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Sr. Java Developer / Automation Engineer Resume

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Cincinnati, OH


  • 8 years of experience in Object Oriented Programming, design and development of Multi - Tier distributed, Enterprise application using Java & J2EE technologies along with creating and maintaining an automation testing framework (Selenium), and other various front and backend development tasks.
  • Well versed with complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) using various methodologies like Agile Methodology (Scrum, XP), and Waterfall.
  • Proficient in developing automated custom tests with Selenium WebDriver / Selenium IDE in accordance with the customer requirements
  • Expertise in automation tools like Git, Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Subversion, Nagios, Zabbix and docker.
  • Exposure in Developing automation framework using Cucumber-JVM, Selenium-webdriver, JUnit and Jenkins, Java, Python, JavaScript, WebDriver.IO
  • Experience with using IDEs like Eclipse 3.x, Version Control Systems like GIT and continuous Integration tool Jenkins and Configuration management tool Puppet.
  • Experience with SOA architecture which include Soap Web Service and Restful Web Service Testing
  • Exposure in executing Automation Scripts in batch mode for each regression cycle in Selenium WebDriver, analyzed the run result and logged defect for test failure in Jira.
  • Experience on different Application Servers like WebLogic, JBoss, Oracle Application Server and Web Server like Tomcat 6.0/7.x
  • Experience in developing and designing POCs using Scala and deployed on the Yarn cluster, compared the performance of Spark, with Hive and SQL/Teradata.
  • Experience in using Scala for coding the components in Play and Used Maven to build and generate code analysis reports.
  • Expertise in client-side design and validations using HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, JQuery, Ajax, AngularJS, NodeJS, RequireJS, BackboneJS and React JS.
  • Expertise in handling Troubleshooting issues that may occur during the test cycle (Functional & load test) for the J2EE applications on Struts and Spring framework running on WebLogic/JBOSS servers
  • Hands on Experience in AWS like Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, Amazon EMR and Amazon SQS.
  • Hands-on experience with Atlassian tools(JIRA, Crucible, and BitBucket) for code reviews, setting pace for the class,
  • Developed web-based enterprise applications using Core Java, J2EE, Servlets, JSP, JSF, JDBC, Hibernate, Web Services (SOAP and REST), MVC Framework (Struts, Spring MVC) and SQL.
  • Highly experience with Java complaint IDE's like Eclipse, WSAD, RAD 6, and Builder.
  • Hands on experience with different Spring framework modules like Spring Core, Spring AOP, Spring MVC, Spring Batch, Spring Security and Spring Boot.
  • Expertise in database modelling and development using SQL and PL/SQL in MySQL, Oracle and NoSql Databases like Cassandra and MongoDB
  • Expertise in using various IDE tools like Spring Tool Suite, RAD, Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ and TOAD.
  • Experience in creating RESTful web services using Jersey, spring framework and JAX-RS.
  • Experience using persistence framework like Hibernate, JPA for mapping java classes with Database and using HQL (Hibernate Query Language).
  • Experience in Hadoop Eco-system (HDFS, Map Reduce, Hive, Pig, Sqoop, HBase, Oozie, Flume) and various other ecosystem components (Spark, Kafka, Storm, Impala)
  • Good experience in Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment and good knowledge of AWS services like Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Elastic Container Service, Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon SQS, AWS Identity and access, Amazon RDS, Simple Storage (S3), Elastic Beanstalk and Cloud Watch.
  • Proficient in implementing various Java design patterns like MVC, Session Facade, Data Access Object (DAO), Factory, Singleton, Data Transfer Object, and Front Controller.
  • Experienced first-hand practices for integrating Microservices into existing system architecture.
  • Experienced in implementing Microservices, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with XML based Web Services (SOAP/UDDI/WSDL) using Top Down and Bottom Up approach.
  • Strong experience in database design using PL/SQL to write tables, Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Indexers and proficiency in writing complex queries, using Oracle, IBM DB2, SQL Server, MySQL and MongoDB/NoSQL.
  • Experienced in implementation of JMS in order to exchange information over reliable channel in an asynchronous way by using Active MQ, Rabbit MQ as a message queue.
  • Deployed applications into Continuous Integration environments like Jenkins to integrate and deploy code on CI environments for development testing.
  • Experience with Selenium, JUnit, Mockito and Log4j in developing test cases and determining application functionality.
  • Strong knowledge and experience on version control tools like GitHub, Subversion (SVN) and CVS.
  • Utilized Java 8 features like Lambda expressions and Stream API for bulk data operations.
  • Good understanding on JIRA and Confluence.
  • Proficient in writing ANT and Maven for builds and deployments to different environments.


Programming Languages: Java, J2EE, C, C++, PL/SQL, Python, Scala, Shell Scripting.

Java/J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JSP 1.2/2.0, JDBC, JSTL, JPA, JMS, JNDI, JSF, EJB.

Frameworks: Struts, Hibernate, Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Security.

Web Technologies: HTML5, DHTML, XHTML, CSS3, Java Script, Ajax.

Application Servers: Apache Tomcat, JBoss, IBM Web Sphere, BEA Web Logic, Jetty

UI frameworks: jQuery, AngularJS, Node.js

IDE Tools: Net Beans, Eclipse, JBuilder, RAD.

Build Automation and CI/CD tools: Ant, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins.

Databases: MySQL, Microsoft SQL server, Cassandra, Mongo DB, Oracle 11g, DB2. XML/Web Services XML, XSD, DTD, SAX, XSLT, XML-RPC, DOM, JAXP, XPATH, SOA, RESTful, SOAP.

Database Design & Object Oriented / Analysis & Design patterns: UML, DAO, ER - diagrams, OOAD, MVC, Factory, Singleton Pattern.

Operating Systems: Linux, Unix, Windows, Mac OS.

Configuration Management tools: Git, CVS, SVN, Rational Clear Team Explorer.

Unit testing framework: JUnit, Oracle AOT, TestNG, Mockito.


Sr. Java Developer / Automation Engineer

Confidential, Cincinnati, OH


  • Worked on Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a multitude of applications utilizing the AWS stack such as EC2, VPC, Glacier, Route53, S3, RDS, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trial, WAF, SNS and IAM, focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, Load balancing and auto-scaling in designing, Deploying and configuring.
  • Created various Parser programs to extract data from Autosys, Business Objects, XML, Informatica, Java, and database views using Scala
  • Responsible for estimating required resource and components for SOA testing.
  • Designed and Developed Automation Framework in Selenium WebDriver using behavior driver approach like Cucumber BDD
  • Used RequireJs for dependency injection and Used BackboneJS and RequireJS to create Views to hook up models to the DOM and synchronize data to/from server.
  • Configured Selenium WebDriver, JUnit and Maven tools and developed Selenium Automation scripts in JAVA.
  • Developed new test case by writing robust automation code as a part of defensive coding practices against high level business and technical requirements.
  • Used SOAP UI tool to test SOA based architecture applications to test SOAP services and REST API.
  • Supported Application Release by executing Automated Regression test cases in a batch mode using Selenium WebDriver.
  • Installed and configured JBOSS/Drools server with MySQL/Oracle persistence. Extracted rules data from the database and decision tables.
  • Developed and implemented two Service Endpoints (end to end) in Java using Play framework.
  • Involved in performing the Linear Regression using Scala API and Spark along with developing traits and case classes etc in Scala.
  • Performed Loyal3 IPO/Securities application testing in a local and in a testing environment using Scala, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Micro services in Docker.
  • Created/managed Mongo DB/NoSQL collections. Developed Server side automation using Node.js scripting and connecting different types of SQL and NoSQL store
  • Used Java Persistence API (JPA) and Hibernate for performing Database Transactions
  • Logged issues and bugs with Jira, created and participated in code reviews using Crucible 2.0/3.0
  • Identified usability and develop functional and smooth, easy-to-operate and eye-catching web applications using EXT JS, Angular JS and react JS.
  • Design Cucumber framework for web/service-virtualization; perform manual and Cucumber testing of a web based application
  • SOA Testing, Validation and Virtualization, Extended Web Services Tests in a Low -impact way using CA LISA.
  • Used Kibana Dashboards for the Application Monitoring and to retrieve the Concise and Console Logs.
  • Worked on core AWS services such as Setting up new server (EC2) instances/services in AWS, configuring security groups, and setting up Elastic IP's, auto-scaling and Cloud Formation.
  • Guiding the scrum teams and larger organization on how to get the most out of Agile/Scrum practices.
  • Built centralized logging to enable better debugging using Elastic Search Logstash and Kibana.
  • Identifying the problem areas by using elastic search Kibana with Logstash to import .csv files. Using Solr over Lucene index provided a full text search for analysis and quantification.
  • Involved in Designing and deploying AWS solutions using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups.
  • Configured Spark streaming to receive real time data from the Kafka and store the stream data to HDFS using Scala.
  • Worked with the team of architects and back-end Developers to gather requirements and enhance the application functionality and add new features using React.JS and Angular.JS.
  • Performed SOA testing for Payments API's using SOAP UI and Java framework for Web Services testing.
  • Worked on setting up and configuring AWS EMR Clusters and Used Amazon IAM to grant permissions on AWS resources to users.
  • Maintained the Selenium and JAVA automation code and resources in source controls like SVN and GIT over the time for improvements and new features.
  • Generating DDL scripts for both Redshift and RDS Oracle out of ADS ER Modeler.
  • Integrated Active MQ and spring JMS API to send and receive message for the application's Restful API.
  • Worked on setting up the life cycle policies to back the data from AWS S3 to AWS Glacier, Worked with various AWS EC2 and S3 CLI tools.
  • LISA Virtualize to capture and simulate the needed services and data required for a complete test process and used for SOA testing .
  • Used Spring-IOC to inject beans and Spring MVC architecture for developing the application.
  • Written Unit Test Cases for all the developed use cases and did integration testing using Junit.
  • Used JAX-RS for creating RESTful web service where the request and response are in JSON format.
  • Worked on AJAX to develop an interactive Web Application and JavaScript for Data Validations.
  • Used Spring Boot for building cloud Microservices quickly and develop spring based applications with very less configuration.
  • Collaborated daily with QA leads to improve test coverage across platform using Java (TestNg, SOA test) and scripting languages (Groovy, JavaScript, XML).
  • Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, Maven in multiple environments.
  • Used GIT version control system for tracking changes made to the files between people.

Java/J2ee Developer

Confidential, Atlanta, GA


  • Used Spring AOP for cross cutting concerns and IOC for dependency injection.
  • Responsible for table designs like attributes required, distribution key and sort key and creating DDL in Redshift
  • Involved in unit testing with Junit, Mockito and automation testing with Selenium/Cucumber
  • Involved in Request and Response mapping using Spring (AOP) from and to the application server by annotation based spring configuration in Eclipse IDE.
  • Developed new and existing Automation test cases using Selenium WebDriver and TestNG using GIT.
  • Worked on testing SOA with RestFul/SOAP Web Services. Created entire architecture for backend testing internal and third party API using Test Complete and Soap UI.
  • Created Test Cases Using Element locators and Selenium WebDriver methods.
  • Worked system logging using Elastic search, Kibana Logstash to create dashboards in Splunk and Kibana.
  • Developed Hibernate mappings to tables using JPA annotations. Also developed hibernate DAO Access or classes using Spring JDBC Template.
  • Developed Scala scripts, UDFFs using both Data frames/SQL and RDD/MapReduce in Spark 1.6 for Data Aggregation, queries and writing data back into OLTP system through Sqoop; And Developed enterprise application using Scala as well.
  • Design and develop application test strategies for end to end tests using selenium webdriver.
  • Developed Java Scripts to unload data from Redshift into Amazon S3, and create external Hive tables in Qubole.
  • Handled the tasks of assisting senior SOA testers in developing test strategies and in gathering testing requirements
  • Helped the team in identifying the DIST key, SORT key and encoded type while designing the Redshift table
  • Collaborate with engineering team to standardize analytic methods and improve our analytics pipeline using redshift database and MongoDB.
  • Implemented Java Security manager to access EJB (Elastic JavaBeans) with Java SecurityAPI.
  • Working with ELK (Elastic Search, Log stash and Kibana) stack to develop an end to end transaction processing system.
  • Implemented monitoring and established best practices around using elastic search and Install and configuring monitoring scripts for AWS EC2 instances.
  • Worked on client side web technologies/frameworks such as AngularJS, Bootstrap CSS, Bower, NodeJS, Backbone JS, Ext JS and JQuery.
  • Responsible for implementation of Hybrid Test Automation Framework build using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG and Maven technologies under Java platform utilizing design patterns and approaches such as page object model and page factory.
  • Involved in implementation of JMS in order to exchange information over reliable channel in an asynchronous way by using Active MQ, Rabbit MQ as a message queue.
  • Worked on service oriented systems that utilize REST web frameworks with Spring MVC, Spring REST templates, Rabbit MQ, Spring Integration.
  • Deployed J2EE applications over servers like Apache Tomcat 4.x, and Weblogic, Websphere servers.
  • Used Amazon Cloud Watch to monitor AWS services and Amazon Cloud Watch logs to monitor application.
  • Created indexes, stored and retrieved documents in NoSQL database Elastic search using queryDSL. Performed full text search using Elastic Search.
  • Used AngularJS framework where data from backend is stored in model and populated it to UI and also used DOJO for JavaScript.
  • Configure Kibana to encrypt communications between the browser and the Kibana server.
  • Well versed in Quality Control and Quality Assurance, SQL Server environment, and Parasoft SOAtesting
  • Used java 1.8 features like stream, lambda expressions, functional interface, collections, Date/Time changes and type annotations.
  • Extensively worked on Hudson, Jenkins, Build Forge and Bamboo for continuous integration and for End to End automation for all build and deployments.

Java Developer

Confidential, Richardson,TX


  • Developed SPA (Single Page Web Applications) using RESTFUL web services plus Ajax and Angular JS actions.
  • Participated in development of a well responsive single page application using AngularJS framework, JavaScript, and jQuery in conjunction with HTML5, CSS3 standards, with front-end UI team.
  • Build scripts on AWS cloud for scheduling EC2, Auto Scaling, and Elastic load balancer with python SDK.
  • Worked on React JS Virtual Dom and React views, rendering using components which contains additional components called custom HTML tags.
  • Responsible for implementation of Hybrid Test Automation Framework, Page Object Model using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven and Java.
  • Implemented Spring JPA Repository for the persistence layer of the application (this layer communicates with the application DB - Oracle DB).
  • Responsible for writing J2EE compliant Java code for application development effort which involved working with JSP, Servlets, JDBC, XML, EJB, etc.
  • Utilized Cassandra, NOSQL database management system for keeping user generated data by upgrading of Couch base and Cassandra cluster.
  • Created React.js components using JSX, followed FLUX design pattern for unidirectional data flow
  • Designed, built, and deployed a multitude applications utilizing almost all of the AWS stack (Including EC2, MongoDB focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling).
  • Helped to create user roles in jasper server and create domain in server environment.
  • Prepared the migration document for migrating application from Struts to Spring and Responsive web designing the application.
  • Create new interfaces using java, maven/ant, spring MVC / struts, or hibernate based on provided requirements XSD/DDF's.
  • Build Automation Framework for AngularJS, Node.js and involved in testing AJAX components with Protractor and Selenium WebDriver.
  • Assigned AWS Elastic IP Addresses used to work around host or availability zone failures by quickly remapping the address to another running instance or a replacement instance that was just started.
  • Involved in using HTML, DHTML, Java Script, AJAX, ExtJs, JQUERY, JSP and Tag Libraries to develop view pages.
  • Deployed GUI code to WebLogic application environment and standalone components to JBoss Server.
  • Used a Micro Service architecture, interacting through a combination of REST and MQ and leveraging AWS to build, test and deploy Identity Micro Services.
  • Wrote JUNIT Test cases for Spring Controllers and Web Service Clients in Service Layer using Mockito.
  • Developing Hibernate Configuration files for MySQL, Oracle 10g and MongoDB.

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