Senior Developer & Architect Resume
Senior, experienced Java/Mobile developer and architect. Deeply experienced across the IT spectrum. Capable of creative solutions to complex problems. Strongly capable of realizing cross platform, multi-tier business solutions, particularly in the mobile space.
Capability Highlights
- Hands-on development and architecture cross technology skills.
- Diverse development skills including C, C#, Java, Android, iPhone and Web.
- Agile before Agile was around.
- Delivered solutions in: Mobile Applications, Telecommunications, Digital Property Rights Management, Human Resources, Finance and Accounting, Legal/Litigation, Electronic Discovery, Subscription Management, Order Management, Network Operations and Testing, Physical Security and Intelligence, Call Center, Public Utilities.
- Self starter with technology.
- Forged solid cross technology and cross organizational partnerships to create better solutions for customers.
- Effective business communicator having written white papers, statements of work, contracts, and requirements documents.
- Strong information security background.
Education & Certifications
- BS Computer Engineering, Confidential University
- Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA),
- (Former) Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP),
- Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH),
Technical Competencies
- Java, J2EE, JPA, Swing, Gradle, Groovy, Ant, OOA&D, Agile, JNI, RMI, SOAP, REST, Android, iPhone, ObjectiveC, Apache Axis, JSON, Servlets, Struts, Spring Security, Hibernate, EclipseLink, Eclipse, OSGi, Subversion, HTML, XML, XSL, MFC, Visual Studio, C#, Linux, Win XP, Win7, Security tools, Python, Bssh,
Work Summary (20+ years)
Independent IT Consultant , Sep 2001 - Present
eCommerce Practice Mgr , Oct 1999 -Oct 2001 – Confidential
Telecom & Application Eng , May 1991 - Oct 1999 – Confidential
Ind Security Consultant , Jan 1996 -Present – Confidential
Raleigh Police Officer
US Army Special Forces
Current – Senior Developer & Architect (Confidential)
- Provided architectural expertise to identify the need for 3 product architectures to support a Mobile 2.0 rich content architecture.
- Developed a cross-framework JPA domain shared by 2 of the product architectures.
- Established a Authentication and Authorization infrastructure based on Spring Security.
- Developed a services based architectural layer based on SOAP and REST services with JSON as a data exchange.
- Developed iPhone and Android application frameworks that enabled a modular structure for the mobile application development.
- Created a dynamic build infrastructure based on Gradle and Goovy
- Established a continuous build, integration and test infrastructure based on Jenkins, Hudson, Gradle, Sonar and Selenium.
- Mentored junior and mid-level programmers on OOA&D as well as advanced Java/Mobile development.
Recent (past 5 years) – Senior Developer/Architect (Confidential)
- Senior developer/Team leader on a classified J2EE/Web high-altitude nuclear simulation program that included cross-technology algorithms.
- Systems engineer on DoD tactical systems platforms.
- Solutions Architect with a complex-event processing based technology architecture built on J2EE technology.
- Cyber security tools developer and integrator.
- Ran a private consulting company for 10+ years
- Publish and run
- Former CTO, Technology Mgr, and Practice Manager.