Keyword, Hybrid driven,

Project Management / Defect Tracking Tools: JIRA, Rally(Central Agile), HP Quality Centre (ALM),Bugzilla

Methodologies: OOAD, Agile, Scrum, Waterfall and V-Model

IDE: Visual Studios, Eclipse, Rational Rose, UML.

Version Controller: Team Foundation Server (TFS), GitHub, SVN


Confidential, Pittsburgh, P.

Sr. Automation Engineer (.Net/C#/Selenium)


  • Implemented Agile methodology with Scrum framework as Software Development Life cycle with 2 weeks of Sprint cycles and coordinated well with team members, lead, project manager.
  • Used C# as a programming language and Visual Studios as IDE for automating the Test Suite with Selenium WebDriver.
  • Involved in Smoke Testing, Sanity Testing, Retesting, Ad-hoc testing, Functional and Non Functional Testing.
  • Elicited requirements from business to determine functional specifications leading to concrete implementation requirements.
  • Designed and developed Hybrid Framework using . Net, C# and NUnit .
  • Performed Keyword Driven and Data Driven Frameworksusing CSV , CSS Selectors as a part of Framework .
  • Performed Data driven testing by passing multiple sets of data by using Excel data reader as plug-in.
  • Used Page Object Model (POM) repository design pattern for storing all the web elements for code maintainability and reusability for Selenium automation.
  • Performed End-to-End testing by Manual and Automation.
  • Worked on different kind of WebElement locators like ID, Name, CSS Selector, Xpath for identifying the fields .
  • Used Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) document to ensure whether all the proposed test cases are covered or not as per SRS document.
  • Performed Nunit testing to run all the test cases.
  • Performed Selenium automation using Selenium Web Driver and Selenium IDE
  • Tested the web modules flow and improve the script performance using Seleniumfind elements.
  • Tested Service Oriented Architecture application using Soap UI.
  • Performed parallel execution of test cases using Selenium Grid.
  • Reviewed the requirements and use case diagrams to write Test Cases/ Test plan that would test various scenarios.
  • Worked with JIRA as a project management and defect tracking tool.
  • Served as functional SME for DB2 migration project providing recommendations for improvement and technical expertise alongside project life cycle resulting in the delivery of projects on time.
  • Performed Integration and Regression tests to check compatibility of new functionality with the existing functionalities of the application.
  • Extensively used SeleniumAPIs such as Take Screenshot for Capturing Failed test cases, Select for selecting multiple values from list, Action for various key and mouse event, By with different Locators(Xpath, CSS, id, Link text).
  • Wrote SQL queries extensively, queried database and generated test reports.
  • Designed and developed WCF Web Services and configured our WCF Services with appropriate endpoints for consuming them in the web application
  • Used JQuery, ASP.NET AJAX toolkit controls and CSS to enhance the performance and richness to the user interface.
  • Involved in Unit Testing the code and provided the feedback to the developers

Environment: Visual Studios 2012, JIRA,C#, Selenium WebDriver, Grid, RC, Hybrid, Keyword Driven, Data Driven Framework, Page Object Model (POM),SOAP UI, Nunit, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, XML,JSON, Excel, HTML5, CSS3.

Confidential, Washington, D.C

Sr. SDET/ Automation Engineer (Selenium, C#)

  • Working on Agile Methodologies (Scrum) by following regular Sprint cycles with active involvement in all sprint meetings with testers, developers, scrum master and product owner.
  • Responsible for going through the User Stories and creating Test Cases based on the mock up’s provided in User Stories
  • Involved in documenting the Test Plan, Test Cases, Traceability Matrix and defect reports
  • Creating test scripts using C# and Selenium Web Driver for the functional test cases.
  • Designed and developed BDD/TDD/ATDD framework by using the SpecFlow(Cucumber Specification) and added Scenarios in features files, Step Definitions.
  • Written various Features, Scenarios, and Scenario Outline with Examples, Scope Bindings, Dynamic Tables and Hooks in Gherkin language for developing BDD framework.
  • Developed Automation scripts in Microsoft Visual Studio and used NUnit framework
  • Created, implemented and maintained Page Objects (POM) for each Webpage
  • Involved in Hybrid Test framework to achieve Regression Testing and developed packages for the Driver scripts, Page Objects, Reusable Libraries, HTML Extent reports and Log files
  • Implemented and configured NUnit, Selenium web driver from NuGet packages as build for adding all the dependencies
  • Used JIRA as Project management and Bug tracking tool.
  • Performed Data Driven Testing (DDT) using Scenario outline and Examples.
  • Implemented logic to read data from the Excel to achieve functional testing with different data
  • Performed mouse actions using Selenium Actions API. Implemented web element locators using Selenium WebDriver - By ID, Class, Name, CSS Selector, Xpath and Link.
  • Documented all the scenarios of the test cases.
  • Used Jenkins for continuous integration and delivery in order to execute them automatically after every successful deployment.
  • Peer code reviewing using fxCop and StyleCop
  • Implemented logic to get the data from database using ADO.NET library
  • Responsible for creating Resource file to store the Constants
  • Making sure the resolved bugs are retested and closed if needed
  • Involved in testing the Web Services like SOAP by using a tool SOAPUI
  • Created Project, TestSuites, Test Cases and Test Steps in SOAP UI Tools and Validated the Response XML file
  • Inserted Assertions like XPATH to validate the data against the database data in the response XML
  • Used different kinds of Assertions and Attributes for validating the test cases
  • Responsible for writing the SQL Queries using Joins, Stored Procedure to retrieve the data.
  • Automated Hybrid Mobile app by using Appium and Selenium
  • Updating the test plan document for every Sprint meeting
  • Logging the bugs which are found during Manual Testing and Automation Testing the Suit
  • Developed SQL queries to validate the data integrity of the database
  • Performed parallel execution of test cases using Selenium Grid.
  • Worked on Angular JS with its directives like ng-app, ng-model, ng-controller, ng- repeat, ng-hide, ng-show, filters etc., in a different project by supporting the team in developing the application.
  • Consumed Asp.net web services in AngularJS using $http and routing services.
  • Written different kinds of SQL queries like creation, updates, inserts, deletion, joins etc., in SQL Server Management Studios 2014 to perform Backend testing of the application for validating the saved data that comes from Frontend.

Environment: Visual Studios 2012 (IDE), C#, Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, JIRA, Data Driven Behavioral Driven Development (BDD), Page Object Model (POM), SpecFlow, Gherkin (Cucumber),Nunit, Jenkins, TFS,VSTS, Protractor,, Jasmine, Sql Server Management Studios, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer HTML5,CSS3,Excel.

Confidential, Wayzata, MN

Software Engineer (.Net/C# Developer and Automation tester)


  • Involved in all phases of Software Development Life Cycle. (SDLC) and worked with Agile methodology.
  • Worked on Fronted end Technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Twitter Bootstrap in order to develop the user interface of the application.
  • Created Use case, Class, Activity, Sequence, Flowcharts diagrams etc.
  • Used C# programming language as business logic in Visual Studios 2012 as IDE.
  • Worked on Asp.Net for developing the application.
  • Implemented the concepts like Classes, Objects, Interfaces, Functions, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, and Exception Handling when writing the code.
  • Worked on Ado. Net to sink the application with the database.
  • Developed the RESTful Web Services using Web Api like Http verbs for CRUD operations.
  • Used Sql Server Management studios 2010 as a data base to store and retrieve the data that comes from UI.
  • Written several queries like creation of Tables, Stored procedures, Triggers, Functions, Views, Indexes, Exception Handling and managed dead locks in order to perform necessary operations in the application.
  • Involved in Development and building Keyword Driven automation testing framework along with testers
  • Performed various kinds of validations for the fields.
  • Performed Unit Testing of the application by using NUnit.
  • Used TFS (Team Foundation Server) as a version control tool.
  • Extended my support to the Tester and worked even in QA environment
  • Created Test cases, Test suite and performed manual testing for the application.
  • Performed API Level testing for web services, enhanced the Test harness and developed many Test suites using XML.
  • Worked on QTP for regression testing and automated the test cases.
  • Involved Preparation of Traceability Matrix and mapping the Test Cases with the requirements and Test Metrics in Quality Center.
  • Responsible for writing automated test cases using QTP/UFT.
  • Used HP/ Quality Center as defect tracking tool
  • Created Test Scenarios, executed automated test scripts for regression testing using QTP/UFT and implemented Automation Framework

Environments: .Net 4.5 framework, C#, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, ADO.NET, Stored Procedures, Visual Studio 2010, WCF, SQL Server 2008, TFS, IIS 7.0, SSRS, SQL Jobs.


C# Full Stack .Net Developer


  • Implemented abstract, sealed classes, interfaces and classes to construct the business and data tier using C# and ADO.NET.
  • Worked on both front end and back end technologies like HTML, CSS, Java Script, C#, ASP.Net, Ado .net, Sql Server Management studios 2008
  • Used 3-tier architecture to handle the business logic which requires heavy traffic with server.
  • Developed Web Services to auto populate the dropdown items based on the selection of an item in another dropdown.
  • Used ADO.NET components like Data Adapter, Data Reader and Dataset to communicate the database, wrote complex Queries, Stored Procedures and Triggers.
  • Wrote custom C# methods to encode and sanitize strings like filename, wrote LINQ queries.
  • Used AJAX coding techniques to update parts of a web page and developed.
  • Performed Unit and Integrationtesting usingMS Test.
  • Designed and developed Stored Procedures, tables and views, Used SQL Server as database.
  • Actively involved in Code-Reviews & Coding Standards, Unit testing & Integration Testing.
  • Maintained a close and strong working relationship with teammates, developers, testers and management staff.

Environment: Visual Studio 2008, C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, HTML, CSS, MS Test, AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery, Web Services, SQL Server 2008.


QA Tester (Java, Manual and Automation)

  • Analyzed the system requirements and developed detailed test plans and test cases and provided the documentation. Collaborated with product management teams in an agile environment to develop a comprehensive set of tests for web-based applications.
  • Studied and analyzed the Functional Requirements Specifications and System Design Specifications and interacted with developers for changes in requirements if any.
  • Developing Test plan of the application as per technical specifications.
  • Involved in writing Unit and Regression Test cases for the Product.
  • Involved in setting up the automation framework using Selenium Web Driver, TestNG.
  • Used Xpath and DOM to work with dynamic and static objects in Selenium.
  • Configured Selenium WebDriver,TestNG and created selenium automation scripts in java.
  • WebDriver in Java and performing unit testing by using TestNG and generated reports.
  • Creating and maintaining various databases using SQL Server 2008/2005.
  • Created automated test scripts for validating the nightly product builds and regression testing.
  • Maintained Defects using Defect Tracking System in Quality Center.
  • Participated in various meetings and discussed Enhancement and Modification Request issues.
  • Performed all test assignments to ensure the application meets business requirements and client expectations.
  • Interacted with developers & various members of project team to discuss and resolve defects and to determine their priorities.
  • Summarize test results in formula test analysis reports according to the documentation standards.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSF, Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, SQL, Quality Center, Jenkins, SVN, Windows XP, MS Access and MS Excel.

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