Java Lead Resume
Boston, MA
Experience Summary:
- Technical Lead/Senior Software Developer with 10+ years of experience in design, development, testing, documentation, deployment and maintenance of java based web applications.
- Good understanding of OOAD, JEE Design Patterns and usage of java based MVC frameworks such as SPRING MVC, JSF, STRUTS, JSP/Servlets
- Good understanding of ORM technologies such as JPA, TopLink, Hibernate, iBatis/MyBatis and Spring JDBC
- Expertise in Configurations/Deployment of Jboss AS, WebSphere AS(WAS 7.0), WebLogic 10.x, Oracle 10g AS (OC4J), Apache Tomcat 6, Sun GlassFish V3 AS, and Apache Web Server.
- Experienced in IDE’s using IBM RAD 7.5,SPRING STS, MyEclipse, Eclipse, Netbeans, Intelli Idea-J and WSAD.
- Expertise in design and development of surplus lines reporting and filing solutions for insurance industry.
- Expertise in design and development of social media/networking solutions, alumni student relations/management solutions for higher education sector.
- Expertise in design and developing video communication and conferencing solutions for capture, create, publish and distribute high definition video and audio for Video on Demand (VOD) and Live on enterprise and mobile platforms.
- Expertise in design and developing eCommerce, finance, and licensing applications such as order management, credit card payments(local and multinational currency transactions) and credit card adjustment solutions using Cyber Source API.
- Expertise in design and developing IVR applications using Envox Voice XML Studio, Voice XML, Speech Works, Genesis Voice Platform (GVP), and Nuance Speech Recognition for care based medical informatics domain.
- Expertise in design and development of MCAP (Maintained Care Appropriateness Protocol) clinical review criteria, clinical and translational informatics technologies in health care domain.
- Good understanding in development of mobile broadband access management solutions such as Real Time Billing(RTB), Security Web Service, Session Controller Protocols and mobile broadband network infrastructures such as Element Management System(EMS) and Network Management System (NMS).
- Experienced in developing mobile search engine algorithms using J2ME, XPATH, and XSLT using Selective Dissemination of Information technology.
- Experienced in SDLC such as waterfall design methodology and Agile-Scrum design methodology. Experienced in planning sprints and writing stories in Agile-Scrum development platform.
Skill Set:
Programming Languages: Java 5/6, PHP, PYTHON, C/C++, VC++, MFC, VB, VC#, Matlab, SQL, and Assembly Language
Operating Systems: UNIX (HP-Guardian, Solaris, Linux), Windows (7, 2000, NT, XP) and DOS.
RDBMS: Oracle, SQL-Server, MySQL
J2EE Technology: JSP, JSF1.2/2.0, Servlets, SPRING MVC 2.x/3.x, STRUTS 1/2, Tiles, JSTL, EJB, JDBC, JNDI, RMI, AWT, SWING, SEAM, JAXB, Facelets, MyFaces, ADF Faces, Richfaces,JMS,Spring, ANT, MAVEN
ORM Technology: Hibernate, iBatis/myBatis, JPA, TopLink, Spring JDBC
Speech Technology: Envox, Voice XML, Speech Works, Gold Wave, Speechify, GVP, Nuance Speech Recognition
Source Control: Clear Case, CVS, Perforce, SVN
Bug Tracking: Clear Quest, FogBugZ, BugZilla, JIRA
Web Services: SOAP, WSDL, JAXB, Java API for XML web services (JAX-WS), xml-rpc, Apache Axis.
Doc Generation Technology: Apache POI, JExcel, iText, TCPDF, Crystal Reports, JPGRAPH, Apache Cocoon
Tools & Utilities: J2SE, J2EE, J2ME,Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003, JUNIT, Log4J, TOAD, SQL Developer, EMS MySQL Manager, Adobe Fireworks CS 6, Install Shield, JWSDP -1.3, IBM XML generatorApplication Servers: JBOSS, Oracle Application server 10g (OC4J),Apache Tomcat-6, WebLogic 10.x,WebSphere AS 7.0, Apache Web Server
Scripting: UNIX Shell Scripting,Tandem Advanced
Command Language (TACL)
Network/Telecom Protocols: FTP, TCP/IP, UDP, HDLC, GSM, GPRS, TDMA,
Session Controllers: ISUP, WIN, CAMEL and PRE-IN.
Signaling/Switching Protocols: SS7, Circuit and Packet switching, X.25, Frame
Relay, ATM
Design Methods/ SDLC: UML, OOAD, J2EE Design Patterns, MVC, Waterfall, Agile-Scrum.
Professional software development experience:
Confidential- AIG, Boston MA May 2012-Present
Contract Java Lead Senior Software Engineer
Surplus lines filing and reporting system (SLFR)
Environment: Java 6, SPRING MVC 3.x, JSP, Apache POI, velocity templates, Crystal Reports, Spring JDBC Template, JAX-WS, JAXB, SOAP, WSDL, XML Schema, JavaScript, JQUERY, JSTL, HTML, CSS, Adobe Fireworks CS 6, ORACLE 11g, RAD 7.5, WEBSPHERE AS 7, SQL, SVN, ANT, XML, Log4J, Firebug, IE Developer Tool, site mesh,Windows-XP, Linux, SQL Developer, Putty, WinScp, Beyond Compare, Agile-Scrum.
- Designed, developed java based SPRING MVC application for insurance domain by using NIMA/NRRA rules and regulations
- Documented FRS document, detailed design document and developed prototype using Adobe Fireworks CS 6.
- Developed single sign-on functionality to integrate SLFR application and MyAig Application.
- Designed and developed tax calculation engine for calculating the surplus lines tax for under writing systems and stand alone tax calculations.
- Designed and developed excel document generation and retrieval using Apache POI
- Designed and developed PDF report generation functionality using crystal reports
- Designed and developed email notification functionality using apache commons mail and velocity templates.
- Designed developed Data Feed functionality to integrate SLFR with underwriting applications.
- Designed and developed state processing functionality using JAX-WS and JAXB web Services
- Designed and developed role based user management functionality
- Designed and developed UI using Spring MVC, JSP, JQUERY, JSTL, Spring JDBC Template, JAVASCRIPT, HTML, CSS
- Responsible for start to finish SDLC in agile scrum based RAD platform and Sprint planning
- Responsible for Bug fixing, deployment to dev, QA, model and production servers
Surplus lines reporting system (SLR)
Environment: Java 6, JSF 1.2, XHTML, VB, RichFaces 3.2, Facelets, Apache MyFaces, AJAX, JavaScript, HTML, CSS,JDBC, ORACLE 11g, RAD 7.5, JExcel, WEBSPHERE AS 7, SQL, SVN, ANT, XML, Log4J, Firebug, IE Developer Tool, Windows-XP, Linux, SQL Developer, Adobe Fireworks CS 6, Agile-Scrum.
- Designed, developed and reverse-engineered VB application as JSF application
- Designed and developed JSF application using JSF(Apache MyFaces), RichFaces, Facelets, XHTML, CSS,JAVASCRIPT, JSTL,ORACLE 11g,AJAX, JDBC.
- Developed excel report generation and retrieval functionality using JExcel API.
- Documented FRS document, detailed design document and developed prototype using Adobe Fireworks CS 6.
- Developed role based user management functionality.
- Responsible for start to finish SDLC in agile scrum based RAD platform
- Responsible for Bug fixing, deployment to dev, QA, model and production servers
Confidential, Boston MA Sep 2011-May 2012
Contract Java Senior Software Engineer
Environment: Java 6, SPRING MVC 3, JSP, AJAX, JavaScript, JQUERY, HTML, JSTL, VO, CSS, IBATIS, ORACLE, SPRING STS, Apache Tomcat 6, WEBLOGIC AS, SQL, SVN, ANT, XML, Log4J, Firebug, IE Developer Tool, Windows-7,Linux, SQL Developer, Agile-Scrum, Sprint.
- designed and developed SPRING MVC application using SPRING, IBATIS, JSP, JSTL, View Objects(VO),JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY,ORACLE
- Responsible for start to finish SDLC in agile scrum based RAD platform
- Developed CFO view, Admin View and Reporting modules for financial transactions using JQUERY,JSTL,SPRING MVC 3 stack, iBatis, ORACLE
- Developed profit-loss reports, sales tax reports and export to Excel functionality using Apache POI framework
- Bug fixing and design documentation, SPRINT planning
Alumni Profile
Environment: Java 6, SPRING MVC 2.5, STRUTS, JSP, AJAX, JavaScript, JSON, JQUERY, YUI, HTML, JSTL, CSS,XML,XSLT,XPATH,JDOM, XSL,Hibernate, iBatis, ORACLE, SPRING STS, Apache Tomcat 6, WEBLOGIC AS, SQL, SVN, ANT, XML, Log4J, Firebug, IE Developer Tool, Windows-7,Linux, SQL Developer, Agile-Scrum, Sprint.
- developed CLASS NOTES application using STRUTS, JSP, JSTL, XSLT, XPATH, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY,ORACLE and integrated into SPRING MVC based Alumni Profile application
- developed photo upload, update and delete functionality
- developed class notes parsing functionality using XSLT,XPATH, and XSL for view, update and save.
- Bug fixing and design documentation
Confidential Westboro, MA Jan 2011-Sep 2011
Contract Senior Software Engineer
Environment: Java, STRUTS2, JSP, AJAX, Tiles, JavaScript, JSON,DOJO, HTML,HTML5, JSTL, CSS, Spring, Hibernate, SQL Server 2008, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat 6,SQL, CVS, ANT, Maven, XML, Log4J, Firebug, IE Developer Tool, Beyond Compare, XML-RPC, Windows-7,MAC, Linux(CentOS), Oracle Virtual Box,Windows Media Player, SilverLight, MP4, Highwinds, Agile-Scrum, Sprint.
- UI design and development using DOJO,STRUTS,JSP, JAVA,JAVASCRIPT, JSON, and HTML/HTML5
- Implemented VIEWER component using Microsoft Silverlight Player as cross platform solution for Video On Demand (VOD), Video Conference and Digital Signage.
- Developed cloud based VDN(Virtual Delivery Node) viewer for Windows media, Silverlight and MP4 players, distributed on CDN (Content Delivery Network) provided by Highwinds.
- Developed HTML 5 viewer for video distribution on mobile devices including smart phones, iphones, ipads and other tablets as a cloud based video as a service.
- Implemented H.239, H.323 and H.264 video protocols
- Deployment of VCP Manager builds on Linux servers and configured Oracle VM VirtualBox on Windows.
- Bug fixing and design documentation
Video Conferencing Platform Training Portal
Environment: Java, JSF, XHTML, Richfaces, MyFaces, Facelets, AJAX, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Hibernate, SPRING, MySQL, JIRA, Eclipse, Apache Tomcat 6, Apache James, TOAD, SQL, SVN, ANT, MAVEN, XML, JAXB, Log4J, Beyond Compare, Windows-7, Linux, Putty, WinSCP.
- UI design and development using JSF, richfaces and myfaces.
- Implemented email notification templates using Apache James email server
- Implemented XML parsing framework using JAXB
- Object/Relational mapping and persistence framework using hibernate and written fine-tuned SQL queries.
- Developed registration, events administration, regulatory event modules.
- Implemented service and data layer to interface JSF view to model and persisted the data in JIRA and MySQL database.
Confidential, Danvers MA June- Dec 2010.
Contract Senior Java UI Software Developer
Environment: Java, STRUTS, Tiles, JSP, AJAX, JavaScript, JSON, JQUERY, HTML, JSTL, CSS, IFrame, iBatis, ORACLE, Mongo DB, MyEclipse, JIRA, JBOSS, Web Logic AS, SQL Developer, SQL, SVN, ANT, XML, DOM,Log4J, MVC, Firebug, Beyond Compare, Cybersource API, Burlap web service, Windows-XP, Agile-Scrum, Sprint.
- UI design and development using JQUERY, AJAX, STRUTS, Tiles, JSP, JAVASCRIPT, JSON and HTML
- Implemented credit card authorization, charge and adjustments functionality using cyber source API for USD and multicurrency
- Developed credit card checkout, place order, review order and confirm order functionality for eCommerce order management system
- Object/Relational mapping and persistence framework using i-Batis and written fine-tuned SQL queries.
- Planned sprints and writing stories with reference to Agile-Scrum standards.
Confidential Boston MA July 2008- June 2010
Contract Senior Software Developer (Tech Lead)
Environment: Java, JSF, Facelets, MyFaces, AJAX, JavaScript, JQUERY, HTML, XHTML, Linux, CSS, Voice XML, Eclipse, Bugzilla, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, Oracle 10g,SQL Developer, SQL,SEAM, Hibernate, EJB3, SVN, Share Point, ANT, ENVOX Voice XML studio, Gold Wave, Speechify, Linux, Windows-XP.
Environment: Java, Struts, JSP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, EJB, JPA, TopLink, MySQL, netbeans, SVN, Share Point, Sun Glassfish enterprise AS, XML, R, RServ, JMS, ANT, SQL
Alcohol & Complex Patient
Environment: Envox Voice XML Studio, Voice XML, JSP, Speech Works, PHP, Python, JavaScript, HTML, JQUERY, TCPDF, JPGRAPH, Linux, CSS, XML, Eclipse, Bugzilla, Apache Tomcat, Apache Web Server, Oracle 10g, SQL Developer, SQL,SVN, Share Point, Gold Wave, Speechify, Nuance Speech Recognition, Windows-XP.
- UI design and development using JSF, richfaces and myfaces and JBOSS SEAM
- Designed and developed content management system using LAMP
- Designed and developed dial-in and dial-out based IVR system using Voice XML, Envox Voice XML studio, Nuance ASR, TTS engine and written grammar for SPANISH ASR
- Developed JAVA interface for a web application to communicate with ‘R’ based statistical application using struts, JMS, RSERV, JPA and TopLink.
- Developed reporting module using TCPDF and JPGRAPH using PHP
Confidential, Wayland, MA June 07 – June 08 Contract Java Software Developer
CritView Criteria Development
Environment: Java,EJB, JSP, Jakarta Struts, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, CSS, XML, XSL, XSLT, XPATH, Apache Tomcat, Apache Cocoon, Eclipse, FogBugZ, Oracle 9i, JDBC, CVS, Ant, TOAD, Windows-XP.
CritView Collect
Environment: Java, EJB, JSP, JDBC, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, CSS, HL7, Eclipse, FogBugZ, Oracle Application Server 10g (Standalone and Enterprise), Oracle 9i, CVS, Ant, TOAD, Windows-XP.
CritView Plus
Environment: Java, JSP, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, Linux, CSS, XML, DOM, Apache XERCES, Eclipse, FogBugZ, CVS, HL7, Ant, Install shield 5.5, Apache-Tomcat 5.5.16, Windows-XP.
CritView Connect
Environment: Java, JSP, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, CSS, XML, HL7, Eclipse, FogBugZ, Apache Tomcat, MySQL, VB.NET, Visual C#.NET, Install shield 5.5, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005, CVS, Windows-XP.
- UI design and development using Struts/JSP/Servlets.
- Developed XML publishing and generation framework using XML,XPATH, XSLT and Apache Cocoon
- Restructured and re-designed the MCAP products with reference to client specifications
- Developed packaging solution of the web application using Install Shield
- Developed system integration solution so that other case management systems can use efficiently the TOG’s applications.
Confidential, Bedford, MA July 06 – May 07
Software Engineer - |||
Session Controller Manager
Environment: Java, C/C++, Java Applets, Java Swing, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, XML, CGI, TACL, UNIX Shell Scripts, Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, HP Non-Stop ETK, Perforce, HP Non-Stop (Guardian), Enscribe, Linux, WIN and CAMEL Session Controllers.
Security Web Service
Environment: Java, J2EE web services, Tomcat/Axis, Spring Framework, XML, Perforce, TOAD, COM-Driver, JUnit, Oracle, Eclipse, SOAP and WSDL.
- Developed Session Controller Manager for operation, administration, maintenance and provisioning using JAVA SWING.
- Developed SOAP/Apache Axis based Security Web Service for user authentication and authorization.
Confidential, Chelmsford, MA March 05 – July 06
Contract Software Engineer
Inter RNC Active Handoff
Environment: Java, JSP, Servlets, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, Swing, Clearcase, ClearQuest, Hibernate, Oracle, Intelli-j, Windows-2000, UNIX, Sun Solaris, EMS, NMS, CDMA, UNIX Shell Scripts.
North Bound Interface
Environment: Java, XML, SOAP, JAXB, Clearcase, Clearquest, Web Services, Intelli-j, Hibernate, Oracle, UNIX, Sun Solaris, UNIX Shell Scripts, CLI, CDMA, Windows-2000.
- Developed EMS user interface to manage primary, and secondary DOM’s and Radio Node Controllers using JSP/Servlet Engine
- Developed Node Groups and Group operations features for EMS
- Installation and maintenance of Oracle and EMS on Solaris servers and migration of Oracle 8i/ Solaris 8 platform to Oracle 10g/Solaris 10
- Developed shell scripts for upgrade and rollback operations for EMS
- Implemented North Bound Interface using J2ee Web Services.
- Implemented CLI(Command Line Interface) to test the NBI functionality
- Doctor of Engineering in Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Master of Science in Computer Science & Engineering